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《2021最新高考英语备考模拟练习含习题答案解析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021最新高考英语备考模拟练习含习题答案解析.docx(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语历年真题含答案解析1.The government of the country is trying to _ the prices for foods in order to please people.译文. 为了使人民满意,政府正在降低物价。 A. bring down B. take down C. put down D. lay down答案:A。 bring down降低物价;take down放下;put down镇压;lay down放下。2.Dont have the clock _ , Your father is sleeping.译文. 不要让闹钟响,你爸爸在睡

2、觉。 A. rings B. rang C. ring D. ringing答案:C。 have sth. do sth.结构,不定式一般表示将来要发生的动作。3.As she _ the newspaper, Granny _ asleep.译文. 在她读报的时候,Granny睡着了。 A. read ; was falling B. was reading; fell C. was reading; was falling D. read; fell答案:B。 fall asleep是一个系表结构,不能用进行时态。4.Are you pleased with what he has don

3、e?-Not in the least. It couldnt be _.译文. 你对他所做的工作满意吗?一点也不满意。没有比这个更糟的了。 A. so bad B. much better C. any worse D. the best答案:C。 否定词与比较级连用表最高级含义。5.She is _ out on Sundays.译文. 星期天她大部分时间在外面。 A. almost B. mostly C. most D. the most答案:B。 mostly一般用在表语中,大部分的意思。6.Summer in _ south of France are for _ most par

4、t dry and sunny.译文. 在法国南方的夏天绝大部分是干燥和艳阳天。 A. / ; a B. the; / C. / ; / D. the; the答案:D。 表示方位的短语中必须加定冠词;最高级前得加定冠词。7.If you _ the medicine you _ better now.译文. 如果你吃了这药,现在会感觉得好些。 A. took ; would feel B. had taken ; felt C. had taken ; would feel D. took ;would have felt答案:C。 错综复杂条件状语从句中的虚拟语气问题。从句与主句的时态各自

5、判断。8.Im pleased _ should be done has already been done.译文. 我很高兴,该做的都已经做好了。 A. with what B. that that C. by that D. that what答案:D。 be pleased that句型中又有一个带主语从句的复合句。9.There are forty five students in our class, and they are _ interested in football.译文. 我们班上有个学生,大家几乎都对足球感兴趣。 A. most B. almost C. nearly

6、D. mostly答案:D。 most常用来修饰形容词和副词;nearly, almost表示几乎10.Our family _ always _ love and understanding.译文. 在我们家庭中总是充满的爱和理解。 A. was rich; on B. is rich; in C. is riching; in D. riched; by答案:B。 be rich in固定搭配,充满着。11.In the cinema, there was an old man_ beside me.译文. 在电影院有个老年人坐在我旁边。 A. at B. sit C. sitting D

7、. to sit 答案:C。 现在分词作定语。12.I really cant decide _ first. A small computer or a big one?译文. 开初,我真的难决定,是买大的电脑还是买小的? A. what to buy B. to buy what C. which to buy D. to buy which答案:C。 在两种中选择,用which。13.He gave me the phone number in order _ contact him when we are in need of help.译文. 他给我电话号码以便我们需要他帮助的时候好

8、联系。 A. to B. of me to C. for me to D. that I答案:C。 固定结构。in order (for sb.) to do sth.14.Mr. Wang was such a good teacher _ the students respect.译文. 王老师是一个受到学生尊敬的老师。 A. who B. whom C. that D. as 答案:D。 suchas引导的定语从句。15.Ill never forget the day _ we spentt together in London.译文. 我绝不会忘记我们一起在伦敦度过的那些日子。 A.

9、 when B. while C. / D. on which答案:C。 定语从句,先行词在从句中充当宾语。 16.He gave me the phone number in order _ contact him when we are in need of help.译文. 他给我他的电话号码以便我们需要他的帮助时好联系他。 A. to B. of me to C. for me to D. that I答案:C。 不定时表示目的。17.Chocloate _ a lot of fat and sugar.译文. 巧克力含有大量的脂肪和糖。 A. contians B. consider

10、s C. completes D. separates答案:A。 contain包含。18.You _ a child. You can take careof yourself.译文. 你不再是小孩了。你能自己照料自己了。 A. no longer are B. not any more are C. are no longer D. no more are答案:C。 no longer 不再 常放在助动词或be动词后。19.No race war is worse than _ inside single family.译文. 人类战争没有比家庭内战更糟糕的了。 A. it B. that

11、 C. one D. war答案:C。 在比较级中用one代替前面的可数名词泛指。20.This is _ that dog.译文. 这条狗和那条狗一样大。 A. as a big dog as B. as big a dog as C. a as big dog as D. a big as dog as答案:B。 as后面的形容词可以跟一个名词。21.The number of the students in our school _ large.译文. 我们学校的学生人数很大。 A. are B. is C. am D. be答案:B。 the number of 的数量,谓语应该用单数

12、;a number of许多,谓语动词用复数。22.Dont forget the day _ you were received into the Youth League.译文. 不要忘了你入团的那一天。 A. when B. that C. at which D. where答案:A。 定语从句,the day在从句中充当时间状语。23.Help yourself _ some more fruit.译文. 请随便吃点水果。 A. with B. to C. for D. on答案:B。 help oneself to sth. 固定搭配,随便吃点。24.One way to under

13、stand thousands of new words is to gain _ good knowledge of basic word formation.译文. 认识数千词汇的一个办法是掌握构词法。 A. / B. the C. a D. one答案:C。 have / gain a knowledge of 是一个固定搭配,掌握的意思。25.Nobody but you _ able to sing that American song.译文. 除了你没有人能唱好这首美国歌曲。 A. are B. were C. is D. can be答案:C。 本句的主语是nobody,所以谓语

14、动词用单数。26.When will you leave for Paris for a visit? -_next month.译文. -什么时候你到巴黎参观?-下下个月。 A. Until B. After C. At D. In答案:B。 导向,在此表示达到学位的课程。27.He _ me to keep away from cigarette and take more exercise.译文. 他答应我不抽烟并且参加锻炼。 A. agreed B. suggested C. promised D. hoped答案:C。 promise sb. to do sth.的用法。还可根据句义

15、排除A28.There isnt much work _ by them.译文. 这儿没有足够供他们干的活儿。 A. to do B. to be done C. being done D. which to be done答案:B。 本句由于有by,应该是表示被动。29._ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.译文. 无论谁最后一个离开房间都得关掉灯。 A. Anyone B. The person C. Whoever D. Who答案:C。 主语从句中缺主语;同时表示强调故用whoever。30._ students in

16、class 4 took park in that spring outing.译文. 4班的全部48个学生参加了春游。 A. 48 all B. 48 whole C. All 48 D. The whole 48答案:C。 一般说来,whole 不能和具体的数目连用。31.He was so angry at all _ I was doing _ he walked out.译文. 他对我所做的一且都感到气愤以至于他离开了。 A. that; that B. what; that C. that; what D. which; what答案:A。 sothat结构中含有一个定语从句。32

17、.Do you like these, Mr Lee?- No, show me _.译文. -Mr Lee,你喜欢这些吗?-不,给我看看另外的吧。 A. another B. other one C. some others D. other ones答案:C。 从第一句中我们可以判断是复数;而other ones指代不明白。 33.We have _ such tall building in our city.译文. 我们市里有四十座这样的建筑。 A. two scores of B. two dozen of C. two score of D. two dozens of答案:C。

18、量词前有数词修饰,不能用复数形式;score常和of连用。34.I heard Back Street would sing at the New Theater.-Where did you _?译文. 我听说Back Street将在新戏院演唱。你从何处得到这个消息的? A. pick that up B. put that up C. make that up D. take that up答案:A。 pick up为获悉或打听到消息之意。35.Its getting late. We must be off now. Which of the following cant replac

19、e the underlined part?译文. 下面的词语中那个不能替换句中的划线部分? A. begin B. be leaving C. start D. go答案:A。 be off 出发。36.You just need a lot of _ instead of more _.译文. 你需要的只是实践而不是语法。 A. practices; grammars B. practice; grammar C. practices; grammar D. practice; grammars答案:B。 practice和grammar都是不可数名词。37.It was an excit

20、ing moment for these football fans this year, _ for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.译文. 这是一个令足球迷们激动的时刻,多少年来这是他们的球队第一次获得世界杯。 A. that B. while C. which D. when答案:D。 非限制性定语从句,先行词是an exciting moment,在从句中充当时间状语。38.Have you _ everything ready for the meeting? - Not yet, we need _.译文.

21、- 你做好了一切会议的准备了吗?-没有,还需要三把椅子。 A. got; another three chairs B. got; more three chars C. prepared; other three chairs D. prepared; three another chairs答案:A。 get sth. ready 做好了一切准备;another three chairs = three more chairs 。39.Gone forever _ when we used foreign oil.译文. 我们使用洋油的时代已一去不复返了。 A. the days are

22、B. the days were C. are the days D. were the days答案:C。 这是一个典型的倒装句型。40.about the universe up till now.译文. 到现在我们对宇宙了解甚微。 A. So little had me known B. Only a little do we know C. Very little have we known D. Little shall we know 答案:C。 否定词在句首句子要部分倒装。41.If city noises _ from increasing, people _ shout to

23、 be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.译文. 如果城市噪音不制止,二十年后人们不得不在餐桌上吃饭就得大声喊叫才能听得见。 A. are not kept; will have to B. are not kept; have to C. do not kept; will have to D. do not kept; have to答案:A。 考查keepfrom doing sth.结构的被动形式。42.Not until Mr. Smith came to China _what kind of a country sh

24、e is from.译文. 直到他来到中国,Mr. Smith才意识到她来自哪个国家。 A. Didnt he know B. Had he known C. Hadnt he known D. Did he know 答案:D。 not until在句首主句要部分倒装。43.My mathematics is very poor.-Dont worry. Ill help you _ I can.译文. 我的数学很差。不要着急。我将尽力帮助你。 A. as far as B. as soon as C. as quickly as D. as possible as答案:A。 as far

25、as:就;到程度,表范围。D项应为asas possible。44.We were about to leave the classroom _ it began to rain.译文. 我们正要离开教室,这时下起雨来了。 A. while B. when C. as D. before答案:B。 be about to do sth. when 正要干某事,这时。45.You just need a lot of _ instead of more _.译文. 你需要的只是实践而不是语法。 A. practices; grammars B. practice; grammar C. prac

26、tices; grammar D. practice; grammars答案:B。 practice和grammar都是不可数名词。46. _ by what everyone says about him, Id say he has a good chance of winning.译文. 从大家对他所做的表述来判断,我得说他很有机会赢。 A. Judged B. Judging C. To be judged D. having been judged答案:B。 从来判断,只能用judging形式。47._ crossing the street, he was knocked down

27、 by a car.译文. 在过马路的时候,他被一辆小车撞倒了。 A. At B. As C. While D. Since答案:C。 while在的同时。48. _ she is not so healthy _ she used to be?译文. 为什么她不像原来那样健康? A. It was why; thats what B. Is it why that; as C. Why is it that; as D. Why it is that; that答案:C。 本题主要考查疑问词/不定代词+elses这一所有格形式,顺便考查修饰比较级的词或短语,选项中的much, far, a

28、lot, a great deal修饰比较级时,都是多的意思,而even, still修饰比较级时则表示更的意思。49.Please stop it. - Sorry. I_.译文. -车间里不许吸烟。请灭掉。-对不起。我不知道。 A. Smoking is not allowed, dont know B. Not smoking, an not sure C. Dont smoke, have no idea D. Smoking is forbidden, didnt know答案:D。 不知道是在对方告诉之前,故需过去时。50. _ Sunday, rather than _ at h

29、ome, I preferred _.译文. 由于是星期天,呆在家里不如出去旅游。 A. It being; stay; to travel B. Being; to stay; to travel C. shavings been; stay; travel D. It was; to stay; travelling答案:A。 It being Sunday是独立主格结构,相当于Because it was Sunday作原因状语;后两空考查prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.的倒装结构。另外,此处独立主格结构中的it作逻辑主语不可以省略。51.So

30、loudly_that everyone of the class could hear him.译文. 他这样大声地讲话,教室里的每个人都能听得见。 A. did he speak B. did he spoke C. spoke he D. he spoke答案:A。 So + 形容词. that.在句首,主句要部分倒装。52.You didnt let me drive. If we _ in turn, you _ so tired.译文. 你不让我驾车。如果你让我们轮流开车的话,你也不会那么疲劳。 A. has left; comes B. drove; wouldnt have g

31、ot C. were driving; wouldnt get D. had driven; wouldnt have got答案:D。 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。53.It passes through their bodies, only _ a little thicker and sweeter.译文. 它径直穿过它们的身体,最后变得越来越稠越来越甜。 A. getting B. to get C. got D. having got答案:A。 表示伴随。54.I prefer _ at home to _ outside.译文. 我宁愿呆在家里也不愿在外面玩。 A. staying;

32、 playing B. to stay; play C. staying; play D. to stay; playing答案:A。 prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth.喜欢不喜欢,该句中的to是介词,to的前后必须一致。55.Ill be back _ 5 oclock tomorrow afternoon.译文. 我将在明天下午大约点钟的时候回来。 A. about B. around C. until D. for答案:B。 about是副词,表示具体的时点要加介词at;around是介词,大约的意思。56.We believe she can win

33、 the game, _?译文. 我们相信她会赢得这场比赛,是吧? A. dont we B. do we C. can we D. cant she 答案:D。 主句中的谓语动词是6123结构之类动词而且主句的主语是第一人称,反意疑问句应该和从句一致。57.Not until Mr. Smith came to China _what kind of a country she is from.译文. 直到他来到中国,Mr. Smith才意识到她来自哪个国家。 A. Didnt he know B. Had he known C. Hadnt he known D. Did he know

34、答案:D。 not until在句首主句要部分倒装。58.I didnt manage to do it _ you had explained how.译文. 直到你解释如何做后我才能做好它。 A. until B. unless C. when D. before答案:A。 notuntil结构。59.BBC English is _ people _ want to improve their English.译文. BBC英语是为那些想提高自己英语的人开设的。 A. for; who B. for; to whom C. to; who D. to; what答案:A。 第一个空需要一

35、个表示目的的介词;第二空时定语从句,需要一个主语。60.It was not until then that I came to know knowledge _ only from practice.译文. 直到那时我才明白知识来自实践。 A. had come B. came C. would come D. comes答案:D。 用现在一般时态表示真理和事实。61.Thats the best way we should think of _ the dying soldier.译文. 那是我们能够想得到的最好的办法去救那个要死的战士。 A. helping B. saving C. o

36、perating D. to save答案:D。 we should think of作the best way的定语,其后接不定式to save作目的状语。62.The primary school in that village _ in 1995 with the help of some young people.译文. 在一些年轻人的帮助下,这所小学于1995年建成。 A. was set up B. was put up C. was found D. was made答案:A。 建立一所学校该用set up或found; 而found的过去分词是founded。63.They w

37、aited and waited. _ they had been looking forward to.译文. 他们等等呀,他们盼望已久的时刻终于到了。 A. Then the hour came B. The hour then came C. Then came the hour D. Then did the hour come答案:C。 then类似的的词语在句首句子要完全倒装。64.They _ when they heard him confess his fault.译文. 当他们听说他承认了错误,他们都感到惊讶。 A. had been surprising B. were

38、surprising C. were surprised D. had been surprised答案:C。 a great many(many)+可数名词复数形式,plenty of可加可数名词复数,也可加不可数名词,但在plenty of词组前不加冠词a。65.Mr.Smith was much surprised to find the watch he had had _was nowhere to be seen.译文. Mr.Smith很惊讶的发现他修好了的手表不见了。 A. it B. it repaired C. repaired D. to be repaired答案:C。

39、 此处的had had为过去完成时,是was surprised之前发生的动作。he had had repaired是一个省略了which的定语从句(其先行词为watch),作had had的宾语,repaired为宾补。66.This is _ that dog.译文. 这是一条和那条狗一样的大。 A. as a big dog as B. as big a dog as C. a as big dog as D. a big as dog as答案:B。 This is as big a dog as that dog.= This dog is as big as that one.6

40、7._ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.译文. 无论谁最后一个离开房间都得关掉灯。 A. Anyone B. The person C. Whoever D. Who答案:C。 主语从句中缺主语;同时表示强调故用whoever。68.Hillen used to be very shy, but she has grown_it now.译文. Hillen过去一直很害羞,但现在已经不这样了。 A. without B. over C. away D. out of答案:D。 grow out of在此表示因年岁增大而改掉的意

41、思。69.In no case _ allowed to go on.译文. 这样的是绝不容许再发生。 A. should such a thing be B. should not such a thing be C. such a thing should not be D. such a thing should be答案:A。 in no case 这样的否定词或者短语在句首,句子要部分倒装。70.I have never heard it _ before. And you ? -The same as you.译文. -我以前从没有听说过谈论此事,你呢?-和你一样。 A. talk

42、ing about B. talked C. talked of D. being talked答案:C。 过去分词短语做宾补。 71.Until the present century, _ demand for natural gas.译文. 直到本世纪,对天然气的要求几乎没有。 A. little B. and little C. there was little D. was there little答案:C。 there be句型本身就是倒装结构,不需要再倒装。72.Do you like these, Mr Lee?- No, show me _.译文. -Mr Lee,你喜欢这些

43、吗?-不,给我看看另外的吧。 A. another B. other one C. some others D. other ones答案:C。 从第一句中我们可以判断是复数;而other ones指代不明白。 73.I really cant decide _ first. A small computer or a big one?译文. 开初,我真的难决定,是买大的电脑还是买小的? A. what to buy B. to buy what C. which to buy D. to buy which答案:C。 在两种中选择,用which。74.A new school was _ i

44、n the village last year.译文. 一所新的学校去年在村里建立起来了。 A. held up B. set up C. sent up D. brought up答案:B。 hold up句气;set up建立;send up发射;bring up抚育。75.The little boy found his toy you _ under the bed.译文. 小男孩找到了你藏在床下的玩具。 A. hide B. hiding C. to hide D. hid答案:D。 定语从句中差宾语。76.Is there any _ for the piano in the office?译文. 办公室有没有放钢琴的地方? A. seat B. place C. empty D. room答案:D。 room表示空间,地方。77.If no one _ the phone at home, ring me at work译文. 家里如果没人接电话,请打给我工作的地方。 A. returns B. replies C. answers D. receives答案:C。 回电话只能用动词answer。78.To all of you _ the praise for the success.译文. 成功的表扬应该属于你们大家。 A. belongs to


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