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1、高考英语历年真题含答案解析1._ a mobile phone can you ring _ you want to talk with anywhere .译文. 只有用移动电话你才能够打给任何你想讲话的人。 A. Using; whoever B. Only on; whomever C. By; whomever D. With; whoever 答案:B。 a wonderful world一个美好的世界; in peace / at war为固定搭配。2.After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small to

2、wn _ he grew up as a child.译文. 在巴黎住了将近五十年后他回到了他生长的小城。 A. which B. where C. that D. when答案:B。 定语从句,the small town在从句中充当地点状语。3.What do you think of the book?-Oh, excellent. It is worth _ second time.译文. 你认为这本书如何?喔,不错!只得再看一遍。 A. to read a B. to read the C. reading a D. being read the答案:C。 be worth doin

3、g本身就表示被动含义,即值得做某事。a second time表示不确定的第二次,实为又一次,并非特定,故不用the。4.Our family _ always _ love and understanding.译文. 在我们家庭中总是充满的爱和理解。 A. was rich; on B. is rich; in C. is riching; in D. riched; by答案:B。 be rich in固定搭配,充满着。5.These plants are water _.译文. 这些植物每隔一天浇水。 A. each other day B. every other day C. eac

4、h of two days D. every of two days答案:B。 每隔几天/周/月的表达是:every few days/ weeks/months。每隔一天是: every other day6._ the poem a second time, the meaning will become clearer to you.译文. 当你再读第二遍这首诗时,你就更加清楚它的意思了。 A. You having read B. While reading C. When you read D. If reading答案:C。 when引导的时间状语从句。7.This is _ th

5、at dog.译文. 这是一条和那条狗一样的大。 A. as a big dog as B. as big a dog as C. a as big dog as D. a big as dog as答案:B。 This is as big a dog as that dog.= This dog is as big as that one.8.If you get_ in a foreign city, youd better stay where you are and wait for your friends to come to your help.译文. 如果你在国外迷路了,你最好

6、是呆在原地等候你的朋友来帮助你。 A. lose B. to lose C. losing D. lost答案:D。 get lost迷路。get+及物动词的过去分词形式也可构成被动语态。在get+done所在的句式中不用by引出谓语动词在逻辑上的主语。9.When will you leave for Paris for a visit? -_next month.译文. -什么时候你到巴黎参观?-下下个月。 A. Until B. After C. At D. In答案:B。 导向,在此表示达到学位的课程。10.Youve made great progress in your studi

7、es of English, havent you? -Yes, but much _.译文. 英语系上取得的了很大的进步,是吗?是的,但还有很多东西要学。 A. remains to do B. is remained to do C. remains to be done D. is remained to be done答案:C。 remain作系动词用,本身不用于被动语态,有时与不定式的被动结构构成合成谓语,意为尚待。11.He gave me the phone number in order _ contact him when we are in need of help.译文.

8、 他给我电话号码以便我们需要他帮助的时候好联系。 A. to B. of me to C. for me to D. that I答案:C。 固定结构。in order (for sb.) to do sth.12.Look! How many mistakes you have made! You must be careful _.译文. 你看!你犯了多少错误!你应该从今以后要小心。 A. in future B. in a future C. in the future D. for future答案:A。 in future 从今以后;in the future在将来。13._ a t

9、errible storm would take place in Shanghai.译文. 消息说,暴风雨即将降临上海。 A. Word came with B. Word came that C. Word with came D. Word that came答案:B。 word单数,无冠词表示消息,信息;that是同位语从句。14.He thought the painting was of little _, so he let me have it for only ten pounds.译文. 他认为这幅画不值价,他就让我只给十镑给买走了。 A. cost B. value C.

10、 price D. expenses 答案:B。 value = the proper or fair price 价值。15.I dont think _ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.译文. 我以为不做记忆类工作是不可能掌握一门外语的。 A. this B. that C. its D. it答案:D。 6123结构。16._ on the portrait, mother was deep in thought.译文. 凝视着画像,妈妈陷入沉思。 A. Fixed her eyes B. He

11、r eyes are fixed C. Her eyes fixing D. With her eyes fixed答案:D。 复合结构。With + 名词 + 过去分词短语,表示伴随。17.Havent you heard the news? -What news? - Some of the workers are _ while others are _.译文. -你听到这个消息吗?-什么消息?-一些工人在游行,另一些工人在罢工。 A. on the march, on strike B. on march, on strike C. on the march, on the strik

12、e D. on the strike, on march 答案:B。 on march游行;on strike罢工。18.If no one _ the phone at home, ring me at work译文. 家里如果没人接电话,请打给我工作的地方。 A. returns B. replies C. answers D. receives答案:C。 回电话只能用动词answer。19._ the day went on the weather get worse.译文. 随着时间的过去,气候变得更糟。 A. With B. Since C. What D. As 答案:D。 as引

13、导从句表示随着。20.What _ their child fond of?译文. 他们的孩子喜欢什么? A. do B. does C. are D. is答案:D。 be fond of 喜欢.21.I waited for the car from the factory to _ me.译文. 我等厂里的车接我。 A. call on B. call for C. call out D. call up答案:B。 call on 拜访某人;call for 接某人同往某地;call out to sb.朝某人大声喊叫;call up给打电话。22._ the general state

14、 of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.译文. 考虑到他的健康状况,可能要花费一段时间恢复。 A. Given B. To give C. giving D. Having given答案:A。 given = considering 考虑到.23.Dont be joking. Its time to _ your business.译文. 不要开玩笑了,是干活的时候了。 A. set out B. take up C. go on D. get down答案:A。 set out着手开始;

15、set out your business开始干活儿; take up占用; go on后不能直接接名词; get down to business开始干正事。24.How much does this dress _?- Fifty dollars.译文. -这套衣服花了多少钱?-五十美元。 A. spend B. take C. cost D. pay答案:C。 表示花费,如果是物做主语,谓语动词用cost。25.The cost of oil is less than _ of gas.译文. 油的费用比气的费用低。 A. it B. one C. the one D. that答案:D

16、。 在比较级中用that来代替前面提到过的不可数名词。26.Does _ matter if he cant finish the job on time?译文. 他不能按时完成任务有关系吗? A. this B. that C. he D. it答案:D。 It matters if / wether句型。27.The box is _ what I saw in the shop.译文. 这个盒子和我在商店里看到的一样。 A. same as B. the same like C. the same that D. the same as答案:D。 same总是和定冠词the连用;当表示类

17、似时用as;表示同一物时用that。28. - Could you do me a favour and take the box up to the six floor? - _. No problem at all.译文. -你能帮我把这个箱子搬到六楼吗?-好,没问题! A. With please B. My pleasure C. For pleasure D. at your pleasutre答案:A。 with pleasure = Ill take the box to the six floor with pleasure.29.The next day she _ her

18、father what _ when the man came again.译文. 第二天她告诉她的父亲那人第二次来时发生了什么事。 A. told; happened B. was telling; had happened C. had; told D. told; had happened答案:D。 时态问题。30. _ was the situation we were facing .译文. 这就是我们将面临的形势。 A. So B. Such C. What D. It答案:B。 such 是代词,代替前面提到的事物。31.All of us need _.译文. 我们大家都需要感

19、到必要和受人崇敬。 A. to feel needed and admired B. feeling needed and admired C. to feel being needed and admired D. to feel needing and admiring答案:A。 need是实意动词后面跟不定式;feel是连系动词需要根分词作表语。32.The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it.译文. 这个研究一旦开始什么都不能使它改变。 A. begins B. having begu

20、n C. beginning D. begun答案:D。 once begun是once引导的条件状语从句的省略形式。= Once it is begun33.Whom would you rather have _ with you?译文. 你宁愿让谁和你一道去? A. to go B. gone C. going D. go答案:D。 have sb. do sth.结构。34.Dont _ to correct me if I made a mistake.译文. 如果我有什么错误的话请毫不犹豫地改正过来。 A. pause B. stop C. mind D. hesitate答案:D

21、。 本句考查too.to.结构。35.When will you leave for Paris for a visit? -_next month.译文. -什么时候你到巴黎参观?-下下个月。 A. Until B. After C. At D. In答案:B。 导向,在此表示达到学位的课程。36. _ was the situation we were facing .译文. 这就是我们将面临的形势。 A. So B. Such C. What D. It答案:B。 such 是代词,代替前面提到的事物。37.The missing boys were last seen _ near t

22、he river.译文. 最后一次看到那个丢失的孩子时他在河边玩。 A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play答案:A。 现在分词作主语补足语,表示进行。38.Travellers _ our country enjoy the beautiful sights in Beijing, Hangzhou, and many other places of interests.译文. 到中国的游客喜欢北京,杭州和其它地方的美景。 A. for B. to C. till D. by答案:B。 去什么地方的游客,后面的介词应该是to。39.So b

23、adly _ in the accident that he was sent to a hospital.译文. 在事故中他伤得很厉害,被送进医院了。 A. did he hurt B. he was hurt C. was he hurt D. be did hurt答案:C。 sothat引导的结构在句首主句要部分倒装。40.This book is _ than that one. I dont like either of them.译文. 这两本书都不好,我都不喜欢。 A. no better B. less than C. much better D. not better答案:

24、A。 no more than 两个都不,not more than不如,解题在I dont like either.41.The servant did _ she could _ the revolutionary.译文. 仆人做了她该做的事来帮助革命。 A. what, help B. that, to help C. what, to help D. all help答案:C。 do what one can to do sth.是一个句型。42.The picture _ on the wall is painted by my nephew.译文. 挂在墙上的画室我的侄子画的。 A

25、. having hung B. hanging C. hangs D. being hung答案:B。 hang是一个表示状态的动词,不用被动语态。43.Im not very good at playing chess. He often _ me.译文. 我不太善长于下棋。他经常赢我。 A. beats B. wins C. hits D. fights答案:A。 在比赛中战胜对手用beat;win指赢得某项比赛,后接比赛项目的名词。44.Chocloate _ a lot of fat and sugar.译文. 巧克力含有大量的脂肪和糖。 A. contians B. conside

26、rs C. completes D. separates答案:A。 contain包含。45.Do you know what the Bush House is like? - Yes. Its a(an) _ building and it is the home of BBC English.译文. -你知道布什大厦是什么样子?-知道。一个高大漂亮老式的白色建筑物,并且是BBC电台的总部。 A. nice old tall white B. old tall nice white C. nice tall old white D. white nice tall old答案:C。 多个形

27、容词的排列顺序。记住:大小形状新温度,色国材料动名词。46.How is_ going with you?- So so.译文. -你近况如何?-就那样。 A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing答案:A。 everything在这里是一切的意思。47.After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town _ he grew up as a child.译文. 在巴黎住了将近五十年后他回到了他生长的小城。 A. which B. where C. that

28、 D. when答案:B。 定语从句,the small town在从句中充当地点状语。48.If city noise _ from increasing, people _ shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.译文. 如果不制止噪音继续污染,从现在起年后人们就不得不在吃饭的时候大声喊叫才能听得见。 A. are not kept; will have to B. are not kept; have to C. do not kept; will have to D. do not kept; have

29、to答案:A。 keep sth. from doing sth.的被动形式;have to可以用于任何人称。49.In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help.译文. 在黑暗的街道上,她一个求助的人都没有。 A. to whom B. who C. from whom D. that答案:A。 turn to sb.求助于50.Please say Hi to Bob _ me.译文. 请你代我向Bob问好。 A. to B. for C. about D. from答案:B。 请你代我向某

30、人问好应用say Hi to sb. for me。51.He _ to lend me his bike but I refused, for I didnt want to trouble him.译文. 她主动要借钱给我,但我谢绝了,因为我不想麻烦他。 A. failed B. offered C. considered D. insisted 答案:B。 offer to do sth.主动做某事;fail to do sth.没做成谋事;insist / consider doing sth.坚持做某事。52.Its wrong _ you to be late _ class.译文

31、. 你上课迟到是不对的。 A. with; with B. of; for C. for; to D. of; in答案:B。 句型it is + adj. + of sb. to do sth. 。be late for迟到。53.Look, they seem _ about you.译文. 看,他们好像在议论你呢。 A. Talk B. to talk C. to be talking D. to be talked答案:C。 Look,后面一般是进行时态。54._ knocked down and hurt worried her friends.译文. Kate的被撞倒和受伤使她的朋

32、友很着急。 A. Kates being B. Kate was C. Kate being D. Kate had been答案:A。 当动名词的复合结构作主语时,要用规范的形式,因此排除Kate being。55.If city noises _ from increasing, people _ shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.译文. 如果城市噪音不制止,二十年后人们不得不在餐桌上吃饭就得大声喊叫才能听得见。 A. are not kept; will have to B. are not kept

33、; have to C. do not kept; will have to D. do not kept; have to答案:A。 考查keepfrom doing sth.结构的被动形式。56.Youll have to borrow _ car. Im using mine.译文. 你得借其他人的车,我要用我的车。 A. somebody elses B. somebodys else C. soembodys elses D. somebody else答案:A。 else 一般放在疑问代词或不定代词之后,其所有格形式是在else后面加s。57.BBC English is _ pe

34、ople _ want to improve their English.译文. BBC英语是为那些想提高自己英语的人开设的。 A. for; who B. for; to whom C. to; who D. to; what答案:A。 第一个空需要一个表示目的的介词;第二空时定语从句,需要一个主语。58._ to collage this year, We must study harder than ever before .译文. 为了上大学,我们必须更加努力学习。 A. Go B. Going C. Gone D. To go答案:D。 不定式表示将来和目的。59.The cost

35、of oil is less than _ of gas.译文. 油的成本比气的成本要低。 A. it B. one C. the one D. that 答案:D。 在比较级中用代替前面的不可数名词。60.Nobody but you _ able to sing that American song.译文. 除了你没有人能唱好这首美国歌曲。 A. are B. were C. is D. can be答案:C。 本句的主语是nobody,所以谓语动词用单数。61.Summer in _ south of France are for _ most part dry and sunny.译文

36、. 在法国南方的夏天绝大部分是干燥和艳阳天。 A. / ; a B. the; / C. / ; / D. the; the答案:D。 表示方位的短语中必须加定冠词;最高级前得加定冠词。62.Has any of you reached the Great Wall ? -_.译文. -你们中有人去过长城吗?-没有。 A. None B. No C. No one D. Not any答案:A。 在询问数目时,要么用具体的数目回答,要么用none回答。63.China is larger than _ in Africa.译文. 中国比非洲任何一个国家都大。 A. any other coun

37、try B. other countries C. any countries D. any country答案:D。 在不同范围的比较中不能用any other;是和任何一个国家比较故选any country。64.My last lesson in French! I hardly know how to write, _ I would never learn now .译文. 我的最后一节法语课!我几乎不知道该如何写,可我也再也学不到了。 A. but B. and C. if D. so答案:B。 并列的句子用并列连词。65.What do you think of the mate

38、rials _ these clothes were made? - They feel _.译文. -你看这些衣服是什么原料做的?-他们摸起来柔软。 A. for whom; well B. into; soft C. of which; soft D. in which; good答案:C。 成品中看得到原材料,要用be made of;feel摸起来,是连系动词,后面跟形容词作表语。66.These are questions _ by history.译文. 这些是历史遗留下来的问题。 A. left over B. left off C. leaving out D. leaving

39、 behind答案:A。 leave over遗留;leave off离开,停止;leave out漏掉;leave behind遗忘67.The fact _ he was successful proves his ability.译文. 他成功的事实证明了他的能力。 A. that B. what C. which D. why答案:A。 同位语从句。68.Mrs.Green wants to buy that kind of cloth because she _ that the cloth _ very well.译文. Mrs.Green想买那种布料,因为有人告诉她这种布料耐洗。

40、 A. has been told; washed B. has told; washes C. has been told; is washed D. is told; is washed答案:A。 wash well好洗,容易洗。69.His quarrel with his boss _ him his job.译文. 他和老板吵架使他丢掉了工作。 A. spend B. cost C. spent D. saved答案:B。 考查动词cost的sth. cost sb. sth.结构。70.Mary, would you like to come to my birthday part

41、y?-_.译文. 玛丽,你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?肯定要来。 A. Of course, you could B. Sure. Go ahead C. Sorry, you may not D. No, you mustnt答案:B。 根据问句,答句应当表明我的想法。71.Are you feeling _? - Yes, Im fine now.译文. -你觉得好些了吗?-是的,现在好了。 A. any well B. any better C. quite good D. quite better答案:B。 good 是形容词,表示特征;well是副词,表示身体状态。72._ on the

42、 portrait, mother was deep in thought.译文. 凝视着画像,妈妈沉思着。 A. Fixed her eyes B. Her eyes are fixed C. Her eyes fixing D. With her eyes fixed答案:D。 复合结构作状语表示伴随。73.I asked him to _ me a few minutes so that we could go over all the problem.译文. 我请他抽出几分钟的时间,以便我们把所有的问题讨论一下。 A. spend B. save C. spare D. share答案

43、:C。 spend花费; save节约,拯救;spare抽出时间;share分享。74.Its nice _ me with my lessons.译文. 谢谢你帮助我学习功课。 A. of you to help B. for you to help C. of you helping D. for you helping答案:A。 在该句型中如果主句中的形容词是表示逻辑主语的特点,那么介词就的用of,反之就用for。75.He wrote to his friends _ information.译文. 他写信给他的朋友寻求信息。 A. asked for B. to ask for C.

44、 ask for D. asks for答案:B。 不定式表示目的。76.Ill give the prize to _ finishes the work first.译文. 我将把奖品给最先完成工作的人。 A. whomever B. whoever C. who D. anyone答案:B。 名词性从句中的“救从不救主原则”和“首选原则”。77.Tom kept quiet about the accident _ lose his job.译文. 汤姆对此事保持沉默是为了不丢掉工作。 A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to答案:B。 so as to 中的to 是不定式符号,不定式的否定形式是将not放在不定式符号之前。78.My last lesson in French! I hardly know how to write, _ I would never learn now .译文. 我的最后一堂法语课!我几乎不知道如何写呢,就再也学不到了。 A. but B. and C. if D. so答案:B。 and在此表示结果;so而表示因果关系。79.The sun shines


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