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1、1. Spectators and players alike can witness or compete on volleyball courts across the world. 观众,队员。2. Forearm pass, 前臂垫球(接一传)For serve reception3. Set 传球4. Serve 发球5. Develop and improve your skill6. Spike 扣球7. Block 拦网8. Spiker扣球 hitter击球 attacker攻击9. Backs, front, setting option, dig, emergency t

2、echniques 10. Serve, receive serve, serve reception, forearm pass, set, spike(attack, hit), block, dig, dink,tip; hitter, blocker, attacker, dive, roll11. Front/back court12. No player may overlap at the time of service. Position is determined by the placement of the feet as the ball is contacted by

3、 the server. Once the ball has been served, players may move freely anywhere.13. Points are scored.14. Switch=change the places 换位15. Overhand set(pass), back pass, setting options: short, medium high outside16. Across the court(crosscourt), down the line, dinking(tipping), off-speed, free ball17. O

4、ffensive, defensive, defend18. Player-up defense 靠前防守 player-back19. Possession sports allow each team to control the ball for extended periods of time. Volleyball is never motionless from the moment it is served until it contacts the floor or is whistled dead by an official. Winning the game is det

5、ermined by points. Scored!20. Substitutions are limited, encouraging versatility among players.21. Physical contact22. Because the essence of the game required the body to move through all zones of movement (airborne, high, medium, low)23. During play, attackers have the options of spiking the ball

6、across the court(cross court)斜线, down the line直线, tipping (dinking)吊球 the ball over the block, or hitting an off-speed shot into the opponents court. The attacker may hit the ball from the option side of the court or hit from the power side. 24. Each team has a maximum of three contacts.25. Points 得

7、分制 sideout换发 rally scoring 每球得分 26. Libero 27. Support 保护 supportive movement 掩护28. Single/double/triple block29. Weak弱点, seam漏洞, high seam拦网漏洞30. Place the ball around the blockers hand避手31. The indoor game requires only a court, net, posts, antennae标志杆, and a ball to begin. For the beach game, san

8、d, net, posts, rope and a ball are all that are needed.32. Two sidelines and two endlines comprise the court boundaries. These lines are considered part of the court. The service zone is 9m wide and is located behind and excluding each end line.33. Scoreboard, side band标志带34. The beach game requires

9、 the overall development of players.35. Attack line, warm up36. Pre-match protocol 赛前礼仪 Before a match, both teams warm up by rehearsing skills through drill work. Stretching and jogging. 拉伸与慢跑37. Coach 教练38. March in进场39. Winning the coin toss40. The first four games are played to 25 points. A team

10、 must win a game by two points. A player must initiate service within 8 seconds of the first referees whistle that indicates service. Prior to each serve, players must be in the correct serving rotational order in relation to their teammates. Attack if their take off for the attack begins behind the

11、 3m line.41. A team is permitted six substitutions per game.42. Touch the net, net foul43. The block doesnt count as a contact, a team blocking the ball has three additional contacts if desired.44. Time between each game is 3 minutes. Time out 45. Officiating team. 裁判队46. The first referee is respon

12、sible for the controlling the match and focusing on the handling of the ball. The second referee stands on the floor on the opposite side of the court from the first referee. This official is responsible for the net, center line violations, and substitutions. If there is a difference of opinion betw

13、een any of the officials, the first referee has the final decision. Tow or four line judges are used to assist in the determination of whether a ball is in or out of bounds and whether a ball was touched by a player. The first referee has the authority to accept or reject the call made by the line j

14、udge as well.47. Serve: floater, topspin, jump serve.48. Setter decides which attacker gets set. A set may be a front set, a back set, a jump set, or a setter attack 二次球. Hit around the block or tip/dink over the block.49. Ace 发球得分 attack block 进攻性拦网 拦回 control block 有效拦网50. Down ball=free ball 无攻球

15、菜球51. Joust 争球 52. Floater serve has little or no spin, thereby creating a wiggling effect through the air as it approaches the serve receiver.53. Off speed attack. 轻扣54. Ready position 准备姿势55. Sprawl 前扑56. Supportive movement 掩护57. Tempo 节奏,trajectory 轨迹58. Underhand serve59. Wiping the block 打手60.

16、 Understand the physical, mental, and decision making components involved in playing volleyball. Experience a flexibility and conditioning program designed for performance enhancement in volleyball. Describe some of the basic workouts that prepare a player for success in the game. Compose a nutritio

17、nal regime that meets criteria necessary for quality performance. 61. A player must be agile灵活, coordinated协调, balanced, strong, flexible62. Training 训练 physical performance readiness 体能准备 drill 练习63. Several components need to be considered when seeking improved physical performances. Warm-up incre

18、asing blood flow to muscles, flexibility the range of motion with in joints, agility the ability to change directions quickly, aerobic/anaerobic fitness the types of energy systems used by the body, muscular strength the ability to perform maximally at any one time, power the ability to perform maxi

19、mally at a rapid rate, endurance the ability to perform repeatedly without fatigue, and cool down gradually decreasing the intensity of the activity should be include.64. Metabolic and neuromuscular. ATP-CP system 10 to 25 seconds, LA system 90 seconds to 3 minutes. O2xystem 3-5 minutes65. Lateral m

20、ovement侧向移动 court awareness 感知66. Aid in injury prevention. Stretch the major muscle group. 67. Body position, postures and movements. Conditioning programs should include agility, flexibility, aerobic endurance, anaerobic power, dynamic and static balance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and

21、 muscular power. 68. To cut the ball at a variety of angles and distances into the court.69. It is also important to listen to the body. When the body sends messages of overall fatigue, muscular tightening or cramping, or inefficient position, posture or movement, it is time to stop the activity and

22、 rest.70. Mentally rehearse 意念71. Perform ankle/knee circles clockwise, counterclockwise, figure 8s, with the knee flexed at 120 degrees.72. Stand with head in front of center of mass, and look straight ahead; trunk and knees should be slightly flexed, hands on outside of les at knee height, keep fe

23、et flat on the floor and shoulder width apart.73. Pull elbows back of the body; pull elbows laterally, ways from the body; pull elbows up in front of the body.74. With straight arms, cross arms in front of the body with thumbs up; cross arms in front of the body with thumbs down; cross arms in front

24、 of the body with thumbs pointing laterally (away from the belly button.75. Shoulder shrug up and don, shoulders forward and shoulders back, shoulder circles forward, shoulder circles backward.76. Place the palms of the hands on the forehead and repeat.77. Stretch for the ceiling with the hands78. S

25、hift weight from the balls of the feet to the finger tips.79. Feet on the floor, widened side to side stance twice that of should width80. Bring one knee up to chest and step forward into a lunge position, landing on the ball of the foot, lower the torso toward the floor,81. When stretching, go slow

26、ly, gently, and consistently. Dont bounce. Bouncing may tear muscle fibers.82. Grab ankles and pull until you feel the stretch. Lying on the back with arms horizontal on the floor.83. Progressive sprints the length of the court84. Read and dig. 判断与救球85. There are four basic movement zones. Airbone u

27、sed in spiking, blocking, jump setting, jump serving. High used in serving, initial zone of movement for blocking, setting. Medium used in forearm passing, serve reception, overhand passing, initial zone of movement for the approach in spiking. Low used in digging and emergency techniques, including

28、 diving and rolling.86. Forward, backward, and lateral movements are frequently used within preparatory and supportive movement. Important aspects o the ready position include placing the feet slightly wider than shoulder width sideline and the left foot ahead if the player is closer to the left sid

29、eline.87. Weight is distributed on the inside and the balls of the feet rather than one the outside.88. Weakness. The most vulnerable areas are those where zones overlap or where there is seam. For example, while playing defense in the right back position, the player must communicate that those ball

30、s traveling below the waist and or behind are in the zone of responsibility covered by the middle back.89. Prior to the beginning of a game, each player should walk around the perimeter of the court, looking for reference points on the ceiling relative to boundary lines.90. Rebound will be tremendou

31、sly quick.91. Rebound the ball off the forearm. Ready position. Feet stop in a staggered position. Arms are parallel to the thighs. 92. Overhead pass, front ,back93. The absorption portion of the pass may take from 0.03 to 0.10 second.94. Reading 预判,判断95. If the ball has been set close to the sideli

32、ne the line shot is not a good possibility. A set close to the net will result in a sharply hit spike. If the ball is set several feet off the net, the blocker may jump early, the ball will be hit more deeply in to the court. A set diagonally passed from the back court to the front may well be a cro

33、sscourt attack. if the ball is approaching the attacker from the strong side, a likely hit would be on the angle. 96. By flexing the elbows slightly, the force of the ball is cushioned and the ball will remain on your side of net.97. A ball can be hit from above the net to the endline in 0.3 to 0.7

34、second. A players reaction from the moment the ball is hit to the first noticeable movements takes approximatedly0,3 second. Therefore, it is important for the digger to be in position by the time the attacker gets to the jump phase of the spike.98. Ball of the feet 脚掌99. Get the ball into the air.

35、起球100. It is very unlikely for the digger to be able to move into an effective position once the ball has been contacted by a hitter during a high speed attack. The speed o the hit is approximately 0.3 second; the players movement time is also 0.3 second.101. Usually the digger cannot move to play t

36、he hit once the attacker has contacted the ball. Because the medium speed attack is slightly slower than high speed 0.4-0.7 second, it may be possible for the player to dive for the ball if it is not hit directly within the players zone of effectiveness. The zone can be increased y our feet when usi

37、ng the dive.102. The slow speed attack off speed, dink generally ranges from .8-1.4 seconds. Within this amount of time, a player can move and dig the attack even after the hitter has contacted the ball. A stationary medium zone of movement is appropriate to get the ball up if it has been read prope

38、rly.103. Dive and catch, 鱼跃救球,dive and slide 鱼跃滑动 roll 滚翻 sprawl 前扑104. The overhead pass is generally used to redirect the ball with the most accuracy offered by any skill.105. Overset 传过网106. Range of effectiveness 个人防守区 107. Underhand floater, overhand floater, overhand topspin.108. Serve recepti

39、on error or create an ace.109. Player should possess at least two different types of serves in order to facilitate the teams offensive repertoire. Jump serve. The success of any serve depends upon placement as well as power. 落点与力量。110. Just prior to the serve, the player should scan the opponents co

40、urt, noticing holes in the serve reception formation or locating seams in the passing zone. 漏洞,空挡111. Down the line, crosscourt112. Critical times to get serves over the net and in the court are these: at the beginning of a game, after an opponent has missed the serve, momentum has shifted to your t

41、eam. After opponents time out, momentum is probable again with your team. After your team has won a difficult and or long rally.113. Hang time滞空时间. Jump and contact. Approach and takeoff助跑起跳. Drifting. Commit block.盯人拦网 Control block. Roofing the ball.114. Hit击球 attack攻击 contact触球 spike扣球 touch碰球115

42、. The culmination of a teams attack is the spike. The other two methods of attack are the dink and the off-speed attack.116. The greater the number of body parts sequentially used in the attack, the greater the amount of time available to build force. That is why the ready position, the approach, th

43、e jump, the arm swing and contact, and the follow through are sequential important.117. If too much force is applied to the ball, it may go out of bounds. If too little force is applied, the ball may go in to the net. 出界,下网118. 张开手指 spread fingers119. Seal off the net 封网120. Attack block 拦回拦死 contro

44、l attack 有效拦网 拦起 121. Plain advance to block a predetermined hitter122. Slide step 滑步123. Squat 深蹲124. Cocked back125. Cover the ball completely126. Appropriate timing 127. Spike against the wall128. Spike the ball to the floor so that it bounces before it hits the wall. The ball will rebound off th

45、e floor and into the wall. As the ball returns, adjust and spike the ball again.129. Spike awareness. 意识130. Serve reception pattern, its attack coverage, and its free ball situation131. In order to sustain effective communication during serve reception assertive movement toward an approaching ball

46、is vital. Mine or Ive got it is an appropriate response to teammates. 132. If the ball is at chest height or above, they let the ball go, as it will be out. Front row players allow balls that are chest high or above to be played by back row players.133. Selection of an effective offensive system req

47、uires knowledge of each systems strategy and a realistic assessment of a teams abilities and limitations.134. There are five results that complete an offensive play. The attacker pummels the ball to the floor. The attacker hits the ball out of bounds or into the net, making an error. The blocker blo

48、cks the ball, and it goes out of bounds or the blocker makes an error. The defense digs the ball and it remain in play or the blocker blocks the ball and it remains in play.135. Beat the block 突破拦网136. All players must know who is responsible for the dink.137. If there is a no block situation, potential blockers must move off the net and pass. The middle back player must be able to reach the ball within a large zone of responsibility. 138. Specialization of back court players is beneficial to assist in communication about zones of responsibility. 补位139. The player positioned behind the block


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