Shopping English.docx

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《Shopping English.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Shopping English.docx(30页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、餐厅点餐请给我菜单。May I have a menu,please?是否有中文菜单?Do you have a menu in chinese?在用晚餐前想喝些什麼吗?Would you like something to drink before dinner?餐厅有些什麼餐前酒?What kind of drinks do you have for an aperitif?可否让我看看酒单?May I see the wine list?我可以点杯酒吗?May I order a glass of wine?餐厅有那几类酒?What kind of wine do you have?我想

2、点当地出产的酒。Id like to have some local wine.我想要喝法国红酒。Id like to have Frence red wine.是否可建议一些不错的酒?Could you recommend some good wine?我可以点餐了吗?May I order,please?餐厅最特别的菜式是什麼?What is the specialty of the house?餐厅有今日特餐吗?Do you have todays special?我可以点与那份相同的餐吗?Can I have the same dish as that?我想要一份开胃菜与排餐(鱼餐)。

3、Id like appetizers and meat(fish) dish.我正在节食中。Im on a diet.我必须避免含油脂(盐份/糖份)的食物。I have to avoid food containing fat(salt/suger).餐厅是否有供应素食餐?Do you have vegetarian dishs?你的牛排要如何烹调?How do you like your steak?全熟(五分熟/全生)。Well done (medium/rare),please. 购物买衣服必备 1. Im just browsing. 我只是随便看看。 在美国逛街买衣服,“Im jus

4、t browsing.” 和 “Im just looking.” 这两句一定要先学会。因为一般当你走进一家店时,小姐们通常都会走过来亲切地和你打招呼,问你 “May I help you?” (需要帮忙吗?) 或是 “Are you looking for something?” (你想找什么样的衣服?) 如果你只是想随便看一看,不妨客气地跟她说声:Im just browsing. 或是 Im just looking. 这样子她们就不会继续纠缠下去,会让你在店里随便逛。我可不希望美国人觉得我们东方人很不礼貌,别人好心问你,你却装作一副没听到的样子。(其实是英语不好,不敢开口。) 但如果你

5、是真的要找某一件特定的商品,比方说你想找一件高领毛衣,你就可以说:Im looking for a turtle neck sweater. Could you help me? (我在找一件高领的毛衣能帮我一下吗?)或是 Do you have any turtle neck sweaters? (你们有卖高领的毛衣吗?) 2. May I try this on? 我能试穿这一件吗? 买衣服最好要试穿一下。通常商场和专卖店都有试衣间,地摊和批发市场一般就没有了。要是不知道试衣间在哪儿的话,则可以问店员:Where is the fitting room?(试衣间在哪?)。如果是不太确定能不

6、能试穿的话,特别像是在大拍卖的时候,最好还是问店员一声,“May I try this on?”免得做出一些愚蠢的事。 3.I like this tank top.It goes with my baggy jeans.(我喜欢这件背心,它很配我的宽松牛仔裤。)tank top就是背心。有一种男生穿的纯白背心,美国人把它戏称为“wife-beater”。因为他们觉得穿这种背心的人通常有结实的肌肉,回家后喜欢打老婆。“baggy”是“宽松”的意思,如男生穿的宽松短裤就叫“baggy pants”。而我们熟悉的直筒牛仔裤是“straight jeans”。4.Could you help me

7、pick up a dress?(你能帮我挑一件礼服吗?)在正式场合,每位女士几乎都有一套正式礼服(即dress),特别是那种低胸(low cut)连身裙(evening gown)。有时可以用“dressy”来强调这件礼服很漂亮很时髦,如“Her dressy dress really caught my eyes.”(我的目光被她漂亮的礼服所吸引。)而“dress up”则是指作正式的穿着打扮,男女都可用,也就是女生穿礼服、男生穿西装打领带了。5.I just want to buy some off-the-rack clothes.(我只想随便买一些现成的衣服。)“rack”指的是衣架

8、,所以“off-the-rack”指的是那种由工厂大量制造的成衣,通常指很普通、不是特别好的衣服。例如在某夜市买来的地摊货,就可以说“Its just something off-the-rack.”(只是件普通的衣服啦!)相比较而言,“custom-made”或“tailor-made”指的是“定做”的。如,“Ineed to get a custom-made tuxes do for my wedding.”(我要为婚礼去定作一件燕尾服。)6.This shirt is very stylish and not very expensive.(这件衬衫又时髦又便宜。)“Good-look

9、ing”就是“好看”,“stylish”则是“时髦”,可以用“good-looking”和“stylish”来称赞某件衣服。另外,也可以用“becoming”,指“合身又好看”。7.I dont think this one will fit me.(我觉得这件衣服不合身。)买衣服时看到一件自己中意的衣服,却偏偏没有合适的尺寸,可以说“Its not my size.”或“It wont fit me.”(大小不合适)。有些商店挂着“alteration”的招牌,则是指可以提供修改衣服的服务。8.Your clothes dont match.(你的衣服不太配。)这句话指的是衣服不配,可能是颜

10、色不配,也可能是样式不配。当然,外国人的审美观和我们中国人不大一样,营业员说这句话,你可不必太把它当回事。9 Let me ring that up for you! 让我帮你结帐吧! 买方结帐最标准的讲法是 check out,例如你衣服都买好了,就可以拿到收银台 (cash register),跟店员说,“I want to check out.”她就会帮你算钱。另外还有些店员喜欢用 ring it up 这个片语,同样也是结帐的意思,为什么呢?因为在开收银机的时候不是通常会听到 ring 的一声吗?所以这个 ring it up 就有了“结帐”的意思。 比方说你看上了一件衣服但没有标示价

11、钱,你拿着衣服去问收银员,结果她告诉你这件衣服只要 $9.99。这时候你就可以用 ring it up 这个片语来回答她:OK. Go ahead and ring it up for me. (好,那就帮我结帐吧!)有时候店员看到你拿着衣服走过来,她也会主动跟你说:Let me ring that up for you. 对各位喜欢逛街买衣服的朋友来说,这一次介绍的绝对都是你必读的内容。等你出国逛街的时候,就知道未雨绸缪的好处了! 购物杀价十句话 1. Could you give me a discount? 能给我个折扣吗?2. Are these clothes on sale? 这些

12、衣服打特价吗?3. Is the price negotiable? 这价钱可以商量吗?4. How about buy one and get one free? 买一送一怎么样?5. Can you give me a better deal? 可以给我更好的价钱吗?6. Id buy it right away if it were cheaper. 便宜一点的话我马上买。7. The price is beyond my budget. 这价钱超出我的预算了。8. Ill give 500 dollars for it. 五百块我就买。9. Thats steep, isnt it?

13、这价钱太离谱了吧?10. Its too expensive. I cant afford it. 太贵了。我买不起。购物英语口语退货 SALESPERSON: May I help you?SARAH: Yes, I would like to return these slacks.SALESPERSON: Alright. Do you have your receipt?SARAH: Yes. Here it is. I bought them last week.SALESPERSON: And why are you returning them?SARAH: I bought t

14、hem to go with a blouse of mine. But they dont really match.SALESPERSON: I see. Oh, wait. Maam, Im sorry. These slacks were on sale.SARAH: Yes, they were thirty percent off.SALESPERSON: Im sorry, but we dont allow returns on sale items.SARAH: I know many stores have that policy. But I have returned

15、sale items here before.SALESPERSON: Im sorry, but we usually dont do it. It is our policy.SARAH: I just bought these slacks a week ago. And I am a regular customer here.Can you make an exception this time?SALESPERSON: Well. Let me talk to the manager for a moment.Maam, the manager says I can do it t

16、his time.SARAH: Good. Im a regular customer here. I am glad you can make an exception for me.SALESPERSON: Please show me your receipt again.SARAH: Here it is.SALESPERSON: I will have to give you store credit, Maam.If you find something else you like in the store, you can use the credit.SARAH: Store

17、credit is okay with me.Im sure I will find something I like. I shop here a lot.SALESPERSON: We appreciate your business, Maam.店员:我能为你效劳吗?莎拉:是的,我想退回这些长裤。店员:好的,你有收据吗?莎拉:有的,在这儿。上星期才买的。店员:为什么要退呢?莎拉:我本想买来配一件衬衫的,但是它们配起来不好看。店员:我明白了。等一等,太太,对不起,这是拍卖品。莎拉:没错,它们是七折品。店员:对不起,拍卖品不能退货的。莎拉:我知道很多店都是这样,但是我曾经在你们的店退过拍卖品

18、。店员:对不起,我们通常不接受的,这是规定。莎拉:我上个星期才买的,而且我是你们的常客。这次可以例外吗?店员:那么,让我和经理说说看。太太,经理说这次可以。莎拉:太好了,我是你们的常客,我很高兴你们可以为我破例。店员:再让我看一看你的收据好吗?莎拉:这里。店员:我会给你一些点数,太太。你可以用这些点数来挑你喜欢的东西。莎拉:给我点数也可以。我会找到我喜欢的东西,我常常来这里购物。店员:谢谢惠顾,太太。购物英语口语逛街购物 JOY: Why dont we get you some shirts?LOUIS: I want to leave. Weve already been here two

19、 hours.JOY: But we should get you some shirts while were here. You need summer shirts.LOUIS: I would rather buy them somewhere else.JOY: Why? They have everything here.LOUIS: I dont like shopping in malls.I like shopping on the street. There is more variety.JOY: Lets just look and see what they have

20、.LOUIS: Alright.JOY: What about these shirts? Do you see anything you like?LOUIS: The styles here are too boring for me. I told you. I like street shopping.JOY: Oh, come on! Dont be so sour. These are beautiful shirts.I know if we dont buy some today, you will never go shopping by yourself.LOUIS: Su

21、re I would.JOY: Here. Look at this shirt. Try it on.LOUIS: Do they have it in LARGE.JOY: I dont know. Let me look on the rack. Here is one. LARGE. Try it on.LOUIS: Where is the fitting room? I dont see it.JOY: The fitting rooms are over there.LOUIS: Okay, I will try it on.JOY: It looks good on you.L

22、OUIS: I look like a nerd.JOY: No, it looks great.Why are you always like this when youre shopping? You know it looks good.LOUIS: Well, I dont think its the best style for me.JOY: I think well buy this one. And I want you to try on this one too.LOUIS: Alright. Alright.JOY: You should be happy I want

23、you to look good.If I let you shop for yourself, you would never buy anything.LOUIS: Yes, maybe. But I like street shopping. There is more variety.Im sorry. I just dont like malls.乔伊:给你买一些衬衫吧。路易:我想走了,我们已经在这里逛了两个小时。乔伊:但是我们需要给你买几件衬衫,你需要夏天穿的衬衫。路易:我宁愿在别的地方买。乔伊:为什么?这里什么都有。路易:我不喜欢在购物中心买东西。我喜欢逛街购物,比较有选择性。乔


25、应该感到高兴。如果让你自已逛,你一定不会买任何东西。路易:也许吧。但我还是喜欢逛街购物,有比较多的东西可看。对不起,我就是不喜欢购物中心。购物英语口语超市 ALEX: Can I help you?SHERRY: Yes, I need to buy a computer for this semester.I was told it is cheaper to buy computers here.ALEX: Well, you heard right.You can get an excellent deal on a new computer here.We have great dis

26、counts for students.SHERRY: I dont know much about computers.But I know I want a desktop computer with a lot of memory. And I need a printer.ALEX: Well, first lets consider your computer.Here, for example, is a system I highly recommend-the Power Macintosh G3.It comes with 64 megabytes of total memo

27、ry.SHERRY: Is that a lot? Sixty-four?ALEX: Yes, it is. It should be enough for any student needs you might have.What department are you in?SHERRY: History.ALEX: Well, so you will mostly be using word processing, for writing papers.I recommend the Corel Word Perfect program for word processing.We can

28、 talk about software later. Lets talk about your hardware first.We have a special deal on right now.I should tell you about it, as it only goes until next Tuesday.If you buy one of these fifteen-inch color monitors with a Power Macintosh G3,you can actually get 30 percent off the usual sale price.SH

29、ERRY: Thirty percent?ALEX: Yes.SHERRY: Wow. Thats really good.And you think this is really a good system for a graduate student?ALEX: Yes. Its an excellent system.SHERRY: Hmm. Hey, wait. This has an Apple on it. Is this an Apple computer?ALEX: Yes, its a Macintosh. Its Apple. Macintosh and Apple are

30、 the same thing.SHERRY: I dont want Macintosh. I want PC.ALEX: Im sorry, but our university computer center only sells Macintosh equipment.SHERRY: What? Are you serious?ALEX: Yes.SHERRY: But nobody uses Macintosh!ALEX: Thats not true.Most of the students and professors in the university here use Mac

31、intosh.They find it is better for writing and word-processing,and that is what students mostly do. May I ask where youre from?SHERRY: Yes, Im from Taiwan.ALEX: Well, I know that in most Asian countries Apple is not very popular.But here in America, especially in universities and publishing companies

32、,Apple is very commonly used.SHERRY: But I need a computer that can handle writing in Chinese.ALEX: There are several Chinese writing programs you can use with Macintosh.Chinese is no problem for Apple.SHERRY: Hmm.I think I should ask some of my friends for advice before I make a decision.Im sorry.A

33、LEX: No, dont be sorry. Its reasonable to ask your friends.But believe me, most of the students here in the university-Asian students included-most of them use Apple.SHERRY: Well, thanks for your advice. I will probably come back later.ALEX: Youre very welcome. Here is my card, if you need any help.

34、FS:PAGE亚历克斯:我可以帮你吗?雪莉:是的,这学期我需要买一台电脑,人家告诉我这里的电脑比较便宜。亚历克斯:的确,你听到的是对的。在这买新电脑你可以拿到很不错的价格,我们给学生很大的折扣。雪莉:我对电脑了解不多,但是我知道我要一台有很大内存的桌上电脑,而且我还要一台打印机亚历克斯:好的,我们先考虑你要的电脑。我极力推荐这儿的一套系统麦金塔 G3。它的总内存为六十四百万位元。雪莉:那很多吗?六十四?亚历克斯:是的,对任何学生的需求应该是足够了。你是什么系的?雪莉:历史系。亚历克斯:好的,所以你会常用文字处理来写报告。我推荐 Corel Word Perfect 程式来做文字处理。我们待会再

35、来谈软件,先谈硬件吧。我们现在有特价,我应该告诉你,因为只持续到星期二为止。如果你购买这套有麦金塔 G3 的 15 寸彩色主机,事实上就可以有平常售价的七折。雪莉:七折?亚历克斯:是的。雪莉:哇,太好了。你觉得对一个研究生而言,这是一个很好的系统吗?亚历克斯:是的,它是很棒的系统。雪莉:嗯。嘿,等等,这上面有个苹果记号,这是苹果电脑吗?亚历克斯:是的,是麦金塔,也是苹果机。麦金塔和苹果机是一样的。雪莉:我不想要麦金塔,我要个人电脑。亚历克斯:很抱歉,但是大学的电脑中心只卖麦金塔设备。雪莉:什么?说真的吗?亚历克斯:是的。雪莉:可是没有人用麦金塔。亚历克斯:不会啊,这所大学大部分的学生和教授都用


37、的名片,如果你需要任何帮忙的话。购物英语口语买鞋 IVY: I want to buy some running shoes. Maybe New Balance.DAVID: Why do you need running shoes? You arent a runner.IVY: But I exercise at the club. And I use the stepping machine.So I need good running shoes.DAVID: Thats not the same.Maybe you want to buy running-shoe-style s

38、hoes, but not real running shoes.IVY: Whats the difference?DAVID: There isnt much difference. But there is some difference.For one thing, real running shoes are much more expensive.They have very lightweight materials.Theyre designed for serious runners, people who run ten kilometers a day.IVY: And

39、what are running-shoe-style shoes?DAVID: They look like running shoes.They have the same shape. And you can use them for running too.But theyre not so serious. They arent designed for serious runners.You can use them for exercising.IVY: But they arent as light, right?DAVID: Thats right.If you want a

40、 really lightweight shoe, you should buy a high-quality running shoe.IVY: Thats what I want.For exercising at the club. I can even spend 100 dollars on them. I dont care.DAVID: But its a waste of money. You wont really run in them!You dont need such a shoe to use exercise machines. Its just a waste

41、of money.IVY: My sister has New Balance running shoes. I want shoes just like hers.I dont care if theyre expensive. And they look cool too.DAVID: Well, do what you like.There are different kinds of New Balance shoes though.You dont have to buy the most expensive.IVY: I want the best.My sister said g

42、ood shoes are very important. For support. They support your feet.DAVID: Your sister is a fitness expert, huh?IVY: No, but she exercises more than me.DAVID: I really think you are stubborn about some things.But here. Lets look at the New Balance shoes.IVY: Here it is. This is what my sister has.DAVI

43、D: Yes, thats it. Thats their top model.IVY: I wonder if they have my size.DAVID: Well, we can wait for the assistant to help us,or we can look through the boxes down here. What is your size?IVY: Here in America, its six.DAVID: Well, here you are. Size six. Womans. 137 dollars.Wow, what a waste of m

44、oney!IVY: Its none of your business. Let me try them on.艾薇:我想买跑鞋,纽巴伦牌子的。大卫:你为什么需要跑鞋?你又不跑步。艾薇:但是我在俱乐部运动,而且我用踏板的器材。所以需要好的跑鞋。大卫:那不一样。也许你想买的是跑类的鞋子,不是真的跑鞋。艾薇:有什么差别吗?大卫:没有太大差别,但有一点点差别。差别在于真正的跑鞋贵很多,它们的材质很轻,是为热衷跑步的人设计的,一天跑十公里的人。艾薇:那什么是跑类的鞋子?大卫:它们看起来像跑鞋。外观一样,也可以用来跑步。FS:PAGE但是不是专门的,不是专门为跑家设计的。你可以用来运动。艾薇:但是没那么

45、轻吧?大卫:没错。如果你想要很轻的鞋子,就要买高级的跑鞋。艾薇:我就是要那个。为了在俱乐部运动,我甚至可以花 100 美元买鞋,我不在乎。大卫:那太浪费了,你又不是要跑步!你不需要买这种鞋来踩运动器材,那只是浪费钱罢了。艾薇:我姐姐穿纽巴伦的鞋子,我就是想要她那种鞋子。我不在乎贵不贵,而且看起来也很有型。大卫:好吧,只要你喜欢。纽巴伦的鞋子有很多款式。你不必买最贵的。艾薇:我要最好的。我姐姐说买双好鞋是很重要的,要用来支撑,支撑脚部。大卫:你姐姐是健康专家啊?艾薇:不是,但是她比我常运动。大卫:你在一些事情上真的很固执。在这里,来看看纽巴伦的鞋子吧。艾薇:这就是我姐姐穿的。艾薇:不知道有没有我的尺寸。大卫:你可以等店员过来帮忙。或是我们找底下的盒子看看。你穿什么尺寸?艾薇:在美国是六号。


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