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1、English Book7六年级上册英语教案章节单元要点分析:一、教材分析六年级上册的教材与五年级上、下册教材的结构、板块设计基本相同,不同之处主要有以下两个方面:1.五年级上、下册教材中的主句型在 Lets talk 部分只要求达到听、说、认读,在 Read and write 部分要求达到能够书写。六年级上册教材的主句型在 Lets talk 部分即要求达到听、说、读、写四会掌握,五年级上、下册教材中的 Read and write 部分改为 Lets read,也就是阅读理解部分。2.语音部分由原来的字母组合朗读和绕口令欣赏过渡到国际音标的认读和音标、单词及其释意图的连线游戏。而本册教材

2、也主要有两个特点:一是复现率高。教材里大量的复现了学生已经学过的词汇和语言,所以学生学习这册教材的时候感不太困难。注重单元与单元内容之间的衔接,这样学生的语言在不断的滚动与重复中得到了更好地巩固和掌握。比如说,第一单元,我们谈论的是交通方式,第二单元紧接着谈论的地点和方位,告诉别人怎么去某个地方,除了用turn left, turn right, go straight,还可以用第一单元里边的by bike, by bus等,第三单元谈论打算做某事,同样可以问:What are you going to do ? Where are you going? How are you going?



5、6、能理解6个幽默小故事。(三)、情感、策略、文化等相关目标:能了解6项简单的中西方文化生活常识。二、教学建议第1-2页为单元情景图,呈现本单元语言及词汇教学目标,让人一目了然。此页不占课时。老师可根据实际教学需要加以利用。第3-8页为A部分与B部分,系重点教学内容(A部分3页、B部分3页),用6课时完成 。教师可根据实际与需要进行调整:1、A部分用2课时,B部分用2课时,第5课时用于补遗和巩固,第6课时用于巩固和拓展;2、A部分与B部分各用3课时,C部分的教学融合在A、B两部分中。总之,教师可以根据实际情况和需要进行合理安排与适当调整。第9-10页为C部分,系选用内容(C部分2页),不占课时

6、(也可调整为占用课时)。这部分内容中,如“英语歌曲”,可以根据教学需要,作为辅助性的巩固活动安插在6课时中,为中心教学任务服务。Story time 和Culture 也可视教学和学生的实际情况进行安排,趣味故事不仅仅是给学生带来乐趣,更重要的是具有扩展语言和对不同学生分层教学的作用;文化部分的语言只需理解,不要求学生会说。期初教学计划:2015学年第一学期英语教学计划班级 601班 学科 英语 教师 郑央央 学生情况分析我授课601班有,学生已经有两年的英语学习经验了。绝大部分学生有英语学习的浓厚兴趣,学习英语的自信心较强。但也也出现了分层现象,所以在今后的教学中,应面向全体学生,激发学生学

7、习英语的兴趣,充分调动他们的自主能动性、积极性,并发挥团队协作精神,营造互帮互助,共同学习英语的语境。全册教学目标要求1、 能按要求掌握所学的单词和句型。 2、 能运用日常交际用语,进行简单的交流,并作到大胆开口,发音正确,所用话语与场合相符。 3、 能在图片、手势、情景等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。 4、 培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写规范、整洁。 5、 养成良好的听英语、读英语,说英语的习惯,能自觉的模仿语音、语调,逐步培养语感。6、 能在任务型学习的过程中运用相关的语言知识,完成某项任务,并促进语言能力的提高7、 能演唱已学过的英语歌曲。教学进度安排单元教学内容课时安排Un

8、it1 How can I get there? A Lets talk & Lets learn3 B Lets talk & Story time 4Unit 2 Ways to go to school A Lets talk & Lets learn 3 B Lets talk & Story time4Unit 3My weekend plan? A Lets talk & Lets learn3 B Lets talk & Story time4Recycle 1Read and act & Lets play 期中复习4Unit4 I have a pen pal ? A Let

9、s talk & Lets learn3 B Lets talk & Story time4Unit 5 What does he do? A Lets talk & Lets learn3 B Lets talk & Story time3Unit 6How do you feel? A Lets talk & Lets learn3B Lets talk & Story time4Recycle 2Read and act & Lets play 期末复习3期末总复习 期末测试9教材重点难点1、能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词。 2、能按四会要求掌握所学句型。 3、使用日常交际用语,活用四

10、会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确4、能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。 5、初步培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写整洁、规范培优帮困措施学生优差搭配,合作达标。在对子活动和小组活动中,将优生和差生作适当搭配,以利于练习活动的顺利开展,同时也能充分发挥优生对差生的辅导作用,弥补大班授课的不足.鼓励优生订阅英语报刊杂志,吸收更多的课外英语知识和西方文化常识,拓展自己的知识面。鼓励优生参加各种英语竞赛活动,提高其英语的运用能力。减负提质措施主动发掘他们身上的优点,并加以发扬,尽量少批评,多表扬、鼓励和帮助,让他们感受到上课时教师非常重视和理解他。期末复习计划:

11、2015学年第一学期期末复习计划学科 英语 班级 601 教师 郑央央 复习目的:1、认读一些简单的音标,并且按照要求背诵和认读一些单词,能完成单词默写,分类的练习。2、认读教材中出现的一些词组的用法,能完成英汉互译的习题。3、掌握教材中出现的句型,和一些简单的与教材内容有关的语法知识;能够区分教材中出现的句型,运用翻译补充所学句子。4、能够认读教材中的短文,能独立完成一些较容易阅读题。5、能够根据每个单元的主题独立完成一篇小作文。学生情况分析:部分学生英语基础差,学习习惯不好,而且对英语学习没有兴趣,尤其是大部分男同学,彻底失去了学习英语的兴趣。上课时,不能按老师的要求去做,听不懂前面已经学

12、习的单词的意思,就连完整的句子也读不下来,更别说句子的意思了;对于让默写出单词,那更是水中捞月,雾里看花。一旦失去了奋斗的目标,也就没有了学习的动力,因此,针对这样一个现状,我制定的本学期的复习计划。复习阶段针对性措施:1、加强单词的朗读和默写,给学生明确的任务,使他们也能尽自己最大能力过好单词关。 将词组复习与单词分类复习相联系。把单词、词组、句子和阅读作为一个有机整体,在复习过程中将它们紧密联系起来,合理安排复习内容,提高学生整体运用知识的能力。2. 以听说读写为主要途径,让学生多读,在复习中培养学生朗读英语的习惯,在学生多读多说的基础上不断提高听和写的能力,听说读写要有机结合,才能相辅相

13、成。学生基础差,见过的英语习题比较少,因此要从习题入手,让学生尽可能的做出比较多的习题,这样在初次考试中不至于束手无策。3. 注意复习过程中的趣味性,充分调动学生的学习积极性。我们有些学生对学习英语缺乏一定的兴趣,所以要选择适当的形式和内容,控制好内容的难度,要学生获得成功的机会和感受,尽量提高他们的兴趣,使他们也能投入到紧张的复习中,并在复习中获得进步。4. 注意因材施教,采用分层分类教育,帮助不同层次的学生获得不同的提高和收获。学生两极分化想象严重,那么对不同层次的学生就要提出不同的要求,对于成绩较差的学生复习重点放在单词,句型等基础知识上。5. 注意做好学生的心理调试工作,让学生在平静宽

14、松的氛围中进行有序的复习,较好的完成任务。对于没有投入到复习的学生来说要给于适当的压力。复习课具体内容安排:12月28号8号:复习Unit1Recycle1 综合一的测试1月9号15号:复习Unit4-Recycle2 综合二的测试Unit 1 How can I get there?Period OneTeaching contents: Part A lets learn & lets playTeaching aims:1 To enable the students to master the four skills phrases: on foot,by bike,by bus,by

15、 train, by plane,by ship,by subway2 To enable the students to ask about the ways of traffic with the following sentence patterns: How do you go to school? Or How do you go to Canada?”And answer with“I go by”Teaching focus: To master the four skills phrases: by train, by plane, by subway, by ship, by

16、 bike, on foot Teaching difficulty:To differ “subway” from“train”Teaching methods: Communicative ApproachTeaching aids:1. Word cards2. Tape recorder and tape3. Multi-media playerTeaching procedure:1. (Warm-up) Greeting: Good morning , class ! Glad to meet you again. How are you? What day is it? What

17、 s the date? Whats the weather like today?2. Presentation Show a picture of busT: Whats this? S: Its a bus.T: I go to school by bus. How do you go to school?(Show a picture of bike and help a student to answer with “I go to school by bike.”)(In the same ways)Teach “by subway” and “by train” “by ship

18、” “by plane” “on foot”. Subway: Its an underground railway in a cityIt travels very fastWe can see subway in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Gongzhou Explain the differences between subway and train Pay attention to the pre. “ by”& “on” 3. Play games Ask one S to the front and stick the word cards nex

19、t to the phrases written on the Bb when T read the new phrases quickly and the other Ss put up their cards. The one who reflect fastest and correctly is the winner.4. Listen to the tape of Part A Lets learn and follow it.Pay attention to the tone and pronunciation5. Practice: Lets playT Offer many p

20、laces (the USA. England Australia Hong Kong Shanghai Guangzhou the moon) and traffic ways (by car/ taxi/ bus on foot)Ss practice with above places and ways in pairs:A: How do you go to school?B: I go to school on foot.Encourage the Ss to make up as many sentences as they can.6. Spelling competitionD

21、ivide the class into tow groups. Show the pictures of traffic tools and ask Ss to spell the phrases. The first one who puts up hand gets the chance to spell. The group spell out more phrases are the winners.Homework Copy the new words and phrases Finish Page1 of the ABBb design:Unit One How can I ge

22、t there?How do you go to school/ Canada?I go to school on foot/ by subway/ bus/ train/ taxiTeaching reflection: 本单元描述目的地的方位、问路、为人指路是人们在生活中经常会遇到的情况。学生熟悉各种交通工具及简单的交通规则。本单元从表述地名post office(邮局),hospital(医院),cinema(电影院),bookstore(书店)science museum(科学博物馆)等基础上,熟悉英语中方向的表达及 如何到达目的地的方法和途径,内容体现了循序渐进的特点。为了让学生熟记

23、本单元的3个方向词turn left, turn right, go street我把它们编成一首歌谣:left,left,turn left; right, right, turn right, go, go, go straight. 这三句每一句都是四拍,很有节奏感,而且辅助于动作,琅琅上口,学生便于识记,教学效果不错。 Chant的目的在于巩固三个方向,为方位的描述打下基础。另外,在教学中,采用游戏、表演等活动形式 ,有利于充分调动学生的学习积极性,有利于学生积极主动参与到课堂教学的各类活动中去. 英语新课程强调对学生实际语言运用能力的培养。在本单元的课堂教学设计中,从学生的学习兴趣、

24、生 活经验和认知水平出发,设计了大量听、说、读、写的单独练习和混合练习,练习的设计遵循从易到难 、由简到繁、从听说到读写的规律,如:猜词语、猜名胜、连词成句、阅读短文、书写句子等等。通过 这一系列的练习活动,旨在在培养学生的语言运用能力。 Unit1 How can I get there? Period TwoTeaching contents: Lets try & lets talkTeaching aims:1. To master the four skills sentence: “How do you go to school? Usually I go to school on

25、 footSometimes I go by bike”2. To enable the Ss to ask and answer about traffic ways and explain the simple reason why he or she chose this traffic way.I go to school on foot, because my home is near.3. To make the Ss understand the listening material in “Lets try” 情感目的Teaching focus:文中的新句子 To use a

26、nd write the following key sentences: How do you go to school? Usually I go to school by bike. Sometimes I go on foot.Teaching difficult points:To write the key sentences: How do you go to school? Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike.To use Adverbs of frequency: usually, sometimesT

27、eaching aids: Tape recorder Teaching cards a piece of paperTeaching procedure:1. (Warm-up) T: Good morning! How do you go to school today? What about you? Do you go by bus,too?” 2. Have a dictationAsk the Ss to dictate the new words learnt in the last lesson.On foot、 by bus、 by train、 by plane、 by s

28、ubway3. Letstry Guide the Ss to look at the pictures and ask Whos the boy? Hes Mike. How does Mike go to school? Play the tape and listen: John:How do you go to school,Mike? Mike:I usually go to school by bikeSometimes I go 0n foot John:Is your home near our school? Mike:Yesit is J0hn:Thats fine!4.

29、(Presentation)Lets talkT: How do I go to school,do you know? Ask me,please!Draw a bike, a bus, a taxi on the Bb and write the price by each picture. Bus 1 yuan taxi 10 yuanEncourage the Ss to ask “How do you go to school? T: Usually I go to school by bike, because its good exerciseSometimes I go by

30、bus,because its cheapIt costs l yuan. Sometimes I go by taxi,because its fast,but its too expensiveIt costs 1o yuanExplain that we use usually and sometimes to express frequency.T: “How does Sarah go to school? Listen”Ask the S to imitate Sarahs tone to answer Sarah: Usually I to go school on foot.

31、Sometimes I go bike.Ss read after the tape. Then practice in pairs to make up the new dialogue according to each picture. Ask several pairs to act out the dialogue. 5. Group workRead the dialogue .Then practice in groups of four. They can expand their dialogue like the following: A:How do you go to

32、school/ hometown? B:Usually I go by bus A:Can you go by bike? B: Yes,I can,but its too farSometimes I go by taxi,because its fast, but its expensive. What about you?A:I go to school on foot,because my home is near6. Play finding order gamesShow the following word cards and ask Ss to form correct sen

33、tences.How, do, go, to, school, youI, usually, on, go, school, to, footSometimes, by, bike, go, I Homework:Finish AB Page2Bb design Unit 1 How can I get there A Lets talkWhere is the museum shop? I want to buy a postcard.Teaching reflection:小学高年级学生的思维是从形象思维过渡到抽象思维的重要阶段,他们的抽象思维已经有了一定的发展,但是抽象思维的发展很多时候

34、还要依赖于具体、形象的事物的帮助。本节课主要让学生学习使用turnleft,turnright,gostraight等语言进行问路、指路,而左转、右转等空间思维能力正是很多学生有待发展的抽象思维能力。因此,本节课的教学重点不仅只是让学生学会使用语言,更重要的是发展学生的空间思维能力。在教学中,我先用touch your lefteye,touchyour接rightear,raiseyourlefthand,stampyourrightfoot等语言,让学生在听做中“触摸左右”;我又用show meyourlefthand,turnleft,showmeyourrighthand,turnri


36、料,触景生情,激活思维,激发表达思想的欲望。Unit1 How can I get there? How do you go to school? Usually I go to school on foot, because its near. Sometimes I go by bike, because its fast.Period ThreeTeaching contents: Lets readTeaching aims:1. To improve reading skill 2. To consolidate the traffic ways3. To improve under

37、standing ability.Teaching focus: How do we go to the park? Its easy. How to finish answering the questions in the bookTeaching difficult points:How to express the different ways to a place Teaching aids:Tape recorder a piece of paper masks of Zhang Peng and SarahTeaching procedure:1. ReviewFree talk

38、 2. Dictation 复习上节课学过的句子和词语How do you go to school?Usually I go to school on foot.Sometimes I go by bike. What about you?3. Review different placesT: This is a very nice place. There are many students and teachers. There are many rooms, such as classroom, art room, music room Whats it?Its a beautifu

39、l place. Many people like to play in it. There are nice flowers, trees and grass. There are toys. What is it?Its a park.4. PresentationT: Where is my home? Do you want to know? Describe with different traffic ways and use “first” “next” “then” . Its a little far from here. First I go to Zenbu bus st

40、op on foot. Then I can go by the No.74 bus to the East Bus Station. We live on the ninth floor,Room902. Explain “then”5 T ask individual :Where is your home? Is it near the park? Which floor? In pairs practice above questions6 Play the tape and students follow it.Ask: How can we go to Sarahs home? H

41、ow can they go to the park?Finish answering the questions, and then check the answers.7. PracticeRead the text. Boys to be Zhang Peng ,and girls to be Sarah. 男女分组朗读Work in pairs to read the dialogue.Ask several pairs to act out.8. Make up new dialogues Homework: Do Page 5 in AB Make a survey and fil

42、l in the following form Name Destination What can you see there?How do you go there?Bb design:How do we go to the park?Its easy.Which floor?The fifth floor, Room 5ATeaching reflection:本节课教学思路清晰,较好地完成了教学目标;精心制作多媒体课件,通过各种形式呈现,调动了学生的积极性,活跃了课堂气氛。能设计课堂小组活动有效拓展所学内容。其中Pair work是最受学生喜欢的一个活动。既能培养了学生的动手操作能力又能

43、培养了他们的语言表达能力。“Changing English in the changing world”。要孩子们不断提高自己,扩充自己的知识才能将英语运用自如。本课围绕“问路”这个话题展开,开展许多活动,让孩子们根据地图展开对话,通过角色扮演操练所学句型,在轻松愉快的环境中体会学习语言,运用语言的乐趣。Period FourTeaching contents: Lets learn and lets playTeaching aims:1. To master the phrases: Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a

44、 green light. 2. To know some traffic rules about traffic lightsTeaching focus: To understand the traffic lights commands and do the action: Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light.Teaching difficult points: To understand the meaning of the three traffic lights and do the co

45、rrect action of the commands Teaching aids:Tape recorder A flash card of traffic lights Word cardsTeaching procedure:1. Free talk2. ReviewHow do you go ?Ss should make a true answer and give the reason.3. Warm-upAsk Ss to do actions when they hear the orderStand up, touch your ears, Turn Left, right, go, turn around4. Revise the words of colours 5. T: ( show traffic lights)What are they?They are traffic lights.T: How many


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