2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破单元整合训练:2 .doc

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1、单元整合训练(二)语言知识再落实.单句语法填空1Weve known our donors(donate) for at least a year.2She assisted him in correcting(correct) the proof.3The people declared against being ruled by a cruel king.4She tried every means to cure her child of the bad habit.5You cant correspond with your mother because she doesnt hav

2、e a computer.6We made a just assessment(assess) of the situation.7Our enterprise possesses complete equipment and advanced(advance) technology.8We have invited a famous actor to give away the prizes.9He held on to a branch until we came to his rescue. 10The guards permitted me to bring(bring) my cam

3、era and tape recorder.完成句子1到明天下午4点,我会干完所有的活儿。By four oclock tomorrow afternoon,I will have finished all the work2他正在街上散步,这时突然看到一位老人从自行车上摔下来。He was walking in the street when he saw an old man fall off his bike.3毫无疑问,那是一个奇怪而有趣的局面。There is no doubt that it was a strange and interesting situation.4要不是开

4、会,我早就回家了。But for the meeting,I would have gone home at the time5他经常帮助我学英语,这有助于我英语水平的提高。She often assists me with English,which helps me improve my English.微写作用本单元词汇或句式完成写作任务1公布损失评估后,源源不断的捐款被送到了灾区。(declare,assess,donate) 2捐款被用来帮助那些处于饥饿状态的人们。(assist,starvation)3这时,每个人都意识到人们之间已经没有了歧视,人人生而平等。(aware,disc

5、rimination,equal)4毫无疑问,人们在灾难面前表现出的这种大爱可以弥补一切矛盾和隔阂。(there is no doubt,make up for,conflict,estrangement) 5同时,人们之间重新建立起来的这种原始的、朴素的情感会激励我们奋发有为。(meanwhile,primitive,emotion,enthusiastic and press on) 【参考范文】After the declaration of assessment of the loss, constant donation was sent to the disasterhit are

6、a to assist the people in starvation.On this occasion, everyone was aware that there was no discrimination and that everyone was born equal.There is no doubt that the great love shown in the face of disaster can make up for all the conflicts and estrangement.Meanwhile, the primitive, simple emotion

7、set up among people will inspire us to be enthusiastic and press on.高考语篇再强化.阅读理解Why do human beings still risk their lives under ground and doing one of the dirtiest and most dangerous jobs in the world? It is an increasingly urgent question,given the recent mining accidents in Sago,W.Va and Hunting

8、ton,Utah.A small group of engineers and robotics experts look forward to a day in the nottoodistant future when robots and other technology do most of the dangerous mining work.Robotic technology, in particular,holds much promise,McAteer says,especially when it comes to mapping mines and rescuing tr

9、apped minersthe special operations of the mining industry.One of the first mining robots was developed five years ago at Carnegie Mellon Universitys Robotics Institute.It was called Groundhog. It used lasers(激光器)to“see”in dark tunnels and map abandoned minessome of the most dangerous work in the bus

10、iness.The latest design is called Cave Crawler.Its a bit smaller than Groundhog, and even more advanced.It can take photos and videos and has more sensors that can detect the presence of dangerous gases.Incredibly,the robot has a real sense of logic. If it comes across an obstacle it gets momentaril

11、y confused.It has to think about what to do and where to go next.Sometimes it throws a fit just like a real person.The greatest problem,though,is cost.The money of the earliest research project was provided by the government,but that money had dried up,and its not clear where future money will come

12、from. Partly for that reason,and partly because of advances in safety,mining is not nearly as dangerous as it was in the past.Since 1990, fatalities(致命性) have declined by 67% and injuries by 51%,according to the National Mining Association.Some experts predict that robots in mines will serve much of

13、 the same function that they do in the automotive industry. The robots do the most boring and dangerous jobs,but wont get rid of the need for human workers.【语篇解读】文章介绍了一种新研发的机器人,和以前的Groundhog相比,它有真正的逻辑能力,最重要的是,它可以帮助矿工们做一些危险的事情。1The latest robot is more advanced than Groundhog, mainly because Ait can

14、map abandoned minesBit has a real sense of logicCit can see in the dark tunnelsDits smaller than GroundhogB细节理解题。文章第四段讲述了这种最新机器人的先进之处,由第四句“Incredibly,the robot has a real sense of logic.”可知最新的机器人比Groundhog更先进,因为它有真正的逻辑能力,故B项正确。2The underlined phrase “throws a fit” in Paragraph 4 probably means“ ”Age

15、ts sickBgets angryCbecomes hungryDbecomes cheerfulB词义猜测题。根据上文可知当机器人遇到障碍时会疑惑,如果不能解决,它会生气。故B项正确。3We can infer from the last paragraph that Athe mine robots will have a very bright futureBrobots in mines will serve much in the automotive industryCthere will be no need for human workers in minesDrobots

16、in mines only do some simple jobs nowA推理判断题。根据最后一段可知矿场机器人会在汽车制造业发挥相同的作用,它们不会取代人类,但它们会在人类的帮助下去做最无聊、最危险的工作,因此矿场机器人有更光明的未来。故A项正确。.完形填空I grew up in an ordinary family, which is not so well off. I could understand the 1 my parents were bearing at that time. 2 ,I work very hard now in the hope of entering

17、 the university and changing the 3 of my family and me.I think that in a certain sense, difficult situations can 4 a persons potential and pave the way for him to 5 One can be strong, brave and 6 after all these hardships he has 7 . All in all,I think that flowers from a greenhouse can never 8 a sto

18、rm and that a hard life is good for children.So I think parents should make their children grow strong, by helping them experience life in bad conditions, 9 which a child will value the labour and be capable of facing hardships.I lived a happy childhood. Not only did my parents love me from the 10 o

19、f their hearts, but also they gave me chances to increase my ability.My parents 11 primary importance to the management of my pocket money, which brought the 12 that often I could only watch my friends eating candies with my empty pocket. This experience helped me 13 the truth that my parents worked

20、 hard to earn a living,and so would I in the future.As the saying 14 , “No pains, no gains.”It is 15 that the way one lives in his childhood plays an important part in his development. If one is 16 in a family that is wasteful, he is likely to be lazy when he grows up. 17 , a child who lives a hard

21、life in his childhood, learning that one must be independent and frugal (节约的) to face the challenge,is 18 be strong. On parents part,they can teach the child to help support the family. More can be done 19 food,hard work and bad conditions.Instead of being 20 , children should eat bitter food to lea

22、rn to be frugal, do hard work to learn to cherish,and be sent to somewhere tough to learn to be brave.【语篇解读】作者通过自己的经历和感悟向我们讲述了为什么逆境能帮助我们成功。正所谓:只有经历风雨,才能见彩虹。1A.povertyBthoughtsCrichnessDhardshipsD上一句说作者家里不富裕(not so well off),所以作者能理解父母所遭受的“困难(hardships)”。第二段的第二句也有暗示。poverty“贫穷”有很大的干扰,但该词含义较窄,不符合语境。2A.


24、,均不符合语境。5A.failureBsuccessCpleasureDrecreationBsuccess“成功”;failure“失败”;pleasure“高兴,愉快”;recreation“娱乐,消遣”。由上下文可知选B。6A.awfulBcarefulCgreedyDfaithfulD这几个词中只有faithful“忠诚的”和strong,brave同属于经受困难后形成的品质。awful“很坏的”;careful“仔细的,谨慎的”;greedy“贪婪的”。7A.looked throughBgot throughCseen throughDgone throughDlook throu

25、gh“浏览”;get through“顺利通过,拨通(电话)”;see through“看透”;go through“经历(苦难等)”。一个人只有经历了所有这些苦难之后,才会变得坚强、勇敢和忠诚。故选D。8A.understandBwithstandCenjoyDrealizeBwithstand“经受住,承受”。这里是作者打的比方:温室里的花朵是经不起暴风雨的。understand“理解”;enjoy“享受”;realize“意识到”,均不符合语境。9A.toBatConDthroughDthrough在此意为通过,表示方式。10A.bottomBtopCcentreDtipAfrom th

26、e bottom of ones heart意思是“真心地,真诚地”。句意:我有一个幸福的童年,我的父母不仅真心爱我,他们还给了我提高能力的机会。11A.approachedBattainedCattachedDattemptedCattach importance to“重视”。 父母非常重视对我的零花钱的管理。approach“接近,靠近”;attain(经过努力)“获得,得到”;attempt“试图,尝试”,均不符合语境。12A.experimentBevidenceCconvenienceDconsequenceD这里说的是父母对我的零花钱管理的“结果(consequence)”:口袋

27、空空,只能看着别人吃糖。13A.realizeBrecognizeCadmitDreflectA这段经历使我意识到为了谋生父母在辛苦地工作,将来我也会这样。realize“意识到”,符合语境。recognize“认出”;admit“承认”;reflect“反映”。14A.talksBgoesCstatesDexplainsBas the saying goes意思是“正如谚语所说的那样”,是固定用法。15A.variousBseriousCobviousDboringCIt is obvious that.“很明显”。很明显,一个人小时候的生活方式在他一生的发展中起着重要的作用。various

28、“各种各样的”;serious“严肃的,严重的”;boring“乏味的”。16A.brought inBbrought upCbrought aboutDbrought outBbring up“抚养”。一个人如果在一个爱挥霍的家庭里长大,当他长大后很有可能会变得懒惰。bring in“引入,赚得”;bring about“引起,导致”;bring out“使显现”,均不符合语境。17A.On the contraryBOn earthCOn the wholeDWhats worseA这里说的是生长在困难家庭中的孩子长大后的特点,与前面说的生长在爱挥霍的家庭中的孩子长大后的特点形成对比,所以

29、应该选on the contrary“正相反”。18A.ready toBanxious toCdetermined toDbound toDbe bound to“一定”。相反,孩提时代生活艰难的孩子,为了迎接挑战,学会了自立和节俭,这样他一定会很强大。be ready to do sth.“愿意做某事”;be anxious to do sth.“渴望做某事”;be determined to do sth.“决心做某事”。19A.exceptBapart fromCaway fromDmore thanBapart from“除了(还有)”,在这里相当于besides。except表示“除之外”;away from“远离”;more than“超过”。20A.accustomedBashamedCspoiledDpuzzledC不能“溺爱(spoil)”孩子,孩子应该。


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