2019-2020同步译林英语选修十新突破讲义:Unit 4 Section Ⅳ Task & Project .doc

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1、Section Task & Project.从三个选项中选择最佳答案1Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?AThe WIPO recognizes intellectual property as ideas that belongs to only a person.BLaws have been passed to protect intellectual property in all countries.CGenerally speaking,ideas are more valuabl

2、e than many things in the physical world.2Why is it considered necessary to protect intellectual property rights?Because Aif someone creates something,he or she deserves to be paid for this.Bto protect intellectual property rights does good to knowledge.Cit can let us download more videos free from

3、the Internet.3Who are most likely to be breaking intellectual property laws?APeople with advanced technical skills.BPeople with no technical skills about computers.COrdinary people who never surf on the Internet.【答案】1.C2.A3.A.判断正(T)误(F)1Xu Jin wrote to Miss Li to apologize to her for him not studyin

4、g hard.()2Xu Jin and his friend went to the Internet cafe to play computer games every day.()3Once Xu Jin stole money from the tin on the class monitors desk.()【答案】1.F2.F3.T1(教材P58)How do you know it was me?It could have been anyone.你怎么知道是我?有可能是别人呀!【要点提炼】could have done在此处表示对过去所发生的事情的推测,意为“有可能做过某事”。

5、could have done用法如下:(1)表示对过去的推测(可用于肯定句、否定句或疑问句),当用在疑问句或陈述句中时,其意为“可能做过某事”;当用在否定句中时,意为“不可能做过某事”,此时能与cant have done互换。He couldnt have told her about it.他不可能把这事告诉她了。(2)表示过去没有实现的可能性,意为“本来能够做却没有”,含有委婉地责备某人之意。You could have come here a little earlier.你本该早点来的。(3)表示“差点儿就要”。I could have died laughing.我差点儿就要笑死

6、了。should/ought to have done表示过去本应该做某事而没有做shouldnt/ought not to have done表示本不应该做某事实际上却做了must/may/might have done表示一定做了或可能已经做了某事(must语气最肯定,只用于肯定句,否定形式用cant have done。)neednt have done表示本没有必要做某事而实际上却做了would have done表示过去本会发生某事而没有发生wouldnt have done表示过去本来不会发生某事却发生了It must have rained last night,for the

7、road was quite muddy.昨晚一定下过雨了,因为地面很泥泞。You shouldnt have let out the secret.你不该泄露这个秘密的。Mr.Smith cant have gone to Beijing,for I saw him in the library just now.史密斯先生不可能去北京了,我刚才还在图书馆看见他。完成句子史密斯夫人不可能错过火车。Mrs.Smith the train.你本来应该先征得我的同意。You my permission first.昨天肯定下雪了。It yesterday.【答案】cant/couldnt have

8、 missedshould/ought to have askedmust have snowed2pay sb./sth.back还钱,还债;报仇,报复(教材P59)I know it is a lame excuse,but I thought I would be able to pay it back.我知道这不是一个充分的借口,但我想我会还钱的。Can you lend me some money?I can pay you back tomorrow.你能借给我点儿钱吗?我明天就可以还给你。Hell pay you back for making him look like a f

9、ool in front of everybody.你让他当众出丑,他不会放过你的。pay for付款;支付费用;偿还pay off 还清;偿清;报复;偿还;结清工资解雇(某人);成功pay out 付巨款;放松(绳子);放出pay up (不情愿地)付清;还清(债务)I paid five dollars for the books.我花了五美元买这些书。After all these years,weve at last paid off all our debts.经过这么多年,我们总算把债还清了。完成句子他答应明天还。He promised to me tomorrow.你必须还清旧债

10、,才能重新贷款。Youll have to your old loan before being allowed a new one.【答案】pay;backpay off3(教材P62)If someone spends his or her time,effort and money writing a book,for example,he or she deserves to be paid for it.例如,如果有人花了他或她的时间、精力和金钱来写一本书,他或她也值得他人为此付费。(1)spend.花费做He has spent two yuan on sweets.买糖果他已用去

11、了2元钱。He spent half a year (in) writing a short play.他花了半年的时间写了一个短剧。明辨异同spend/cost/pay/takespend多指花费时间、金钱和精力,它的主语必须是人。常用sb.spend.on sth./(in)doing sth.结构。cost常指花费金钱、精力、劳力、生命、健康等,一般不用于花费时间。其主语必须是“事或物”,不以人作主语,它可以接一个宾语,也可接双宾语。结构为:sth.cost money,sth.cost sb.money/energy/life/health。pay主语是人,宾语可以是人或金钱等,与介词

12、for搭配。常用sb.pay(.)for sth.结构。take作“花费”讲时,可用来指花费时间、精力;take意为(need/require)需要,后可接勇气,想象力等,主语常用it,可以是“事情”,有时也可以是人。常用于It takes sb.some time to do sth.;It takes some time for sb.to do sth.或sb.takes some time to do sth.结构。Mary spends all her free time painting.玛丽把所有的时间都用来绘画。A full days activities will cost

13、you 45.全天的活动花费为45英镑。It took me one hour to drive from the village to the town.驾车从村子到小镇花了我一个小时的时间。用take/spend/cost/pay的适当形式填空Every morning he half an hour on English.He a lot of money in buying a new car.Making experiments like this much time and labour.He had to 50,000 yuan for his new house.It the

14、professor three years to carry out the experiment.【答案】spendsspentcostpaytook(2)deserve vt.应受;该得They deserved to have a good rest.他们应该好好休息一下。He deserves this glory.他应该得到这一荣誉。The article deserves careful study.这篇文章值得仔细研究。deserve to do 应该做;值得做deserve doing/to be done 值得(被)做deserve consideration/attenti

15、on 值得考虑/关注He deserves to be praised for what he did.He deserves praising for what he did.他的所作所为值得赞扬。完成句子她应该赢,因为她是最好的。She because she was the best.她工作做得很好,应当受到赞扬。She did a good job, and so she She did a good job, and so she 【答案】deserved to windeserved to be praised; deserved praising4product n用作可数名词,

16、也可作不可数名词。产品;产物;产量;出产;结果;成果(教材P62)In the same way,if a company spends money researching and developing new products,that company should be paid for its work.同样的是,如果一家公司花了金钱研究和开发新产品,那么该公司也应该为此得到报酬。They came here in search of new markets for their products.他们来这儿为他们的产品寻找新市场。The plan was the product of m

17、any days of careful thought.这个计划是许多天仔细考虑的成果。明辨异同produce/product/productionproduce(不可数)和product(可数)在表示“产品”时,都可以表示农产品、工业品、天然产品等,两者常可换用。但produce多指“农产品”,product则多指“工业产品”。production也可表示“产品”(可数),但主要指“艺术作品”,此时也可用product,但不如前者常用。选词填空(product/produce/production)The farmers brought their to town early each Sa

18、turday morning.Our car is a of that factory.The company is famous for the of small cars.【答案】produce productproduction5valuable adj.贵重的;有价值的;宝贵的;珍贵的(教材P62).and ideas are more valuable than many things in the physical world.在物质世界里想法要比许多其他东西更有价值。I wont waste any more of your valuable time.我不再浪费你的宝贵时间了。

19、明辨异同valuable/invaluable/valueless/pricelessvaluable有价值的,值钱的,宝贵的(of great value)。比它语气更强的是priceless,意为“无价的;极贵重的”(of such a high value that it cant be calculated)。invaluable无价的,非常宝贵的(very valuable)。在现代英语中,它一般不用来谈论价格(price)或钱(money),而是指“极其有用的”(very useful indeed)。valueless不值钱的,无用的(without value),同义词是wor

20、thless。priceless无价的,极珍贵的。This ancient gold coin isnt just valuable;its priceless.这枚古金币不只是有价值,而且是无价之宝。Your assistance has been invaluable.你的帮助的确是太有用了(或无法估价)。The metal looked like gold,but in fact it was valueless/worthless.这块金属看起来像黄金,但实际上是不值钱的。Our family photos are priceless.我们的家庭照片是极其珍贵的。选词填空(valuab

21、le/invaluable/valueless/priceless)A dictionary is an aid in learning a new language.He bought me a diamond ring as a birthday present.The vase is , so he sold it at a low price.The painting was her great treasure.【答案】invaluablevaluablevaluelesspriceless6(教材P62)To help control such problems and smoot

22、h the progress of international trade,the World Trade Organization(WTO)was formed.为帮助控制这样的问题和促进国际贸易平稳发展,世界贸易组织(WTO)成立了。(1)control vt.控制;管理Control yourself;dont get angry.你要克制自己,不要发火。Who controls the factory?谁管理这个工厂?control n控制;支配;管理;调节;抑制have control of/over 有控制权in control of 控制;负责in the control of

23、被控制/管理under control 在控制中;得到控制under the control of 在控制/支配之下out of control 不受控制/支配lose control (of) 失去(对的)控制beyond/outside sbs control 无法/不受某人的控制take/gain control (of) 得到/取得(对的)控制Shes a good teacher who has control of her class.她是个优秀的教师,能够管理好课堂纪律。He was in control of the car.他负责这辆小汽车。The fire got out

24、of control.火势变得无法控制。完成句子A new advance has been made (在控制方面)malaria.I was so furious that I (不能控制自己)and I hit him.【答案】in control ofcouldnt control myself(2)smooth v使光滑;使平滑;把弄平;变平静;变缓和;使(脸部表情)平和下来;引申为“消除困难、障碍”等。She smoothed her dress with an electric iron.她用电熨斗烫平她的连衣裙。Things have smoothed down.事情已经缓和下

25、来。(1)smooth down 弄平整;弄平坦smooth away 摆脱(困难);排除(困难)smooth out (用手)弄平;把弄平整smooth over 缓和;调解(困难等)(2)smooth adj. 平滑的;平坦的;平静的;(事情)进行顺利的;(性情等)平和的That road is smooth.那是一条平坦的路。The old man has a smooth temper.老人性格温和。完成句子几个组之间的所有分歧很快消除了。Any differences between groups were soon 她和争执双方谈话,试图进行调解。She spoke to both

26、 sides in the dispute in an attempt to things 【答案】smoothed awaysmooth;over7alone adj.独自的;单独的adv.独自;单独;仅仅(教材P63)In 2005 alone,film companies in Hollywood lost around$3 to $4 billion because of illegal copying and downloading from the Internet.仅2005年一年中,由于非法复制和网络非法下载,好莱坞的电影公司就损失了大约30至40亿美元。(1)用作形容词时,一

27、般作表语。He is alone.他独自一人。We are not alone in thinking that he is a cheat.不仅是我们认为他是骗子。(2)用作副词时,除表示“独自”外,还可表示“仅仅”,注意要放在有关的词语之后。He alone can do it.只有他才做得了。He wants to be alone with her.他想同她单独在一起。(3)可用all,much,very much等修饰。He is all/much/very much alone.他孤身一人。(4)按传统英语alone通常表示客观上的一个人或没有外人,一般不表示主观上的“孤寂”,但在

28、现代英语中,alone有时也可表示此意。lonely另有“荒凉的”意思。He felt terribly alone when Jane left.简离开后他感到很寂寞。选词填空(alone/lonely)He has so few friends that his life is She spends more and more time in her room.【答案】lonelyalone8challenge n. 用作名词,意为“挑战;邀请比赛;艰巨的事;指责”vt.用作动词,意为“向挑战;对提出异议;怀疑;反对;需要;刺激;激发”(教材P63)At present,pirated m

29、usic and software are a serious challenge to the music and software industries.目前,盗版音乐和软件给音乐和软件这两个产业带来了严重的挑战。To build a road in the mountainous area was a real challenge.在山区修筑公路的确是件艰巨的事。challenge sb.to (do) sth.向某人挑战(做)某事face/meet/(rise to) challenge 迎接挑战I challenged him to show his proof.我要他拿出证据。He

30、 challenged my view on that matter.他就我对那件事的看法提出异议。完成句子那个新职位激发他在业余时间更加努力学习。The new position still harder during his spare time.更新传统观念以迎接挑战。Traditional values are redefined to 【答案】challenged him to studymeet challenges如何写评论性文章英语的评论性文章的内容大多为对关于社会现象、热点时事等的英语写作,通常可以分三段来操作。第一段可以剖析这个社会现象产生的原因(可以从客观和主观两方面去探

31、索)。客观方面主要就是政府教育和法律实施。主观方面主要就是谈人们的主观认识的欠缺。第二段中,往往分析此类社会现象的危害性。可以多点表达,分别对社会、对他人,最后可以谈到对当事人的危害。在表达的时候要注意连接词的使用,使文章连贯,逻辑性强。在尾段中,要谈自己对这种社会现象的认识和建议。 在建议这方面,可以针对第一段中所分析的原因,分别从政府、社会等客观层面和人们主观方面来给出建议。由于电脑的普及,使用盗版软件、电影和音乐等的现象变得很普遍。请结合下面三点,写一篇100词左右的英语作文。1盗版已对社会产生了不良影响:影响竞争,破坏市场秩序,阻碍创新;2盗版泛滥的原因:唯利是图,缺乏法律,缺乏教育;

32、3如何制止盗版软件。第1步思路分析透彻是前提本篇作文可以从以下几个方面入手:首先介绍盗版的影响,然后分析盗版泛滥的原因。最后提出制止盗版的建议与方法。第2步词汇必用词汇是关键1影响 2阻止做 3利润 4落在后面 5采取措施 6惩罚 【答案】1.affect/have an effect/influence/impact on2.prevent/stop/discourage/keep.from doing 3.profit4.fall behind5.take action/steps/measures6.punish第3步句式熟练翻译是根本1.现在随着计算机数量的不断增长,盗版成为一个很棘手

33、的问题。These days, ,piracy has become a tough problem.2更糟糕的是,它阻止人们创造一些新的东西。Worse still,it people creating new things.3人们没有意识到盗版软件带给市场的危害,并且喜欢去购买。 which pirated software would bring to the market and they like to buy it.4只有用这种方式,这个问题才能得以控制。 in this way be brought under control.【答案】1.with an increasing n

34、umber of computers2.discourages;from3.People are not aware of the harm4.Only;will it第4步成文连句成篇是目的 【参考范文】These days, with an increasing number of computers, piracy has become a tough problem.Worse still, it discourages people from creating new things.The reasons why pirated software has run wild are a

35、s follows.First,there is a huge profit behind it.Second, there is no very strict law to control the pirated software.People are not aware of the harm which pirated software would bring to the market and they like to buy it.In my opinion, our government should take strong action.To begin with, a law has to be worked out, and those who produce and sell pirated software have to be severely punished.Only in this way will it be brought under control.


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