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1、初中英语教案设计初中英语教案设计1 一、语言学问与技能 1.依据读音规则和音标拼读单词。 2.理解和领悟词语的基本含义、语法项目以及语言形式的基本结构和常用表意功能; 3.能在日常交际情景中听懂对话,例如,能听懂连续的指令并据此完成任务;能引出话题并进行几个回合的交谈; 4.能听懂接近正常语速、熟识话题的语段和简洁故事,获得相关信息; 5.能运用.词汇和.语言形式就熟识的话题进行交谈;能运用.词汇和.语言形式及(或)所给提示描述人、物、事务、行为、特征等,表达简洁的观点; 6.能在老师的指导下进行简洁的角色表演; 7.能连贯、流畅地朗读课文;能从简洁的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意;依据上下文揣

2、测生词的意思; 8.每天课外阅读量最少达到100词。 9.能运用.词汇和.语言形式以及参照范例(文章结构)写出简洁的文段等,包括起草和修改。 二、文化意识 10.了解语言和语用的文化因素,体验跨文化交际。 三、学习策略 11-(1)利用读音规则和音标拼读词汇,利用上下文、非语言信息等理解词义,联想学习和记忆词汇,构词法等。 11-(2)利用情境等理解语法结构和表意功能,发觉语言规律并举一反三。 11-(3)复习、整理归纳所学内容。 11-(4)利用预料、语调、重音、问题等来获得听力信息。 11-(5)在课内外活动中借助体态语用英语沟通。 11-(6)利用预料、跳读、寻读、细微环节读等来获得文章

3、信息。 11-(7)仿写短文,打算素材、起草短文并修改。 11-(8)明确目标,制定安排, 11-(9)了解并跨文化交际(恰当运用)。 四、情感看法 12.乐于参加英语活动,敢于用英语表达,主动与他人合作,体验自己的学习效果。 备教学 重、难点 内容 课标详细学问、技能、文化目标 学问与技能、文化意识的重、难点内容 课标详细策略目标选择 sectionA sectionB 目标1 在读写过程中,能够依据读音规则和音标拼读单词。 11-(1) 11-(2) 11-(3) 目标2 词汇: name,nice,to,meet,too,your,Ms.,his,and,her,yes,she,he,n

4、o,not. 语言形式: 1)whatsyourname?-Alan./ImAlan./MynamesAlan. 2)Nicetomeetyou. 3)Whatshisname?-HesEric./HisnamesEric. 4)Whatshername?-ShesMary./HernamesMary. 5)IsheJack?-Yes,heis./No,heisnt.HisnamesMike. 6)AreyouHelen?-Yes,Iam./No,Imnot.ImGina. 词汇: zero,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,teleph

5、one,number,phone,telephone/phonenumber,first,firstname,last,lastname,friend,China,middle,school,middleschool. 语言形式: 1)Whatsyourphonenumber?-Its/Myphonenumberis 2)Isthisyourphonenumber?-Yes,itis./No,itisnt. 3)Whatsyourfirst/given/last/familyname?-Myfirst/given/last/familynames #714286初中英语教案设计2 一、教材分析

6、 (一)教材的地位及作用 本课是新目标英语八年级上册第8单元,教材以 How was your school trip ? 为中心话题,围围着描述“过去发生的事情”绽开,学习和运用一般过去时态的一般疑问句Did you go/see /buy? Were there any?询问过去的事务,让学生学会谈论和共享过去发生的事务。本课教学内容与学生的实际生活亲密相关,易于引发学生运用简洁的英语进行交际和沟通。在学习活动中,学生通过交换对过去发生的事情的描述及看法,促进学生之间和师生之间的情感沟通,增进情意。Section A的主要学习内容是:复习一般过去时态和动词的规则与不规则改变,学习一般过去时

7、态的两种一般疑问句: Did you? Were there any ?教材支配了很多听,说,读,写的任务活动,我将敏捷运用这些活动,将其中的一些活动进行改变或整合,如:1c,2c和3c的Pairwork活动内容相像,我将把2c和3c整合成一个Interview(采访)的任务活动。 (二)教学目标 依据英语课程标准关于总目标的详细描述,结合第八单元的教材内容,我按语言学问、语言技能、学习策略、情感看法、文化意识五个方面将本单元的教学目标细化: 1、学问目标:单词:学习驾驭词汇aquarium, gift shop, seal, shark, hang out等。 功能:描述过去发生的事情 语言

8、结构:规则动词和不规则动词的一般过去式 一般过去时的一般疑问句 句型:Did you go to the zoo? Yes, I did. No, I didnt. I went to the aquarium. Were there any seals? Yes, there were. No, there werent any sharks.I saw some sharps/ I went to the aquarium. 2、语言技能:听:能识别不同句式的语调,并能依据语调改变,推断句子意义的改变;能听懂本课学习活动中的问题,做出较得体的回答。 说:能在本课的任务型活动如:嬉戏、调查、

9、故事接龙等中进行简洁有沟通。 读:能正确朗读本单元对话和句型;能查阅工具书为完成任务做打算。 写:能写出本节课学习的单词和句型,能运用简洁的句子写出过去的活动和感受。 3、学习策略:抓住用英语交际的机会,在交际中把留意力集中在意思的表达上,必要时借 助手势和表情。 主动参加学习活动,擅长和他人合作。 4、情感目标:通过描述过去所做的事,表达自己的看法,使学生在人际交往中学会敬重和理解别人,学会交换不同的看法,了解他人的喜好,增进情意。 5、文化意识:用恰当的方式表达赞扬或自己的观点;了解英、美国家中小学生的业余生活,培育世界意识。 #715505初中英语教案设计3 一、教学目标: 1. 语言学

10、问目标: 1) 学习驾驭下列词汇:copy, return 2)进行一步复习巩固学习Section A 部分所学的生词和词组。 3)对询问困难及提出的建议的句型,驾驭其规则。 4) 通过不同方式的练习,来娴熟运用询问及提建议的表达方式。 2. 情感看法价值观目标: 让学生了解每个人在生活中都有可能遇到一些挫折和不幸,我们多去向那些不幸和困难的人们多表示自己的爱心,多去理解和帮助他们,多向他们提出解决问题的建议而不是去讪笑他们。 二、教学重难点言 1. 教学重点: 1) 复习巩固Section A 部分所学的生词和词组,达到娴熟运用的目标。 2) 娴熟驾驭和运用询问困难和提建议的表达方式。 2.

11、 教学难点: 1) 总结询问问题和提出建议的句型,驾驭规则。 2) 练习运用所学的句型。 三、教学过程 Step 1 Warming- up and revision 1. Have a dictation of the new words learned in the last class. make sth. clear (同义词) _ talk (同义词) _ not allow (同义词) _ worried (同义词) _ get along with (同义词) _ communicate (名词)_ old (比较级) _ 2. Check the homework. 3. Le

12、t some Ss read the article in 3a. Then finish the short passage about Sad and Thirteen. (见课件) 1. Sad and Thirteen has some _. He cant _his family. His parents _ a lot. Its the only _ they have. When they _, its like a big black cloud _their home. He doesnt like it. His brother always watches whateve

13、r he wants until midnight. He _ to let him watch his favorite TV show. So He always feels _ and _ at home. 2. Robert Hunt thinks Sad and Thirteen should _ these feelings to his family. He should _ to help. Maybe he _ _ jobs around the house so that they have more time _. Second, he could sit down an

14、d _ _ his brother. He could _ that he _ him watching TV all the time, however, he should let him watch his _. #715040初中英语教案设计4 一、教学目标 1、复习一般疑问句is this a ? yes, it is. 2、复习四个单词a banana , a pear , a mango和a peach。 3、能运用一般疑问句is this a ?向他人询问和确认某件物品,语音语调正确。 4、学习歌谣mango. 二、教学重点、难点 会说歌谣mango; 复习所学的内容,要求发音

15、正确。 三、课前打算 图片,录音磁带,单词卡片等,预先写好课题unit 5 fruit 四、教学过程 step 1sing a song 组织学生齐唱歌曲goodmorning . step 2 free talk 利用图片复习一般疑问句is this a ? yes, it is.及文具和水果单词。 t: hello, boys and girls. is this a ? ss: yes, it is. step 3 play a game 这是一个“摸摸猜猜”嬉戏。老师打算好一个不透亮的包,放入须要的物品。 1、讲解嬉戏的做法。 2、带领全班学生做嬉戏。老师先做示范。 t: boys a

16、nd girls, lets play a game. t: look! this is my bag. there are many fruit in it, but you cant see it. you can touch and guess. let me try first.(老师将手伸入包里摸一下水果,想一下,然后闭上眼睛推想is this a .?一边说一边将水果拿出来给学生看,等到学生赐予应答后才睁开眼睛看自己说的对不对。) #715039初中英语教案设计5 Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector and a map of world

17、. Teaching Objectives: 1. Practise listening ability. 2. Revise the grammar: the Comparative Degrees of Adjective and Adverbs The Past Perfect Tense Language Focus: Checkpoint 18 Teaching Procedures: I. Showing the teaching aims II. Revision Check homework, then ask the students to read the partners

18、' homework to share with each other. Revise the use of the Infinitive III. leading in T: Today we'll learn something about Coco. Do you know where she is from? IV. Listening practice Play the tape or for the students to listen and find the answer, then look at the workbook, Exercise 1, go th

19、rough the questions with the students and make sure they can understand what they mean. Play the tape again, let the students discuss their answers in pains before the teacher checks the answers with the whole class. V. Presentation Show the students a map of the world, and ask: What map is it? Help

20、 the students find “China” and “India” on the map. Let the students discuss the two countries: They are developing countries. They have a large population in the world. Ask: Whats the population of China and whats the population of India? Let the students read Part 2 and answer the questions. (China

21、's population is 1 328 000 000 and India's population is 1 000 000 000). Thats to say Indias population is smaller than Chinas .Ask the students to use the words in the box to complete the passage, then read together, finally ask the students to retell the text. VI. Practice Revise the Gramm

22、ar: The Past Perfect Tense, give some examples: 1. He had left before his wife came back. 2. I remembered that Peter had already got a bike. 3. By the end of last month, he had learned 2000 new words. 4. When I got to the cinema, the film had begun. Then ask the students to do Exercise 3. The answer

23、s are: 1 C 2 E 3 A 4 B 5 D. Let the students read these sentences together. VII. Practice Ask the students to do Exercise 4 first, then check the answers. The answers are: had, in, is, more, the, had, to, in, had, that, to, us, and, to VIII. Workbook Give the students five minutes to finish workbook

24、. Do Exercises 1, 3 and 4. Then check the answers. The answers to Exercise 1 are: took, went, found, was, called, told, had happened, said, would go, came, was found, checked, founded, said, stole, went, enjoyed, came, found, had stolen, had The answers to Exercise 3 are: I worn out 2 try on 3 slow

25、down 4 made up my mind 5 am pleased with 6 were angry with, deserve to 7 at least 8 as if 9 carried on IX. Summary Exercises in class Fill in the blanks according to the text in this unit. Lucy and Lily are_1_. They are living together_2_. But sometimes they fight. It doesn't last too_3_. They_4

26、_very well with each other again. They look_5_, so it's hard for people to recognize them: Who is Lucy_6_Lily. We always_7_mistakes. They feel_8_. They like most of the same things, for example: music, food and_9_. But Lily likes to_10_, Lucy likes to_11_, they dont like the same colour,_12_. So

27、 they have some_13_Sometimes they disagree, but they never_14_. They love each other and they are_15_happy that they are twins. Answers: 1.twins 2.most of the time 3.long 4.get on 5.the same 6.or 7.make 8. the same 9. books 10 .dance 11. sing 12. either 13. differences 14. fight 15.both X. Homework


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