2022初中教案北师大版初一(上)英语第4讲:Unit Two 语法篇(原卷版).doc

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1、Unit Two 语法篇 _ 重点掌握名词单复数和祈使句的用法 重点语法:一、名词的用法 名词可以分为可数名词与不可数名词,其中可数名词具有单、复数的形式;而不可数名词没有复数形式。(1)从单数到复数,变形规则如下: 1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds 2.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, watch-watches 3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families(家庭), strawberry-strawberries

2、4.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives 5.不规则名词复数:man-men, woman-women, policeman(男警察-policemen, policewoman(女警察)-policewomen, mouse-mice,child(孩子)-children,foot-feet,. tooth-teeth,fish-fish, sheep(羊)-sheep people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese,当people后加上s时即peoples表示“民族”例如:There are 56

3、 peoples in China. 中国有56个民族。 6.国家变复数的口诀:中日友好是一致,即 Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese; 英法联盟a变e 即Englishman- Englishmen Frenchman -Frenchmen 其余都加s 如:Americans Germans注意:fish当一条鱼讲时,单复数同形,如three fish.当各种各样的鱼讲时即强调鱼的种类时,要加es. , 如:all kindskaindz of fishes .各种各样的鱼(2).以下词为常为不可数名词,他们的复数形式就是他们本身。 Water(水) mil

4、k(牛奶) tea(茶) rice(米饭) orange(橙汁)juice(果汁)bread(面包)二、祈使句(1)用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句。(2)祈使句无主语,说话的对象是you。(3)祈使句的否定形式需要在动词之前添加dont。(4)朗读应当用降调,句末常标感叹号。1.There are three _ and five _ in the room.A. American, Japanese B. Americans, JapaneseC. American, Janpaneses D.Americans, Janpaneses2.Please _ look

5、outside. Look at the blackboard.9 D/ n0 u- t3 S# U 1 m) w0 G* U i( _1 9 c8 QA .not/ E: ?* X B. dont 4 + o+ i- X( D9 ?C. arent v6 : fF7 O/ TD. cant8 3 ?# l( * ; C& V333._ ( not, talk) and _ (read) aloud.4.Would you like some _? (bread)5.I have two _. (sister)基础演练一、单选。1、Thereonthewall.Theyareverybeaut

6、iful. A.arephotoes B.arephotos C.isaphoto D.isphotos2.Thiskindofcar_madeinShanghai. A.is B.are C.were D.has3.Therearefour_andtwo_inthegroup. A.Japanese,Germen BJapaneses,Germen C.Japanese,German D.Japanese,Germans4.Thats_artbook. A.an B.a C.the Dare5.Theboyshavegot_already. A.twobread B.twobreads C.

7、twopiecesofbread D.twopieceofbread6.Theoldmanwants_. A.sixboxesofapples B.sixboxesofapple C.sixboxofapples D.sixboxsofapples7.There_some_intheriver. A.is,fish B.are,fishs C.is,fishs D.are,fish8.There_two_inthebox. A.iswatch B.arewatches C.arewatch D.iswatches9.Weshouldclean_twiceaday. A.ourtooth B.o

8、urtooths C.teeth D.ourteeth10.The_meetingroomisnearthereadingroom. A.teacher B.teachers C.teachers D.teachers二、用括号内单词的适当形式填空。1.Tony has two big exercise_(ball).2.There are three_(cup) of tea.3.How many_are there on the shelf?4.Would you like some_(book)to read?5.Both of my_(sister) are teachers.6.Th

9、ey are all_(doctor).7.One of the most interesting _(country) is in Africa. 8.Those blue_(watch)are too old. 9.Those are my _(glass).10.These two_(girl)like playing football.巩固提高三、句型转换。 1.They are your socks .(改为一般疑问句)_2.That coat over there is my favourite.(改为否定句)_3.My grandma is over 70.(对划线部分提问)_4

10、.Look at these balls.(改为否定句)_5.Weimin wants Jeffs old Harry Potter books.(对划线部分提问)_四、将下列句子改为单数句1.Therearesomeoldsheeponthefarm._2.Arethoseyourfamilyphotos?_3.AretheseyourEnglish-Chinesedictionaries?_4.Herearesomeoldcarsbehindthehouse._5.Weneedeggsforbreakfast._一、从括号中选择正确的单词填空。1._(listening,listen)to

11、 the teacher in class.2.Dont_(look,looking)at your books.3.He_(tell.tells)me the answer.4.Dont_(say.tell) to your friend,please.5.They are_(my,me) English tapes.6.Weimin _(have,has) abig exercise ball.7.Look at those_(balls,ball).8.Give me_(these,those)pens.They are over there.9.These are my old_(di

12、ctionary,dictionaries).10.-_(Whos,Whose)over there? -He is my Uncle.二、阅读 Look at this. Its a blue bag. It is my bag. Whats in it? Look, this is my English book. Its blue, too. My Chinese book is also in my bag. It is yellow. This is my pencil case. Its big and nice. I like English and Chinese. My ba

13、g is my good friend.1.My bag is . A. yellow B. blue C. nice D. big2.- Whats in my bag? - . A. My English book B. My Chinese book C. My pencil case D. All the three3.My Chinese book is also in my bag. “Also” means (意思是) . A. 也 B. 颜色 C. 不在 D. 放进 4.My is my good friend. A. Chinese book B. English book

14、C. pencil case D. bag5.My pencil case is . A. yellow B. blue C. big and nice D. my friend Hello! My names David. Im 15. Im a student of No.6 Middle School. I have three friends at school. They are Tom, Bill and Jim. They are all 15 years old. We are friendly to each other(互相). There are four people

15、in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister Joy and I. My sister is only five. She is lovely(可爱的). We live in Room407. Our telephone number is six seven five four nine eight three two. ( ) 6. What school is David in?A. No.4 Middle School. B. No. 6 Middle School. C. No.5 Middle School.( )

16、7. Who are Davids friends?A. Tom, Bob, Jim B. Tom, Jerry, Bill C. Tom, Bill, Jim( ) 8. Are they friendly to each other?A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent . C. Yes, they arent.( ) 9. How many people are there in Davids family?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.( )10. Whats the telephone number? A. 67459832

17、B. 67548932 C. 67549832 三、完型填空。(10分)Look at the girl. She is 1 good friend. She is 2 English girl. 3 name is Kate. 4 twelve. My 5 is Fang fang. 6 a Chinese girl. Im eleven.Kate 7 a small sports collection. She has 8 tennis racket, three basketballs, and five baseballs, but I only 9 a soccer ball. Ka

18、te and I both (都) 10 sports every day.1、A. his B. her C. your D. my2、A. a B.an C. the D. 3、A. His B.She C.Her D. Shes4、A. She B. Shes C.Her D. Hers5、A. name B. book C. friend D. bag6、A. I B. Im C.She D. Shes7、A. have B. has C.doesnt have D. dont have8、A. one B.two C.three D. four9、A. has B. have C.d

19、oesnt have D. dont have10、A.plays B.play C. playing D. to play_一、单选。(北京市第三中学七年级上学期期中考试英语试题)1.-Your bag is very nice, - _ . A. Thank you B. Excuse me C. No, very bad D. OK, really?2.Please call me _ 223-7118. A. in B. on C. at D. for3.I have a radio, _ he doesnt have one. A. and B. but C. or D. so4.A

20、 _ can tell us time. A. pen B. pencil C. watch D. Ruler5.- Where is your baseball? - Its _ . A. on table B. the chair C. the bag D. here二、根据句意和所给的首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。1、Mr. Smith is Johns f . Marry is his daughter.2、What s do you like? I like ping-pong.3、I have a p of my family.4、A set of (钥匙) is on the d

21、esk.5、Is your book in the b ?6、My telephone n_ is 8643-1860.7、The CDs are on the d .8、Does your brother h a baseball?9、Lets p ping-pong.10、Its an (有趣的) computer game三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Sorry, I dont know (她) name.2. That is my (sister) key.3. (be) your photos on the desk?4. The (radio) are new.5. (that

22、) are my pictures.6. Glad (meet) you.7. Is the book (you).8. He must (call) his parents.9. What about (help) him?10.Where are your _(dictionary)?四、补全对话A: Hello! Im Julie. 1 ? B: Im Tom. Nice to meet you. A: _2_. A: Whats your last name?A:Its white. 3 ? B: 313-3066.A: _4_? B: Its a jacket.A: A jacket

23、? 5 . B: J-A-C-K-E-T, jacket.五、阅读理解My grandparents are Paul and Anna. My father is Bob. My mother is Mona. This is my uncle. His name is Jim. That is my aunt. Her name is Lisa. The boy is my brother. His name is Tom. The girl is my sister. Her name is Jane. I am Nick.1. The girl is Nicks . A. sister

24、 B. friend C. aunt2. The boy is Nicks . A. friend B. brother C. uncle 3. Jim is Nicks . A. uncle B.father C. grandfather4. Nicks grandmother is . A.Jane B. Mona C. Anna5. Bob is Nicks . A.grandfather B.uncle C. father Alan is an English boy. Now he studies in Shanghai Yucai Middle School. He is in G

25、rade Seven. He has a dog. Its black and white. The dogs very clever. Alan likes it very much. Its favorite food is bone. Every day when Alan gets home, the dog meets him in front of the house.Alans friend, Jenny is an American girl. She is in Shanghai, too. They are in the same grade, but in differe

26、nt classes. She has a pet panda. Its also black and white, but its not a real panda. Its a toy. The panda is very clean. Jenny often washes it in water. Where is the panda now? oh, its sleeping with Jenny. Every night it sleeps with Jenny.1. Where is Alan from? A. England B. America C. Canada2. What

27、s Alans pet dogs favorite food? A. Fish B. Meat C. Bone 3. What grade is Jenny in ? A.Seven B. Eight C. Nine4. What does the dog do when Alan gets home from school? A. It sleeps with him B. It meets him in front of the house C. It runs with him5. What animal is black and white according to the passa

28、ge? A. Cat B. Dog C. panda and dogDear Jim : Im in Hangzhou now. I will spend the next three years here. Im in No.6 middle School. Its a good school. The people here are very friendly. My best friend is Li Lei,and my favorite food is Dong Po pork(东坡肉).Now Im writing to you in my bedroom. We have a n

29、ew home here in China. Its different from our old home in America. Our new house is white, and the old one is red. The walls of my bedroom are blue. My mother is watering some flowers. My father is repairing a car. Im going to do my homework.Please write back soon. Yours, Tom1. What school is Tom in

30、 ? A. No.5 Middle School. B. No.6 Middle School. C. No.7 Middle School. D. No.16 Middle School.2. Who is Toms best friend? A. Li Lei B. Lucy C. Jim D. John3. What color are the walls of Toms bedroom? A.Red B.White C. Blue D. Yellow4. Whats Toms father doing? A. Fixing a plane B.Watering some flowers C. Fixing a bike D. Repairing a bike5. Wheres Tom from? A. England B. Australia C .America D. Canada


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