2022初中教案北师大版初一(下)英语第4讲:Unit Two 语法篇(解析版).doc

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1、Unit Two 语法篇 _ 重点掌握现在进行时的用法 重点语法:现在进行时一、概念 表示正在发生的事情或动作,常和now,look,listen连用。二、句子结构1be + 动词现在分词(即:动词-ing形式),be + doing 是一个整体,不能分开。2be 随着主语的变化而变化,doing的变化规则根据现在分词的变化规律来定。三、动词现在分词的构成规律1一般情况下,在动词原形后直接加-ing; 如:workworking dodoingplayplaying2以不发音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加-ing; 如:dancedancingcomecoming3在重读闭音节(即:辅音元音

2、辅音)的动词中,要先双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ing;如:getgetting shopshoppingrunrunning swimswimming4以ie结尾的重读闭音节词,将ie改成y再加ing。如:lielying diedying 四、现在进行时的各种句式变化现在进行时的肯定句(1)第一人称:主语 + am + 现在分词 + (2)第三人称单数:主语 + is + 现在分词 + (3)第二人称及复数人称:主语 + are + 现在分词 + 现在进行时的否定句句型:主语 + 相应be动词 + not + 现在分词 + 现在进行时的一般疑问句句型:相应be动词 + 主语 + 现在分词 +

3、 ?现在进行一般疑问句的答语(1)肯定回答:Yes, 主语 + 相应be动词。(2)否定回答:No, 主语 + 相应be动词 + not。现在进行时的特殊疑问句句型:特殊疑问词 + 相应be动词 + 主语 + 现在分词 + ?现在进行时特殊疑问句的答语回答特殊疑问时,根据不同的疑问词的情况来决定回答方式。回答what提问时,答语是现在进行时的肯定形式;回答who提问时,只需说明主语是谁,再加相应的be动词即可。1.Look! She is _ his red sweater .A. putting on B. puting on C. put in D. put on2. That boy i

4、snt _ the teacher .A. listen B. listens C. listening D. listening to3.Its eight oclock. Jimmys parents _ TV.A. is watching B. are watching C. watch D. to watch4.My mother is _ a cake _ my birthday at the moment. A. making ; to B. making ; for C. doing ; to D. doing ; for5.They are _ these books in t

5、he box.A. puts B. put C. to put D. putting解析:1.从look可以看出考查的是现在进行时,用be doing,put的现在分词是双写t加ing, 所以选A。2.listen to 是固定搭配,又有系动词is,不能用动词,所以用listening。3.从现在八点可以看出动作正在进行,用现在进行时,故用动词ing,前面是父母,所以用复数。4.从at the moment 判断出是现在进行时,做蛋糕用make,为某人做用介词for.5.句子中出现了are,所以不能用动词,只能用动名词D。.答案: 1. A 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.D基础演练一、写出下列动

6、词的现在分词形式。1)give 2)use 3)move 4)skate 5)draw 6)tell 7)ring 8)wear 9)get 10)put 11)hit 12)stop 13)keep 14)hurt 15)know 16)lie 17)die 18)begin 19)close 20)carry 二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.Its seven oclock. His parents _ (watch) the evening news.2.Its five oclock. The kids _ (play) basketball on the playground.

7、3.-_ Whats Ann doing? -She _(water) the flowers.4.Look! The bus_ (come). 5.Dont worry. We _ (walk) over to your house now.6.The kids _ (put) away his toys now.7.Someone _ (knock) on the door. Can you hear it?8.My mother is dusting the furniture while my father_ (watch) the football match.9.I_(take)

8、out the rubbish at the moment.10.My grandma_(wash)the dishes now.巩固提高三、句型转换。 1.The old man is feeding the dog now.(改为否定句)The old man_ _the dog now.2.He is getting a call when you come.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ a call when you come?3.They are having dinner when you send me a message.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _when you sen

9、d me a message? 4.They talk on the phone.(改为现在进行时)They_ _on the phone now.5.-Is Jeff using his grandmas computer to send you a message?(给出肯定答案)-Yes,_ _.四、用现在进行时连写句子1)Li Ping; learn; to; speak; English; 2)it; rain; now; 3)they; watch; a football match; on TV; 4)he; look; out of the window; 5)look; th

10、e dog; sleep; 6)listen; the baby; cry; 7)they; have a meeting; now; 8)the students; prepare for; an English test; now; 答案:一、1.giving 2.using 3.moving 4.skating 5.drawing 6.telling 7.ringing 8.wearing 9.getting 10.putting 11.hitting 12.stopping 13.keeping 14.hurting 15.knowing 16.lying 17.dying 18.be

11、ginning 19.closing 20.carrying二、1.are watching 2.are playing 3.is watering 4.is coming 5.are walking 6.is putting 7.is knocking 8.is watching 9.am taking 10.is washing三、1.isnt feeding 2.Is he getting 3.What are they doing 4.are talking 5.he is四、1.Li Ping is listening to speak English. 2.It is rainin

12、g 3.They are watching a football match on TV 4.He is looking out of the window 5.Look! The dog is sleeping 6.Listen! The baby is crying 7.They are having a meeting now 8.The students are preparing for an English test now一、单选。1.What are you doing I_. A. eat B. can eat C. eating D. am eating2.We are _

13、 books now. A. reading B. am reading C. read D. to read3.I_clothes. Can you answer the phone? A.wash B.washed C.am washing D.to wash4.I often get up_six_Monday morning. A.about;at B.at;on C.in;on D.with;at5.-_do you like sports? -Because I want to be healthy and strong. A.What B.When C.Why D.How6.It

14、s nine oclock. The students_music class. A.have B.having C.are having D.are have7.There_a big library and two parks in the city. A.is B.are C.have D.has8.-_. Is there a bank near here? -_,I dont know. A.Excuse me;Sorry B.Sorry;Excuse me C.Excuse me; Excuse me D.Sorry;Sorry9.-_I_a picture? -Yes,Its a

15、 picture of me. A.Do;have B.Am;get C.Do;having D.Am;getting10._youre hungry, you can have lunch in the restaurant. A.And B.If C.But D.Or二、完型填空。 The old mans name is Bill. Bill eats at the restaurant(餐馆) _1_. He has no _2_. Every evening at six oclock he goes to a restaurant near his house. He eats d

16、inner there. After dinner, he _3_ to the people at the restaurant about his life.Every evening the same waitress(服务员) _4_ Bill his dinner. Her name is Cara. She is 17 years old. Cara is friendly _5_ Bill. She talks to him. If Bill is _6_ for dinner,she calls him on the _7_.One evening Bill _8_ to th

17、e restaurant. Cara calls him,but he doesnt answer the phone. Cara calls the police(警察). Later the police call Cara at the restaurant,“Bill died(死) in his sleep,”the police tell _9_ Bill was 82 years old.A week later,a man comes to the restaurant.“I have something for Cara,”the man says. The man give

18、s Cara $500,000.The money is _10_ Bill.( )1. A. every morning B. every noon C. every evening( )2. A. house B. family C. place( )3. A. listens B. sings C. talks( )4. A. makes B. brings C. does( )5. A. to B. with C. for( )6. A. early B.on time C. late( )7. A. table B. phone C. chair( )8. A. comes B. g

19、oes C. doesnt come( )9. A. she B. her C. him( )10. A. from B. for C. Of答案:一、1-5:DACBC 6-10:CAADB二、1- 5: CBCAA 6-10:CBCBA_一、单选。(金城中学2013年春季第2次教学质量检测)( )1 -Where do you want to go this weekend?- We want to go to a place _ a small river. So we can swim in it. A. in B. with C. has( )2. The teachers want

20、 the students to _ for school in the morning, so they can have more time to read English. A。be on time B. be early C. be late( )3. Look! Mary_ to a CD, but his parents are busy in the kitchen . A. is listening B. listens C. to listen( )4. He usually _ after he eats dinner. Its a good habit. A. gets

21、dressed B. brushes his teeth C. goes to bed( )5. Zhu Hui goes to the supermarket, _ he wants to buy some delicious zongzi. A. because B. so C. but二、用动词的正确时态填空1)I (talk).You (listen) to me now.2)Look, the boy (run)fast.3)-What are you doing? -I (do) my homework.4)-_the students (read) English.-Yes, t

22、hey are.5)Tom (not study) English. He is studying Chinese.6)-Who (sing)a song?-Li Ying is.7)The girl (not eat)bananas now.8)-Where _they (stand) -They are standing over there.9)Look! The boy over there (play) a model plane.10)-What is Meimei doing now? -She (watch)TV with her parents.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1

23、. He is (talk) with his friends downstairs.2. Am I (receive) a photo from you?.3. Who are you (sit) with in the classroom.4. Do you want to (watch)the game with me?5. She (stay) with he grandparents every summer vacation.6. There (be) a beautiful lake and thousands of flowers around the small town.7

24、. Listen! The girl (sing) an English song in the next room. .8. On Sunday my parents (take) me to the park.9. Chris not visit) his grandma in Hong Kong. He is at home.10. _your sister _(send) an interest message to you now?四、阅读理解A Jim, Kate and Li Ming are doing the homework together. Jim makes a mi

25、stake. Kate tells him about it. Li Ming wants to borrow an eraser from Jim or Kate. Jim has one and gives it to Li Ming. Li Ming thanks Jim. Jim says,“Youre welcome”.Jim also thanks Kate. Kate says “Thats all right”. The three children are students in a school in Beijing. Jim is from London. Kate is

26、 from New York. Li Ming is a Chinese girl. They are good friends. They often do homework and play games together. They often help each other. 1. Jim is _ . A. an English girl B. an American girl C. an English boy D. an American boy2. Kate helps Jim with _. A. his mistake B. an eraser C. a ruler D. a

27、 pencil3. Li Ming borrows _ . A. an eraser from Kate B. an eraser from Jim C. a ruler from Kate D. a ruler from Jim4. The three students are _ . A. not in the same class B. in U.K. C. in Beijing D. in USA5. They are _ . A. doing homework B. playing games C. reading D. cleaning the roomB This is a be

28、autiful park near my home. People like to go to the park after work. Some of them go to the park every day. Look! This is Mr. Smith. He is sitting on a chair and watching the children. Some children are playing the game of hide-and- seek(捉迷藏). Some boys are playing yo-yo. Lucy and Lily are standing

29、under a tree. They are talking. There is a small river in the park. We can see some boats in the river. Some children are sitting in the boats with their fathers and mothers. Listen! A lot of birds are singing in the trees. This is really a nice park. I come here to read English after school every d

30、ay.6. _ like to go to the park. A. Children B. Fathers and mothers C. Lucy and Lily D. People7. Mr. Smith is _. A. playing hide-and-seek B. playing yo-yo C.is sitting and watching the children D. is singing8. Which one is right? A. Lucy and Lily are playing hide-and-seek with other children. B. Lucy

31、 and Lily go to the park only on Sunday. C. Lucy and Lily are talking under the tree. D. Lucy and Lily live far from the park.9. The writer cant see_ in the park. A. fish B. children C. women D. men10. Whats the writer doing? A. He is singing. B. He is sitting in a boat. C.Hes playing a game. D. Hes

32、 watching the people in the park. 五、完形填空。 Do you want to know my family? Let 1 tell you. My 2 is in Huangshan. There 3 people in my family, 4 . My fathers name 5 Wang Dong. He is forty-five years old . He 6 young. He is 7 Chinese teacher, but he 8 English. 9 students think he is a good teacher. He l

33、oves me and I love him, 10 . I think he is a good 11 . My mothers name is Li Ying. She is a worker. She is a very good worker 12 mother. My name is Wang Feng. Im thirteen. Im a boy. I 13 in a middle school. The school is 14 my home. Sometimes I go to school 15 . I study hard.( )1.A. IB. we C. me D.

34、us( )2.A. houseB. home C. studyD. work( )3.A. are threeB. is three C. are two D. is two( )4.A. my father, I and my mother B. my father, my mother and IC. my mother, my father and me D. I, my father and my mother( )5.A. isB. has C. are D. have( )6.A. lookB. is C. looksD. likes( )7.A. the B. an C. 不填D

35、. a( )8.A. knowB. knows C. is knowingD. knowing( )9.A. TheirB. His C. MyD. Hes( )10.A. tooB. to C. two D. OK( )11.A. Student B. worker C. teacher D. boy( )12.A. forB. and C. but D. or( )13.A. workB. lives C. studyD. teach( )14.A. nearB. to C. on D. in( )15.A. playB. by bike C. on bike D. bikes答案:一、1-5ABABA二、1.am talking ;are listening 2.is running 3.am doing 4.Are; reading 5.isnt studying 6.is singing 7.isnt eating 8.ar


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