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《英语7下-Unit6知识点和考点2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语7下-Unit6知识点和考点2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册.docx(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、7B Unit 6 Outdoor fun考点一览关键词考点plainai读e2.seesee sb doing3.findfind+名词+形容词4.alonealone=by oneself=on ones own5.throughthrough与over、across、towards的区分。through是从内部穿过;over是在.上方,翻越;across是从表面穿过;towards是向.。6.keythe key to the door7.putput相关词组的词义辨析。put out是扑灭;put up是举起,建起,住宿,张贴;put away是收好;put on是穿上,上演。8.sa

2、ysay的熟词生义:提供信息,指示9.enoughbe+adj+enough+to do或实意动词+adv+enough+to do10.tootoo to 11.reachreach与find、read、sell的词义辨析。find是找到;read是阅读;sell是出售;reach是够得到。12.failfail与enter、reach、happen的词义区分。fail是失败;enter是进入;reach是够得到;happen是发生。fail to do sth13.查字典字典中单词的排序与字母排序有关。14.非谓语动词hear sb do sthbe helpful enough to d

3、o sthnotice sb doing sthlook forward to doing sthdecide to do sth15.反身代词she-herself16.句型1.alone=on ones own2.too busy to do sth=not free enough to do sth3.try ones best to do sth4.be too noisy to do sth5.leave home with the door locked6.get away7.do homework carefully enough详细讲解1. You complain too m

4、uch. 你抱怨太多了。 (1)complain 的基本含义 作不及物动词,意思是抱怨(2)complain 的核心考点 考察complain中字母组合ai的读音。ai在重读音节中读e;在弱读音节中读,如captain,和,如certain。ai特殊的发音的是e,如said。【2021年 鼓楼】1. Which of the following is correct for the underlined letters in the word complain?A. /i/B. /i:/C. /ai/D. /ei/答案D2.She looked up and saw a white rabbi

5、t in a coat passing by.(1) see的基本含义 作动词,意思是看见(2) see的核心考点 考察see sb doing的固定搭配,意思是看见某人正在做某事,注意与see sb do的区分,see sb do意思是看见某人经常做某事或看到某人做某事的整个过程。同类用法的单词还有:watch、notice、look at、hear和listen to【2020年 玄外】2. Lin Tao cant be at home. I saw him _ here a few minutes ago.A. playsB. to playC. playingD. played答案C

6、3.She found herself alone in a long, low hall.(1) find的基本含义 作形容词,意思是发现(2) find的核心考点 考察find+名词+形容词,意思是发觉某人、某物处于某种状态。其中find意为认为,觉得。类似的结构还有make/keep/think+宾语+形容词。3. Most of the students find Tom _ .A. kindly B. well C. helpful D. carefully答案 C4.She found herself alone in a long, low hall. (1)alone的基本用法

7、 alone用作形容词,意为“单独的”,只作表语。(2)alone的核心考点 alone用作副词,意为“单独地;独自”。=by oneself或on ones own4.As a student, we should do our homework_our own. A.to B.by C.in D.on答案 D5.Alice tried to go through the door, but she was too big.(1) through的基本含义 作介词,意思是通过。(2) through的核心考点 考察through与over、across、towards的区分。through是

8、从内部穿过;over是在.上方,翻越;across是从表面穿过;towards是向.。5. Mr and Mrs Green put on their coats and walked slowly _ the falling snow to their sons school.A. through B. over C. across D. towards答案 A6.Alice swa a small key on a table, but it did not fit any of the doors.(1) key的基本含义 作名词,意思是钥匙。(2) key的核心考点 考察固定搭配the

9、 key to the door,意思门的钥匙。其他用to表示所属关系的单词还有the answer to the question; the key to success; the entrance to the supermarkte;the exit to the cinema。6.Alice find a key _ the door on a small table. A. of B. with C. in D. to答案 D7.We put up a tent near a lake. 我在湖旁搭起了帐蓬。(put过去式put)(1)put up的基本含义 put up 意为“举起

10、;建起;住宿”(2)put up的核心考点 考察put相关词组的词义辨析。put out是扑灭;put up是举起,建起,住宿,张贴;put away是收好;put on是穿上,上演。7.Our teacher_ a bookshelf at the back of the classroom so that we can read more easier. A.put out B.put on C.put away D.put up答案 D8. -Look! The man is_ the poster at the bus stop -Lets go and stop him. We sh

11、ould keep our city cleanA. putting out B. putting up C. putting away D. putting off答案 B 8.A note on the bottle said”DRINK ME”.(1) say的基本含义 作动词,意思是说。(2) say的核心考点 考察say的熟词生义:提供信息,指示。用于引出书面材料或可见的东西提供的信息。9. You mustnt swim here. Look at the sign. It _ “No swimming”. Oh, I _ notice it. Thanks for telling

12、 me.A. says; didnt B. writes; dont C. says; dont D. writes; didnt答案 A9.Soon Alice was small enough to go through the door.(1) enough的基本含义 作副词,意思是充分地(2) enough的核心考点 考察句型be+adj+enough+to do或实意动词+adv+enough+to do意思是足够.去做某事。注意enough修饰形容词和副词时,enough放在它们后面。修饰名词时,enough前后都可以。【2020年 玄外】10. Lucas ran and ran

13、, but he couldnt run _ to catch the bus.A. fast enough B. quick enough C. enough fast D. enough quickly答案A10.Alice had to go back to the table, bit she was too small to reach the key. (1)too to 的基本含义 意为“太而不能”。短语中too是副词,后接形容词或副词;to是动词不定式的符号,后接动词原形。11.-Mum,I have got a good job for 8,000 yuan a month.

14、 -Really, that sounds_to be true. A.much good B.so good C.good enough D.too good答案 D11.Alice had to go back to the table, bit she was too small to reach the key. (1)reach的基本含义 在本句中做及物动词,后面可以加名词或代词做宾语,意思是够得到。(2)reach的核心考点 考察reach与find、read、sell的词义辨析。find是找到;read是阅读;sell是出售;reach是够得到。12.-Bill, can you

15、 get me the dictionary on that shelf, please?-Im afraid I cant it, Daddy. Its too high.A. find B. read C. sell D. reach答案 D12.She tried to climb up, but failed.(1) fail的基本含义 作动词,意思是失败了。(2) fail的核心考点之一 考察fail与enter、reach、happen的词义区分。fail是失败;enter是进入;reach是够得到;happen是发生。(3) fail的核心考点之二 考察固定搭配fail to d

16、o sth,意思是做某事失败了。【2021年 鼓楼】13. Ive tried hard at my schoolwork but still _.Dont be upset. Sometimes losing is only a sign that you really tried.A. failed B. entered C. reached D. happened答案A13.查字典:字典中单词的排序与字母排序有关。【2020年 金陵】14. Which of the following words comes first in the dictionary?A. rememberB. r

17、epeatC. replyD. reach答案D【2020年 联合体】15. If the word “decide” is on Page 527 in a dictionary, “drive”on Page 627, “double” may be on Page _.A. 516B. 610C. 634D. 657答案B单词拼写【2020年 联合体】1. We _ (/dsadd/) to collect some books for the children in poor areas last week.答案decided2. Mr. Jiang worked for a _ (一

18、段时间) of sixteen years in Rugao.答案:period3. When he went _(穿过)the forest, he felt very afraid.答案:through4. The little boy is too short to_(伸手够到)the book on the shelf.答案:reach5. Peoples life in the 19th and the 20th _(世纪)was different from that in the 21st.答案 centuries6. I hear that she is an _ (意大利)

19、woman.答案 Italian7. Many Japanese came to China to learn Chinese in the Tang _(朝代).答案:dynasty8. The door are all _ (锁上的) .Nobody can get in.答案:locked9. I _ (注意) Wendys face turn red when we talked about her lessons.答案:noticed10. Simon, dont _(忘记)to lock the door when you leave. 答案:forget词形填空1.考察hear

20、sb do sth,意思是听见某人经常做某事或做某事的整个过程。【2020年 秦淮区】1. I often hear Timmy _ (sing) English songs happily in the classroom.答案sing2.考察be helpful enough to do sth,意思是足够善解人意来做某事。【2020年 秦淮区】2. Engineers in the community are helpful enough _ (check) our broken computers.答案to check3.考察notice sb doing sth,意思是注意到某人正在

21、做某事。【2020年 玄外】3. When I visited the museum last Sunday, I noticed someone _ (smoke) there. So I tried to ask him not to do that.答案smoking4.考察find oneself under a big tree,意思是发觉某人在大树下。4. When the girl woke up, she found_(she)under a big tree.答案:herself5.考察look forward to doing sth,意思是期盼做某事。另enter-ent

22、ering。5. My classmates all look forward to _(enter)the theater.答案:entering 6.考察decide to do sth,意思是决定做某事。6. Alice decided _(jog)in the garden.答案:to jog句型1.alone=on ones own【2021年 鼓楼】1. Lily thinks its boring to go shopping alone. (同义句转换)Lily thinks its boring to go shopping _ _ _.答案 on her own2.too

23、busy to do sth=not free enough to do sth2.Mike was too busy to have time to buy Peters presents.(保持句意基本不变)Mike wasnt_ _ to buy Peters presents.答案:free enough3.try ones best to do sth【2020年 联合体】3. 上周末学生们尽最大的努力打扫公园。 The students _ to clean up the park last weekend.答案tried their best4.be too noisy to d

24、o sth【2020年 玄外】4. 这个办公室太吵了以至于无法成为一个良好的工作之地。The office is _ be a good place to work in.答案too noisy to5.leave home with the door locked5.我们应该锁着门离开家。We should leave home _.答案:with the door locked6.get away6.当警察过来的时候,小偷想要立即逃离。来源:Zxxk.ComThe thief wanted _ at once when the policemen came.答案:to get away7.do homework carefully enough【2020年 秦外】7. 这个学生做作业够仔细。This student does homework_ _. 答案:carefully enough学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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