英语7下-Unit1知识点和考点 2022-2023学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册.docx

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1、7B Unit 1 Dream homes概况关键词考点1.would like肯定:Yes, Id like to .否定:Id love to,but.或Im afraid not。 2.景点国家首都Big Ben-Britain(the UK)-London3.capitalthe capital of 4.farlive/be+far+(away) fromlive/be+数字+miles+(away) from-How far5.funhave fun doing sth 6.shareshare与give、tell和show的区分。share的意思是分享,合用;give的意思是给予

2、;tell的意思是告诉;show的意思是展示7.owna book of my own=my own book.8.looklook相关动词短语的意思区别,look after,照顾;look out向外看;当心,小心;look like,看起来像;look for寻找; look up 查阅(字典/资料),向上看 9.房间-用途living room-chat with friends10.in sizeSp is+数字+square meters+in size11.fork在中国,大部分人都使用筷子吃饭(chopsticks)而在西方国家,人们大多使用刀子和叉子吃饭。(a fork an

3、d knife)12.打电话打电话时,常用this/that来指代说话双方 13.messagemessage与news、information和notice的区分。news和information都是不可数名词,前者指新闻,后者指信息。message的意思是消息,音信;notice的意思是通知14.askask sb to do sth,否定形式ask sb not to do sth。15.numberWhat is ones telephone number?16.enough名前形后17.aboutabout与in、on和down的区分。about是关于;in在里面;on是在上面;do

4、wn向下。18.单词重读重读第一个音节、第二个音节和第三个音节19.基数词和序数词基数词的构成序数词的构成基数词和序数词的用法和不同20.非谓语动词Thanks for doing sth.ask sb not to do stha wonderful place to do sthhave fun doing sth21.名词复数video-videosfoot-feetthousand-thousands(仅见于thousands of词组)22.基数词变序数词94-ninety-fourth twelve-twelfth forty-fortieth23.句型1.the best pla

5、ce to enjoy the sunshine2.different from3.share sth with sb4.take a message to sb5.have sth of ones own6.be full of7.have an area of.=.in size8.use a knife to cut sth=cut sth with a knife9.invite sb to do sth10.Which floor is your bedroom on?11.more than=over12.What is ones telephone number?13.数字+fe

6、et+tall详细讲解1.Would you like to live in a palace, Eddie?(1) Would you like to的基本含义 你想要做什么吗?(2) Would you like to的核心考点 考察该句的答句。如果是肯定,则为Yes, Id like to . 如果是否定,则为Id love to,but.或Im afraid not。【2022年 南外】1. I enjoy_, but Id like_ a song for you at your birthday party.A. dancing, singing B. dancing, to si

7、ng C. to dance, sing D. to dance, to sing答案B2. -Would you like to have dinner with me? - .A. Yes, I would B. Yes, I like C. Yes, Id like to D. Yes, Id love答案C2.Places of Interest, Countries and capitals景点所在国家首都Mount FujiJapanTokyothe White HouseAmerica(the US)Washington D.C.the Eiffel TowerFrancePar

8、isthe CN Tower CanadaOttawaBig BenBritain(the UK)LondonRed SquareRussiaMoscow3. Which of the places can you visit in the UK?_.A. Mount Fuji B. The Eiffel Tower C. The CN Tower D. Big Ben答案D3.Is Tokyo the capital of Japan.(1)the的核心考点 考察the表示特指,这里特指日本的首都,不是其他国家的首都。4. Beijing, _ capital of China, is a

9、city with a long history.A. aB. anC. theD. /答案C4.I live in a town 15 miles from London.(1) far的核心考点之一 考察离某地远的表达。距离不定时:live/be+far+(away) from。距离确定时:live/be+数字+miles+(away) from(2) far的核心考点之二 对距离进行提问时,用how far【2022年 南外】5. Is your fathers company _ your home?Yes, so my father has to drive to work ever

10、y day.A. far B. away from C. far from D. far away答案C【2022年 无锡】6My mother works in the museum 20 kilometres _ Suzhou.A.far away from B.far fromC.away D.from答案 D5.I always have fun with my dog there.(1)have fun的核心考点 考察have fun加doing,意思是做某事开心。7. _ great weather! Lets sing together and have fun _ around

11、 the tree!A. What; dancing B. What; to dance C. How; dancing D. How; to dance答案A6.I share a bedroom with my sister.(1)share的基本含义 作及物动词,意思是分享;合用(2)share的核心考点 考察share与give、tell和show的区分。share的意思是分享,合用;give的意思是给予;tell的意思是告诉;show的意思是展示。【2022年 玄武】8. The book is quite interesting. Could you _ it with me?A.

12、 giveB. shareC. tellD. show【答案】B7.I also have a bedroom of my own. (1)own的基本含义 形容词,意思是自己的,用于形容词性物主代词或名词所有格后,加强语气。动词,拥有 (2)own的核心考点 在于名词of ones own与ones own +名词的转换,如a book of my own=my own book.9. Mr. Green works hard to buy a large house .A. of your own B. of my own C. of her own D. of his own答案 D8.

13、I love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea.(1) look的基本含义 做不及物动词,意思是看。(2) look的核心考点 考察look out at与其他look相关动词短语的意思区别,look after,照顾;look out向外看;当心,小心;look like,看起来像;look for寻找; look up 查阅(字典/资料),向上看 【2022年 无锡】10.Please listen to the teacher carefully. Dont the window.A.look to B.look int

14、o C.look out of D.look after答案 C9.I usually wash my face in the bathroom.(1) 考察生活常识,分清各个房间的用途房间用途Dining roomhave dinnerKitchencook mealsBathroomwash our facesBedroomsleepLiving roomchat and watch TV11. A living room is a good place to .A. have a bath B. cook meals C. chat with friends D. wash face答案

15、 C10.Red Square in Moscow is about 91,000 square meters in size.(1)Sp is+数字+square meters+in size 意思是占地多少平方米。其同义句为Sp has an area of 数字+square meters=Sp is a place with an area of 数字+square meters【2022年 树人】12. Wuxi _ about 4,8000 square kilometres _.A. has; in size B. has; on size C. is; in size D. i

16、s; on size【答案】C11.There are forks and knives on the table.(1) fork的基本含义 做可数名词,意思是叉子。(2) fork的核心考点 考察与fork相关的英美饮食文化,在中国,大部分人都使用筷子吃饭,而在西方国家,人们大多使用刀子和叉子吃饭。13. In Western countries, people seldom use when they have dinner.A. knives B. forks C. plates D. chopsticks答案 D12.-May I speak to Daniel please? -S

17、orry, he isnt at home.(1) speak的基本含义 做不及物动词,意思是说。(2) speak的核心考点 考察打电话时May I speak to sb之后的答句。打电话时,常用this/that来指代说话双方,直到相互知道身份,常用: This is Daniel speaking.=Daniel speaking.=Speaking. 表示正是某人在接电话。 Is that Tom speaking?那是Tom吗? 该知识点旨在说明中西方文化差异。可从打电话人和接电话人的角度考虑:从打电话人角度,一般是May I speak to sb?或者Who is that s

18、peaking? 从接电话人角度,一般是This is sb speaking. Sb speaking. speaking三种回答,而反问打电话人是谁,可以说 Is that sb speaking? 在打电话过程中,用this代替自己,用that指代对方,不用I am.以及它对应的一般疑问句Who are you?【2022年 无锡】14.-_?-This is David speaking.A. Who are youB. What are you speakingC. Whos that speakingD. Who speaks答案 C【2022年 金中】15. Hello, may

19、 I speak to Millie, please?_A.Who are you? B.Whats the matter? C.Im Millie. D.Yes. This is Millie speaking.【答案】D13.Can I take a message?(1)message的基本含义 作可数名词,意思是消息,音信。(2)message的核心考点 考察message与news、information和notice的区分。news和information都是不可数名词,前者指新闻,后者指信息。message的意思是消息,音信;notice的意思是通知【2022年 无锡】16.-W

20、here is Jack?-Theres a _ on the table saying that he will be back in a minute.A. newsB. informationC. messageD. notice答案 C14.Can you ask him to call me back?(1)ask的基本含义 作动词,意思是问,询问;要求,请求(2)ask的核心考点 考察ask sb to do sth,意思是要求某人做某事。要求某人不要做某事ask sb not to do sth。【2022年 玄外】17. Our teacher asks us _ too mu

21、ch TV every day.A. to watching B. not to watch C. watch D. watching【答案】B15.My new telephone number is 5557 2188.(1)telephone number的核心考点 考察对telephone number的提问用what,即What is ones telephone number?【2022年 玄武】18. _is your telephone number?A.What B. How many C. How long D. How much【答案】A16.There is more

22、than enough food there. (1)enough的基本含义 既可以做形容词,又可以做副词,表示足够。(2)enough的核心考点 在于其位置,即修饰名词时,在其之前,修饰形容词时,在形容词之后,即所谓的名前形后。19. There is _ and he is _, so Im sure he will work out the problem.A.enough time;clever enough B.time enough;clever enoughC.enough time;enough clever D.time enough;enough clever答案 A 17

23、.Write an article about your dream home.(1)about的基本含义 作介词,关于;作副词,大约(2)about的核心考点 考察about与in、on和down的区分。about是关于;in在里面;on是在上面;down向下。【2022年 玄武】20. My English teacher asks us to write _ “my dream home” after class.A. in B. about C. on D. down【答案】B18.单词重读音节【2022年 南外】21. Which word is stressed on the fi

24、rst syllable?A. believeB. brokenC. enjoyD. invite答案B【2022年 雨花】22. Which of the words has a different stress?A. palaceB. designC. enjoyD. tomorrow答案A【2022年 金中】23. Which of the following words is different from the others in stress?A. expensive B. potato C. tomorrow D. wonderful【答案】D关于语法基数词和序数词1.基数词的构

25、成:1-20有相对应的单词两位数要加连字符 百位和十位之间加and百千类词不加s,除非泛指。补充:基数词的读法。2.序数词的构成:基数词+th构成,口诀:基变序,有规律,八去t,九去e,f要将ve替,ty变成tie,要是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。 常考的序数词9,12,90,403.表示编号:序数词放在名词的前面,要加定冠词基数词放到名词的后面,前面的名词要大写【2022年 南外】24. Annas sister studies in _ primary school. She is _ 11-year-old girl.A. a; theB. a; /C. the; a D. a; an答

26、案D【2022年 南外】25. Wendy lives on the seventh floor, and Wilson lives two floors above Wendy. He live on the _ floor.A. eighthB. ninthC. tenth D. twelfth答案B【2022年 南外】26. Each of the swimmers _a _swimming pool.A. has; fifty-metres-longB. have; fifty-metres-longC. has; fifty-metre-longD. have; fifty-metr

27、e-long答案C【2022年 无锡】27Kobe was born in _ USA His birthday was on _ fifth of JulyA.the;/ B. /;the C. the;the D. /;/答案 C【2022年 无锡】28. 107,008,032 can be read as_.A. one hundred and seven million eight thousand and thirty-twoB. one hundred and seven million eight thousand thirty-twoC. one hundred and se

28、ven million and eight thousands and thirty-twoD. one hundred and seven million and eight thousand thirty-two答案 A【2022年 无锡】29. It is his_birthday. His family make_Eiffel Tower model. A. the twenty; a 8-meters-tallB. the twenties; an 8-meters-tallC. twentieth, an 8-meter tallD. twenty, a 8-meter-tall答

29、案 C【2022年 无锡】30. _ students in our school say they have great fun _ exercise every day.A. Three hundred; to doB. Three hundred; to doingC. Three hundred of; do D. Three hundred; doing答案 D【2022年 金中】31. How old is your sister?_. We had a special party for her _ birthday last Sunday.A. Nine; ninth B. N

30、ine; the ninth C. Ninth; nine D. Ninth; the ninth【答案】A【2022年 树人】32. My mothers birthday is on _ of December.A. the twenty-three B. twenty-third C. twentieth-third D. the twenty-third【答案】D【2022年 南外】33. _ college students come and ask for the job, but only _ them can get it.A.Hundreds of; a hundred of

31、B.Hundred of; a hundred ofC.Hundreds of; a hundredD.Hundred; a hundred【答案】A词形填空1.考察94的序数词ninety-fourth。基数词变序数词,几十几变序数词只变各位就可以。【2022年 无锡】1. To celebrate grandfathers_(94) birthday, children are going to hold a big party.答案ninety-fourth2.考察twelve的序数词twelfth【2022年 玄外】2. December is the _ (twelve) month

32、 of a year.【答案】twelfth3.考察forty的序数词fortieth【2022年 金中】3. The children have plenty of ways to celebrate their teachers _ (40) birthday. They will have a happy time together.【答案】fortieth4.考察thousand的复数形式thousands,只用于thousands of搭配中,意思是成千上万。【2022年 南外】4. There are _(thousand)of things I want to do in my

33、new house.答案thousands5.考察thanks for后面动词用ing形式,属于非谓语动词考点【2022年 南外】5. Thanks a lot for _ (invite) me to your birthday party.答案inviting6.考察非谓语动词ask sb to do sth【2022年 南外】6.Our teacher asks us _ (not play) football in the street.答案not to play7.考察foot的复数feet【2022年 无锡】7. The CN Tower is 1,815 _(foot) tall

34、.答案feet8.考察have fun后面动词用ing形式,属于非谓语动词考点8. - Why are you so happy- We had fun _(play) volleyball with our friends just now. 答案playing9.考察可数名词复数,video虽然是o结尾,但是其复数直接加s。9. We couldnt stop taking short _(video) of Disney characters when we watched the parade.答案videos10.考察a+adj+place+to do sth,意思是一个做某事的好地

35、方,注意后面接to do不定式。属于非谓语动词考点10. The sitting room is a wonderful place _ (chat) with your family members.答案to chat单词拼写【2022年 南外】1. My grandfather often watches _ /vdz/ with my grandmother at weekends.答案videos【2022年 雨花】2. Western people eat with _ (刀) and forks, while Chinese people use chopsticks.答案kniv

36、es【2022年 雨花】3. Id like to sit on the _ /blkni/ and do some reading at weekends. 答案balcony【2022年 无锡】4. They want to learn about homes in different_(国家)答案countries【2022年 金中】5. During the epidemic, _(百万)of people volunteer to help others, including my parents and I.【答案】millions【2022年 玄外】6. Im looking f

37、orward to _(分享)the big cake with you.【答案】sharing【2022年 玄武】7. I would like two _(听)of cola to drink.【答案】tins8. Like Suzhou, Yangzhou has some beautiful (花园), too.答案gardens9. In China, there are many beautiful seas and_(海滩).答案beaches10. Beijing, the _ (首都) of China, is one of the most famous cities ar

38、ound the world.答案capital11. Zinedine Zidane is a famous football player from _(法国)答案France句型1.the best place to enjoy the sunshine【2022年 无锡】1. 在我家,阳台是沐浴阳光的最佳地。The balcony is_ _ _ _ _the sunshine at my home.答案the best place to enjoy2.different from【2022年 无锡】2. 我的梦想家园和他的稍有不同。My dream home is_ _ _ _his

39、.答案a little different from3.share sth with sb【2022年 南外】3. Andy住在一所小公寓里,她和室友合用一间书房。Andy lives in a small flat, and she _ _ _with her roommate.答案shares a study4.take a message to sb【2022年 无锡】4. 能不能给我捎个口信,让他给我回电话?Would you please_ _ _for me and ask him_ _ _ _?答案take a message; to call me back5.have sth

40、 of ones own【2022年 南外】5. Amy很高兴有了她自己的电脑。Amy is very happy to have a computer _ _ _答案of her own6.be full of【2022年 无锡】6.刚过去的五一假期,无锡锡惠公园里游客如织。During the last May Day holiday, Wuxi Xihui Park _ _ _ _.答案was full of visitors7.have an area of.=.in size【2022年 无锡】7.France is over 260,000 square miles in size

41、. (改成同义句)France _ _ _ of over 260,000 square miles.答案has an area8.use a knife to cut sth=cut sth with a knife8. He uses a knife to cut the apple. (同义句转换) He _ the apple _ a knife.答案cuts;with9.invite sb to do sth9. 有时我邀请我的朋友在公园划船。Sometimes I_ _ _ _ _a boat in the park.答案invite my friends to row10.Whi

42、ch floor is your bedroom on?10. My bedroom is on the fifth floor. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is your bedroom on?答案 Which floor11.more than=over11. There are over ten girls in the classroom.(改为同义句)There are _ _ ten girls in the classroom.答案 more than12.What is ones telephone number?12. Toms telephone number is 041-5859731. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Toms telephone number?答案What; is 13.数字+feet+tall13. CN 塔有1, 815英尺高. The CN Tower is 1, 815_ _.答


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