英语 选择性必修四-Unit 3(B卷·能力提升)-2021-2022学年高二英语同步单元AB卷(译林版2020选择性必修第四册)(原卷版).docx

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英语 选择性必修四-Unit 3(B卷·能力提升)-2021-2022学年高二英语同步单元AB卷(译林版2020选择性必修第四册)(原卷版).docx_第1页
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《英语 选择性必修四-Unit 3(B卷·能力提升)-2021-2022学年高二英语同步单元AB卷(译林版2020选择性必修第四册)(原卷版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语 选择性必修四-Unit 3(B卷·能力提升)-2021-2022学年高二英语同步单元AB卷(译林版2020选择性必修第四册)(原卷版).docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Understanding each other 测试(B卷能力提升)(时间:90分钟 满分:120分)第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题:每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A(2022山东德州高二期末)Considering the fast-changing world, its great to know the possible job options in the future. The occupations below are probably some of the most

2、promising future careers. Personal education guideCompared with online programs today, education could better meet individual needs, even with improved convenience. Like an adviser, a personal education guide may assist people with on-demand course selection or the planning of personalized training.

3、 Individualized body part makerDoctors may expect individualized organs grown or 3D printed using their patients own cells. After all, scientists creation of hearts, kidneys, and livers has already had some success in the labs. Even external body parts including skin and ears have been grown.Pharmac

4、eutical artisan (制药师)The increasing popularity of 3D printing may enable the quick production of the medicine based on individual needs. Its possible that artisanal drugs would be created according to ones unique genes, habits, and medical history.Brain implant specialistWe are making greater progre

5、ss in understanding how the complex human brain works, so its highly possible that we would create something amazing by combining the rapid advances in neuroscience (神经科学) with the advantages of computer technology. In the future, one can have a specialized computer chip put into his brain to treat

6、certain health issues, such as diseases, mood disorders, and paralysis.1. Who can help in a personalized course selection?AAn individualized body part maker.BA brain implant specialist.CA personal education guide.DA pharmaceutical artisan.2. What do brain implant specialists mainly do?AImprove human

7、 intelligence.BChange how the brain works.CDevelop medicine for brain diseases.DApply computer technology to brain health.3. Which is the common feature of the four jobs?AOnline work.BPersonalized service.CArtificial technology.DMedical knowledge.B(2021辽宁建平县实验中学高二阶段练习)Joey Hudicka began his entrepre

8、neurial (企业家的) journey by creating a strategy game called Puckz when he was just 10 years old, by combining two of his favorite interests strategy games like checkers, and sports like ice hockey. Seeing the amazing experiences unfold for her big brother, Heidi Hudicka set out to create her own first

9、 business, a fashion clothing line for her 18 dolls.But one day, Joey and Heidi met after school and experienced a real breakthrough. “I was telling Joey I was asking friends if they would like me to outsource(外包给)the sewing of my designs to them, since it is not really my favorite part of that busi

10、ness, but none of my friends understood what I meant by outsourcing,” recalls Heidi.“When Heidi told me what happened after school that day I was like, Yeah! I have the same problem. Most kids just dont understand when we talk about our business, or even why it is important to understand how busines

11、ses work,” says Joey. “And thats when we decided to do something about it, to create a fun and engaging way to teach more kids about the power of their creativity through innovation and entrepreneurship.”Joey and Heidi, along with their parents, founded Fizzee Labs, and began creating engaging learn

12、ing resources such as Outta This World, a board game that activate your imagination by applying it to invent amazing new products or experiences, in a fast-paced, competitive format.“Outta This World is a journey through the depths of outer space. You have brought very limited supplies with you on y

13、our mission, and you must creatively repurpose these supplies, transforming them into brand-new products or experiences that can be sold to the different civilizations you will meet along your journey, raising the funds you need to reach your destination!” describes Joey.4. What inspired Heidi to st

14、art her first business?AHer parents inspiration.BHer passion for a fashion clothing.CHer brothers game business.DHer friends ignorance of business.5. Who is Fizzee Labs intended for?AThe students who want to play board games.BThe kids who want to sell engaging products.CThe children who want to inve

15、nt amazing products.DThe pupils who want to learn about the power of creativity.6. What do we know about Outta This World?APlayers can raise funds through the game.BPlayers can live a fast-paced way of life after the game.CPlayers can experience a journey to turn their creativity into benefits in th

16、e game.DPlayers can sell their original supplies to the different civilizations in the game.7. Which of the following words can best describe Joey and Heidi?ACreative and cooperative.BInnovative and honest .CHumorous and aggressive.DCompetitive and ambitious.C(2021安徽淮南一模)Half of all work tasks will

17、be handled by machines by 2025 in a shift likely to worsen inequality, a World Economic Forum report has forecast.The think tank said a robot revolution would create 97 million jobs worldwide but destroy almost as many, leaving some communities at risk. Routine or manual jobs in administration and d

18、ata processing were most at threat of automation, WEF said. But it said there would be a need for new jobs in care, big data and the green economy.The WEF surveyed 300 of the worlds biggest companies, with more than 8 million employees globally. More than 50% of employers surveyed said they expected

19、 to speed up the automation of some roles in their companies, while 43% felt they were likely to cut jobs due to technology.WEF said the pandemic (疫情) had sped up the adoption of new technologies as firms looked to cut costs and adopt new ways of working. But it warned workers now faced a double thr

20、eat from accelerating automation and the economic impact from the Covid-19.These things have deepened existing inequalities across labor markets and removed gains in employment made since the global financial crisis in 2007-2008, said Saadia Zahidi, managing director at WEF. The window of opportunit

21、y for active management of this change is closing fast.WEF said currently around a third of all work tasks were handled by machines, with humans doing the rest, but by 2025 the balance would shift. Roles that relied on human skills such as advising, decision-making, reasoning, communicating and inte

22、racting would rise in demand. There would also be a sudden large increase in demand for workers to fill green economy jobs, and new roles in areas like engineering and cloud computing.But it said millions of routine or manual jobs would be displaced by technology, affecting the lowest paid, lowest s

23、killed workers the most. It said millions would need to be re-skilled to cope with the change, while governments would have to provide stronger safety nets for displaced workers.8. Who are included in “some communities” mentioned in Paragraph 2?AUnskilled workers.BSoftware engineers.CCareer consulta

24、nts.DOrganic fanners.9. What is the purpose of paragraphs 3 and 4?ATo analyse the reliability of the figures and facts.BTo provide supporting evidence for the main idea.CTo introduce two events for discussion.DTo highlight two causes of the effects.10. What do the displaced people expect their gover

25、nments to do?ASlow down the automation.BStrengthen social security.CImprove network safety.DPromote the Robot Revolution.11. What can be a suitable title for the text?AFurther inequalities from the Robot Revolution.BA double threat from automation and pandemic.CHalf of all work tasks to be lost.DHal

26、f of all work tasks to be automated.D(2021江苏外国语学校高二期中)The Forbidden City is well known for being full of Chinese cultural and historical relics. But Masters in the Forbidden City(我在故宫修文物)does not just focus on the stories of the past. Instead, the documentary movie, which came out in Chinese cinemas

27、 on Dec. 16, focuses on ordinary people-the restorers(修复者)of relics and antiquities(古董). The stories are told at a slow and relaxed pace, reflecting the restorers work. Restoration of cultural relics and antiques can be time-consuming, and sometimes boring. Yet these restorers patience and peace of

28、mind are especially precious in a society where everything is changing so fast. “If you choose this job, you have to stand hours of work sitting on a chair. You need to be quiet and get used to being quiet,” says Wang Jin, an ancient clock repair expert. A touching part of the documentary is the spi

29、rit of craftsmanship(工艺)in the restorers. “Years of humdrum work requires not only skill, but also faith and spirit,” China Daily commented. “Looking for preciseness and perfection, devoting yourself to work, patience, endurance, lonelinessAll these qualities come from the craftsman spirit. ”But unl

30、ike the popular idea of serious experts who sit around being serious, the documentary shows off the enthusiasm of the restorers. They play their guitars and make jokes about each other after a long day of restoration work. One scene that has been very popular with Internet users features a young fem

31、ale restorer riding a bicycle through the empty Forbidden City on a Monday. While she is doing this, a narrator says, “The last person to do this was Puyi, the last emperor of the Oing Dynasty.”Masters in the Forbidden City has proved wrong many peoples ideas about antique restorers, allowing them t

32、o realize that they are not old, dull professors, but people in their 40s, 30s and even 20s who can be quite pleasing to the eye.12. According to the text, whats the main purpose of the documentary Masters in the Forbidden City?A. To show people how antiques are restoredB. To display relics seldom s

33、een by ordinary peopleC. To draw attention to Chinese antique restorers livesD. To praise the craftsmanship of Chinese antique restorers13. What can we learn from what Wang Lin says in paragraph4?A. He often gets tired with his workB. There is no need to do restoration work fastC. Antique restorers

34、need to be patient and peacefulD. It takes years of hard work to adapt to antique restoration14. What does the underlined word “humdrum” in paragraph 5 mean?A. Boring B. Different C. Relaxing D. Unusual15. What is the purpose of the bicyle-riding scene in the documentary?A. To remind the audience of

35、 the last Qing emperorB. To show the strange hobbies of young antique restorersC. To encourage the young to consider a career in antique restoration in the futureD. To show that the documentary breaks from the old, dull image of antique restorers第二节 (共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最

36、佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项(2021广东珠海2022届高三摸底测试)How to Choose the Right Career?Choosing the right career can be difficult, and consequently you will find many of us can hardly find a suitable job in our daily life. _16_17_Assess your hobbies. It is very easy to turn your hobbies or something you love doing into

37、 a future career. Many hobbies are related to real world needs and positions. Consider what you like to do and how that might fit into a career. Remain humble as you work toward your goal.Assessing your skillsConsider what skills you are good at. If you are particularly good at certain skills, such

38、as fixing things or making things, this can provide you with a great future career, since skilled labor is often in demand and you will find it fairly easy to find work. _18_ People who interact with others well can easily get careers as social workers or in marketing and similar business positions.

39、Considering your current stateExplore yourself. Figuring out what you should do with your life may sometimes require you to get to know yourself better. If you want a career that will really make you happy, you have to have an impressive awareness of what you want and what you enjoy. _19_Thinking ab

40、out your futureExamine your future financial security. One of the most important things to consider is if the career path youre choosing will provide you with an acceptable level of financial security. In other words, will you be able to make enough money to support yourself and your family? Meanwhi

41、le, you are supposed to pay special attention to your future job stability, _20_ Accordingly, you will need to consider if the career you choose is stable enough for you and your desires for the future.Admittedly, the combination of the above four steps proved extremely effective when choosing the f

42、uture career. Once you get started, youll find it quite beneficial and even enjoyable!A. Evaluating your interestsB. Assessing your personalityC. Therefore, having a defined career direction will help you achieve your goal.D. Job markets changes a lot as society needs different things at different t

43、imes.E. For some people, this means taking some time off to decide whats vital to them.F. If you have a good command of communicating with others, there are jobs for you as well.G. However, with serious self-planning and self-reflection, you can set yourself on a path towards a fulfilling career.第二部

44、分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2021全国高二课时练习)Why do so few people find fulfillment in their work? Amy Wrzesniewski, a Yale School of Management professor who studies these issues, offered an explanation that made a lot of _21_. Students, she

45、 said, “think their calling is under a rock, and if they _22_ enough rocks, they will find it.”Surveys confirm that meaning is the top thing Millennials (千禧一代) say they want from a job. And yet her research shows that less than 50% of people see their work as a calling. So, many of her students are

46、left feeling anxious, _23_, and completely unsatisfied by the good jobs and careers they do secure.What theyand many of us, I thinkfail to realize is that work can be _24_ even if you dont think of it as a calling. The four most common occupations in America are retail (零售) salesperson, cashier, foo

47、d preparer/server, and office clerkjobs that arent typically _25_ “meaning.” But all have something in common with those professions that are, such as teachers and doctors: They exist to help others. And as Adam Grant, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, has shown, people who see their wo

48、rk as a form of_26_ always rank their jobs as more meaningful.That means you can find meaning in nearly any role in nearly any organization. _27_, most companies create products or services to fill a need in the world, and all employees contribute in their own ways. The key is to become more conscious about the service youre providing_28_ and personally.How? One strategy is to constantly remind yourself of your organizations

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