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1、高考英语读后续写高分句型一、无灵主语1.把试卷交上后,Leon感到一种如释重负的感觉。After handing the paper, Leon felt a sense of relief sweep(ing) over him.2.几天后,当我得知我获得了二等奖时,我感到一阵兴奋。A few days later, when I was told that I won the second prize, a wave of excitement swept over my heart.3.听到我得了二等奖,她脸上露出了笑容,眼睛里闪烁着喜悦的光芒。When she heard that I

2、 won the second prize, a smile lit up her face and her eyes were shining with great joy.4.他一看到那熟悉的笔迹,泪水就涌上了她的眼睛。The moment he saw the familiar handwriting, tears welled up in her eyes. 二、with结构1.随着Edward的话在脑海中回响,Leon逐渐平静下来,把注意力集中在试卷With Edwards words echoing in his mind, Leon gradually calmed down a

3、nd focused his attention on his paper.2.母亲的话深深打动了我,我张开双臂抱住了她,眼中涌出了如释重负的泪水。Deeply moved by my mothers words, I threw my arms around her, with tears of relief welling up in my eyes.3.他们兴奋地溜进奶奶的房间,用这些材料装饰她的房子。With excitement, they sneaked into grannys room and decorated her house with these materials.4

4、.听到我得了二等奖,她脸上露出了笑容,眼睛里闪烁着喜悦的光芒。Hearing that I won the second prize, a smile lit up her face and her eyes were shining with great joy.5.在不断的练习和Leon的耐心指导下,Edward在打篮球方面取得了巨大的进步。With constant practice and Leons patient guidance, Edward made great progress in playing basketball.6.我忐忑不安地敲开老师的门,希望从她那里得到一些指

5、导。With butterflies in my stomach, I knocked on my teachers door, expecting to get some guidance from her.三、非谓语动词作状语1.听到欢快的笑声,其他家庭成员也加入了庆祝活动,表达了他们对奶奶的歉意和爱。Hearing the cheerful laughter, other family members also joined in the celebration, showing their apology and affection to granny.2.看到飞行员在冰冷的水中痛苦地

6、挣扎,杰克不遗余力地加快了船的速度。Seeing the pilots painful struggle in the icy water, Jack spared no effort to speed up the boat.3.她拍了拍我的肩膀,告诉我不要担心我的成绩。She patted me on my shoulder, telling me not to be worried about my grade.4.我冲到约翰逊夫人的办公室,告诉她这个令人兴奋的消息,并向她表示感谢。I rushed to Mrs. Johnsons office, telling her the exc

7、iting news and showed my gratitude to her.5.听到我得了二等奖,她脸上露出了笑容,眼睛里闪烁着喜悦的光芒。Hearing that I won the second prize, a smile lit up her face and her eyes were shining with great joy.6.听说学校将组织更多的课外活动,我代表我们班写信推荐一项集体运动篮球。 Hearing that our school will organize more extra-curricular activities, I am writing on

8、 behalf of our class to recommend a group sport-basketball.四、形容词(短语)作状语1.我又惊又喜,紧紧地抱住妈妈,低声说:“谢谢妈妈,谢谢你的鼓励。” Excited and overjoyed, I hugged my mother tightly, murmuring,“Thank you, mom, thank you for your encouragement. 2. 母亲的话深深打动了我,我张开双臂抱住了她,眼中涌出了如释重负的泪水。Deeply moved by my mothers words, I threw my

9、arms around her, with tears of relief welling up in my eyes.3.我又生气又失望,转过身面对着她,泪水顺着脸颊滚落下来。Angry and disappointed, I turned over and face her, with tears rolling down my cheeks.4.她很兴奋,立刻拿出手机,急切地想把这段经历告诉朋友们。Extremely excited, she immediately took out her phone, eager to tell her friends the experience.

10、5.让玛丽感到非常高兴的是,每个人最后都爬上了山顶,累得气喘吁吁。To Marys delight, everyone finally made it to the peak, tired and breathless.6.我们看着房屋被暴风雨摧毁,无助而绝望。We watched the houses being destroyed by the storm, helpless and hopeless. 五、特殊句式之not only.but also.1.打篮球不仅使我们保持健康,而且能促进合作,这在我们学习和生活中起着重要作用。Not only could playing basket

11、 ball help us keep fit but also promote cooperation, which plays an vital role in our study and work.2.和朋友交流不仅可以减少你花在电脑游戏上的时间,还可以促进你们的友谊。Communicating with friends can not only reduce your time spent on computer games,but also promote your friendship.3.在养老院做志愿者是非常有意义的,这不仅可以让老人快乐,而且可以帮助我们变得更有责任感。Volu

12、nteering in Nursing Home is meaningful, which can not only make the elderly happy, but also help us become more responsible.4.志愿服务不仅可以帮助我们培养责任感,还可以给我们机会培养社交技能。Volunteering can not only helps us to develop a sense of responsibility, but also gives us a chance to develop our social skills.5.我们一起举办了许多活

13、动,如英语角,读书会,英语演讲比赛,这不仅提高了我们的整体英语水平,也开阔了我们的视野。We worked together to hold many activities, such as English corners, reading clubs, English speaking contests, which not only improve our overall English, but also broaden our horizons.6.我们参加了在北京举办的夏令营,这不仅开阔了我们的视野,也提高了我们的口语水平。We joined the summer camp held

14、 in Beijing, which not only broadened our horizons, but also improve our oral English. 六、特殊句式之only置于句首部分倒装 1.只有我们遵守交通规则,我们才能减少遇到交通事故的风险。Only when we obey traffic rules can we decrease the risk of having an accident.2.只有当简处于如此无助的境地时,她才意识到她的爱人对她的重要性。Only when Jane was in such helpless situation was sh

15、e aware that her beloved Tom meant so much to her.3.只有减少有害气体的排放,我们才能减轻(alleviate)空气污染。Only by reducing the emission of harmful gas can we alleviate air pollution.4.只有通过阅读经典,我们才能把传统文化传递给下一代,传播到世界。Only by reading classics can we pass on traditional culture to the next generation and spread it to the w

16、orld. 七、特殊句式之so+形容词置于句首部分倒装 1.我太震惊了以致于我一听到这个消息就僵住了。So shocked was l that l was frozen to the spot the moment l heard the news.2.我非常感动,低着头,不能说出一句话来。So moved was l that l hung/lowered my head, unable lo utter even a single word.3.我如此热衷于唱歌,不想错过这个唱歌比赛。So enthusiastic am I about singing that I dont want

17、to miss the contest.4.我吓得寸步难行。So scared was I that I could hardly move an inch.八、特殊句式之强调句1.在我情绪低落的时候,是那朵普通的蒲公英给了我勇气。It was the ordinary dandelion that gave me courage when I was in low spirits.2.正是对家人的关心,才让奶奶有了一个难忘的生日聚会。It was the care towards family members that allowed granny an unforgettable birt

18、hday party.3.是你给了我第二次机会来弥补二十年前危机中的遗憾。It was you who offered me another chance to make up for the regret in the crisis twenty years ago.4.正是在线学习开阔了我的视野,帮助我对中国文化有了更深的了解。It is online learning that broaden my horizons and helps me gain a deeper insight into Chinese culture.5.就在那时,我才意识到母亲对我们的行为有多失望。It wa

19、s then that I realized how disappointed my mother was at our behaviour.6.有时候,对别人产生很大影响、让世界变得更美好的正是小小的善举。Sometimes, its small acts of kindness that make a big difference to others and make the world a better place. 九、定语从句之非限制性定语从句1.我们参加了在北京举办的夏令营,这不仅开阔了我们的视野,也提高了我们的英语口语水平。We joined in the summer camp

20、 held in Beijing, which not only broadened our horizons, but also improved our English.2.我们可以涵盖各种主题,如语法、词汇、发音、习语和常见错误,这将有助于提高学生的整体英语水平。We can cover various topics such as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, idioms, and common mistakes, which will contributes to improving students overall English lev

21、el.3.这个活动需要经常练习,这可以帮助学生强身健体。The activity requires regular practice, which can help students build up their strength.4.走路或开车时,要避免看手机,这会分散我们的注意力。While walking or driving, avoid looking at our phones, which will distract our attention.5.教育学生诚实的重要性是有益的,诚实不仅在我们的学习中,而且在我们生活的方方面面都是必不可少的品质。It would be benef

22、icial to educate students on the importance of honesty, which is an essential quality not only in our study, but also in every aspect of our life.6.为期两天的周末为学生提供了放松的机会,这对他们的心理健康有益。A two-day weekend provides students with a chance to relax themselves, which is beneficial for their mental health.十、定语从句

23、之The reason why.is that.1.我邀请你参加这个活动的原因是这个活动可以使你更好的了解中国文化。 The reason why I invite you to participate in this activity is that it offers you a deep, deeper insight into Chinese culture.2.我推荐篮球作为团体运动的原因是它不仅能够强身健体,还能够提升团队合作精神。The reason why I suggest including basketball as a team sport is that it cou

24、ld not only help students get into shape, but also improve team spirit.3.我推荐这个栏目的原因是它可以给学习英语有困难的学生提供具体的指导。The reason I recommend this column is that it can offer specific guidance to students who have difficulty in learning English.4.星期五下午我不能跟你一块去书店的原因是那天下午我要参加一个重要的会议。The reason why I cant go to the

25、 bookstore with you on Friday afternoon is that I have to attend an important meeting that afternoon.十一、名词性从句之主语从句 What+v.+is/was sth./that从句1.给我们印象最深的是听他们讲过去的故事,和他们下棋,这在我们之间架起了一座桥梁。What impressed us most was listening to their past stories and playing chess with them, which built a bridge between u

26、s. 2.给我印象最深的是开幕式上的精彩表演。 What impressed me most was the brilliant performances at the opening ceremony.3.给我印象最深的是由一群英国女孩演唱的中国传统歌曲梁祝。What impressed me most was the traditional Chinese song Liang Zhu, sung by a group of girls from Britain.4.最让我们担心的是,70%的中学生和80%的高中生视力不佳。What concerns us most is that 70%

27、 of middle school students and 80% of high school students suffered from poor eyesight.5.最让我兴奋的是,我被我梦想中的大学录取,并有机会追求我的激情。What excited me most was that I got accepted into my dream college and had the opportunity to pursue my passion.6.最让我们担心的是,大约20%的人承受着巨大的压力,急需他人的帮助。What worried us most is that abou

28、t 20% are under great pressure and they are in urgent need of others help.十二、名词性从句之主语从句it作形式主语 1. It occurs to/hits/strikes sb. that某人 突 然 想到我开始意识到,患难见真情。It dawned on me that a friend in need is a friend indeed.他突然想到他可以做一个蛋糕来庆祝她母亲的生日。It occurred to him that he could make a cake to celebrate her moth

29、ers birthday.2. It is +said/thought/believed/reported/suggested/known/acknowledged+that 从句人们普遍认为电影乱世佳人非常值得一看。It is generally acknowledged that the film Gone with the Wind, is well worth watching.人们相信,经常锻炼可以改善整体健康和幸福感。It is believed that regular exercise can improve overall health and well-being. 3.

30、It is+a pity/a fact/an honour/common sense/a tradition+that 从句很遗憾,我不能去参加你的生日聚会了。Its a pity that I cant go to your birthday party.我们坐在一起吃月饼,晚上赏月,这是一个重要的传统。It is an important tradition that we sit together, eating moon cakes and enjoying the moon in the night. 4. It is +important/vital/necessary/urgen

31、t/obvious+that 从句显而易见,露西能胜任这个工作。It is obvious that Lucy is highly qualified for this position.重要的是,我们应该立即采取行动缓解拥堵的交通状况。It is essential that we should take immediate action to ease the heavy traffic. 5.It+is+wise/important/necessary/helpful/beneficial/valuable/useful/vital/crucial/critical/significan

32、t/essential/fundamental)+(of/for sb.) to do sth.你必须在截止日期前提交申请。It is essential for you to submit you application before the deadline.教育诚实的重要性是有益的,它是我们学习中的一项基本素质。It would be beneficial to educate the students on the importance of honesty, which is an essential quality in our study. 十三、名词性从句之宾语从句 1.无论在

33、什么情况下,我们都应该牢记诚实为上策。We should always keep it in mind that honesty is the best policy, no matter the situation.2.我强烈建议学生们应该减少花在电脑和手机上的时间,这对他们的视力有很大的伤害。I strongly suggest that students should reduce the time spent on computer and mobile phones, which do great harm to their eyesight.3.我真诚地希望你们都能和我一起参加这次志愿者活动,一起努力。I sincerely hope that all of you can join me in this volunteer campaign and make joint efforts together.4.我真诚地希望你能接受我的道歉,并在你方便的时候尽早回复。I sincerely hope that you could accept my apology and a reply at your earliest convenience will be appreciated. 5


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