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1、高考英语读后续写高分句式1.场景+情绪+面部描写(肢体动作)Seeing(Hearing/Thinking of.) sb./sth, sb.felt a strong ( an overwhelming )sense of +情绪名词welling up inside sb.and surging through ones body, (with tears of +情绪名词 running down ones cheeks).看到(听到/想到)某人/某物,某人感觉一股强烈的.情绪涌上心头并涌遍全身,(.的泪水从某人的脸上流下来了)。例:Seeing a dark figure approa

2、ching, Lily felt a strong sense of fear welling up inside her and surging through her body, with tears of hopelessness running down her cheeks.【注】最后的with结构还可以换成以下的肢体表达1) with hands+非谓语动词(shaking/waving/sweating/crossed交叉/clenched紧握/2) with legs+非谓语动词(trembling/kicking/frozen静止/rooted to the spot一动不动

3、)3) with eyes+非谓语动词(fixed on./staring at.盯着/locked on.锁住/looking up and down上下看/burning with fire怒气冲冲/twinkling with pleasure(excitement)闪耀喜悦、兴奋的光芒/wide with horror(surprise)害怕、惊讶睁大眼睛)4) with head+非谓语动词(drooping耷拉着/bent(bowed/lowered)头低着/held up high头抬得高高得/spinning头晕目眩/)5) with face+非谓语动词(turning pa

4、le变苍白/burning hot火辣辣的/lit up面露喜色/forcing a smile勉强微笑/growing serious变严肃)【应用实例】:1.看到他跳入(jump into)水中,我感到一股强烈的希望涌上心头并涌遍全身,激动的泪水从我的脸上留下。Seeing him jumping into water, I felt a strong sense of hope welling up inside me and surging through my body, with tears of thrill streaming down my cheeks.2.听到他因运动员精

5、神而被授予一个奖项,他感到一股强烈的激动之情涌上心头并涌遍全身,眼睛闪耀着喜悦的光芒。Hearing he was awarded a prize for his sportsmanship, he felt a strong sense of hope welling up inside him and surging through his body, with eyes sparkling with joy.3.想到她要一个人在这漆黑的森林度过一个晚上,她感到一股强烈的绝望与无助涌上心头并涌遍全身,脸变得苍白起来。Thinking she would spend a night alon

6、e in this dark forest, she felt a strong sense of despair and hopelessness welling up inside her and surging through her body, with face turning pale.2.“as倒装+拟人修辞”惊艳到爆adj.+adj.as sb/sth.be, sb.still did sth.as if there was an inner voice telling sb.that sb.should do sth.=adj.+adj.as sb.be, sb.still

7、did sth.,doing sth(非谓语), with an inner voice reminding/encouraging sb.(not) to do sth.尽管既.又.,某人仍然做某事,(做某事)仿佛内心有个声音告诉/提醒/鼓励某人,(不)做某事(“面对困难”可用)例:Downcast and frustrated, David did not give in to this race as if there was an inner voice telling him that he could do whatever he wanted.【应用实例】1.尽管既艰难又有挑战性

8、(challenging),他仍然游向(swim towards)我女儿,仿佛内心有个声音告诉他,他不应该放弃。Tough and challenging as it was, he still swam towards my daughter, as if there was an inner voice telling him not to give up.2.尽管既疲惫又失落,Mr.Ray 依然相信能找到他丢失的车,仿佛内心有个声音告诉他,他要坚持下去。Exhausted and downcast, Mr.Ray still clung to the belief that he cou

9、ld find his lost car as if there was an inner voice telling him to keep on.3.尽管断掉电子设备既艰难又煎熬,我依然努力克制自己的渴望,仿佛内心有个声音在鼓励我, “你可以做到的。”Arduous and torturing as it was to wean myself from electronic devices, I still doubled my efforts to refrain from my urge with aninner voice encouraging me , “You can do i

10、t!”3.表示 “一就” 多样表达不会腻1)A wave of+情绪名词took hold of sb.the moment sb.did sth.某人一做某事,某种情绪占据了某人。(此处的the moment 也可换成the instant/the minute等)2) Hardly had sb.done sth.when.= No sooner had sb.done sth.than.3) Upon doing sth., sb.did sth.例: A wave of sadness took hold of me the moment I was notchosen for the

11、 team.【应用实例】1.一看到他们返回岸边(the shore),喜悦的情绪占据了我。The moment I saw their return to the shore, a wave of joy took hold of me.2.他一打开房门,就看到一个为他精心准备的蛋糕映入眼帘,使他充满的感动与温暖,驱散了一天工作的疲惫感。Hardly had he opened the door when he saw a carefully prepared cake greeting his eyes, filling him with gratitude and warmth, disp

12、elling tiredness after a day of work.3.一得知被心仪的大学录取了,Tim迫不及待地跑回家与妈妈分享他的喜悦。Upon knowing he was admitted to his ideal university, Tim couldnt wait to share his delight with his mom.4.全部倒装呈现“百感交集”At that very moment, within ones heart was a feeling of+情绪名词A,mixed with overwhelming+情绪名词, making sb.例句:At

13、that very moment ,within my heart was a feeling of gratitude, mixed with overwhelming excitement, making me unable to utter any word.【应用实例】1.在那一刻,我的内心充满不安,夹杂着一丝悔意,使我站在原地一动不动。At that very moment, within my heart was a feeling of anxiety,mixed with overwhelming regret, making me frozen on the spot.2.在

14、那一刻,Peter内心充满了惊讶之情,夹杂着极大的激动之情,使他进入到了奇幻的世界。At that very moment, within Peters heart was a feeling of amazement,mixed with overwhelming tremendous thrill, making him into a wonderland.3.在那一刻,Linda的内心充满的愤怒,夹杂着无以言表的羞愧之情,使她不敢面对家人。At that very moment, within Lindas heart was a feeling of anger,mixed with

15、overwhelming inexpressible shame, making her unable to face her family.5.witness 无灵主句 “说”变化5.时间+witnessed ones progress/growth/changes, from.to.时间见证.的变化/成长,从.到(此句型十分适用于 “人与动物”话题,如描述“动物的改变”)例:The following day witnessed the little cats progress, from a weak poor creture taken home by me to a lively a

16、nd energetic soldier.【应用实例】1.接下来的几周见证了这个麻雀的变化,从一开始毫无生命力的双眼到现在的眼里充满好奇,从耷拉的翅膀到时不时的振翅。The following weeks witnessed this sparrows progress/growth/changes, from initial lifeless eyes to eyes filled with curiosity, from drooping wings to occassional determined fluttering.2.接下来的几个月见证Lucy的变化,从对队友的冷漠和无视到热情地

17、融入到这个集体中来,从一言不发到无话不说。The next months witnessed Lucys progress/growth/changes, from being indifferent to her teammates to her enthusiasm about fitting in with this team, from being silent to being eager to share everything.3.接下来的几天见证了我们关系的转折点,从相互之间的敌对与对抗到形影不离。The days ahead witnessed a turning point

18、of our relationship, from being hostile to each other and confrontation to being inseparable.6.矛盾心理,左右为难sb.sank into an inner conflict between . and .sb.was torn between .and.ones emotions swung between .and .以上句型均可用来人物内心处于矛盾当中,在两件事中犹豫不决。例:She sank into an inner conflict between her love of dancing

19、and her fear of performing in public。她内心充满矛盾,既热爱舞蹈又害怕公开表演。【应用实例】他内心充满矛盾,在坚持自己的飞行员梦与父亲的期待之间产生冲突。 He sank into an inner conflict between sticking to his dream of being a pilot and his fathers expectation.Cindy在选择帮助需要帮助的人与花时间在自己的兴趣上矛盾着。Cindy was torn between helping others in need and spending time on

20、her own interest.7.“否定+比较”凸显文章主题nothing was more+形容词 than sth., constantly reminding sb.of the significance of.此句型可用于“某物”在文章中起到警示、提醒等作用,来彰显文章主题。例:Nothing was more important this broken vase, reminding him of the significance of being an honest boy.没有什么比这个破碎的花瓶更重要了,它提醒着他做一个诚实的男孩的重要性。【应用实例】在他的卧室里,没有什么

21、比这三颗巧克力更引人注目的了,时刻提醒着他诚实的重要性。In his bedroom, nothing was more striking than the three chocolates, constantly reminding him of the significance of being honest.在他心里,没有什么比这个损坏的手表更具有教育意义的了,时刻提醒着他耐心的重要性。 Nothing was more educational than this broken watch, constantly reminding him of the significance of

22、patience.没有什么比这个这张纸条更令人动容的了,时刻提醒着Peter善良的重要性。Nothing was more touching than this note, constantly reminding Peter of the significance of kindness.8.情绪转变这样说更生动情绪1+情绪2 were replaced by/gave way to/ translated into /were converted into 情绪3+情绪4上述短语均可表达情绪的转变,如:His sadness and disappointment were replaced

23、 by/gave way to/ translated into /were converted into joy and excitement.【应用实例】在得知自己被选为篮球队队员后,他最初失望和挫败的情绪转变成了欣喜和自豪。After the knowledge that he was chosen by the basketball team, his initial disappointment and frustration was replaced by joy and pride.狂怒不安的熊步步逼近,我们紧张担心的情绪转变成了恐惧与绝望。With the raging bea

24、r approaching, our tension and concern gave way to fear and despair.直升机的轰鸣声响彻天空,简一开始的焦虑与害怕转变成了喜悦和激动。The rumble of the helicopter broke the sky.Janes anxiety and fear at the biginning were converted into delight and thrill.9.期望变失望怎么写what awaited sb.was A rather than B, throwing sb.into a state of .等待

25、某人的是A不是B,使某人陷入了.的状态 此句型用于说明某人期待的事情与自己的预期不符,从而使其陷入消极的情绪当中,如:What awaited him was disapproval rather than dads understanding, throwing him into a state of disappointment.【应用实例】然而,等待我的不是妈妈热心的支持,而是她失望的眼神,使我陷入了悲伤的境地。What awaited me was moms disappointing look rather than her support, throwing me into a s

26、tate of sadness.等待他的不是老师的肯定而是批评,使他陷入了自我怀疑的境地。What awaited him was critisim rather than his teachers recognition, throwing him into a state of self-doubt.等待他的不是大家的鼓励而是一阵嘲笑,使他陷入了绝望的境地。What awaited him was everyones tease rather than encouragement, throwing him into a state of desperation.10.“终于明白”怎么说更

27、好it dawned on sb.that.某人顿悟到.it was crystal clear to sb.that. .对某人来说是显而易见的Sb.woke up to such an illuminating fact that.,某人意识到如此令人启发的事实.sth.shed light on the fact that.某事使.事实更加清楚例 It dawned on me that everyone was unique.It was crystal clear to me that everyone was unique.I woke up to such an illumina

28、ting fact that everyone was unique.This experience shed light on the fact that everyone was unique.【应用实例】我终于明白了,就像满是黑白斑点的虎百合(tiger lilies),我虽然看起来很普通,但我也是独一无二、不可替代的。It dawned on me that like tiger lilies spotted with black and white spots, ordinary as I looked, I was unique and irreplaceable.小男孩意识到这样一个令人启发的事实,善良和爱就像阳光,照亮每一个漆黑的角落。The little boy woke up to such an illuminating fact that kindness and love like sunshine illuminated every dark corner.5


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