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《2024年高考英语终极押题密卷2(全国甲卷)含答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2024年高考英语终极押题密卷2(全国甲卷)含答案.doc(32页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2024年高考英语终极押题密卷2(全国甲卷)一完形填空(共1小题)1 Sammie Vance,14,knows theres nothing worse than feeling left out.For years,shes been helping those kids make friends.What she has been doing is (1) the Buddy Bench program.Originally,the idea was that anyone at school who was feeling (2) could sit on the buddy benc

2、h.That let other kids know someone needed a friend.The idea quickly (3) .Sammie got the idea for the (4) at summer camp in 2017.She thought it would be (5) to have a buddy bench in her school,so when she got back,she (6) the idea to her headmaster,teachers and her parents.Getting (7) for the project

3、 was just the first step. There have been a lot of small (8) ,like money, Sammie says.To reduce costs and be (9) ,Sammie decided to make the bench out of recycled material.So she rallied(号召)her (10) to gather bottle caps.Word of the project got out,and soon Sammie was getting (11) from people in bro

4、ader regions all 50 states,and in the end she (12) more than 1,200 pounds.A company called GreenTree Plastics was able to (13) these into three benches.(14) ,Sammie helped other schools acquire benches.She has helped (15) more than 20 benches to schools and parks by now.Her (16) of kindness continue

5、s to spread far and wide. (17) all the kids her project has helped,Sammie benefits from it,feeling grateful for how it gave her (18) in so many different aspects of life. (19) as some acts of kindness can be,they can make a significant difference and lead to a chain reaction, she says. You never (20

6、) .Just be kind,in general.(1)AplanningBfundingCadvocatingDrunning(2)AdepressedBlonelyCsorrowfulDuncomfortable(3)Acaught onBcame overCset offDgot through(4)AambitionBprogramCtaskDinstructor(5)AimpracticalBuncommonCpopularDcool(6)AsoldBgiftedCtookDreflected(7)AapprovalBpromiseCadviceDhope(8)Aachievem

7、entsBstepsCchallengesDmatters(9)AeyecatchingBlightweightedCgoodlookingDecofriendly(10)ArelativesBfriendsCcommunityDgovernment(11)AmoneyBcapsCbenchesDpraise(12)AmadeBraisedCcollectedDsaved(13)AinvestBdivideCbreakDrecycle(14)ABefore longBBelieve it or notCBy contrastDBy the way(15)AboughtBborrowedCdon

8、atedDdelivered(16)AbehaviorBgestureCfaithDlove(17)ADespiteBUnlikeCAmongDBesides(18)AhonorsBlessonsCattentionDpurpose(19)ATiringBSmallCRegularDDull(20)AknowBwithdrawCstopDrecall二阅读理解(共4小题)2Traey AndersonGwyneth Paltrow and Victoria Beckham are fans of the Tracy Anderson Method,which involves dancebas

9、ed classes using body resistance and very light hand weights.Her online programme includes a new weekly workout,as well as access to existing classes,her digital magazine and meal planning guides.Its at 69 per month,but you get a discount for annual RoarThe singer Ellie Goulding and the fashion desi

10、gner Henry Holland are said to be fans of Roars daily live classes,which include the Overdrivea high energy weightsbased workout focusing on upperbody strengthening and cardiovascular fitness.Their founder,the three times Olympian speed skater Sarah Lindsay,has also trained the broadcaster Piers Mor

11、gan and the DJ Nick Grimshaw.Theres a 14day free trial,then membership starts at 12.50 per month with live daily workouts and unlimited access to the library.roarCentrThe Thor actor Chris Hemsworth and his personal trainer Luke Zocchi launched the Centr app in 2019.It features 20 and 40minute sessio

12、n s of HIIT,Pilates,yoga,boxing and guided meditation,plus recipe ideas,a meal planner and stress and well being support.Its offering a free sevenday trial,and starts from 7.83 Get It DoneThe former professional footballer and celebrity trainer Bradley Simmonds launched his platform,Get It Done,in 2

13、020.The app includes daily live streamed and ondemand classes featuring yoga,core fitness and strength.From 22 per month.Getitdone.fitness(1)What do Tracy Anderson and Centr have in common? A.Dancebased classes.B.Special magazines.C.Meal planning guides.D.A free trial period.(2)Which can probably of

14、fer oneonone classes? A.Tracy Anderson.B.Roar.C.Centr.D.Get It Done.(3)Who is the text intended for? A.Professional athletes.B.Fitness enthusiasts.C.Famous celebrities.D.Personal trainers.3 The Travels of a Tshirt in the Global Economy is a highlypraised and prize winning book that highlights the gl

15、obalization debates and reveals the key factors to make global business happen.Following a Tshirts life story from a Texas cotton field to a Chinese factory and back to a U.S.storefront before arriving at the used clothing market in Africa,the book uncovers a wealth of interesting questions about po

16、litics,trade,economics,ethics(道德学),and the impact of history on todays business landscape.Pietra Rivolis story began at George Town University in Washington where she worked as a professor of finance and international business.One day,she encountered a student seminar about globalized economy,where

17、one student illustrated his views by giving the simple and accessible examples of Tshirts.She became inspired so one day she bought an ordinary Tshirt randomly for 5.99,deciding to look into how the process worked,which triggered the whole story.She travelled thousands of miles and across three cont

18、inents to find out who did make these Tshirts that we all wear without giving a second thought about the journey each Tshirt had to go through to make it to the United States.She reached readers by using this simple,everyday Tshirt as a camera through which to explore all aspects of globalization in

19、 a historical context.The story is told in an interesting and efficient way to achieve its purpose of educating on global economy.The language used is simple for anyone interested in reading to understand the complex world of international trade.The book is written professionally from an economists

20、point of view.Rivoli uses a neutral tone,which is uncommon among economic writers and policymakers.She says,I have written this book not to defend a position,but first of all,to tell a story;not to convey morals but to discover them,and simply to see where the story leads.(1)What is the usual journe

21、y does a Tshirt go? A.USAAfricaUSAChina.B.USAChina USAAfrica.C.ChinaUSA China Africa.D.USAChina Africa USA.(2)What is Paragraph 2 mainly about? A.The travel of a Tshirt.B.The impact of the book.C.The wisdom of the writer.D.The background of the book.(3)What role did the Tshirt play in the book? A.An

22、 example to show complex concepts.B.An effective way to inspire the students.C.A main contributor to global cooperation.D.An important way to earn a living globally.(4)Whats the writers purpose of writing the passage? A.To show where a Tshirt goes.B.To praise an insightful professor.C.To introduce a

23、 great economy book.D.To explain what global economy is.4 In order to meet growing food production and energy needs in lowand middleincome countries,solarpowered groundwater irrigation(灌溉)is rapidly gaining ground.More than 500,000 solar pumps(泵)have been set up in south Asia over the last few years

24、 and a major expansion is planned across subSaharan Africa.Dustin Garrick,professor in the School of Environment,Resources and Sustainability,along with an international team,examined the trend toward solar pumps as a clear opportunity for boosting agricultural yields and reducing poverty,but the op

25、portunity comes with risks.While replacing electric or gas pumps with solarpowered irrigation holds the promise of reducing carbon emissions(排放),it is not guaranteed.Farmers who have access to these pumps may expand production of crops or diversify into other activities,which are not emissions neutr

26、al.Solar pumps will increase groundwater pumping efficiency,which may be desirable in regions that support such increases,but this could worsen groundwater lessening in regions that are already stressed.The cheap clean energy of solar pumps may lead to increased groundwater development,without neces

27、sarily decreasing overall emissions.Despite these challenges,the cleanenergy boost can serve as a stimulus for positive change in water and energy management but will require enhanced regulation and planning in both lowand highincome settings.Garrick and his team advocate for improved data collectio

28、n initiatives,with a shift from separated to integrated approaches.They suggest using technology to measure water pumping and collecting remotely sensed data to monitor land use changes.As well,regulatory improvements are crucial,with mounting limits for carbon emissions and groundwater lessening es

29、tablished at various levels.With groundwater management already a difficult challenge,we must act fast to understand the implications of the clean energy boost and poverty reduction acts to avoid these gains being won away by wells running dry.The rapid adoption of solar irrigation intensifies the u

30、rgency,demanding adaptation from governments and institutions to sail through these complexities.(1)According to paragraph 3,there is a conflict between .Apoor farmers and solarpowered irrigationBhuman consumption and clean energy limitsCcrop diversity and crop production expansionDpumping efficienc

31、y and groundwater exhaustion(2)What did Garrick and his team suggest for a positive change? AIntegrating data collection and regulation.BImproving carbon emission monitoring.CSeparating data for land use changes.DEstablishing groundwater levels.(3)What does the author propose the readers do? APerfor

32、m as the authorities suggest.BAct based on further understanding.CQuicken the adoption of solar irrigation.DChallenge the groundwater management.(4)Which of the following is the best title for the text? AThe Complexities of Adopting Solar PumpsBSolarPowered Irrigation:Farmers New FutureCThe Promise

33、and Risks of SolarPowered IrrigationDBalancing Clean Energy Boost and Poverty Reduction5 Now,Tenjen Sherpa,a Nepalese mountain guide,has set a new goal for himself;to become the youngest person to conquer all the peaks twice.Last month,together with Norwegian climber Kristin Harila,Tenjen,35 years o

34、ld,broke the previous record for the fastest climb of the 8,000meterplus mountains.In just 92 days,they reached the final summit,K2,surpassing the previous record of 189 days.Tenjen is now preparing for his next challenge,starting with a climb of Mount Shishapangma in China within the next two month

35、s.He has already successfully climbed seven of the peaks twice and aims to conquer the remaining seven by next spring.His journey began in 2016 when he first climbed Mount Dhaulagiri in Nepal.Since then,he has made several similar climbs each year,including four trips to Mount Everest.Particularly,T

36、enjen and his three brothers also hold a record as the most siblings to summit Mount Kanchenjunga,the worlds thirdtallest mountain,behind Everest and K2.Tenjen started working as a mountain guide to back his family.In April,he joined Harilas expedition to Mount Shshapangma,hired by the Kathmandubase

37、d company Seven Summits Treks.Together,they continued their journey,conquering the rest of the peaks.Tenjen plans to climb Shishapangma for the second time in the upcoming fall,carrying pictures of a deceased brother who never had the opportunity to conquer this mountain.He intends to bury these ima

38、ges at the mountaintop.Tenjen told Associated Press that Sherpas do not get enough government recognition for their hard work.It is not possible to just continue climbing mountains as you grow older,so what else is there than to think of migrating abroad, Tenjen pointed out.Tenjen never attended sch

39、ool growing up.He has difficulty reading and writing.But,living in Kathmandu,Nepals capital,his children are able to get an education.Tenjen thinks,though,that since more children will be growing up in cities in the future,they will not have the skills to become Sherpas.(1)What is Tenjens new goal?

40、ATo climb all the mountains twice.BTo climb Mount Everest alone.CTo break the record with Harila.DTo set a new peakclimbing record.(2)Why did Tenjen become a mountain guide initially? ATo support his family.BTo break climbing records.CTo explore the worlds mountains.DTo join an expedition with Norwe

41、gians.(3)What does the underlined word deceased mean in Paragraph 6? AInjured.BLate.CDisabled.DUpset.(4)What is Tenjen concerned about? AChildren will be lacking in Sherpas skills.BChildren will have no access to education.CChildren will face increasing competition.DChildren will struggle for job op

42、portunities.三书面表达(共1小题)6 假定你是高三学生李华,现为某国际学校中国民乐社(Chinese folk music club)社长。在该社的迎新大会上,你作为代表发言,内容包括:(1)成立该社的意义;(2)回忆过去一年该社组织的活动;(3)对新成员的寄语。注意:(1)词数100左右;(2)开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear teachers and friends,_Thanks for your listening!四短文改错(共1小题)7 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:(1)每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;(2)只允许修改10处,多者(从

43、第11处起)不计分。The person I would like to interview him is Yang Liwei.I would really like to interview him because he is not only one of the greatest astronaut in the world but also the first Chinese go to space.I have long been interesting in space exploration.And I believe I could learn a greatly deal

44、from him about it.If I could interview him,I would ask him that made him become an astronaut or how he was trained.I would also like to know how he feel in space and whether space travel is as exciting as what is describing in some books.Finally,I would like to ask a few questions about their person

45、al life,which must be very different.五信息匹配(共1小题)8 Food labels seem to provide all the information a thoughtful consumer needs,so counting calories should be simple.(1) They say how many calories a food contains,and yet what they dont say is that how many calories you actually get out of your food de

46、pends on how highly processed it is.Foodprocessing includes cooking,mixing and mashing(捣烂).(2) It can also be completed in your home when you prepare a meal.Highly processed foods are more digestible,whose effects can be big.If you eat the food raw you will tend to lose weight.If you eat the same food cooked,you will tend to gain weight.(3) As a result,when we are losing weight,we should reject processed food.And to do so would be much easier if our food labels gave us some advice about how many calories we would sav


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