英语第1部分Module 3 My First Ride On a Train 外研版必修1.ppt

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1、.高考单词识记思考运用1.核心词汇_ n.专家_ n.半夜_ n.旅程_ vt.训练_ n.距离_ adj.遥远的_ n.风景;景色_ n.场景;风景_ vt.射杀_ n.射击;枪声_ vt.使吃惊;惊吓_ adj.令人害怕的_ adj.害怕的_ n.惊吓;害怕答 案 expert midnight journey traindistance;distant scenery;scene shoot;shotfrighten;frightening;frightened;frightdesert n._event n._ceremony n._track n._abandoned adj._pr

2、oduct n._interview n.&v._exhausted adj._exhausting adj._exhaust vt._2.常考词汇答案沙漠事件仪式轨道被遗弃的产品面试;面谈;采访疲惫不堪的令人疲惫不堪的使疲惫不堪用所给单词的适当形式填空1.A sudden stop can be a very _(frighten)experience,especially if you are travelling at high speed.(2016浙江,单选改编)2.The long cycle ride_ my aunt.On arriving home,she was so _

3、that she went to bed and fell asleep immediately.The cycle ride was really _.(exhaust)3.This _ boy was _ himself to taking drugs.(abandon)4.If you like swimming,set yourself a _(distant)or time challenge.5.I was attracted by the beautiful _(scene)of Mount Huang the last time I visited it.答 案 1.frigh

4、tening 2.exhausted;exhausted;exhausting3.abandoned;abandoning4.distance5.scenery“旅行”多样journey(长期的陆上)旅行travel旅行;游记trip(短途)旅行;远足tour周游;参观访问voyage航海;太空旅行hiking徒步旅行【联想积累】inter-开头高频词interview n.&v.面试;面谈internet n.因特网international adj.国际的interval n.间隔;间歇interpret v.解释;说明interrupt v.打断(某人的)讲话;中断(某人的)行动“风景”

5、这边独好scenery n.风景;景色scene n.场景;风景view n.景色;风景sights n.风景;名胜landscape n.风景;景色outlook n.景色;风光.重点短语识记思考运用根据汉语意思补全下列短语1.get _上/下(车、船等)2.get _上(车);进入;陷入3.get out _ 下(车);出去;逃避4.take _(飞机)起飞;脱掉;休假;开始成功5.be short _是的缩写/简称6._.any more不再7.out _date过时8.refer_ 指的是;查阅;涉及答案1.on/off2.into3.of4.off5.for6.not7.of8.to

6、用左栏所给短语的适当形式填空1.For example,the moment you _ the airplane,start adjust your biological block to the destinations time.(2015重庆,完形)2.Dont worry.Our plane _ at 6:16 pm.There are three hours to go.3.The president spoke at the meeting for nearly an hour without _ his notes.4.The clothes are _ and few peo

7、ple are willing to buy them.答案1.get on2.takes off3.referring to4.out of date【联想积累】“v.off”短语速记show off炫耀;卖弄pay off还清take off起飞;脱掉put off推迟give off发出(光、热、气味等)“out ofn.”短语集锦out of sight 看不见out of order 出故障out of danger 脱离危险out of work 失业.经典句式识记思考运用原句背诵感悟1.What do you think the central part of the count

8、ry is like?你认为这个城市的中心部分是什么样子的?2.And what a ride!一次多么美妙的乘车经历!3.Would you mind if I saw your ticket?你介意我看一下你的票吗?4.I remember the day my father tried to teach me how to ride a bicycle.我记得父亲教我学骑自行车的那一天。句型公式仿写1.do you think作插入语 Who _(你认为)is fit for the job?2.what引导的省略形式的感叹句 _(真是太遗憾了)you missed the lectur

9、e again!3.Would you mind.?你介意吗?_(你介意)if I asked you a private question?4.“疑问词不定式”结构I wonder if you could tell me_(如何去做这件事).答案1.do you think2.What a great pity3.Would you mind4.how to do it【联想积累】1.以what引导的感叹句 (1)Whata/an形容词可数名词单数主语谓语!What a good girl she is!(2)What形容词不可数名词/可数名词主语谓语!What bad weather i

10、t is!2.how引导的感叹句(1)How形容词主语谓语!How hot it is today!(2)How副词主语谓语!How fast he runs!(3)How主语谓语!How time flies!单 词 点 睛1.distance n.距离;远处;冷淡教材原句I first travelled a long distance by train when I was six years old.我六岁时,第一次乘坐火车进行了长途旅行。高考必备词汇精讲精练(1)in the distance在远处在远处at/from a distance稍远处;隔一段距离稍远处;隔一段距离keep

11、 ones distance from.keep.at a distance与与保持距离保持距离(2)distant adj.遥远的;冷淡的遥远的;冷淡的be distant from离离遥远遥远be distant towards sb对某人冷淡对某人冷淡单句语法填空/写作运用Take your timeits just a short _(distant)from here to the restaurant.He _ the people he worked with.他对同事们始终敬而远之。答案distancewas distant towards【巧学助记】2.frighten vt

12、.使吃惊;惊吓教材原句The eagle suddenly flew in the air and frightened me.那只老鹰突然飞了起来,把我吓了一跳。(1)frighten sb into/out of doing sth吓吓得得某某人人做做/不敢做某事不敢做某事frighten.away/off 吓跑吓跑(2)frightening adj.令人恐惧的;可怕的令人恐惧的;可怕的frightened adj.害怕的;受到惊吓的害怕的;受到惊吓的fright n.恐惧;害怕恐惧;害怕单句语法填空/写作运用The _look on his face suggested that he

13、 saw something _.(frighten)He _ yesterday.他昨天恐吓那个老人把所有的钱都给他。答案frightened;frighteningfrightened the old man into giving him all the money一言串记At the sight of the frightening scene,which frightens anyone,he is almost frightened to death with fright.一看到那令人恐惧的场面,这个场面会吓到任何人,他由于害怕而几乎被吓死。abandoned adj.被遗弃的;

14、放纵的教材原句We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.我们看到了一些被遗弃的农场,它们都建于100多年以前。常考必会词汇理解辨认(1)abandon vt.遗弃;抛弃遗弃;抛弃 n n.尽情,放纵尽情,放纵abandon oneself to沉湎于;陷入沉湎于;陷入(2)with abandon恣意地;放纵地恣意地;放纵地单句语法填空/写作运用At the party,people sang and danced _abandon,totally forgetting the troubles

15、in their lives.Feeling frustrated,I found I gradually _.(2014湖北,满分作文)感到很沮丧,我渐渐地沉迷于游戏中。答案withabandoned myself to games一言串记The girls found an ancient coin in the abandoned house.They jumped with joy and clapped their hands with abandon.They were abandoned to the pleasure and forgot the time.女孩们在废弃的房子里

16、找到了一枚古币,她们高兴地跳了起来,并且尽情地拍手。她们沉浸于欢乐当中并忘记了时间。短 语 点 拨 1.get on上(车、船等);进展,进行;相处;继续进行下去经典例句How did you get on at the interview?你面试的情况怎么样?get into上上(车车);进入;陷入;进入;陷入get out of下下(车车);摆脱;摆脱get on/along with进展;与进展;与相处相处get across讲清楚;被讲清楚;被理解理解get around四处走动四处走动(旅行旅行);(消息等消息等)传播传播get down to开始认真开始认真(做某事做某事)(to为

17、介词为介词)单句语法填空/单句改错/写作运用Your papers wouldnt get _if you used too many technical terms in it.Its time we got down to do some serious work.As an outgoing girl,I _.(2015陕西,写作)作为一个外向的女孩,我跟我的同学相处地很好。答 案 across dodoing get along well with my classmates2.take off(飞机)起飞;突然成功/迅速流行;脱(衣服等);匆匆离开;休假高考佳句When the de

18、layed flight will take off depends much on the weather.(2014陕西,单选改编)那架延误的班机何时会起飞在很大程度上取决于天气。说出下列句中take off的含义It was at this point that her acting career really took off.The six boys got into the car and took off for the drug store.His mother was seriously ill,so he had to take a day off.Because of h

19、eavy fog,the plane couldnt take off on time.Tim took off his clothes and jumped into the water.【巧学助记】take in吸收;理解;欺骗;收容吸收;理解;欺骗;收容take on具有,呈现;担任,承担具有,呈现;担任,承担take up举举(拿,捡,拔拿,捡,拔)起;占据;从事起;占据;从事take over接管;接任接管;接任单句语法填空/写作运用When Mr.Green retired,his son took _ the business from him.It was several mi

20、nutes before I _.过了好几分钟,我才理解他说的是什么。答案开始成功匆匆离开休假起飞脱掉overcould take in what he was saying3.refer to指的是;提到;涉及;参考;查阅教材原句Some of the verbs can refer to more than one means of transport.一些动词可以描述不止一种交通方式。(1)refer sth to sb把把提交提交处理处理refer to.as.把把称作称作(2)reference n.提及;参考;查阅提及;参考;查阅in/with reference to关于关于单句

21、语法填空/写作运用Youd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future _(refer).Johnson _a major breakthrough in medical science yesterday.昨天,约翰逊称这次发现是医学领域的一个重大突破。答案referencereferred to the discovery as名师点津(1)在refer to中,to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词形式。(2)refer to后接词典、参考书等;而look up后接查阅的具体内容。句 式 透 析教材原句I

22、remember the day my father tried to teach me how to ride a bicycle.我记得我父亲教我学自行车的那一天。“疑问词不定式”结构的用法:(1)可可接接不不定定式式的的疑疑问问词词有有:who,which,what,when,where,how,whether等等。此此结结构构可可作作主主语语、宾宾语语和和表语等。表语等。(2)“疑问词不定式疑问词不定式”结构可转换为从句。结构可转换为从句。写作运用_is no longer as easy as it once was.选择吃什么,已经不像以前那么简单了。The boy is too young to know _ in trouble.孩子太小,不知道在困境中该做什么。答案Choosing what to eatwhat to do


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