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《高中英语2024届高考读后续写高分句子翻译练习(共四大类附参考答案).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语2024届高考读后续写高分句子翻译练习(共四大类附参考答案).doc(6页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语读后续写高分句子翻译练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 一、特殊句式(感叹、强调、倒装)1._the bear that it roared and smacked the fence violently.熊怒火中烧,开始咆哮并用爪子猛烈地拍击护栏。(so .that .倒装句式)2._ that a virus would make me thankful, but it has made me see life in a new way.我从未想过(imagine)一种病毒会让我感恩,但它让我以一种新的方式看待生命。(倒装句)3._ I realize that it was braver

2、y that can conquer whatever difficulty came in the way.直到那时,我才意识到,正是勇敢才能克服一切困难。(倒装句)4._ he finished the last note than the audience broke into thunderous applause.他刚结束最后一个音符,观众就爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。(倒装句)5._ lit up my heart, _ encouraged me.不仅她快乐的情绪照亮了我的心,她的话也鼓励了我。(倒装句)6._ we must focus to see the light.(越是在最黑暗

3、的时刻,我们越要寻找光明。)(强调句)7._ counts/matters.最重要的是坚持下去的勇气。(强调句)8._ when thought about what Fahad had just said and done to him!想到法赫德刚才对他说的话和做的事,他是多么恼火啊! (感叹句)9._ mother she was! 她是一个多么一心为了孩子的慈爱母亲啊!(感叹句)二、修饰成分(从句、非谓语、with复合结构、形副提前)1.She returned _ and purchased _.她把买的东西退了回去,买了孩子们需要的东西。(宾语从句)2.Missus Sommers

4、 thanked the kid and rushed to the stores _索默斯太太谢过孩子,冲到商店买衣服。(定从)3.Crying Matthew looked like a newborn cat, _.哭泣的马修看起来像一只刚出生的猫,融化了一颗坚硬如石头的心。(非谓语doing)4.Stephen went quiet for a moment, _.斯蒂芬沉默了一会儿,思考(reflect on)迈克的话。(非谓语doing)5._, mama couldnt contain her joyful tears.妈妈紧紧地拥抱着两个男孩,抑制不住喜悦的泪水。(非谓语doi

5、ng)6._ the tent, we lay on our back in the tent, _.搭建完帐篷之后,我们躺在帐篷里,感觉非常惬意。(非谓语doing)7._ the dense mist, I could do nothing but _, helpless and disappointed.困在迷雾中,我什么也做不了,只能哭泣,无助又失落。(非谓语done)8._, his face grew sullen, asking angrily who had done it.被这可怕的景象惊呆了,他的脸色阴沉起来,生气地问这是谁干的。(非谓语done)9._, he raise

6、d his hand, whispering “I volunteer.”受到老师的鼓舞,他举起手,小声说道: “我来” 。(非谓语done)10._, the ever poor fragile kitten gradually came to life.随着时间的流逝,这只曾经可怜脆弱的小猫渐渐活了过来。(with复合结构)11.Meanwhile, she sat restlessly in her seat (不安地坐着)_ (她的手指交叉着).(with复合结构)12._, I found myself lying in hospital _.醒来后,我发现自己躺在医院里,焦虑的妈妈

7、坐在我旁边。(非谓语doing + with 结构)13._, she flagged her yellow blouse, _.急切又兴奋,她挥动着外衣,试图引起别人的注意。(形容词提前+非谓语doing)14._, Jane lay down near a stone, _.Jane躺在石头旁边,精疲力竭十分害怕,心里思念着她的家人。(形容词提前+非谓语doing)15._, Jane knelt down, _.又绝望又疲惫,Jane跪了下来,眼泪顺着她的脸颊流了下来。(形容词提前+ with 结构)16._, I asked why she helped me.我好奇地问她,为什么要帮

8、我.(副词提前)17._, father instructed us to put up the tent.爸爸很耐心地教我们搭帐篷。(副词提前)18._, his two friends didnt come across the wolf.难以令人置信的是,他的两个朋友竟然没有碰到狼。(副词提前)三、情感表情1.When a lady introduced a knee-length dress with lace to her, _with excitement.当一位女士向她介绍一件及膝的蕾丝连衣裙时,她的心兴奋得怦怦直跳。2.He stood there, _.他站在那里,感激的泪水

9、涌上了他的眼眶。3.Hearing this, Karin couldnt hide her feelings any longer (再也不能隐藏她的情绪) and _.(突然大哭起来)4._ in him./ _.他心中涌起一阵恐惧。 / 恐惧淹没了他。5.Mary felt _ her.玛丽感到一阵愤怒。6.At the moment, _ me.那一刻,悔恨、羞愧、惊讶和悲伤种种情绪涌上我的心头。7.The moment she heard the bad news, she felt _ and couldnt help crying bitterly.(被一股悲伤之感控制,忍不住哭

10、泣)8.The whole class _ clapping and cheering.(爆发出掌声和欢呼声).9.Hearing that, Karin grinned (咧嘴笑) from ear to ear, _(幸福的浪潮涌上她的心头).10.His eyes _.(闪烁着快乐的光芒).11.He stood silently, tears _.他静静地站着,眼泪顺着面颊流了下来。12.With her hands shaking, she was _.她的手在颤抖, 快要哭了。13.She was _ guilt and shame.(被内疚和羞愧淹没)14._ swept ove

11、r me (一阵愧疚向我袭来)15._, he knocked on the old mans door again.他心里忐忑不安,再次敲开了老人的门。四、各种小词与表达1._, he _ and walked to his teacher with the dictionary and his test paper.想到这里,他站了起来,拿着字典和试卷向老师走去。2._, Della let out a cry in disbelief, clapping a hand over her mouth.看到梳子,德拉难以置信地叫了一声,用手捂住嘴。3._, the mother collap

12、sed.听到这悲伤的消息,母亲晕倒了。4._, she could not contain her sorrow and tears rolled down her cheeks.当看到信的结尾,她再也抑制不住内心的悲伤,潸然泪下.5.He _ (喃喃地说了声谢谢)and ran home all the way.6.Then he got close to him, and_, with big smile on his face.然后他走近他,轻轻地拍了拍斯蒂芬的肩膀,脸上挂着灿烂的笑容。7.Struck by the news, Della couldnt _ for a moment.

13、惊讶于这个消息,德拉一时说不出话来。8.He _ at him.他愤恨地瞪了他一眼。9.When hearing the bell, the old man _ the door.听到铃声,老人向门口走去。10.We were _ when our car broke down.我们在去巴黎的路上车子出了毛病。11.He _his son when he saw him 当他看到儿子时张开双臂拥抱他12.The students _ at their math teacher.学生们一脸疑惑地看着数学老师。附:参考答案:一、特殊句式(感叹、强调、倒装)1.So angry was the be

14、ar that it roared and smacked the fence violently.熊怒火中烧,开始咆哮并用爪子猛烈地拍击护栏。(so .that .倒装句式)2.Never had I imagined that a virus would make me thankful, but it has made me see life in a new way.我从未想过(imagine)一种病毒会让我感恩,但它让我以一种新的方式看待生命。(倒装句)3.Only then did I realize that it was bravery that can conquer wha

15、tever difficulty came in the way.直到那时,我才意识到,正是勇敢才能克服一切困难。(倒装句)4.No sooner had he finished the last note than the audience broke into thunderous applause.他刚结束最后一个音符,观众就爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。(倒装句)5.Not only did her joyful mood lit up my heart, but also her words encouraged me.不仅她快乐的情绪照亮了我的心,她的话也鼓励了我。(倒装句)6.It is

16、during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.(越是在最黑暗的时刻,我们越要寻找光明。)(强调句)7.It is the courage to continue that counts/matters.最重要的是坚持下去的勇气。(强调句)8.How annoyed he was when thought about what Fahad had just said and done to him!想到法赫德刚才对他说的话和做的事,他是多么恼火啊! (感叹句)9.What a devoted and loving m

17、other she was! 她是一个多么一心为了孩子的慈爱母亲啊!(感叹句)二、修饰成分(从句、非谓语、with复合结构、形副提前)1.She returned what she bought and purchased what the children needed.她把买的东西退了回去,买了孩子们需要的东西。(宾语从句)2.Missus Sommers thanked the kid and rushed to the stores where she bought clothes索默斯太太谢过孩子,冲到商店买衣服。(定从)3.Crying Matthew looked like a

18、newborn cat, melting a heart of stone.哭泣的马修看起来像一只刚出生的猫,融化了一颗坚硬如石头的心。(非谓语doing)4.Stephen went quiet for a moment, reflecting on Mikes words.斯蒂芬沉默了一会儿,思考(reflect on)迈克的话。(非谓语doing)5.Hugging the two boys tightly, mama couldnt contain her joyful tears.妈妈紧紧地拥抱着两个男孩,抑制不住喜悦的泪水。(非谓语doing)6.Having put up the

19、 tent, we lay on our back in the tent, feeling great.搭建完帐篷之后,我们躺在帐篷里,感觉非常惬意。(非谓语doing)7.Trapped in the dense mist, I could do nothing but burst into tears, helpless and disappointed.困在迷雾中,我什么也做不了,只能哭泣,无助又失落。(非谓语done)8.Astonished at the horrible sight, his face grew sullen, asking angrily who had don

20、e it.被这可怕的景象惊呆了,他的脸色阴沉起来,生气地问这是谁干的。(非谓语done)9.Encouraged by the teachers words, he raised his hand, whispering “I volunteer.”受到老师的鼓舞,他举起手,小声说道: “我来” 。10.With time going by, the ever poor fragile kitten gradually came to life.随着时间的流逝,这只曾经可怜脆弱的小猫渐渐活了过来。(with复合结构)11.Meanwhile, she sat restlessly in her

21、 seat (不安地坐着) with her fingers crossed (她的手指交叉着).(with复合结构)12.Waking up, I found myself lying in hospital with my worried Mum sitting beside me.醒来后, 我发现自己躺在医院里,焦虑的妈妈坐在我旁边。(非谓语doing + with 结构)13.Eager and excited, she flagged her yellow blouse, trying to attract others attention.急切又兴奋,她挥动着外衣,试图引起别人的注

22、意。(形容词提前+非谓语doing)14.Exhausted and scared, Jane lay down near a stone, missing her family.Jane躺在石头旁边,精疲力竭十分害怕,心里思念着她的家人。(形容词提前+非谓语doing)15.Desperate and exhausted, Jane knelt down, with tears rolling down her cheeks.又绝望又疲惫,Jane跪了下来,眼泪顺着她的脸颊流了下来。(形容词提前+ with 结构)16.Curiously, I asked why she helped me

23、.我好奇地问她,为什么要帮我.(副词提前)17.Patiently, father instructed us to put up the tent.爸爸很耐心地教我们搭帐篷。(副词提前)18.Incredibly/ Unbelievably, his two friends didnt come across the wolf.难以令人置信的是,他的两个朋友竟然没有碰到狼。(副词提前)三、情感表情1.When a lady introduced a knee-length dress with lace to her, her heart was thumping with exciteme

24、nt.当一位女士向她介绍一件及膝的蕾丝连衣裙时,她的心兴奋得怦怦直跳。2.He stood there, tears of gratitude welling up in his eyes.他站在那里,感激的泪水涌上了他的眼眶。3.Hearing this, Karin couldnt hide her feelings any longer (再也不能隐藏她的情绪) and burst into tears.(突然大哭起来)4.A flood of fear welled up in him./ Fear flooded over him.他心中涌起一阵恐惧。 / 恐惧淹没了他。5.Mary

25、 felt a wave of anger sweep over her.玛丽感到一阵愤怒。6.At the moment, a mixture of regret, shame, astonishment and sadness washed over me.那一刻,悔恨、羞愧、惊讶和悲伤种种情绪涌上我的心头。7.The moment she heard the bad news, she felt seized by a burst of sadness and couldnt help crying bitterly.(被一股悲伤之感控制,忍不住哭泣)8.The whole class

26、burst out clapping and cheering.(爆发出掌声和欢呼声).9.Hearing that, Karin grinned (咧嘴笑) from ear to ear, a wave of happiness flooding over her.(幸福的浪潮涌上她的心头).10.His eyes twinkled with pleasure .(闪烁着快乐的光芒).11.He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks.他静静地站着,眼泪顺着面颊流了下来。12.With her hands shaking, she was

27、 on the verge of tears.她的手在颤抖, 快要哭了。13.She was overwhelmed/overcome/consumed with guilt and shame.(被内疚和羞愧淹没)14.A wave of guilt swept over me (一阵愧疚向我袭来)15.With butterflies in his stomach, he knocked on the old mans door again.他心里忐忑不安,再次敲开了老人的门。四、各种小词与表达1.At the thought of this, he rose to his feet an

28、d walked to his teacher with the dictionary and his test paper.想到这里,他站了起来,拿着字典和试卷向老师走去。2.At the sight of the comb, Della let out a cry in disbelief, clapping a hand over her mouth.看到梳子,德拉难以置信地叫了一声,用手捂住嘴。3.Hearing the sad news, the mother collapsed.听到这悲伤的消息,母亲晕倒了。4.When seeing the ending of the lette

29、r, she could not contain her sorrow and tears rolled down her cheeks.当看到信的结尾,她再也抑制不住内心的悲伤,潸然泪下.5.He murmured a thank you and ran home all the way.他喃喃地说了声谢谢,然后一路跑回了家。6.Then he got close to him, patted Stephen on the shoulder gently, with big smile on his face.然后他走近他,轻轻地拍了拍斯蒂芬的肩膀,脸上挂着灿烂的笑容。7.Struck by

30、 the news, Della couldnt utter a word for a moment.惊讶于这个消息,德拉一时说不出话来。8.He flashed a furious glance at him.他愤恨地瞪了他一眼。9.When hearing the bell, the old man made his way to the door.听到铃声,老人向门口走去。10.We were heading to Paris when our car broke down.我们在去巴黎的路上车子出了毛病。11.He threw his arms round his son when he saw him 当他看到儿子时张开双臂拥抱他12.The students cast a puzzled look at their math teacher.学生们一脸疑惑地看着数学老师。6


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