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《精品解析:江苏省南京外国语学校2022-2023学年七年级下学期期中测试英语试题(原卷版)(1).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《精品解析:江苏省南京外国语学校2022-2023学年七年级下学期期中测试英语试题(原卷版)(1).docx(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 南京外国语学校20222023学年度第二学期期中初一年级英 语 试 题 (A 卷)试卷总分: 100分 考试时间: 100分钟卷I 客观题 (满分55分)II. Multiple choice(1%20=20%)1. We all miss Tom a lot. We really hope _ back to work soon.A. he cameB. him to comeC. he will comeD. him will come2. In this cookery book, you can find more than _ different ways to make dess

2、erts.A. two hundredB. two hundredsC. two hundred ofD. two hundreds of3. She knew she could get to the other side of the village _ riding a bike, but she chose to run _ the grass just for fun.A. through; throughB. by; acrossC. through; acrossD. by; through4 Youd better not sit there _ playing on the

3、phone. Your mother is looking _ at you right now.A. lazy; angryB. lazily; angryC. lazy; angrilyD. lazily; angrily5. He _ drinking green tea recently as he believes green tea can help him lose some weight.A. took upB. gave upC. put upD. looked up6. I dont think robots _ the place of teachers fifty ye

4、ars from now. A science professor _ us a lecture on robots this afternoon. You may ask him the question after the lecture.A. will take; givesB. are going to take; givesC. will take; is givingD. are going to take; is giving7. Youd better text her first. She _ angry if you _ by her house suddenly tomo

5、rrow. A. may be; stopB. may be; will stopC. maybe; stopD. maybe; will stop8. -Im not sure _ there will be a football match this afternoon. Ben told me this, I never doubted _ he was telling me the truth.A. that; whetherB. if; thatC. that; thatD. whether; if9. _ of us tried to solve the maths problem

6、, but _ of us was able to do it.A. Everyone; no oneB. Everyone; noneC. Each; no oneD. Each; none10. Why did Jane leave the school in _ a hurry. She left early _ she could cook a meal for her parents.A. so; in order toB. such; so thatC. so; so thatD. such; in order to11. The boy stopped _ higher in t

7、he tree because he knew it would be dangerous _ that.A. climbing; doingB. to climb; doingC. climbing; to doD. to climb; to do12. They all think the flat is _ small for the whole family to _, so they are thinking about buying a bigger one.A. too; live inB. so; liveC. too; liveD. so; live in13. The re

8、scue team found a little girl who was still _ under a building three days after the earthquake. They wondered how she was able to _ the big earthquake.A. alive; survive inB. living; surviveC. living; survive inD. alive; survive14. Do you know that Lucy has a dog _ Smart? She often takes a walk after

9、 supper with Smart _ her all the way.A. called;followsB. called; followingC. is called;followingD. is called; follows15. _ good fun it was running in the park! However, I had _ pain in my right leg after the run.A. How; a little ofB. What; a bit ofC. How; a littleD. What; a bit16. You know, the moon

10、 _ about 27 days to circle around the earth. Youd better stop here. Something may _ wrong if you dont rush into the kitchen now.A. takes; getB. spends; goC. takes; goD. spends; get17. What would happen if one engine of a plane stopped working _ 1, 000 meters?I dont know the answer _ this question.A.

11、 on; ofB. on; toC. at; ofD. at; to18. Sometimes she fails to realize _ really matters in her life. Also, she doesnt know _ she can get help when shes in trouble.A. that; whereB. what; whereC. that; whoD. what; who19. During the break my friend Susan asked me _.A. what did I want to have for lunchB.

12、what is wrong with my left legC. if the moon moved around the earthD. if the USA was founded in 177620. Did Jack play badly again in yesterdays football match?Not at all. _, he scored the only goal in the match.A. In factB. Hang onC. In a wayD. AnywayIII. Cloze test(1%10=10%)Some of the earliest civ

13、ilizations (文明) on Earth developed in Mesopotamia (美索不达米亚). In them developed the early farmers, warriors and cardinals. They spent most of their time _21_ the stars as they were believed to have a direct influence on daily life. Till today, almost everyone knows their birth sign. Newspapers print h

14、oroscopes; lovers try to _22_ if they are easy to get along with, and people spend a lot of money getting help from astrologers (占星家). Horoscopes and personalityThe solar year begins with the sun passing through the horoscope of Aries (白羊座) around the beginning of April. Aries is a ram, and those bo

15、rn at this time are said to be independent and unpredictable. Then comes Taurus, the _23_, not very bright, but stubborn bull (公牛). Gemini are twins and to be found in those with birthdays in late May and early June. Cancer the crab, moves sideways. Leo, the lion, is the king of animals, proud, brav

16、e and trustworthy. Virgo, the maiden, is kind and sweet. Libra is the scales (天平) that weigh _24_ is good and bad, just and unjust. Scorpio, the scorpion, is a very dangerous creature, best avoided. Sagittarius is a man-horse, who is also an archer. This gives a fine mixture of qualities. Capricorn,

17、 the goat, is talented, able to survive almost _25_. Aquarius, the water-carrier, is a dreamer with some of the quality of water. The year _26_ with Pisces, the fish, brilliant and fast. Some horoscopesCancerThis summer will bring holidays, trips, parties and all sorts of exciting events to you. Lov

18、e will be certain to happen. _27_, try not to be crazy about the wrong person. LeoLife for you will be very exciting this summer as long as you are prepared to make an effort. You will find many opportunities for meeting new people and visiting new places. There is a possibility of starting a relati

19、onship. But stay calm and try not to be ruled (支配) by your _28_. VirgoThis summer you must take every chance you get to _29_ and visit new places. Dont be afraid of making changes, and if you are, people will soon become bored with you. You will have plenty of opportunities to start a business and m

20、ake new friends. Many people believe astrology is _30_ a superstition (迷信), and scientists say that it is unscientific. What about your opinion?21. A. seeingB. watchingC. readingD. looking22. A. find outB. put outC. turn outD. work out23. A. tallB. shortC. weakD. strong24. A. whatB. howC. ifD. that2

21、5. A. somewhereB. nowhereC. anywhereD. everywhere26. A endsB. meetsC. mixesD. goes27. A. AlsoB. StillC. SoD. However28. A. positionB. feelingsC. intelligenceD. experiences29 A. stay behindB. surf onlineC. go outD. sit alone30. A. reallyB. onlyC. probablyD. hardlyIV. Reading comprehension(1%15=15%)AI

22、n December 2022, people in Shenzhen found that water ran more slowly from their taps. The government said the city was facing its most serious water shortage ever. Some other cities in the southern part of China, like Chengdu and Guangzhou, are also becoming “thirsty”, The Paper reported. Compared (

23、相比) with northern areas, southern areas have more rain and are close to more rivers and lakes. So why are they still short on water?In big cities like Shenzhen and Guangzhou, populations are growing fast. As a result, people and factories need more and more water. Each person in Shenzhen has less th

24、an 200 cubic meters of water each year. Its l/12 of the countrys average. According to the United Nations, it is an “absolute water shortage” (极度缺水) when the number is below 500 cubic meters. Climate change is making the water problem worse. For example, most cities in Guangdong depend on the Dongji

25、ang River as their main source (来源) of water. In 2022, the river was reported to be drying up. Because of climate change, theres also less snow in the mountains of Tibet. The snow has long been the source of water for many areas in China. Those mountains might provide less water in the future. There

26、 are other reasons for water shortages. For example, water pollution makes it harder to get clean drinking water. Factories and farms dont use water efficiently (有效地). Some cities have enough rainfall, but dont have big lakes or reservoirs (水库) to store water. The water just goes into the sea.31. Wh

27、ere is this text most probably from?A. A newspaper.B. A textbook.C. A tour book.D. A school website.32. How much water does an average Chinese person use according to the text?A. 200 cubic meters.B. 500 cubic meters.C. 1200 cubic meters.D. 2400 cubic meters.33. Why is there less water in Chinas rive

28、rs according to Paragraph 4?A. People are using up the water in these rivers.B. The rivers flow through many areas with less rain.C. Mountains in Tibet have less snow.D. Most water goes to the sea before people can get it.34 Which is NOT a reason for the water shortage mentioned in the last paragrap

29、h?A. Water pollution.B. Wasting water.C. Lack of storing place.D. Climate change.35. What is the authors attitude to the shortage of water?A. Positive.B. Negative.C. Neutral (中立的).D. Worried.BI spent a lot of time sitting by the sycamore (悬铃木) tree, trying to figure out what Juli meant to me. Was sh

30、e just another girl, or was she special? The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I couldnt compare her to anyone else. She was just Juli, and she was amazing. One day, I decided to climb up the tree to the top. When I looked out over the neighborhood, everything looked differentlike I

31、was seeing it for the first time. I could see the park where we used to play, and the comer where Julis house was. And I could see her, sitting in her front yard with her sketchpad (速写板). As I watched her, I realized that I had never seen anyone so passionate (热诚的) about something. When she was draw

32、ing, it was like she was in another worlda world where nothing else mattered but the pencil and the paper. And that made me admire her even more. I wanted to know more about her, so I started asking her questions. What kind of music did she like? What was her favorite movie? What did she want to be

33、when she grew up? And the more she talked, the more I realized that we had a lot in common. We both loved animals, and we both liked to read. And we both wanted to make a difference in the world. As the summer went on, I started to see Juli in a whole new way. I wasnt just interested in herI was fas

34、cinated by her. And I knew that I wanted to be part of her life, no matter what. One day, I was sitting in the sycamore tree, watching Juli draw, when she looked up and saw me. She smiled and waved and I felt something inside me change. It was like a piece of me had been missing, and now it was back

35、. “Hey Bryce,” she said, as she climbed up into the tree with me. “Hey Juli,” I said. “Can I ask you something?”“Sure,” she said. “Do you want to go to the movies with me next weekend?” I asked, trying to sound natural. Her eyes widened, and for a moment. I thought she was going to say no. 36. When

36、Bryce climbed up the tree to the top, what did NOT he see?A. The park where they used to play.B. The corner where Julis house was.C. Some animals playing in the neighborhood.D. Juli sitting in her front yard with her sketchpad.37. What made Bryce admire Juli more?A. Her passion.B. Her intelligence.C

37、. Her beauty.D. Her popularity.38. What did Bryce discover after talking with Juli?A. They had nothing in common.B. They both loved animals and reading.C. They wanted to be famous actors.D. They had different goals in life.39. Which of the following is the most proper sentence to put in ?A. And then

38、 she smiled and said sorry.B. And then she said yes and ran awayC. But then she cried and said, “Im sorry I cant.”D. But then she smiled and said. “Id love to.”40. What can we learn about Juli from the text?A She loved reading more than drawingB. She wasnt interested in Bryce.C. She changed Bryce in

39、 a way.D. She was good at climbing the tree.CChatGPT, a smart AI chatbot (聊天机器人) tool, has changed the education world in the past months. According to a US survey of more than 1,000 students, over 89 percent of them have used ChatGPT to help with homework. Developed by US company OpenAI, ChatGPT is

40、 a powerful tool. You can ask it to write stories, create recipes, translate languages, and answer all kinds of questions. Some schools in the US, Australia and France have banned (禁止) the use of ChatGPT. In the US, for example, New York City public schools banned students and teachers from using Ch

41、atGPT on the districts networks and devices. The move comes out of worries that the tool could make it easier for students to cheat on homework. Some also worry that ChatGPT could be used to spread incorrect information. “It does not build critical-thinking (批判性思维) and problem-solving skills, which

42、are necessary for academic (学术的) and lifelong success,” said Jenna Lyle, the deputy press secretary of the New York City Department of Education. Besides bans, teachers are making changes to their classes to stop the use of ChatGPT. Some college teachers in the US try to include more speaking exams

43、and handwritten papers instead of typed ones. However, not all educators say “no” to ChatGPT. Some Canadian universities are drafting (起草) policies on its use, for both students and teachers. They have no plans to completely ban the tool so far. Bhaskar Vira, pro-vice-chancellor for education at the

44、 University of Cambridge in the UK, said that bans on AI software like ChatGPT are not wise. “We have to know that AI is a tool people will use. What we need to do is adapt our learning, teaching and examinations. That way, we can have integrity (诚信) while recognizing the use of the tool.”41. How ma

45、ny uses of ChatGPT are mentioned in Paragraph 2?A. 3.B. 4.C. 5.D. 6.42. Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of ChatGPT?A. It doesnt improve the students skills in thinking critically and solving problems.B. It will be much easier for students to cheat on homework while using it.C. It may sp

46、read incorrect information from the Internet to the real world.D. It can help to train students to speak and write more than to type.43. What is Bhaskar Viras opinion on ChatGPT?A. It is not wise for people to ban the use of it completely.B. The society wont have integrity with its development.C. Pe

47、ople should make plans for the coming problems.D. Not everyone will use this tool in the future.44. What does the underlined word “adapt” in the last paragraph mean?A. 修改B. 适应 C. 编写D. 调整45. Which is the best title for this text?A. A smart AI chatbotB. ChatGPT: a good study tool?C. ChatGPT leads to storm in educationD. Can students use AI for homework?卷 主观题 (满分45分


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