高中英语模块二 Unit2陈宣霖3.doc

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1、 精锐教育学科教师辅导讲义学员编号: 年 级:高一 课 时 数:3 学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师:汤文静授课类型T M2 U2 C将来进行时和过去将来时T 能力提高 授课日期时段2018 1 1教学内容一、 同步知识梳理知识点1:Wish you were here. 如果你在这里就好了。 动词wish之后的宾语从句常用_,往往表示与事实情况相反或表示不太可能实现的愿望,意思是“_”。具体来说,包括三种情况:1) _,其宾语从句中的谓语动词形式为_;2) _,其宾语从句中的谓语动词形式为_;3) _,其宾语从句中的谓语动词形式为_。典例讲解:1) 我要是一只小鸟就好了。_2) 我要是从

2、没有和他见过面就好了!_3) 我要是明天能通过考试就好了!_知识点2:Ive been quite busy arranging my holiday with my older brother, Colin.1)be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 be busy with / at sth. 忙于某事表示“忙于(做)某事”的词组_2) arrange v._ _ n. _安排,筹备某事_ 安排做某事_安排某人做某事_ 为某人安排某事_与某人约定做某事_ 商定;安排_安排,筹办(名词形式)_典例讲解:1) 那位钟点工把书架上面的书整理好了。_2) 我已经安排了一位老师帮助你儿子学

3、习英语。_3) 我们学院负责筹办这次会议。_知识点3:You have to wear a helmet and a life jacket for protection, just in case you fall into the water.1) protection n._;_;_protect sb./sth. from_protect sb./sth. against _protective clothing_2)in case 万一,以防 翻译:1)in any case _2)in that / this case _3)in case of _4)in the case of

4、 _5)in no case_典例讲解:1. Mr. Smith stayed in the hotel all day _ there is news of the missing boy.A. in case B. in no caseC. in any case D. in case of2. My parents live in a small village. They always keep candles in the house _ there is a power out. A. if B. unlessC. in case D. so that3. _ fire, all

5、exits must be kept clear.A. In place of B. Instead ofC. In case of D. In spite of4. People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this _ creates further problems.A. in short B. in case C. in doubt D. in turn5. The open air celebration has been put off _ the bad weathe

6、r.A. in case of B. in spite ofC. instead of D. because of知识点4:Well live with the local people in their villages, and eat and drink whatever they do, including cows blood. 句中的whatever的意思是_,引导_从句,including介词短语在句中作_。 1)whatever后可接状语从句whatever+状语从句= _典例讲解:只要我们有坚强的意志,无论什么样的困难我们都能克服。If we have a strong wi

7、ll, we can overcome any difficulty _ _ _(=_ _ _ _ _).无论面临什么困难,你都不要放弃。_=_2)whatever后也可接名词性从句(主语,宾语,表语从句)whatever +名词性从句=_ 典例讲解: The parents shouldnt give their children whatever they want.=The parents shouldnt give their children_ _ _ _.典例讲解:1.不管发生什么事,我们都将按时完成工作。Well complete the work on time, _ _ _/

8、_ _.2.不管谁违背了法律都要受到惩罚。_ _ _/_ _ _ _ deserves to be punished.3. Tom looks blue these days. Well, his parents never approve of _ he plans to do, _ always annoys him.A. whatever; which B. no matter what; which C. whatever; that D. no matter what; that4. The people invited to the ball may dress _ they pl

9、ease.A. whatever B. wherever C. whenever D. however知识点5:Since well be walking for almost two weeks, Ill need to buy a large backpack in advance to carry my supplies of food and water.1)supplyvt.提供,供给 n. C 供应量,供给量;(多用复数形式)日用必需品 U 供应,供给,补给辨析provide,offer,supply的用法1)_2)_3)_provided / providing that= _

10、condition that= only _表示“倘使,假如”。典例讲解:完成句子:1.我们的供给快用完了。_ _ were running out.3.无论何时我有麻烦,他都提供给我及时的帮助。Whenever Im in trouble, he _ me timely help.4.The parents _their children _ food and clothing.A.provided; withB.gave; withC.supplied; for D.gave; to5.The manager made a phone call to me yesterday _ me a

11、 good job.A.giving B.providingC.supplying D.offering2) advance v./n. _ advanced adj._advance on/upon_advance sb. to _make advance in._in advance_in advance of_典例讲解:翻译句子:1)每天进步一点点,你将会变得更好。_2)如果你提前订票会便宜些。_3)我们有些产品达到了世界先进水平。_知识点7:Our guides will have guns with them for defencethey can use the guns to s

12、care the animals away if they come too close.scare v._ n._使某人大受惊吓_吓得某人做某事_把吓跑,把吓得不敢做某事_害怕_不敢做某事_典例讲解:用scare的正确形式填空:1)Seeing the _blood, she was _ to take the boat.2)You look nervous. The thunder makes me_.3)I had a little_when I saw how much the bill was.4)Many people have been_ into buying organic

13、food.知识点8:If your answer is yes, consider a trip to Shangri-la.1) consider作“考虑”讲时,其后可以跟_,_,_,_作宾语。2) consider作“认为”讲时,其后常接_或_。3) considering,既可以是介词,也可以是连词,含义为_。4) all things considered常作状语,意为_。5) consideration意为_,considerable意为_,considerate意为_。take .into consideration_知识点9:Hilton described a beautifu

14、l kingdom where three rivers joined together, steep mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth.1) where引导的是一个_从句。2) 本句中reach的意思是_。典例讲解:reach for/reach out for sth. _男孩伸手去拿苹果,但是够不着。_beyond/out of (ones) reach _in/within (ones) reach _药品应该放在小孩够不着的地方。_ reach to_知识点10:In th

15、is perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever. 本句是一个_。位于句首的in this perfect world是_,谓语动词是_,主语是_,people 后面who引导的是一个_。知识点11:On September 1997, the government of the Yunnan Province announced that Zhongdian was the Shangri-la of Hiltons story.1)announce v._ _ n._发布宣言_2)辨析cla

16、im, announce, decare_典例讲解:用claim, announce, decare的正确形式填空:A lot of lost property is never _.She _that the singer would give one extra song.The United states and China _their normalization of diplomatic relations.知识点12:Below the mountains, the sunshine reflects on the many lakes, making them shine li

17、ke diamonds against the rich countryside. 1) 本句中making themcountryside是_,用作状语,表示_。2) against在句中是介词,意为_。此外,against还有_之意。3) 说出下列句子中reflect的意思:The letter reflected her sorrow._Mirrors reflect light._I reflected on possible reasons for my failure._ 知识点13:Sheep, cattle and horses wander on the green gras

18、s, and the surrounding forests are home to many birds and animals. surrounding adj. 周围的,附近的(仅用于名词前) 四周的风景_ n.环境 舒适的环境_ vt.围绕,包围 为所包围_典例讲解:完成句子:1.我们学校绿树环绕。Our school _ _ _ green trees.(Green trees _ our school.)2.当他醒来时,他发现自己被一群小孩包围着。When he came to himself, he found himself _ _ a group of children.三、

19、 课堂达标检测.单项填空1On walking out of the airport, she soon found herself _ by hundreds of her fans.Asurrounding Bsurround Csurrounded Dto be surrounding2All the viewers were deeply touched by Jay Chous performance _ they attended his concert.Athe first time Bfor the first time Cat the first time Dat first

20、3It is generally believed that there is _ good supply of fresh water. But to our disappointment, the fact is just _ opposite.Aa; the B/; the C/; / Da; /4He was about to tell me the secret _ someone patted him on the shoulder.Aas Buntil Cwhile Dwhen5Just in front of the temple _with a history of 1,00

21、0 years.Aa tall tree stands Ba tall tree is standing Cdoes a tall tree stand Dstands a tall tree6As a young man,he didnt know that he _ famous later on.Awas to become Bwill become Chad become Dbecame7_is mentioned above,the number of the students in senior high schools is increasing.AWhich BAs CThat

22、 DIt8Do you think we should accept that offer?Yes,we should,for we _such bad luck up till now,and time _out.Ahave had; is running Bhad; is running Chave; has been run Dhave had; has been run9It was really very kind of you to give me a lift home.Oh,dont mention it.I _past your house anyway.Awas comin

23、g Bwill come Chad come Dhave come10Isnt it lovely to think that I _myself on the sunny beach at this time tomorrow?Awill enjoy Bam enjoying Cwill be enjoying Dshall enjoy11I really admire how _ she is to _ the rights and dignity(尊严) of women.A. devoted; defending Bdevoting; defend Cdevoted; defend D

24、devoting; defending12With so many people _ in the mine,none of the rescue workers would stop to have a rest.Abeing buried Bto bury Cburied Dto be buried13_ tomorrow,our ship will set sail for Macao.AHowever the weather is like BHowever is the weather like CWhatever is the weather like DWhatever the

25、weather is like14We are all fond of _, and the trip to Tibet is really _Aadventures; an adventure Badventure; adventure Can adventure; adventure Dadventure; an adventure15Youd better take something to read when you go to see the doctor _ you have to wait.Aeven if Bin case Cas if Din order that一、 专题精

26、讲将来进行时一、 概念将来进行时主要表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作,或表示要在将来某一时间开始,并继续下去的动作。常用来表示礼貌的询问、请求等。二、 将来进行时的形式将来进行时由“动词be的将来时+现在分词”构成,具体形式见下表:人称 单数复数第一人称I shall/will be leaving.We shall/will be leaving.第二人称You will be leaving.You will be leaving.第三人称 He/She/It will be leaving.They will be leaving.三、 将来进行时的用法将来进行时表示在将来某一时间内正在进

27、行的动作。将来进行时有很强的推测性,因此人们往往在以下几种场合中使用它:1. 表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作,一般带状语。例如:1) What will you be doing at this time next Monday? 下周一的这个时候你将做什么了?2) When he comes to my house tomorrow, I will be writing the report. 明天他来我家时,我将在写报告。2. 表示现在正在进行的动作,但这个动作会延续到将来。例如:1) I wonder if it will still be raining this afternoon.

28、我想知道今天下午是否还会一直下雨。2) I think that she will be working on this experiment until next morning.我想她会一直在做这个实验直到第二天早上。3. 表示预定的将来动作或对将来的预测。例如:1) Tomorrow I will be flying to Bombay.明天我将飞往孟买。2) After you take the medicine, you will be feeling much better.吃完药后,你会感觉好很多。4. 表示委婉的请求。例如:When shall we be meeting ag

29、ain? 我们什么时候能再见面?5. 表示原因。例如:Please come tomorrow afternoon .Tomorrow morning, Ill be having a meeting.明天下午快点来。明天早上我将有一个会议。6. 表示结果。例如:Stop the child or he will be falling over. 快阻止孩子,要不然他会摔跤的。7. 表示对将来的打算(区别于对将来的预测)例如:My duties will end in July, and Ill be returning to Beijing. 七月我将结束工作,返回北京。过去将来时一、 概念

30、过去将来时的动词表示对过去某一时间来说将要发生的动作或呈现的状态。这个时态常用在宾语从句中。二、 过去将来时用法1. should/would+动词原形例如:1) He said he would be there before Monday. 他说他星期一以前将在那里。 ( be 动词肯定式 )2) We hoped she should not go the next week. 我们希望下星期她不去。 ( do 动词的否定式 ) 注意:这个时态是一个相对的时态,立足于过去某时,从过去的观点看未来。在一定的语境中也可于其他从句或句子中。例如: 1) It was a problem whe

31、ther he would support us. 他是否会支持我们还是一个问题。 2) It was seven oclock. The sun would soon set. 这时是七点钟,太阳即将落山。 2. was/were going + 动词不定式过去将来时的这种表达形式可以表示过去曾经打算或计划准备要做的事。例如:1) They told me that they were going to have a picnic. 他们告诉我他们将要举行一次野餐。2) We were going to have a meeting. 我们曾经打算开个会。过去将来时的这种形式可以表示过去将要

32、发生或很有可能发生的事,但未实现的动作。3) I was just going to ring him up when she came. 我刚要给他打电话,她就来了。 (电话没打成)有时也用 was/were + coming 表示过去将来时。例如:She didnt know when they were coming again. 她不知道他们时候会再来。3. was/were about + 动词不定式 表示在过去看来正要做某事。例如:1) They were about to leave when the telephone rang. 他们正要走,电话铃响了。2) I was ju

33、st about to go to bed when she came to see me. 我正要睡觉,她来看我了。 4. was/were + 动词不定式 表示定于过去某时将要做某事。例如: He was to meet her at 10 on the street. 他约定和她10点钟在街上见面。 注意:若表示过去没有实现(或被取消)的计划,则用was (were) to+动词完成时。例如: They were to have left at 7 last night. 他们本来计划昨晚7点离开的。5. would(should)+动词原形 ,把will,shall变为过去式。例如:1) I told them that I would not go with them,if it rained. 我告诉他们,如果下雨我就不和他们一起去了。 2) He didnt know how to


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