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《高中英语2024届高考复习写作高分同义替换(共9组).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语2024届高考复习写作高分同义替换(共9组).docx(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语写作高分同义替换(一)1 .喜爱(be fond of)have a penchant for have a liking for、 show/have affection for have a taste for 由于这里是讨论动作概念,因此每个短产都是以have/show开头的。也可以将penchant/liking/affection/taste 这些表示喜爱;爱好的名词单独使用。如:The last few years have seen a growing penchant for electric cars.近几年人们越来越喜爱电车。penchant表示对事物的喜爱,后面一

2、般不接人。have a liking for后面则可以接人。这 类动词+名词+介词短语,相比于动词的一个优点就是,可以通过在名词前添加一些形容词来表示 多种不同的程度或性质等。比如have a strong liking for (比like sth very much要地道正 式的多)。Todays young generations have a penchant/liking for scrolling through real-time news feeds on social media.现在的年轻人喜欢在社交媒体上刷实时新闻推送。show/have affection for的宾语

3、通常是人/地点。同时还需要注意,affection是不可数 名词。A teacher should show great affection for his pupils.老师应该热爱学生。taste作名词可以表示爱好;志趣,因此have a taste for的宾语是某种兴趣爱好,如music sports、writing 等。It is important for parents to cultivate their offspring5 s taste for books.父母培 养孩子对书籍的爱好很重要。如果是表示人或事物被喜爱,则可以使用be popular with/among或b

4、e beloved of/by: Social networking sites like Tiktok are beloved of/by young people.2 .重视(pay attention to)place/put a premium on attach importance to、 give priority to place emphasis on place/put a value on这几个表示重视的短语中,attach importance/significance to 和 give priority to 是固 定短语,而place/put.on中间则可以添加一

5、些表示重要性的词,如 emphasis/importance/value/stress等。其中,place/put两个词表示人对事物的态度或看法。Many parents attach little importance to childrens mental development.彳艮多家长 对孩子的心理发展不够重视。The Chinese put/place a high value on the virtue of filial piety.中国人彳艮看重孝 顺的美德。这类动词+名词+介词构成的及物动词短语,有些可以用作被动语态。变成被动时,理论上有 两种方式。以make use of

6、为例:A将整个动词短语的宾语作为主语。如:Solar power should be made use of to reduce carbon emissions.太阳能应该得到应用,从而减少碳排放。B将该动词短语中的名词作主语。如:Little use is made of discarded bottles.对于丢 弃的瓶子的利用率非常低。具体到不同的短语,变化情况也不一样,没有绝对的规律。像第1组几个表示喜爱的短语, 甚至压根就不能变成被动,因为动词have基本不用作被动。上面几个表示重视的短语,变成被动时一般是第二种方式,将动词和介词之间的名词提前作 主语。除了变成被动,还可以变形成定

7、语从句。这样也可以体现出对语言的灵活运用,而非死记 硬背。如:Greater emphasis must be placed/put on children,s mental health.必须更力口重视孩 fix.经济学家重新考虑了产业政策的优点,但有些缺陷很难修复。This report will explore the merits and demerits of remote working.这篇报告将探讨 远程工作的优缺点。virtue可以用于短语have the virture of有着.的优点。One of the virtues of this job is the flexi

8、ble hours.这份工作的一个优点就是工作时 间灵活。This means of transport has the virtue of convenience.这种交通方式有便利这一优点。blessing/boon表示好的事物。由于是对事物的描述,因此经常作为表语:be a blessing/boonoAutonomous vehicles are a blessing/boon to humanity.自动驾驶汽车对人类来说是福音。good表示好处;益处,是个不可数名词。反义词为harm/daniage,也是不可数。We must work together for the good

9、of the community.我们必须为了社区的利益而共同 努力。【for the good of sb/sth为了.的利益】For employers, remote working may do more harm than good.对于雇主来说, 远程工作可 能弊大于利。Such policies have the potential to do much good or considerable harm to the national interest.这类政策可能会对国家利益产生很大的好处或相当大的损害。do good to/do harm to 对.有好处/坏处】2. (p

10、roblem/disadvantage)drawback、 downside、 flip side harm(Ddrawback 常与 benefit 搭酉己:benefit-drawback, 与 advantage-disadvantage 差不多同 等。benefits 除了与 drawbacks 搭配,还经常与 risks/costs/problems 搭配。Against these uncertain benefits, the risks are clear.与这些不确定的好处相比,风 险显而易见。Those benefits must be weighed against th

11、e environmental harm.这些好处必须与其对 环境的危害相权衡。downside/flip side表示事物不好的一面,一般用作单数形式。Everyone wants to be rich and famous, but it does have its downside.每个人者B想贝才 名双收,但是这样确实也有其不好的一面。Loss of privacy is the flip side of stardom.当明星的缺点就是没有隐私了。3.利弊除了最常用的 advantages and disadvantages 和上面讲到的 benefits and drawbacks

12、/risks/costs以及merits and demerits,还可以用下面两组词表示利弊。pros and cons (of sth)表示事物的利弊。需要注意,pros and cons是个固定短语,不 能将 pros 和 cons 单独使用:the pros/cons of sth (X)Parents should weigh up the pros and cons of allowing their offspring access to the internet .父母应该权衡一下允许他们孩子上网的利弊。promise and pitfalls/perils前景和隐患/问题。在

13、描述新的事物(比如新科技)时,就可 以用到这个组合。这个短语凸显了英文中的一种对称美:前后并列的两个词首字母相同,再比如 safe and sound (安然无恙的)、twists and turns (起伏;曲折)。The promise and perils of artificial intelligence, which is still in its infancy, have yet to fully unfold.人工智能依然处于发展初期,其前景和问题还没有完全展现出来。子们的心理健康。【被动】Asians may be taken aback by the importance

14、 that westerners attach to/place on individualism.西方人对个人主义的重视可能会让亚洲人大吃一惊。【定语从句】还有两个动词也经常用来表示重视:prize/valueo如:The elderly tend to prize/value frugality, whereas the young often favour instant gratification over saving money.老年人通常注重节约,而年轻人则经常更重视及时行乐,而 不是攒钱。(二)1 .引起(某种情感)raise、 ignite/spark arouse/prov

15、oke engender这几个词其实没有严格的区分,很多时候都可以互换。raise 常与 doubts/fears/concerns 几个词搭酉己:Existing AI systems raise concerns about bias, privacy and intellectual-property rights.现有的人工智能系统引发了关于偏见、隐私和知识产权的担忧。ignite/spark这两个词比较类似,本义都有点燃/产生火花的意思。可以重点记两个: ignite/spark+interest/curiosity 和 ignite/spark+debateoThe advent

16、of ChatGPT is igniting/sparking a debate over the threats of AL ChatGPT 的到来正在引发关于AI的威胁的争论。Early education is designed to ignite/spark children5 s interest in knowledge.早期 教育旨在引发孩子们对知识的兴趣。engender表示导致(某种情感),相比于cause来说使用语境更加精准。英文中很多同义词 近义词都有这种细微的区别,再比如,precipitate同样也是cause的同义词,但是表示的是导 致某事(不好的事)突然发生,如:

17、The pandemic precipitated school closures.疫情立马导致 学校停课了。2 .力口居U (某种情感)feed、 fuel这两个动词多用于搭配贬义的情感,比如fear、anxiety、concern、controversy等。Frequent media reports of artificial intelligence have fed public anxiety over unemployment.媒体对于人工智能的频繁报道加剧了大众对于失业的担忧。This accident fuelled the controversy surrounding d

18、riverless vehicles.这次事故 加剧了关于无人驾驶汽车的争议。feed/fuel是及物动词,表示使加剧。如果要表示某种情感本身加剧,则用mount/grow。 这两个词还经常以v-ing的形式(mounting/growing)作前置定语,表示不断增加的(某种情感): growing interest in sth(对某事越来越大的兴趣)、young peoples mounting pressure(年轻 人越来越大的压力)。3 .(某种情感)减弱dim、 wane/fade melt awaydim 经常跟 hope passion/interest/enthusiasm

19、这几个词搭配。Hopes of going for a hike in the weekend dim as a storm is around the corner.暴风 雨即将来临,周末去远足的希望变得渺茫。wane/fade和上面一组的mount/grow 一样,经常以v-ing的形式作前置定语,表示不断减 弱的(某种情感),即waning/fading+表情感的名词。如:Peoples waning/fading enthusiasm for reproduction is partly a result of prohibitively high costs of living.人们

20、不断降低的生育热情在部分程度上是过高的生活成本 带来的结果。需要注意,只有不及物动词才能以现在分词(v-ing)的形式作定语。因为v-ing n=n that is v-ingo比如,“不断降低的价格”是falling prices,不能写成reducing pricesomelt away本义为逐渐融化,衍生义则是某种情感逐渐消失。With high-paying jobs easy to find, his determination to study for a master5 s degree melted away.由于高薪工作可以很容易找到,他攻读硕士的决心逐渐丧失。上面几个都是不

21、及物动词,表示情感本身减弱。若要表示使某种情感减弱,则用blunt/dim, 如:Failures should not blunt/dim our eargerness for success.失败不应该减弱我们对成功 的渴望。4 .(某种情感)造成影响permeate/pervade grip creeppermeate/pervade表示某种思想深入了某个领域的方方面面。The belief that a higher degree is a stepping stone to decent jobs permeates/pervades the field of education.高

22、等学历有助于找到好工作这种观念深入着教育领域。creep表示某种思想逐渐被人们感受到。这个意思中的“逐渐”就是来源于creep这个词 的本义:爬行;缓慢行进。常用作creep into/across sthoA sense of achievement crept into her mind as she finished the task.当她完成任务 时,她逐渐感受到一种成就感。grip表示某种情感对某人产生强烈的影响。He was gripped by national pride when hearing the national anthem.当听至U国歌时, 他充满了民族自豪感。(

23、三)1. worldworld可以表示某一具体的活动领域。用作the world of n或the adj worldo其他表示领 域的词基本也可以套用该结构。常用的有:the world of work 职场the business world 商界除此之外,world还可以表示某类国家,用作the adj worldo如:the developed/developing world 发达/发展中国家the western world 西方国家2. circlecircle表示圈子,阶层。既可以表示人际关系圈子,如:family circle家庭圈、circle of friends 朋友圈

24、、social circle 社交圈。circle也可以表示兴趣、职业圈子。此时只用于复数adj+circles。常见的有:political/academic/business/financial/scientific circles 政坛/学术界/商界/金融圈/ 科学界。【例句】 There has been considerable debate over this issue in academic circles. 学术界关于该问题已经有了很大的争论。3. arena/communityarena/community两个词用法较为相似,可以表示兴趣、职业圈子,同样可以搭配上面那些 表

25、示领域的形容词:the political/academic/business/financial/scientific+arena/communityarena/community 两个词还经常与 international 搭配:the international arena 国际舞台the international community 国际社会(=all nations)例句1 Biodiversity and ecosystem services are gaining increasing attention in the international arena.生物多样性和生态系

26、统服务在国际舞台中的关注度正在增加。【例句2】 The international community needs to do more to support countries through this often difficult process.国际社会需要采取更多措施来帮助各国渡过这个通常很艰难的过 程。4. domaindomain常表示某个群体独占的领域。常用作within/outside the domain of sb/sth在某人 负责的领域之内/之外。1 The care of the elderly is considered within the domain of

27、the family.照顾老年 人被视为是家庭范围内的事。2 Nursing is no longer solely a female domain.护理不再只是女性的领域。male/female domain表示某个群体独有的领域,还可以用名词preserve,用作the/a preserve of sb:Higher education used to be the preserve of a privileged few.过去,只有少数人可以 接受高等教育。5. territoryterritory表示知识或经验范围。常用作以下几个搭配:f ami liar/unf ami liar t

28、erritory 熟悉的/不熟悉的领域uncharted territory未涉足过的领域1 They must move beyond their area of strength and comfort into the unfamiliar territory of trying to become a software platform company.他们必须跨出他们擅长和舒适 的领域,涉足不熟悉的领域:尝试成为一家软件平台公司。2 With the advent of chatGPT, humanity is heading into uncharted territory.随着

29、chatGPT的到来,人类正在进入未涉足过的领域。1 .走红;火起来go viral a household name make/grab the headlines、 cause/become a sensationgo viral多指在网络上火起来,比如一条浏览量过亿的视频。It takes luck and resonance for a video to go viral. 一条视频要想火,既需要运气, 也需要能引起观众的共鸣。a household name表示人尽皆知的人或事。常与系动词be或become搭配。Li Ziqi became a household name onli

30、ne after her videos depicting an idyllic rural life went viral.李子柒在其描绘恬产的农村生活的视频火了之后,成了网络上的名人。make/grab the headlines表示成为热点新闻。Scandals surrounding celebrities are highly likely to grab the headlines.关于明星 的丑闻很容易爆火。sensation 表示轰动。常用作 cause a sensation(造成轰动)或 become a sensation(成为 轰动的人/事物)。以前些天很火的一个加班事

31、件造个句:News of a young employee in a state-owned enterprise reprimanding his superior for asking him to work overtime caused a online sensation recently, but it later proved to be fabricated. 一个国企的年轻员工因为上级要求他加班而对其进行痛骂的新闻最近在网上引起 了轰动,但这件事后来被证实是编造的。2 .成功或轰动的人/事物overnight success、 hit phenomenonovernight

32、success表示迅速流行或成功的人/事物。表示成功的人/事物,还可以用success storyoThe mobile game Sheep A Sheep was an overnight success.羊了个羊这款手机游戏迅速 爆火。表示某人/某事突然爆火,之前还讲过一个表达:sb/sth,s meteoric rise to fameo如:The meteorite rise to fame of this mini game is partly attributed to players burning desire to clear a tricky yet seemingly

33、surmountable level with simple rules.这款迷你游戏的爆 火在一定程度上是由于玩家极度渴望通过一个难度很高但看似可以通过的一个具有简单规则的关 卡。hit作名词,可以表示很受欢迎的事物,常用于一些娱乐性的事物,比如歌、电影、节目 等。The Wandering Earth II, a Chinese sci-fi movie, is a huge hit with young audiences. 中国的科幻电影流浪地球2非常受年轻观众的喜欢。phenomenon除了表示现象,还可以表示非凡的或流行的人/事物。可以与一些形容词搭配, 表示在具体某个领域。 如:

34、a cultural phenomenon a technological phenomenonoThe movie eventually became a cultural phenomenon.这部电影最后成为了一个文化奇观。sensation和phenomenon两个词可以变成形容词:sensational/phenomenal,表不轰动的。 常与 success 搭酉己:a sensational/phenomenal success 巨大的成功。The video game title The Legend of Zelda has been a sensational/phenom

35、enal success since its release.塞尔达这款电子游戏在发布之后实现了巨大的成功。Scandals captivate our attention as sensational headlines punctuate the mundane din of modern life.丑闻吸引我们的注意力,是因为耸人听闻的头条新闻打断了现代生活中世俗的喧 嚣。a phenomenal success 还可以变成 adv+adj 的形式:phenomenally successful 非常成功的。(五)1 .实现某事的途径(a way to achieve sth)gatew

36、ay stepping stone open sesame springboard在写作中表示“敲门砖”,就可以用上面这些词。这些名词后面基本都是接to Stho如果后 面要接动作,则需变成to doing sth,类似于access to doing sth(做某事的机会/权利)。Material wealth is not necessarily a gateway to happiness.物质贝才富未必能实现快 乐。This job may be a stepping stone to better career prospects.这份工作可能是实现 更好的职业前景的方式。有个短语和

37、stepping stone构造相同,意思相反:stumbling block绊脚石。如:Lack of parental company is a stumbling block to the mental growth of left-behind children. 缺少父母陪伴是留守儿童心理成长的绊脚石。A university degree is not always an open sesame to a good job.大学学位并不一定 是好工作的敲门砖。open sesame的字面意思就是中文中的“芝麻开门”,表示能轻松实现某事 的方式】Winning a prize in

38、provincial or national contests is, for brilliant students, a springboard for admission into top universities in China.对于优秀的学生来说,在省级或 国家比赛中获奖是被中国顶尖大学录取的一个途径。2 .获得(get sth)secure、 win earn这几个词通常都强调经过自己的努力而获得。Of the millions of students who sit the gaokao every year, only a few can manage to secure a

39、place in prestigious universities.在每年参加高考的几百万学生中,只有少数 一部分可以成功地获得名校录取资格。The univerisity has earned a reputation as a hotbed of academic activity.该大学 获得了作为学术活动的温床的名声。She won the praise of teachers for her academic excellence,她因为学业成绩优秀而 获得了老师们的表扬。一win和earn还可以与副词hard构成合成词:hard-won/hard-earned来之不易的。如:a h

40、ard-won success来之不易的成功。3 .带来回报(bring sb benefits)pay off bring/pay dividends be rewardedGovernment investment in higher education pays off both for individuals and for society at large.政府对于高等教育的投资既会使个人得到回报,也对整个社会有利。pay还有个意思类似的句型:It pays (sb) to do sth.做某事(对某人)有好处。如:It pays to stick to a dietary regi

41、me.坚持饮食规则是有益的。Exercising regularly will bring dividends in the long run.从长期来看,经常运动 会对身体大有裨益。bring/pay dividends表示有很大的好处,通常是表示在将来会带来好处。Her relentless determination and efforts were finally rewarded.她坚定的决心和努 力最终得到了回报。be rewarded的主语也可以是人,用作Sb be rewarded with sth,表示某人得到了具体什么 回报。 如:Workers who toiled in

42、 obscurity ended up being rewarded with pay rises and extra bonuses.默默无闻辛苦工作的工人最终得到了加薪和额外奖金的回报。reward作名词时,可以表示好处,回报。常用作一个固定短语:reap the rewards (of sth) 得到回报。如:Those who take risks often reap the rewards.敢于冒险的人通常会得到回报。(六)L投身于;致力于throw oneself into sth、dedicate/devote oneself to sth bury/immerse onese

43、lf in sth、 bend ones mind/efforts to sth易错点:上面的短语中出现的to是介词,如果后面要接动词,则要变成v-ing形式,如: dedicate/devote oneself to doing sth。如果一个短语中的to后面可以接名词,那么这个to 就是介词,后面的动词要变动名词。再比如:pay attention to doing sth look forward to doing sth approach to doing sth(做某事的方式)He threw himself into an acting career, hoping to ris

44、e to fame overnight.他投身 于演艺事业,希望能一夜成名。Students should not noly bury/immerse themselves in study, but engage in extra-curricular activities to recharge their batteries.学生不应该只是沉迷于学习,还 要参加课外活动来放松身心。【immerse oneself in sth也可以写成be immersed in sthShe has bent her efforts to the cause of environmental prot

45、ection.她已致力于环 保事业。the cause of.表示某种事业】As an academic, he dedicates/devotes himself to imparting knowledge and doing research.作为一名大学老师,他投身于传授知识和做研究。dedicate/devote 宾语通常是 oneself/time/1 ife/energy 这几个词:dedicate/devote oneself/oneJ s time/1ife/energies to。这里要特别注意energy这个词:energy表示人的精力时,是可以用作复数的,如:She d

46、evotes all her energies into charity work. 其他情况下,energy 均为不可数,比如,renewable energies就是错误的写法。还有一组意思相近的表达也可以记一下:be absorbed/engrossed in sth,表示专心致志做 某事。be absorbed/engrossed in 和 be dedicated to/be devoted to/be immersed in 的结构 逻辑完全相同:其中的动词作主动语态时,宾语都可以是人,如:Online games absorb/engross (使全神贯 注)children.

47、| dedicate/devote/immerse后面接oneself。变成被动语态时,句子主语就变成 了人。absorbed/engrossed/dedicated/devoted/immersed这些形容词本质上就是动词被动,使 用时间长了就演变成了如今词典上能查到的形容词。再比如amazed/surprised/astonished/fTightened等以-ed结尾的表个人情感的形容词。搞清楚这个逻辑,这些短语就不会记错或者用错了。2.向一投入资金(spend money on sth)spend lavishly on、commit money to、invest heavily i

48、n pump/pour money into channel money intOo其中,spend lavishly on和commit money to的动作主语可以是人。而后面几个通常都是 政府、组织或机构发出的动作。Many parents of today spend lavishly on their offspring5 s education.如今彳艮多家 长在他们子女的教育上花费很大。spend lavishly on就相当于spend a considerable amount of money onRich countries tend to invest heavily in higher education.富裕国家通常会大量投 资于高等教育。【二invest a lot of money in(3)To reduce carbon emissions, governments have to pum


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