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《湖北省八市2023-2024学年高三下学期3月联考英语试卷含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖北省八市2023-2024学年高三下学期3月联考英语试卷含答案.pdf(19页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。



3、QFABCA=#?#QQABCYgAgggAAAIAAAgCEwW4CEGQkBACAAoOwFAAoAAACQFABCA=#学科网(北京)股份有限公司1英语试题答案及解析英语试题答案及解析1-5CCABC 6-10BBAAB 11-15AABCB16-20 CABAA21-23 CDB 24-27 CABD 28-31 ABDC 32-35 BACD 36-40 GADBC41-45 ACDBC 46-50 BDACD 51-55ACDAB 56.to 57.to pick 58.a 59.tasting 60.roasted61.who/that 62.daily 63.what plex

4、ity 65.drives写作 第一节 Dear Jack,How is it going?I learned that you get upset easily and often lose your temper with your parents and classmates as a third-year high school student.I am writing to provide some suggestions to help you cope with your emotions.Firstly,you can breathe deeply.If you take a

5、few moments to focus on your breathing,you can find it will help you relax and clear your mind.Secondly,why not exercise?Doing physical activity is a great way to relieve stress and improve your mood.Finally,it is helpful to talk to someone such as a trusted friend,family member,or teacher who can p

6、rovide support and encouragement.The suggestions above are available to help you out.I hope they will navigate this challenging time for you.Best wishes,Yours,sincerelyLi Hua第二节“Then maybe think of a compromise.”suggested Gran.But I sobbed uncontrollably and couldnt say a word.“Well,if you could let

7、 me go with you,Id say yes.”My mom added.I wasnt fond of my mom hanging around like a bodyguard,but to get to the party I had to a compromise.“I suppose your mother wont disturb your party,will she?”Gran looked at mom with a kind smile.“Well,I promise I wont.”Mom finally gave in to me.My mood gradua

8、lly improved.I ran to my grandmother and gave her a big hug.I was looking forward to the wonderful party desperately.The long-awaited beach party finally came.I made it at the beach with my mom.At a tree near the destination,mom stopped suddenly,taking out a red mat to sit on and signaling to me to

9、join my friends.I rushed for the crowd.Joyful and excited,we sang,danced and chatted.Occasionally,the red mat in the near distance caught my eye.Mom held a book,leaning against the tree.The moment my eye fell on her,a wave of appreciation surged through me.It became dark when the party was over.I sa

10、id goodbye to my friends and turned to mom.Under the tree sat mom waiting patiently.Tears of happiness blurring my eyes,I took her hand tightly,heading home.学科网(北京)股份有限公司2【A 篇】【本文介绍了 Queenztown 的四个值得去的景点。】21.C 细节理解题。根据介绍 Queenstown Gardens 的段落可知,“The Queenstown Gardens Trail is a wheelchair-accessib

11、le trail just a few minutes from central Queenstown.”,可知,此景点轮椅可以进入,因此对于残疾人而言,是最佳选择。故选 C。22.D 细节理解题。根据介绍 Arrow River Trail 的段落可知,此处可了解当地历史。但鸟瞰Queenstown 是在 Tiki Trail,嗅玫瑰花香是在 Queenstown Gardens,亲历极限登山是在 Ben Lomond Track。故答案为 D。23.B 主旨题。根据文章首段内容可知,本文主要介绍四个景点相关信息,故答案为 B。【B 篇】【文章简单介绍了一本书 Like,书中作者将人与锡罐、

12、游泳池、蘑菇和鬣狗等进行比较,揭示出作为“人”的我们,具有独有的特征。】24C 猜词题。根据第一段“The opening spread establishes a somewhat odd yet matter-of-fact tone.”,可知,书的开头一章,叙述方式有些不寻常,结合本句后面作者将人与锡罐比较,以此说明人的本性。所以推测本句意为,“在接下来的章节,事情变得更加不寻常”,所以 C 选项正确。25A 细节理解题。文章将锡罐、游泳池、蘑菇和鬣狗与人类逐个比较。锡罐能盛东西,而人脑不能。人体与游泳池有着类似的内容,但人体内没有人在游泳。蘑菇是活的,更像人类,但没有嘴巴和大脑。鬣狗有

13、嘴巴和大脑,最像人类,所以 A 选项正确。26B 推理判断题。文章将锡罐、游泳池、蘑菇和鬣狗与人类进行比较,做比较是作者表达的主要方式,所以 B 选项正确。27D 推理判断题。根据文章第一段和最后一段,再结合下文内容可知,本文是对一本书进行简要介绍和评述,所以 D 选项正确。【C 篇】【本文主要介绍农业生态旅游,该旅游方式为城市生活的人们提供了独特的乡村体验,孩子们可以从其中体验到从农场到餐桌背后的世界,不仅培养了他们的劳动观念,更使他们认识到粮食的来之不易。】28.A 目的意图题。通读第一段可知,该段主要描述了孩子和大人们在农场收集鸡蛋的情景;接着第二段首句 The egg harvest

14、is a brief,carefully designed agritourism experience.提出本文主题:农业生态旅游。据此可知,第一段描述大人孩子捡鸡蛋是为了引出本文农业生态旅游的主题,故 A 项正确。29.B 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“Snatching a few eggs and uprooting a few vegetables on the Farm tour dont constitute a full days work,but it is also a useful reminder that food doesnt just magically appe

15、ar on restaurant plates and grocery store shelves.”可知孩子们可以做一些简单而有意义的农活。所以选 B。干扰项 C,可从第二段最后一句“Visitors can take those eggs home or bring them to the on-farm restaurant,Clay,where a chef will use them to prepare breakfast”,可知,游客将鸡蛋带到农场餐饮,厨师会用这些鸡蛋准备食物,而不是游客们自已做饭。30.D 细节推断题。根据倒数第二段第二句“.enterprising farm

16、ers have found plenty of opportunities to sell their rural lifestyle along with their crops.”可知有远见的农民在出售 农作物时也在宣传他们的生活方式。故 D 符合文意。31.C 观点态度题。根据本文尾句并结合全文内容可知,作者认为,农业生态旅游意义重大,任何人都可以参加,能够让消费者了解从农场到餐桌背后的世界。据此可以推知,作者对农业生态旅游的态度是积极的。故 C 项正确。学科网(北京)股份有限公司3【D 篇】【本文主要讲述中国科学家取得的重大突破用气凝胶织出冬季毛衣,该衣服具有轻薄耐穿,可水洗可染色,

17、伸缩性强,保暖性好等优点。】32.B 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Its high porosity(多孔性)gives it exceptional heat resistance,but this also makes it fragile and challenging to process.”可知,传统气凝胶有很强的隔热性能,但因为多孔,所以易碎,很难加工。故选 B。干扰项 C 可从本段中“Traditional aerogel,made by replacing the liquid in aerogel with air,is extraordinarily light,res

18、embling a solid cloud of smoke”得知,该材质只是轻似一团烟,并不是外表呈烟雾状。33.A 推理判断题。作者在第四段重点阐述 EFA 的耐极端温度,使用的是列数字的写作手法用以证实该性能,如“.landing to-130 degrees Celsius(-202 degrees Fahrenheit)on the planets surface.”“.in a-20 degree Celsius environment.3.5 degrees,3.8 degrees,7.2 degrees,and 10.8 degrees respectively.”。所以选 A

19、。34.C 细节推断题。根据最后一段最后两句“However,he also noted the gap between existing technology and capacity for mass production.“Challenges exist regarding how to develop fast spinning technology and resolve the continuous fabrication that is necessary for mass production”可知,无法批量生产主要原因在于快速纺织技术有待发展,持续制造的难题有待解决。故 C

20、 为正确选项。35.D 主旨题。本文主要讲述中国科学家用气凝胶织出冬季毛衣的重大突破。故选 D。【阅读七选五】【阅读七选五】【本文主要讲的是人与人在社交能力上的个体差异,并介绍了三种如何提高个人“社交智商”的方法。】36.G 从“These two scenes show how we can differ in our abilities to interact,get along with,and relate to others around us.”可知,不同的人,在与人交往、互动等方面都存在差异,引出人与人之间社交能力的不同,且这两句中存在同义词复现,differ 和 vary,co

21、mpetency 和 ability。另外 G 选项中的 socially competent 与后一句中的 social competency 为同义表达。37.A 从“It is natural to want to respond to that text message that pops up on your phone immediately,even when youre in the middle of a face-to-face conversation.”中可知,我们想立刻去回复突然收到的短信,甚至会因此打断正在进行中的面对面的对话,是 A 选项中 digital dis

22、tractions 的实例。38.D 该答案为前一句“Give people your full attention when speaking with them.”的原因人们喜欢被倾听,有利于培养一些有价值的人际关系。39.B 该句在句首,表明 body language 能真实反应我们的情感,答案里的 gestures 指的是body language。40.C 最后一个建议为“Show that you care”,C 选项中的 Sharing others feelings 能理解别人能帮助你与之联系紧密。公众号:高中试卷君【完形填空】【完形填空】【本文是篇记叙文,讲述了努利辞职旅行

23、,向一千个陌生人征求人生建议的故事。】41A 考查名词辨析。空格所在句提到,努利做了一个大胆的决定辞掉工作并取出全部存款,后面一句提到了他这么做的目的驾车进行为期 100 天的旅行。也就是说,他做出这个决定是为了实施后面提及的那个“计划”,故选 A。42C 考查名词辨析。根据第二段中的 to talk to 1,000 unfamiliar people 可知,努利去旅行是为了找 1000 个“陌生人”交流,故选 C。公众号:高中试卷君43D 考查动词辨析。根据第二段倒数第二句可知,努利问别人他们但愿年轻时就能“知道”学科网(北京)股份有限公司4的事情,故选 D。44 B 考查动词辨析。第二段

24、倒数第二句提到,努利通过提问他人获取人生建议,由此可知,他是为自己以后的生活指引方向,navigate 表示“为指引方向”,故选 B。45C 考查动词短语辨析。第一段讲了努利的打算,本段从第二句开始讲他在旅途中的实际经历。从打算讲到经历,说明他真的行动起来了,也就是说,他“动身出发”了,故选C。46B 考查形容词辨析。根据前面的 to his shock 以及本段提到努利以为对方要打自己可推断,他选错了人,故选 B。47D 考查动词辨析。根据前句,陌生人外表恶毒,可知本句意为“努利觉得对方要打自己”。故选 D。48A 考查形容词辨析。努利在自认为会遭打的危险情况下,不仅没有逃离,还跟对方做自我

25、介绍,说明其所作所为很“勇敢”,故选 A。49C 考查动词辨析。由第一段第二句中的 drive his car to every state 可知,努利的旅行方式是“驾驶”汽车,故选 C。50D 考查副词辨析。根据第一段倒数第二句中的 when they were younger 可知,努利询问的是别人希望“在更早时候”就能知道的事,故选 D。51 A 考查副词辨析。本空前面提到对方听闻努利的意图后,沉默了大约一分钟才给出回答,finally 意为“终于”,用以突出沉默时间的漫长,故选 A。52C 考查名词辨析。空格后面那句提到,没有社交互动就没有生活。所以本空所选词应与interaction

26、s 相关,connection 意为“联系”,故选 C。53D 考查动词辨析。本段最后一句建议人们做自己认为正确的事。换句话说,对于退后一步重新评价之前的选择这件事,只要你觉得这么做是对的,就不需要责怪自己。fault意为“指责,批评”,故选 D。54A 考查名词辨析。本空后面那句提到,努利遇到的人教了他许多东西,由此可知,他从这些人身上找到了“智慧”,故选 A。55B 考查副词辨析。本空后面那句提到,每个人都是独立的思考者,本空前面又提到努利会站在他人立场思考问题,由此可知,他之所以这么做,是因为别人的想法与他的不同,differently 意为“不同地”,故选 B。【语法填空】【语法填空】

27、【本文主要介绍杭州龙井茶以及背后所体现的中国文化元素。】56.考查介词。固定短语搭配 be home to.57.考查动词不定式。此处意为:“为了在日出之前要摘茶叶,种植园主和日出比赛。”用 to pick。58.考查冠词。an amount of.许多。59.考查非谓语动词。此处与逻辑主语是主动关系。填 tasting。60.考查非谓语动词。此处作定语,修饰 chestnut,所以填 roasted。61.考查定语从句。先行词为 people,填 who/that。62.考查词性转换。此处需要用形容词,改 day 为 daily。63.考查名词性从句。从句中缺宾语成分,用 what。64.考

28、查词性转换。此处需要用句词,改 complex 为 complexity。65.考查谓语动词。此处意为“这一片朴素的叶子让世界经济疯狂”,所以用一般现在时,drives。学科网(北京)股份有限公司5听力录音原文听力录音原文Text 1W:What can I do for you,young man?M:I have a terrible headache and feel seriously uncomfortable in my throat.What medicine do you think is better for me?W:Its not enough to buy some m

29、edicine to take.Youd better go to see a doctor and have a physical test.Text 2W:Would you mind if we discussed our travel plans before dinner?M:Its a little boring to make any decision with an empty stomach.Neither do I want to talk about it over dinner.But I have enough time after dinner.Text 3W:Wo

30、w,how clean and comfortable it is!Its exactly what Im longing for!M:And the apartment has a bedroom facing a beautiful park.The most amazing thing is that it takes only 1,200 RMB to rent the apartments for a month.W:The bill is within my ability.Ok,lets go through the rental procedures.Text 4W:How m

31、uch do I need to pay for sending this letter by airmail to London,sir?M:It depends on the weight.Do you want me to weigh it for you?W:Sure.Here.M:OK.That will cost forty dollars.Text 5W:How far away do you live from our university,Mr Smith?M:Its about a 15-minute drive.But during rush hour,it takes

32、another 15 minutes.W:Do you always drive to school?M:Yes,because I dont like being trapped in a bus or on a subway.第二节Text 6M:Hello!Susan.I want to ask if youd like to go to a charity fair with me this Saturday evening.W:Whats it for?M:To collect money for Project Hope.W:Oh,they are so thoughtful.Il

33、l go.Tell me where and when.M:At our school gate.It opens at seven oclock,but the volunteers are required to get together 15 minutes ahead of schedule.So Ill pick you up at 6 oclock.Ok?W:All right.What else should I take?M:Nothing.W:OK.See you then.Text 7M:Hey,Mary.I want to tell you something.Im th

34、inking about going to Germany this summer.W:Why are you going to Germany?M:Well,I made a friend while attending an international meeting last summer vacation.He invites me to spend two weeks in Germany.I need your advice.W:Thats great.What advice do you need?M:Well,Uh,what about common greetings?W:G

35、ermans often shake hands,and they use the persons family name,unless theyre really close friends.M:Okay,what about presents?Should I bring gifts?W:No,but taking some flowers when you visit someones home is always a good idea.学科网(北京)股份有限公司6Text 8M:Morning,doctor.Sorry,Im a bit late,but I felt really

36、awful when I got up.W:Dont worry,David.What seems to be the trouble?M:Well,Ive had this awful flu and a terrible cough.W:I see.How long have you been feeling like this?M:Oh,about three or four days,I suppose.W:And have you been taking any medicine?M:Just the normal things-aspirin,lemon and hot drink

37、s,but it hasnt done any good.W:Are you a smoker?M:No.My family members have advised me out of smoking many times,but in vain.I know smoking is bad for my health,but I cant resist it.It was three years ago that I was diagnosed with throat cancer,which made me quit smoking totally.W:Have you had a tem

38、perature?M:Yes.For a couple of days.W:OK.Ill just take a look at your chest.Well,it looks as if youve got a bad cold.Take these pillsone capsule every 8 hours for the next five days.Drink some water with salt to clear your throat every day.M:OK,doctor.What about going to work?W:Thats not a good idea

39、.Youll have to spend a few days in bed till it clears up.Text 9W:Jack,how have your two sons been doing at school recently?M:Dont ask!Mark never starts studying,and Jason never stops studying.W:Youre joking!I hear that Jason is likely to be at the top of his class after the exams this year.M:Yes,so

40、his teachers say.He is hoping to go to Harvard University.W:Great.Maybe hell become a university professor himself in the future.M:Maybe.But sometimes I wish hed go out and enjoy himself for a change.W:Yes.What about the younger one?M:Well,Marks teachers say he rarely does his best despite his abili

41、ty.He does his homework in ten minutes every day and then rushes out to play soccer.W:Perhaps he can make his fortune at football.People can make a lot of money from sports now.M:My wife wants Mark to study law.I dont believe in forcing them,but I wonder how Mark will progress over the next few year

42、s!W:Perhaps you can have a talk with him now to find out what he is thinking about his studies and future plans.M:Good idea.Ill take your advice.Text 10Good communication is important for parents and children of all ages.You might disagree with your parents over something simple,like coming home lat

43、e.But other disagreements might be more complicated.The following are a few tips to help bridge the generation gap.First,the easiest to say but the hardest to do is to honor your parents.Focus on good memories you have of your parents.Remember something they said or they did that you appreciated or

44、something they did that impressed you.Approach your parents about an issue with these memories in mind.Also,negotiate rather than argue.This tip can help any relationship.Dont approach your parents when you are angry.If you dont think you can speak to them calmly,try writing a letter.Trying to reach

45、 a compromise is also advisable.Of course,your parents might refuse to compromise on an issue.In these situations,it is especially important to show love and respect for them.Showing respect will keep your relationship strong.Lastly,tell your parents what you care about,and why.A good relationship w

46、ith your parents can make you a better and happier person.It will be worth 学科网(北京)股份有限公司7the effort.应用文写作评分细则应用文写作评分细则1.内容完整性(内容完整性(7 分):分):文章应当包含所有要点,并且各要点之间逻辑清晰。若有遗漏或逻辑不清的内容,将会影响得分。具体评分时,可以根据文章的完整程度给予相应的分数。2.语言准确性(语言准确性(3 分):分):文章中不应有明显的语法错误和拼写错误。用词要准确、得当,表达的意思要清晰明确。语言准确度是评判一篇文章质量的重要标准之一,因此对于语言错误的

47、扣分将会较为严格。3.语言流利度(语言流利度(3 分):分):文章中应当没有明显的句子结构和表达方式问题,句子之间的连贯性要好。同时,文章应当避免使用过于简单的表达或过多重复的句式,以体现较高的语言水平。流利度评分将着重关注文章的连贯性和表达的丰富性。4.语言丰富性(语言丰富性(2 分):分):文章中应使用较为复杂的句型和表达方式,同时多样化的词汇和短语也是提升文章质量的关键因素。如果文章过于简单,缺乏变化,将会在丰富性方面失分。读后续写评分细则读后续写评分细则1.情节发展(情节发展(10 分)分)*故事情节是否合理、有趣,符合逻辑;*续写部分是否与原文情节连贯,逻辑是否清晰;*是否有令人惊喜的情节或转折点。2.词汇丰富(词汇丰富(7 分)分)*使用的词汇是否丰富、准确,表达地道;*是否运用了高级词汇或习语;*用词是否得当,无明显拼写错误。3.语法准确(语法准确(6 分)分)*句子结构是否多样,语法是否正确;*时态、语态、主谓一致等是否规范;*从句、分词、虚拟语气等复杂句型是否运用得当。4.上下文连贯(上下文连贯(2 分)分)*续写部分与原文的衔接是否自然,过渡是否得当;*是否使用了适当的连接词或短语来保持上下文连贯性;*段落结构是否清晰,内容是否紧凑。


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