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《雅思英语考试经典资料汇编:雅思英语真题精讲10-2.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《雅思英语考试经典资料汇编:雅思英语真题精讲10-2.docx(93页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Section 1 场景介绍本篇是在街边发生的对当地交通状况的调研。市政厅希望通过调研了解百姓对当地交通状况有什么 意见反馈和改进建议。受访者 Luisa 对道路照明、步行道等都给出了自己的想法。本节必背词汇sparev.分出,匀出arrangementn. 安排,规划surveyn. 调研,调查shiftn. 轮班,轮值counciln. 议会,委员会lightingn. 照明improvementn. 提高,改进footpathn. 步行道hairdressern. 理发师,发型师cyclingn. 骑车,骑行sectionn. 部分,环节driven. 机动车道dentistn. 牙医u

2、philladv. 上坡地,上山地facilityn. 设备,设施sweatyadj.流汗的,多汗的词汇拓展consultation councilcouncilorintersection metropolismonumentmunicipalmunicipalityn.咨询n.理事会,立法秀n.官员n.十字路口n.大都市n.纪念碑n.市的,市政的n.市政当局outskirtspavementpedestriarresidentresidentialn.郊区n.便道n.行人n.居民area 居民区,住宅区shopping centre商业区suburburbanvehiclen.近郊区n.市

3、区的n.汽车national highway国道剑 桥 雅 思 真 题 精 讲 10文本及疑难解析1.Well,something Ive thought about for some time is that when I do walk and Im doing a later shif,I think the lighting should be better. 有一件我想了很久的事情是:当我下班晚而且走路的时候,我觉得 道路照明应该更好一些。42Test2Listening2.And also,Id have to cyele uphill and on a hot day Id ar

4、rive at work pretty sweaty so I think Id need a shower somewhere at work.我必须骑上坡路,而且在天热时,到办公室会一身是汗,所以我觉得在上 班的地方需要有地方冲澡。题目解析本节为典型的个人信息表,难度低。1. 本题为直叙。无难度。2. 本题为直叙。无难度。3. 本题出现混淆信息GT7, 但立即修正为GT8 。 考生需了解并注意英国邮编为字母与数字的组合。 4. 本题题干词occupation 与原文中的job 同义替换。答案直叙 hairdresser 无难度。5. 题干词 reason 原文重现,较易定位。可预测这里需要

5、填名词。shopping 是陷阱信息,且同时被not for 否定,后出现答案 dentist.67.分别由improvement 和 footpath(均为题干已知信息)定位,且通过题干形式可判断需要填两个名词。 lighting,trains 符合含义及词性。8.cycling 一词帮助定位。可预测本题填名词或形容词。原文safe places to leave your bikes 符合含义。 9. 题干词at work 原文重现。可预测填名词。答案为直叙。10.题干词 busy roads 原文重现。可预测填名词。答案为直叙。Section 2场景介绍本篇是对城市内两个重要的公共设施进

6、行提升改建的介绍。 一个是 Brackenside 露天游泳池, 一个是 儿童冒险游乐园。这两个改建方案的想法来源于民众,现在已经完成并实现了。两处公共设施分别有诸 多特别之处。本节必背词汇43initiativeconsultation councilconductsecurerenownedcharmingup-to-the-minute recyclingn.提议,倡议n. 商议,磋商n. 议会,委员会v.安排,实施v. 争取到adj. 有名的,有声望的adj. 吸引人的,迷人的adj. 最新的,新式的n. 再循环pressdeceptiverigorousbudgettestimony

7、contractoraward-winning conceptfaunan. 媒体,出版物adj.骗人的,欺诈的adj. 严密的,缜密的n. 预算;预算拨款n. 证明,证据n. 承包商,运营商adj. 获奖的n.概念,观念n.动物群44Antarcticice rinkoptglacierliteralthemereplicateminen.南极洲溜冰场v. 选择,挑选n.冰川,冰河adj. 照字面的,原义的n. 主题,题目w.复制,复写n. 矿,矿井preciousmedievalfortificationmosaicvarycontinentmagnificentamenityadj.珍贵

8、的,珍惜的adj.中世纪的n. 设防,防御工事n. 马赛克v.变化,不同n.大洲,大陆adj.壮丽的,宏伟的n. 愉快;礼仪,礼节词汇拓展auditorium n. 听众席,观众席backstage n.后台box office 售票处corridor n. 走廊domestic adj.国内的;家庭的electronic adj.电子的energy-efficient adj.节能的environmentally-friendly adj.环保的 foyer n.门厅,走廊install v 安 装insulationlayerpremisesredevelopmentreorientedr

9、epaintedruralslopeutilizen. 绝缘n. 层n. 生产场所,经营场址n. 再开发adj. 重新定位的adj. 重新油漆的adj. 乡村的,田园的n.斜坡v.利用,使用文本及疑难解析1.For the design of this new heated pool,we were very happy to secure the talents of internationally renowned architect Ellen Wendon,who has managed to combine a charming 1930s design,which fits in

10、so well with many of the other buildings in the area,with up to-the-minute features such as a recycling systemthe only one of its kind in the worldwhich enables seawater to be used in the pool.对于这个新 型可加热游泳池的设计,我们非常高兴地请到非常有才华的国际著名建筑师 Ellen Wendon,她设法 将一种20世纪30年代的设计(同这个区域的许多其他建筑完美地融合在一起)与一些最新的特色相 结合,例

11、如再循环系统,此举在全世界都是唯一的,它让我们可以在游泳池中使用海水。本句结构非 常复杂,出现了多个定语从句、插入语及其他修饰成分,要注意修饰的层次,把握各层修饰的对象。剑 桥 雅 思 真 题 精 讲 102.Now,there has been quite a bit a discussion in the local press about whether there would be enough room for the number of visitors were hoping to attract,but the design is deceptive and there hav

12、e been rigorous checks about capacity.现在,在当地媒体上有很多关于(泳池)是否有足够的空间来吸纳我们希望吸 引到的参观者数量的讨论,但(泳池的)设计具有欺骗性(指看上去显小),而且我们已经在容量方 面进行了缜密的核查。3.Also,just in case you were wondering,were on schedule for a June 15th opening date and well within budget:a testimony to the excellent work of local contractors Hickmans.

13、另外,你们知道吗,我们在预5Test2 Listening算之内按期在6月15日开业:这是我们当地承包商Hickmans 出色工作的证明。4.The unique design is based on the concept of the Global Village,with the playground being divided into six areas showing different parts of the world-each with a representative feature.这独一无二的设计基于 地球村的概念把游乐园分成六个不同的区域,每一个以不同的主题特色代表

14、了世界上的一个不同地区。5.For example,there is a section on Asia,and this is represented by rides and equipment in the shapes of snakes,orang-utans,tigers and so onfauna native to the forests of the region.比如,有一个亚洲区,由 设计成蛇、灵长目猩猩、老虎等形状的骑乘设备来表现这些动物都是当地有代表性的物种。6.Moving south to the Antarcticwe couldnt run to an ic

15、e rink Im afraid but opted instead for climbing blocks in the shape of mountainsI thought they could have had slides for the glaciers but the designers did want to avoid being too literal! 向南到了南极,我们恐怕无法用溜冰场来表现,而是选择了攀爬山 状障碍物。我本来觉得可以多少弄点冰川来表现,但设计者确实想要避免太直白。7.And then moving up the North America,here t

16、here was considerable debateI know the contribution of cinema and jazz was considered but the designers finally opted for rockets and the International Space Station. 向北到了北美洲,之前对是否使用对北美文化有巨大贡献的电影业和爵士乐有着大量的争论, 但最终设计者们还是选择了火箭和国际空间站。8.Then last,but not least,moving south to Africa and a whole set of wo

17、nderful mosaics and trails to represent the great rivers of this fascinating and varied continent.最后但并非最不重要的一点,向南到了 非洲, 一整片非常美的马赛克式镶嵌图案和小径表现了这片奇异的、令人着迷的大陆的河流。题目解析本节由单选题和配对题组成,题型及原文词汇、语法的难度都较高。11.本题可以由题干词idea定位,选项A中的local people与原文public同义替换。City Council组织了调研, SWRDC 提供了资金支持,因此选项B 、C都不对。12.本题题干专有名词Bra

18、ckenside原文重现,易定位,但答案句结构非常复杂,提及了选项A 中的 architectural style(建筑风格)、选项B 中的Heating system(加热系统),而最后出现的原文feature 一词符合题干unusual 所指。选项 C.its method of water treatment 在原文中表述为which enables seawater to be used in the pool, 为答案。本题难度非常高13.本题题干词Local newspapers与原文press对应,后出现 enough room与 C.the size of he facilit

19、ies 吻合。 原文随后又提及 on schedule,否定了选项A; 提及 well within budget,否定选项 B。14.通过题干时态 has not yet been made(现在完成时)及否定词not, 考生需要领会题目所指是“尚未做 的”、“即将做的”,原文中decide一词与题干词decision呼应,考生需把握 sculpture,figure 与选项 A中的 statue 为相关信息。1520.搭配题重点考词汇同义替换,无方法技巧。本题题干词均为专有名词,定位较容易。考生必须把 握同义替换词如下:选项原文15Elocal animalsfauna native to

20、 the forests of the region16.Fmountainclimbing blocks in the shape of mountains17Djewelsmines full of precious stones ln18.Hspace travelrockets and International Space Station eicigile19Aancient fortsmedieval castles and other fortification20.Bwaterwaysmosaics and trails to represent the great river

21、s45剑桥雅思真题精讲Section 3场景介绍两名学生Victor 和 Oivia 在讨论一个报告演讲的内容。该演讲的话题是Thor Heyerdahl(挪威考古 学家)的冒险经历、他的研究以及他对考古学发展的贡献。两名学生分工合作,分别负责讲述 Heyerdahl 的少年经历和成年经历。国本节必背词汇presentation harshshapesurvivalshelterremoteinhabitantradicalmysteriouscarvingmigrationstretchocean current coastaln.演讲,报告adj. 困难的,艰难的v. 塑造,形成adj.

22、生存的,幸存的n.居所,庇护所adj. 遥远的,远程的n.居民,住户adj. 激进的adj. 神秘的,诡秘的n.雕刻n. 移民,移居n.伸展,延伸洋流adj. 沿海岸线的canoeraftundertakespectacularepicreeddisprovearchaeologyoriginatediscreditacknowledge overallreviseeditionn.小木舟n. 小竹筏v 承担,从事adj. 壮观的,壮丽的n. 叙事诗,史诗n. 芦苇v. 反驳,证明虚假n. 考古学v.起源,来自v.使被怀疑(败坏名声v.承认,认可adj. 全部的,全面的v. 修订,修正n. 版

23、本词汇拓展assessmentaudio-visual certificate defenddiploma eligibleessayfield studyn.评估adj.视听的n.证书v.答辩n.学位adj.合格的n.论文实习optional course选修课presentation n.论文陈述prospectus n.创立计划书qualified adj.有资格的seminar n.研讨会supervise v.监督,监管thesis/dissertation n.论文tutorialn.(导师带领的)讨论小组workshopn.学术专题讨论journal n.期刊mandatory

24、course必修课46Test 2 LIstening文本及疑难解析1.I guess they needed that knowledge in order to live wild in a remote location with few inhabitants,cut off by the sea,which is what they were aiming to.我想他们在被大海封闭的遥远无人的野外生存时需要(有 关泳道的)那些知识,这正是他们想实现的。从句which 指代前面的完整内容,非仅指代 the sea。2.Yes,they thought that travel from

25、 the east was impossible,because of the huge empty stretch of ocean that lies between the islands and the nearest inhabited land.是的,他们认为从东方旅行(到西方世界)是不 可能的,因为岛屿和最临近的可居住土地间伸展着空旷浩瀚的大海。3.Yes,but Heyerdahl spent ages studying the cloud movements,ocean currents and wind patterns to find if it was actually

26、 possible.是的,但Heyerdahl 花了许多年研究云的动向、洋流和风向,试图发现这是否 确实会成为可能。4.And another argument was that there was no tradion of large ship-building in the communities lying to the cast of Polynesia.But Heyerdahl knew they made lots of coastal voyages in locally buit canoes.另 一 个争论是在Polynesia 东边的部落没有大规模造船的传统。但Heye

27、rdahl 知道他们(指communics)已经用当地制造的小木舟进行过很多次沿海岸的航行了。5.I think it was more a matter of simply trying out his idea,to seeif migration from the cast was possible.我 觉得这应该只是他 (Heyerdahl) 想验证他的想法,看看从东方迁移是否可能。6.But what he wanted to do was talk to the local people about their old stone carvings and then make on

28、e himself to learn more about the proces.但他想做的是向当地人询问关于他们的古老石雕,然后自己再 做一个以更好地了解制造过程。7.To my mind,he was the first person to establish what modern academics call practical archacology.I mean,that they try to recreate something from the past today,like he did with his aft trip.在我看来,他 是建立了现代学术界称为“实用考古学”

29、的第一人。我的意思是,他们(指modern academics)试图 基于过去的发现创造新的东西,就像他(Heyerdahl) 通过竹筏旅行所做的那样。此处recreate 不表示 “消遣、娱乐”,指“再造”。题目解析本节由多选题(2124)和单选题(2530)组成。难度适中。2122.本题通过题干词hobbies,youth 进行定位,与原文中的 passion for,carly life,boy 相呼应。两个答 案相隔较远,但不难听到。答案 B.climbing,C.collecting 原文重现,未被替换。camping,hunting 均 为混淆信息,原文中均被否定。原文中read

30、的动作发出者是mother, 并非 Heyerdahl。2324.本题答案与2122题答案位置非常接近,可能造成漏听,且题干定位不明显。考生在听到 experience,island 时知道此处与2324题相关,但第一个答案正是experience living on a small island. 考生有可能反应不过来。考生必须把握isolated (孤独的、隔离的),符合island 的地形。紧随其后,选项E 中 的extreme environment 与原文中 harsh weather condition 同义替换。本题较难。25. 本题较易定位,academics,Polynesi

31、an migration,cast,impossible 均在原文中出现。考生需有能力理解答案句才能找出匹配的概括性选项。26.本题可以用raft 定位。选项B.to demonstrate a personal quality 在原文中确实提及: To show others that he could have spectacalar adventures但随后被 Olivia 否定。Olivia 并提出了新的观点: simplytrying out his idea, 选 项 C中的 test 与 try out 为同义替换。27.题干词important 原文重现,易定位。考生需要把握

32、选项C 中 authentic,construction 的含义与原文 local materials,build 相呼应。选项A 为混淆信息,与本题内容无关。4728.本题题干词Easter Island 原文重现,易定位。选项A 中的stone statue 和原文stone carvings 同义替换。 选 项B中的reed boat确实提及,但既不是去 Easter Island的原因,也不是发生在Easter Island trip期间。 29.本 题 题 干 词infuence 与 原 文 lasting impression同 义 替 换 , 后 面 接 着 提 到to esta

33、blishpractical archacology, 与选项B 中的 archaeological methodology 相呼应。选项中“起源”的概念在原文中提及但被否定。选项C 指 Heyerdahl 建立了考古学,显然概念过大,与原文不符。30.本题题干中专有名词Wiliam Oliver可用来定位。选项A中 out of date 与原文old-fashioned 同义替换。 其他选项未提及。Section 4场景介绍本篇是一段关于商业管理的方式、风格及其未来发展、变化的演讲报告。报告称未来十年市场会发 生巨大变化,并且商业行为也会在许多方面受到外部因素的影响而产生变化,随之发生的是

34、企业管理构 架及管理人员风格的转变。本节必背词汇48seminar statisticalmergertakeover exertexternalconsultifecycleregulation strengthen specificdisband workforce applicantremoten. 讨论会,研讨会adj.统计的;统计学的n.合并;联合体n. 接管,接收v.发挥,运用adj. 外部的,外面的v. 向请教n.生命周期n. 规则,规章v.加强,变强大adj.具体的,特定的v.解散,散去n. 劳动力,全体员工n. 申请人,求职者adj. 远离的,遥远的efficiencylea

35、dershipinitiatepotentialpredominant consultative collaborative service sector overlookpropertygenerateenormoustrendself-employedn. 效率,效能n. 领导力v. 发起,创始adj. 潜在的,可能的adj.主要的,占优势的adj.咨询的,顾问的adj.合作的,协作完成的服务行业v 忽视,忽略n.资产,财产v.生产,产生adj. 巨大的,极大的n.趋势,走向adj.自己经营的剑桥雅思真题精讲10 Test 2 Listening词汇拓展49branchconflictco

36、nformityconsistencycooperationcorporate crime diversityfraudindividualitymultinationaln. 分支机构n.冲突n. 一致性n.持续性n.合作商业犯罪n. 差异,多样性 n.欺骗,诈骗n. 个性,个人特征 n.跨国公司parent organisation 母公司personality n.个性personnel department 人事部门priority n.优先,优先权promising future 光明的前途promotion opportunity 提升机会psychological adj. 心理

37、学的,心理上的sense of responsibility 责任感social recognition 社会认可team-work spirit 团队合作精神work overtime 加班workaholic n.工作狂working environment 工作环境workplace n.工作地文本及疑难解析1.A third point I want to make about markets is that in the rapidly expanding economies,such as India, China,Brazil and Russia,demand is growi

38、ng very fast.This is putting pressure on resources all over the world. 关于市场我想说的第三点是:在诸如印度、中国、巴西和俄罗斯这样高速发展的经济体中,需 求增长十分迅速。这给全世界的资源都带来了巨大压力。 p ut pressure on为固定搭配。2.I think businesses are becoming more open to external influences.In particular,companies are consulting customers more and more before ma

39、king their business decisions. 我认为商业对外部因素的影响更加开 放了。特别是公司在作出商业决策前会更多地咨询顾客的意见。3.Another influence is that concerns about the environment will force manufacturers to extend product lifecycles to reduce the amount of pollution and waste.And in some cases,regulation will need to be strenghened.另一个影响因素是:对

40、环境的忧虑会迫使生产商延长产品生命周期,从而减少污染和浪 费。而且在很多情况下,规章制度是需要加强的。4.Many societies are much more fluid and democratic,and the structure of companies is changing to reflect that.I think were going to see a greater emphasis within companies on teams created with a specific project in mind.And when theyre completed,t

41、he teams will be disbanded and new ones formed.许多社 会团体更灵活、更民主,而且现在很多公司的构架也在改变以体现这一点。我认为我们会看到公司将 更加重视以具体项目而组建的团队。当项目完成时,团队解散,又会有新的团队组成。本句中fuid 本意为“液体的、流动的、不固定的”,此处理解为“灵活的”。5.Typical examples that will atract and retain staff are tradional ones like flexible hours and-something that has been made poss

42、ible by advances in technologyremote working,with people based at their home, abroad,or almost anywhere they choose. 能够吸引且留住员工的传统典型因素是类似灵活上班时间这 类的,另外还有一种是人们可以在家、在国外或在任何他们选择的地方进行远程工作这因技术的 进步才得以成为可能。剑桥雅思真题精讲6.Above all theyll need great skills in leadership,so that their organisation can initiate and

43、respond to change in a fast-moving world,where they face lots of competing requirements and potential conflicts. 除 此之外,他们将需要领导力方面的强大技能,这样才能使其机构在快速发展的世界中面对大量竞争要 求和潜在冲突时能够迅速反应。7.The predominant style of management will almost certainly become more consultative and collaborative, caused above all,by more women moving into senior management positions.最占优势的管理风格几乎无 疑将会更多融入沟通和合作。最重要的原因是有更多的女性参与到了高层管理。题目解析本节为典型的学术报告填空(连续填空,以句子或笔记形式呈现)。整体难度适中。31.本题题干词 Business markets 原文重现,易定位。题干中的greater 与原文 increase同义替换,后随即出


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