专题 17 阅读理解七选五(说明文)-学易金卷:十年(2014-2023)高考真题英语分类汇编(全国通用)含解析.pdf

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《专题 17 阅读理解七选五(说明文)-学易金卷:十年(2014-2023)高考真题英语分类汇编(全国通用)含解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《专题 17 阅读理解七选五(说明文)-学易金卷:十年(2014-2023)高考真题英语分类汇编(全国通用)含解析.pdf(133页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、专题 17 阅读理解七选五(说明文)2023 年Passage 1【2023 年新高考全国卷】Personal ForgivenessTaking responsibility for mistakes is a positive step,but dont beat yourself up about them.To err(犯错)is human._16_ You can use the following writing exercise to help you do this.In a journal or on a piece of paper,put the heading“Per

2、sonal strengths.”_17_ Are you caring?Creative?Generous?A good listener?Fun to be around?They dont have to be world-changing,just aspects of your personality that youre proud of.At the top of a second page,put the heading“Acts of kindness.”On this one,list all the positive things youve done for other

3、s.It might be the time when you helped a friend with their homework,when you did the ironing without being asked,or when you baked cookies after the family had had a tiring day._18_You could ask a friend or family member to help add to your list._19_ That way,you could exchange thoughts on what make

4、s each of you special and the aspects of your personality that shine through.In fact,dont wait until youve made a mistake to try thisits a great way to boost self-confidence at any time.Its something of a clich(陈词滥调)that most people learn not from their successes but their mistakes.The thing is,its

5、true._20_ We re all changing and learning all the time and mistakes are a positive way to develop and grow.A.A little self-forgiveness also goes a long way.B.Now list all the characteristics you like about yourself.C.They might even like to have a go at doing the exercise.D.Its just as important to

6、show yourself some forgiveness.E.It doesnt mean you have to ignore whats happened or forget it.F.Whatever it is,no matter how small it might seem,write it down.G.Whatever the mistake,remember it isnt a fixed aspect of your personality.Passage 2【2023 年新高考全国卷】As an artist who shares her journey on soc

7、ial media,Im often asked by curious followers how to begin an art journey.Unfortunately,there is no magic list I can offer.I do remember,though,what 专题 17 阅读理解七选五(说明文)-学易金卷:十年(2014-2023)高考真题英语分类汇编(全国通用)it was like to be a complete beginner.So Ive put together some good tips for starting an art journ

8、ey.Start small.I suggest using a sketchbook(素描本)for small studies.These small studies provide inspiration and may be a springboard for more complex works in the future._16_ Youll want to look back on your journey to see how far youve come.Paint often and paint from life.Theres no better way to impro

9、ve than to put in those brush miles.Whether you paint still lifes,portraits,or landscapes,paint from life as much as possible._17_ Continually challenge yourself to try something new._18_ Artistic growth can be a bit painful.Welcome to the club;weve all been there.I love taking on challenges.I once

10、took up a challenge to create a painting every day for a month and post the works online._19_ Seeking and accepting constructive feedback(反馈)is crucial to growth.I post my work on social media and,in turn,have met some of the kindest people.They make me feel valued and respected,no matter my level o

11、f artistic ability.The journey youre on wont follow a straight path._20_ Push through,give it time and put in the effort.You will harvest the rewards of an artistic life.A Get out of your comfort zone.B.Make career plans and set goals.C.Dont throw away your beginner art.D.Share your work if you feel

12、 comfortable doing so.E.Youll hit roadblocks,and youll feel discouraged at times.F.Evaluate your performance and,if needed,redefine your role.G.Youll develop that painting muscle memory that only comes with repetition.Passage 3【2023 年全国乙卷】Indoor plants might look as if they just sit around not doing

13、 much,but in many ways they are the unsung heroes of the home._16_,but studies have shown that they can promote peoples wellbeing by improving their mood(心情),reducing stress and helping their memory.Whats more,indoor plants are easy to look after and are not very expensive.What are indoor plants?Ind

14、oor plants,also known as houseplants or pot plants,are plants that like to grow indoors.Many of these species(物种)are not ideally suited to growing outside in the UK,especially in the winter._17_.Why are indoor plants good for you?Will Spoelstra,who works at the Royal Botanic Gardens,says,“_18_.I fin

15、d during the winter months,plants around the house can really lift your mood.”Several studies have backed this up and found that indoor plants can improve creativity,focus and memory.There is also research showing that pot plants can clean the air around them by removing harmful gases,such as carbon

16、 dioxide.They also remove some harmful chemicals from paints or cooking._19_.Which plants can you grow?Aloe vera,peace lilies and spider plants are some of the species that are easy to grow indoors.You can buy plants from supermarkets,garden centres or online.Younger plants are often cheaper than fu

17、lly grown ones,and you get to care for them as they mature which is part of the joy of owning plants.“_20_,”Spoelstra says.“It can bring a new interest and focus into peoples lives and help to make the link between home and nature.”A.All plants are differentB.Not only do they look beautifulC.There a

18、re many benefits to growing plants indoorsD.Instead,they grow better inside,where it is warmerE.Plants like peace lilies and devils tongue are among the bestF.Changing the pot of your plant from time to time will also helpG.Learning about the requirements of each plant can be very rewardingPassage 4

19、【2023 年全国甲卷】Tricks To Becoming A Patient PersonHeres a riddle:What do traffic jams,long lines and waiting for a vacation to start all have in common?There is one answer._16_.In the Digital Age,were used to having what we need immediately and right at our fingertips.However,research suggests that if

20、we practiced patience,wed be a whole lot better off.Here are several tricks.Practice gratitude(感激)Thankfulness has a lot of benefits:Research shows it makes us happier,less stressed and even more optimistic._17_.“Showing thankfulness can foster self-control,”said Ye Li,researcher at the University o

21、f California.Make yourself waitInstant gratification(满足)may seem like the most“feel good”option at the time,but psychology research suggests waiting for things actually makes us happier in the long run.And the only way for us to get into the habit of waiting is to practice._18_.Put off watching your

22、 favorite show until the weekend or wait 10 extra minutes before going for that cake.Youll soon find that the more patience you practice,the more you start to apply it to other,more annoying situations._19_.So many of us have the belief that being comfortable is the only state we will tolerate,and w

23、hen we experience something outside of our comfort zone,we get impatient about the circumstances.You should learn to say to yourself,“_20_.”Youll then gradually become more patient.A.Find your causesB.Start with small tasksC.Accept the uncomfortableD.All this adds up to a state of hurryE.It can also

24、 help us practice more patienceF.This is merely uncomfortable,not intolerableG.Theyre all situations where we could use a little extra patiencePassage 5【2023 年北京卷】Its a joyful and stressful time of year in the United States for students and their families as they make decisions about where to attend

25、 college.Families often turn to rankings systems to help make a decision._35_When I talk to families as a scholar of higher education,theyre often surprised that teaching excellence is not counted in rankings._36_Emerging research suggests that courses in lower-ranked universities,on average,scored

26、higher on teaching than courses in higher-ranked universities._37_ The absence of teaching excellence from the rankings is surprising given the link between high-quality teaching and student success.Quality teaching is one of the most important predictors of a wide range of college outcomes.Rankings

27、,however,are only one reason why a low value is placed on teaching in higher education.Administrators often dont view teaching excellence as a way to increase enrolment(注册)or funding._38_ Research shows that the more time instructors spend on teaching,the lower their salary.What is the result?Many i

28、nstructors continue to teach using traditional lectures,which lead to lower success rates._39_ Nevertheless,not much will change until schools with high-quality teaching are rewarded with more resources,higher rankings and increased enrolments.In the long term,universities,organisations that rank sc

29、hools,and others should work to make teaching a valued,core part of the mission.What should students and their families do?They should give strong consideration to universities where high-quality teaching is valued,even though the schools may be ranked lower.A.Higher education has achieved its true

30、potential.B.Therefore,its not highly valued in hiring or promotion.C.Quality teaching has been an important reputation-building factor.D.However,the rankings ignore a critical factor:the quality of teaching.E.Efforts to improve teaching at the university level have recently emerged.F.Theyre even mor

31、e surprised at how teaching is undervalued by universities.G.In fact,universities often shift emphasis from teaching to other ranking factors.2022 年阅读理解七选五(说明文)Passage1【2022 年新高考全国 卷】Fitness Magazine recently ran an article titled“Five Reasons to Thank Your Workout Partner.”One reason was:“Youll act

32、ually show up if you know someone is waiting for you at the gym,”while another read:“_16_”With a workout partner,you will increase your training effort as there is a subtle(微妙)competition.So,how do you find a workout partner?First of all,decide what you want from that person._17_ Or do you just want

33、 to be physically fit,able to move with strength and flexibility?Think about the exercises you would like to do with your workout partner.You might think about posting what you are looking for on social media,but it probably wont result in a useful response._18_ If you plan on working out in a gym,t

34、hat person must belong to the same gym.My partner posted her request on the notice board of a local park.Her notice included what kind of training she wanted to do,how many days a week and how many hours she wanted to spend on each session,and her age.It also listed her favorite sports and activitie

35、s,and provided her phone number._19_ You and your partner will probably have different skills._20_ Over time,both of you will benefit your partner will be able to lift more weights and you will become more physically fit.The core(核心)of your relationship is that you will always be there to help each

36、other.A.Your first meeting may be a little awkward.B.A workout partner usually needs to live close by.C.Youll work harder if you train with someone else.D.Do you want to be a better athlete in your favorite sport?E.How can you write a good“seeking training partner”notice?F.Just accept your differenc

37、es and learn to work with each other.G.Any notice for a training partner should include such information.Passage2【2022 年新高考全国卷】Writing an essay is a difficult process for most people.However,the process can be made easier if you learn to practice three simple techniques._16_ When you are first tryin

38、g to think of ideas for an essay,put your pen to your paper and write nonstop for ten or fifteen minutes without letting your pen leave the paper.Stay loose and free._17_ Dont worry about grammar or spelling.Even though this technique wont work for everyone,it helps many people get a good store of i

39、deas to draw on.The next technique is to write your draft rapidly without worrying about being perfect._18_ Yet,by learning to live with imperfection,you will save yourself headaches and a wastepaper basket full of crumpled(弄皱)paper.Think of your first draft as a path cut out of the jungleas part of

40、 an exploration,not as a complete highway.The third technique is to try printing out a triplespaced(三倍行距)copy to allow space for revision._19_ As a result,these writers never get in the habit of crossing out chunks(大块)of their draft and writing revisions in the blank space.After you have revised you

41、r draft until it is too messy to work from anymore,you can enter your changes into your word processor._20_ The resulting blank space invites you to revise.A.Make sure your handwriting is neat.B.Let your pen follow the waves of thought.C.The second draft of the essay should be better.D.First of all,

42、learn the technique of nonstop writing.E.Too many writers try to get their drafts right the first time.F.Many beginning writers dont leave enough space to revise.G.Then you can print out a fresh draft,again setting your text on triple-space.Passage3【2022 年全国乙卷】Friendship needs care and attention to

43、keep it in good health.Here are five ways to sustain(保持)long-distance friendships.Set a regular dateLong-lasting friendships share the characteristic that both sides equally contact(联系)and share with one another.With busy schedules,squeezing in phone calls can be a challenge._16_.More isnt always me

44、rrierMake sure you have communicated with your friend about how frequently each of you wants to be contacted and what method works best for you both._17_.There are alternatives to constant written communication,such as leaving voice messages or having a group chat.Practise empathy(共情)_18_.The friend

45、 who is remaining needs to be sensitive to all the additional time demands placed on the friend who has moved.The one in the new environment should be sympathetic to the fact that your friend may feel abandoned._19_ Anniversaries and birthdays carry even more weight in long-distance friendships.Alth

46、ough technology might make day-to-day communication possible,extra effort goes a long way on special days.Simply keeping a diary that keeps track of friends birthdays and other important dates will make sure nothing slips by you.Dont rely on technology alone_20_,but long-distance friendships even cl

47、ose ones may require more conscious effort to sustain.Try to seek out chances to renew friendships.How to do it?Just spend face-to-face time together whenever possible.A.Remember important datesB.Compensate by writing lettersC.It is also helpful for you to be a friendship keeperD.Try to find a time

48、that works for both of you and stick to itE.Friends need to talk about their preferred methods of communicationF.It is easy to have a sense of connectedness through social mediaG.You may be the friend who left or the one who was left behindPassage4【2022 年全国甲卷】Important Things to Know When Dining Out

49、Cultural dining etiquette(礼节)might surprise you with some of its important rules._16_.Knowing some tips will help ensure that you have an enjoyable meal with friends or family no matter where you are in the world.Chopstick Rules The way you handle chopsticks is important to avoid annoying your compa

50、nions.When you put them down between bites,always put them down together so they are parallel with the edge of the table in front of you._17_.Hands or Utensils(餐具餐具)In India and the Middle East,its considered very rude to eat with your left hand.People in France expect you to eat with a utensil in e


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