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《山东省2022年中考英语人教版一轮复习精练-阶段滚动练(五).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省2022年中考英语人教版一轮复习精练-阶段滚动练(五).docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、时间:60分钟分值:60分说明:本测评兼顾了山东省人教版地区都会考查的重要题型,并采取阶段滚动测评模式,总分设置为60分,交替出现不尽相同的重要题型。考点布点全面,即使题型不尽相同,也能起到阶段性测评的效果。一、单词拼写与运用(5分)用括号内所给单词的适当形式或根据汉语提示填写单词。1(2021上海浦东月考)It was _(amaze) that they could stay under water much longer than we could imagine.2Protecting the _(danger) animals is everyones duty.3Miss Lee

2、_(teach) us English since she came here three years ago.4I think life _(本身) is a learning process.5About two _(千) people will come to the music concert.6You can enjoy water sports, or _(simple) lie on the beach.7China is getting richer and stronger in the new _(世纪)二、完形填空(15分)(2021江苏宿迁中考)“What worrie

3、s you, Tom?” asked Mrs. Bell. He had a 1 in his hand and tears(泪水) in his eyes.“Our teacher asked us to recite(背诵) the poem Little Jim. The student who can recite it 2 will get a prize. But I dont think I can do it well,” said Tom. “Why not?” asked Mrs. Bell.“The boys say that I cant,” said Tom in a

4、 3 voice. “Dont mind what they 4 . Let them see that you can do it,” said Mrs. Bell.“But I dont think I can,” said Tom. “The poem is so long and difficult. I may not try 5 the prize, but I want to try my best to recite it, because the boys laugh at me. They call me Slow Tom”“Well, dear,” said Mrs. B

5、ell. “Look at that snail on the wall. How slow it is! Watch it. You will see it will get to the top at last. So just try a few lines each day, and you may 6 the prize in the end.”Tom thought that though he could not catch up with the boys, he might run a race with the 7 . So he decided to try it.At

6、last, the day came. The teacher called up the boys to recite the poem. After five or six boys had recited it, it was Toms 8 . Most of the boys laughed at him because they thought he could 9 . But to their surprise, Tom did not 10 miss a word. His heart was full of joy when the teacher said, “Well do

7、ne, Tom!” After the rest of the class had tried, the teacher said Tom had done best and he gave Tom the 11 “And now tell us 12 you could recite the poem so well,” said the teacher.“A snail on the wall taught me how to do it,” said Tom.There was a loud 13 when Tom said this. But the teacher said, “Do

8、nt laugh! We can learn a lot from things such as snails. How did the snail teach you, Tom?”“I saw it crawl up the wall bit by bit. It did not stop, but went on and on. And I thought I could do the same. So I recited it bit by bit, and did not 14 ,” said Tom.“Well done, Tom!” said the teacher. “Now b

9、oys, let us give a good cheer to Tom and the snail on the wall.” The classroom rang with a great 15 . Everyone was glad that “Slow Tom” won the prize at last.1A.bookBboxCbagDbottle2A.worstBbestCmostDfastest3A.happyBlowCsadDloud4A.makeBsayCshowDsee5A.onBatCoutDfor6A.loseBgetCforgetDmeet7A.monkeyBmous

10、eCsnailDsnake8A.answerBturnCsideDplace9A.succeedBspreadCfallDfail10A.evenBeverCneverDstill11A.praiseBprizeCproblemDprice12A.howBwhenCwhereDwhether13A.cryBshoutClaughDmusic14A.give upBpick upCstand upDget up15A.soundBwhisperCvoiceDcheer三、阅读理解(10分)A(2022原创)Isnt it sad that some of the most famous wond

11、ers may disappear? Because of pollution, climate change and human activities, its going to happenin fact, its happening fast. Lets go and see these wonders before they disappear.The Great Wall, ChinaThe Great Wall has a history of more than 2,000 years. But 51.2 percent of it has been either lost or

12、 at risk of disappearing. Besides the influences of wind and rain erosion,the main reasons are human activities such as tourism and human contact(接触)Venice, ItalyThe “Floating City(飘移之城)” may not float for much longer as experts have warned that Venice could go down under the water in a century.Sinc

13、e 1897, sea level in Venice has risen by 30 cm, and the Mediterranean(地中海) will rise by up to 1.5m before 2100.The Dead Sea, JordanAt 423m below sea level, the Dead Sea is 10 times saltier than the ocean, meaning that even tourists who cant swim will be able to float. But it has lost a third of its

14、surface area in the past 40 years because of the mineral industry(矿业) and farming.1.What have had a bad influence on these wonders?Pollution.Wildlife.Tourism.Weather conditions.ABCD2The underlined word “erosion” means “_” in Chinese.A滋润B浇灌C浸透D侵蚀3Which of the following could be gone in one hundred ye

15、ars?AVenice.BThe Great Wall.CThe Dead Sea.DThe Mediterranean.4The size of the Dead Sea now is _ that of 40 years ago.Aone third ofBtwo thirds ofChalf ofDthe same as5What can we learn from the passage?AToo many people visit these wonders every day.BTheres more salt in the ocean than in the Dead Sea.

16、CWe may not see Venice because of the rise of sea level.DBad weather is the main reason for the loss of the Great Wall.B(2020山东青岛一模)What color are icebergs(冰山)? White or blue? Surprisingly, there are green icebergs in Antarctica(南极). Their unusual color has confused scientists for years. But scienti

17、sts have finally solved the mystery of the green icebergs.Icebergs are large pieces of ice in the sea. Icebergs form after breaking away from glaciers(冰川)Most icebergs are white. There are also many icebergs in Antarctica that are blue. Glacial ice has a lot of small air bubbles(气泡). The icebergs ap

18、pear to be blue because the air bubbles reflect blue light.However, there are no air bubbles in green icebergs, which means these icebergs are made out of sea ice rather than glacial ice.But why does sea ice look green? Scientists at the University of Washington, US, recently found the reasoniron ox

19、ide(氧化铁). It comes from rock dust found on the Antarctic mainland. After studying the green icebergs, scientists found that they have 500 times more iron than glacial ice. The iron comes from bedrock in the ocean. When glaciers grind(碾磨) against bedrock, a powder(粉末) that is rich in iron is created.

20、 The powder later mixes with ocean water, which then freezes as green sea ice, Stephen Warren from the university suggested.This is an important finding because these green icebergs can deliver iron to far parts of the ocean. There, tiny sea plants use the iron as a nutrient(营养物). We thought green i

21、cebergs were interesting. But now they may actually be important.6According to the story, icebergs can be _Awhite, blue and yellowBgreen, blue and yellowCwhite, green and blueDblue, red and green7Some icebergs look green because _Athere is iron oxide inside of themBair bubbles inside reflect green l

22、ightCsome sea plants are frozen insideDthey are made out of bedrock8The iron in green icebergs comes from _Aglacial iceBbedrock in the oceanCdead bodies of sea animalsDindustrial waste9What can we infer(推断) from the story?AGreen icebergs can only be found in Antarctica.BGlaciers dont have any color.

23、CSea ice does not have air bubbles.DAntarctica animals feed on colorful icebergs.10Whats the best title for the passage?AIron OxideBThe Mystery of the Green IcebergsCThe Change of ColorsDDifferences Between Glacial and Sea Ice四、动词应用(10分)根据短文内容,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。(2022原创)Final exams are ju

24、st around the corner. Liu Haoxuan, 14, who 1._(study) at Beijing Dayu School, is quite busy. However, he still has to find time to practice his spoken English. Thats because he has to take a new English listening and speaking test.Liu is not alone. This is a new test for all students who 2._(prepare

25、) senior high school entrance exams in Beijing. Junior 3 students have to take an English listening and speaking test that counts for 40 points on their full English exam. The test 3._(take) on a computer. They can take the test twiceonce in December and again in Marchto try to get a higher score po

26、ssible.During the 30minute test, students have to fill in blanks, answer questions and retell stories after listening to different materials. “It pushes us 4._(speak). Though it was hard at the beginning, its a good thing,” Liu said. He 5._(get) a low score when he first took it last semester. But h

27、e kept 6._(work) hard in order to improve his pronunciation and other skills. He practiced speaking in front of a mirror every day. Later, he got a score of 39 on the test.Liu Tianyou, 14, from Beijing Yuying Middle School, has his own way to prepare for the spoken English test. He uses apps to take

28、 practice tests every day. “The apps will score your performance so that you 7._(improve) accordingly,” he said. “Also, the practice tests help me learn to take notes properly. They help me grasp topic sentences and connection words.”五、阅读表达(10分)阅读短文,根据要求完成文后的题目。(2020山东济宁鱼台一模)Its a Western custom to

29、say “bless you” after someone sneezes. “Achoo!” “Bless you.”This is a common exchange in Englishspeaking countries. When you hear someone else sneeze, it is polite to say “bless you”, to which they should reply with “thank you”. But where does this odd custom come from?In fact, it dates back to medi

30、eval(中世纪的) Europe, specifically, the time of the bubonic plague(黑死病). The plague killed nearly onethird of Europes population within three years(13471350). The first symptom of the bubonic plague was sneezing. At that time, people believed that if you sneezed, your soul might leave your body.People

31、didnt know how to cure the bubonic plague. They were simply encouraged to say “God bless you” and do other superstitious(迷信的) things, hoping the soul would go back into the body. And over time, “God bless you” was shortened to “bless you”Of course, in modern times, we know that sneezing has nothing

32、to do with the soul or any other superstitious thing. But just like so many other customs from the past, saying “bless you” has stayed with us for hundreds of years.But you may be wonderingwhat if someone sneezes more than once? Well, you dont have to keep saying “bless you”. In fact, if someone sne

33、ezes more than twice, or sneezes especially loudly, you may want to ask them if theyre OK, or if they would like a tissue(纸巾)Then again, you dont really need to say anything at all. People wont think youre rude if you forget to say “bless you”. But they will also appreciate it if you do.1Where does

34、the odd custom “bless you” come from? (回答问题,不超过9个词)_2Did people know how to cure the bubonic plague in the past? (回答问题,不超过4个词)_3How long has “bless you” stayed with us? (回答问题,不超过10个词)_4把画线的句子翻译成汉语。_5给文章拟一个合适的标题。_六、选词填空(10分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,完成短文。有两个词多余。(2022原创)excite, create, instruct, though, protect

35、, bad, provide, unless, communication, possible, be, difficultThe Brooklyn Bridge across the river between Manhattan and Brooklyn is simply a miracle(奇迹) of engineering.In 1883, a 1._ engineer, John Roebling, had an idea for this bridge project. However, bridgebuilding experts told him to forget it,

36、 because it was2._. Roebling told his son, Washington, a promising engineer, that the bridge could be built. The two of them came up with the idea of how it could be built and how to overcome the3._. Somehow they asked bankers to support the project. Then, with great 4._ and energy, they began to bu

37、ild their dream bridge.The project was only a few months under way when John Roebling was killed and his son got 5._ injured in an accident. Everyone thought the project would have to be stopped, since the Roeblings 6._ the only ones who understood how the bridge could be built.7_ Washington was una

38、ble to move or talk, his mind was as sharp(敏锐的) as ever. One day as he lay in his hospital bed, an idea flashed in his mind as to how to 8._ with his wife so that she could tell the engineers how to build the bridge. She had also studied engineering and higher math, and was able to 9._ help until th

39、e completion of the bridge.For 13 years, Washington had been giving his 10._ until the famous Brooklyn Bridge was finally completed. His wife was the first person to cross the bridge.参考答案一、1.amazing2.endangered3.has taught4.itself5thousand6.simply7.century二、15 ABCBD610 BCBDA1115 BACAD三、15 CDABC610 C

40、ABCB四、1.studies2.are preparing3.is taken4to speak5.got6.working7.can improve五、1.(Medieval) Europe./The time of the bubonic plague.2No./No, they didnt.3For hundreds of years.4实际上,如果某人打喷嚏超过2次,或者喷嚏声特别大,你可能会问他们身体怎样或是否需要纸巾。5What does “bless you” mean?六、1.creative2.impossible3.difficulties4excitement5.badly6.were7.Though8communicate9.provide10.instructions


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