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《2021年2月上海大学研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年2月上海大学研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析).pdf(60页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、【考研英语】2021年 2 月上海大学研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】They will get the preparation done early in May.A、他们五月初就能让别人准备完工作。B、他们五月初就能准备好工作。C、他们早在五月份就能把准备工作做完。D、他们五月初就能把准备工作做完。【正确答案】D【答案解析】首先需要注意early in May表示 五月初 的意思,选 项 A让别人准备完这种表达是不准确的;此 外 get thepreparation done表示的是“把准备工作做完”,选项B 的表达不是很准确。第2题【单选题】Water is

2、 absent in this area.A、ampleB、assiduousC、affluentD、deficient【正确答案】D【答案解析】absent 缺少的;deficient不足的;有缺陷的;不充分的。第3题【单选题】The opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is,I think,themain attraction of a bookshop.There are not many places where it ispossible to do this.A music shop is very much l

3、ike a bookshop.You cango to such places as much as you wish.If it is a good shop,no assistantwill approach you with the greeting:Z/Can I help you,sir?”You needntbuy anything you dont want.In a bookshop,an assistant should remainin the background until you have finished reading.You may want to findou

4、t where a particular section is.Then,and only then,are his servicesnecessary.But when he has led you there,the assistant should leavepolitely and look as if he is not interested in selling a single book.According to the author,the best way to escape the realities of everydaylife is.A、to chat with as

5、sistants in a bookshopB、to take a walk in the streetsC、to make some appointment in a bookshopD、to stay reading books of various kinds in a bookshop【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案应该在本段中找The opportunity to escapethe realities of everyday life is,I think,the main attraction of abookshop.利用这样的机会逃避庸常的现实生活是书店的主要吸引人之处。第4题

6、【单选题】For the purpose of this Convention any Contracting State may,bydomestic legislation,assimilate to its own nationals any persondomiciled in that State.A、就本公约而言,任何成员国均可按照国内立法,将经常居住于该国的任何人按本国国民对待。B、为了本公约的目的,任何成员国均可按照国内立法,将经常居住那个国家的任何人按本国国民对待。C、为实施本公约,任何成员国均可按照国内立法,将经常居住于该国的任何人按本国国民对待。D、为了本公约的目的,任何

7、成员国均可按照国内立法,将经常居住那个国家的任何人当作本国国民。【正确答案】C【答案解析】答 案 选C o本题考查的知识点为法律文书的特点。for the purpose of 是法律条文里常用的一个短语,意思相当于“就 而言”,在此处翻译为“为实施本公约。第5题【单选题】Spiders are not insects,as many people think,nor even nearly related tothem.A、正如许多人认为的那样,蜘蛛并不是昆虫,甚至和昆虫一点关系都没有。B、蜘蛛并不像许多人认为的那样是昆虫,它和昆虫一点关系都没有。C、正如许多人认为的那样,蜘蛛就是昆虫,和昆

8、虫密不可分。D、蜘蛛正像许多人认为的那样不是昆虫,它和昆虫一点关系都没有。【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选Bo本题需要注意as many people think,表示的是“许多人认为蜘蛛是昆虫;此外nor在此处表示的是否定,即“它和昆虫一点关系都没有。第6题【单选题】Rhythm in literature is a more or less regular occurrence of certainelements of writing:a word,a phrase,an idea,a sound,or a grammaticalconstruction.We are also accu

9、stomed to this recurrence in the alternateheavy and light beats in music.Our love for rhythm seems to be innate:witness the responses of a small child to lively music.Children love tobeat on toy drums or empty boxes.They stamp their feet and chantnursery rhymes or nonsense syllables,not unlike primi

10、tive dancers.Aschildren grow older,they are taught to restrain their responses torhythm,but our love of rhythm remains.We live in rhythms;in fact weare governed by rhythms.According to the passage,an adult/s reaction torhythm in music would probably be.A、uninhibitedB、indifferentC、restrainedD、respons

11、ible【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。该题的解题依据在本段结尾部分“Aschildren grow older;they are taught to restrain their responsesto rhythm./作者讲:随着孩子的年龄逐渐增大,大人就会教他们抑制对节奏的反应,等他们长大之后,他们对音乐节奏的反应,更可能受到抑制。第7题【单选题】A great number of houses would have to be removed to make way forthe new amusement park.A take the place ofB give space

12、forC、build upD、work out【正确答案】B【答案解析】make way for让路,让地给.o give space for让地方给。参考译文:必须拆除很多房屋来给新游乐公园腾地方。第8题【单选题】They will get the preparation done early in May.A、他们五月初就能让别人准备完工作。B、他们五月初就能准备好工作。C、他们早在五月份就能把准备工作做完。D、他们五月初就能把准备工作做完。【正确答案】D【答案解析】首先需要注意early in May表示 五月初 的意思,选 项A“让别人准备完这种表达是不准确的;此 外get thepr

13、eparation done表示的是“把准备工作做完,选项B的表达不是很准确。第9题【单选题】All children in the United States have to receive an education,but thelaw does not say they have to be educated at school.A number ofparents prefer not to send their children to s c h o o l.There areabout 300,000 home-schoolers in the United States toda

14、y.A、Critics also say that most parents are not well qualified to teachtheir children.B、In some countries,however,children are educated by theirparents.C、Learning starts with the childrens interests and questions.D、Children who are educated at home are known ashome-schoolers.【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选D o 后文出现了

15、 home-schoolers,根据选项,这里应该是对这个词的定义,因此选D。第10题【单选题】The pair of legs that carried him rickety,and there was a bias in his gaitwhich inclined him somewhat to the left of a straight line.A、支着他的两条腿老是摇摇晃晃的,他走路的姿势里,又总有一种倾斜的趋势,使他或多或少地往一条直线的左边歪。B、他的两条腿摇摇晃晃的,他走路的步法又总是倾斜着,使他有点歪向一条直线的左边。C、支着他的两条腿摇摇晃晃的,他走路时又总是倾斜,使

16、他有点往一条直线的左边歪。D、支撑着他的两条腿摇摇晃晃的,他走路时又总是倾斜,使他有点歪向一条直线的左边。【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。本题考查的知识点为选词。文学作品语言生动,其中选词是一个重要方面。动 词 carry有许多含义。此处译文具体化,译作“支着。第11题【单选题】The decline in moral standards,which has long concerned social analysts,has at last the attention of average Americans.A、clarifiedB、cultivatedC、characterizedD

17、、captured【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题的四个选项意思各不相同,但能与题句空格 后 的 名 词 attention搭配并符合题意的只有一个。capture捕获,吸 引(注意力)。根据题意,正确答案应选Do第12题【单选题】Parents often decide on the basis of what their children want.Cathy,amother told us,“My children have packed lunches,because they saythey hate school dinners.I make 3 packed lunches eve

18、ry morning,so ourkitchen is like a sandwich bar in the morning/However,another mother,Susan made her choice based on the nutritious value of the food.Shesaid,“My daughter always has school dinners.I think she probably getshealthier food by having a cooked lunch at school than she would if Imade a fe

19、w sandwiches/Which of the following is TRUE according to thepassage?A、Katz thinks chips are good for his kids.B、Susans daughter likes eating sandwiches.C、Cathy may have at least three children.D、Jamie likes burgers and pizzas.【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C o细节查找并简单推断题。从本段,特别是 I make 3 packed lunches every mornin

20、g.可知 Cathy 有三个孩子在上学,有没有不上学的孩子不得而知,故选项C为最佳选项。其他三项均与原文意思不符。第13题【单选题】It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone my visit which I hadintended to pay to Germany in January.A、我原计划访问德国,令我深感失望的是,我不得不在一月份予以推迟。B、我原计划一月份访问德国,后来不得不予以推迟,这使我深感失望。C、令我深感失望的是,我原计划访问德国,但不得不予以推迟到一月份。D、令我深感失望的是,我不得不在一月份推迟我对德国预

21、定的访问。【正确答案】B 答案解析】本题考查定语与中心语之间的关系。A 项中I hadintended to pay to Germany in January,表明我对德国的访问是一月份的,所以把一月份用来做推迟的时间状语是不正确的,推迟不是在一月份。C 和 D 项犯了同样的错误,是原定一月份的访问,而不是推迟到一月份。第14题【单选题】We admire her for entering a famous university.A、honorB、appreciateC、prizeD、admit【正确答案】B【答案解析】admire 钦 佩;赞 美;appreciate欣赏。第 15题【单选

22、题】Our journey was slow because the train stopped at differentvillages.A、unceasinglyB、graduallyC、continuouslyD、continually【正确答案】D【答案解析】unceasingly没停顿的。gradually逐渐的。continuously 连续不断的。continually 不断的。第 16题【单选题】Is there any news about my promotion?I regret you thatweve chosen someone else for the job.A

23、、tellingB、to have toldC、to tellD、o be telling【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。regret doing sth.为做过某事而感到遗憾;regret to do sth.遗憾地去做某事。根据上下文,回答者是想告诉问话人他们选了别人做这份工作,故应是regret totell.o第17题【单选题】When there are small children around,it is necessary to put bottles ofpills out of.A、holdB stockC、reachD、hand【正确答案】C 答案解析】out of

24、stock没存货0 out of reach够不着。out ofhand失控。第18题【单选题】Will you go home tomorrow evening?No,I am going to a lecture,orat least I am p la n n in g.A soB、toC、itD、that【正确答案】B【答案解析】考查省略。用不定式符号to代替个不定式t。goto a lectureo第19题【单选题】As Yale law professor Anne Alstott argues,justifying parental supportdepends on defin

25、ing the family as a social good that,in some sense,society must pay for.In her book No Exit:What Parents Owe TheirChildren and What Society Owes Parents,she argues that parents areburdened in many ways in their lives:there is“no exit“when it comes tochildren.Society expectsand needsparents to provid

26、e their childrenwith continuity of care,meaning the intensive,intimate care that humanbeings need to develop their intellectual,emotional,and moralcapabilities.And society expectsand needsparents to persist in theirrole for 18 years,or longer if needed/What is Professor Anne Alstottsargument for par

27、ental support?A、Good parenting benefits society.B、The cost of raising children in the US has been growing.C、The US should keep up with other developed countries.D、Children need continuous care.【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A o推理判断题。本段提到,社会也需要家长们对他们的孩子付出关爱,因为良好的父母教养能造福于社会,应选A项。B项“抚养孩子的成本在美国已越来越大 ,C 项“美国应该赶上其他发达国家,

28、这两项在文中均未提及;D 项“儿童需要持续的照顾,是对文中的parents toprovide their children with continuity of care 设置的干扰项。第20题【单选题】This is one of the most interesting questions that asked.A、haveB、hasC、have beenD、has been【正确答案】C【答案解析】that指代questions,所以从句谓语需要用复数形式。第21题【单选题】They will get the preparation done early in May.A、他们五月初就

29、能让别人准备完工作。B、他们五月初就能准备好工作。C、他们早在五月份就能把准备工作做完。D、他们五月初就能把准备工作做完。【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选D o 首先需要注意early in May表示“五月初”的意思,选 项A“让别人准备完这种表达是不准确的;此外get the preparation done表示的是“把准备工作做完”,选 项B的表达不是很准确。第22题【单选题】Spiders are not insects,as many people think,nor even nearly related tothem.A、正如许多人认为的那样,蜘蛛并不是昆虫,甚至和昆虫一点关系都

30、没有。B、蜘蛛并不像许多人认为的那样是昆虫,它和昆虫一点关系都没有。C、正如许多人认为的那样,蜘蛛就是昆虫,和昆虫密不可分。D、蜘蛛正像许多人认为的那样不是昆虫,它和昆虫一点关系都没有。【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题需要注意as many people think,表示的是“许多人认为蜘蛛是昆虫;此 外nor在此处表示的是否定,即“它和昆虫一点关系都没有。第23题【单选题】This is one of the most interesting questions that asked.A、haveB、hasC、have beenD、has been【正确答案】C【答案解析】that指代ques

31、tions,所以从句谓语需要用复数形式。第24题【单选题】Facing growing costs and shrinking tax,the government is nowthreatening to cut funding for environmental protection programs.A、budgetB、collectionC profitD、revenue【正确答案】D【答案解析】revenue 收入,税收,尤指国家的岁入。根据题意,正确答案应为D。第25题【单选题】You consider that you cant find your place in your o

32、wn country,so yourisk the comfortable but modest life with your parents and you goabroad.Maybe there will be moments when you cant stand theloneliness anymore,the strangers around you,or your job.But youremember nobody made you take that decision,so you take a deepbreath,and you go on,as you are the

33、 only one to be blamed.When youare lonely in a foreign country,you s houl d.A、change your decisionB、blame your parents for itC、stick to your decision and go onD、make more friends【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C o 根据文章本段中But you remembernobody made you take that decision,so you take a deep breath,and you go on.可知答案

34、。作者认为你出国后可能会面临各种困难,面对周围的陌生人、工作,你可能会感到孤独,但是仔细想想这个决定是你自己做的,于是你不得不深呼吸,然后继续。第26题【单选题】Would you l i ke,sir?No,thanks.I have had much.A、some more orangesB、any more orangesC some more orangeD、any more orange【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C o当用委婉的语气希望得到对方肯定回答的时候,疑问句中的som e不能变成any。从答语中的m uch可判断出前面的名词应该是不可数的。此句话的汉语意思是:一先生,还

35、要点橙汁吗?一不了,谢谢,我已喝了很多了。第27题【单选题】The delta and narrow Nile Valley to the south make up only 3 percent ofEgypts land but are home to 96 percent of her population.A、三角洲和南边狭窄的尼罗河河谷组成了埃及土地的百分之三,却有百分之九十六的人口住在这里。B、三角洲和通向南边的狭窄的尼罗河河谷组成了埃及土地的百分之三,却有百分之九十六的人口住在这里。C、三角洲和南边狭窄的尼罗河河谷只占埃及土地的百分之三,却有百分之九十六的人口住在这里。D、三角洲

36、和南边狭窄的尼罗河河谷只占埃及土地的百分之三,但却是百分之九十六的人口的家园。【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。are home to若译作“是 的家则不顺,所以把名词改为动词,译作“住在这里第28题【单选题】Honesty is a kind of quality and thats it takes to communicatewith others successfully.A、whatB、whyC、howD、which【正确答案】A【答案解析】考查名词性从句的连接词。题干句子中thats后至句子末尾是表语从句且takes缺少宾语,又不是指人,所以用what来连接。第29题【单选题】T

37、here are certain when you must interrupt people who are in themiddle of doing something.A、conditionsB、situationsC、occasionsD、environments【正确答案】C 答案解析Jconditions状况/条件/情形(与日常生活相关)。situation 形式/局面。occasion 场合/时刻。environment 环境/外 界。第 30题【单选题】To protect Americas rivers and streams from excessive industri

38、alpollution and to guard wildlife from the depredations of man.A、保护美国的江河,使之免受过分的工业污染并保护野生动物不受人类的掠夺。B、保护美国的河流,使之不受过分的工业污染,并保护野生动物不受人类的掠夺。C、保护美国的江河,使之受不到过分的工业污染并保护野生动物不被人类掠夺。D、保护美国的江河,使之免受过分的工业污染和野生动物不被人类掠夺。【正 确 答 案】A【答 案 解 析】protectfrom.和“guard.from.”同 义,均为 保护免遭第 31题【单选题】In his closing remarks,the ch

39、airman expressed his thanks to all thosewho had contributed to the success of the conference.A commentsB speechC、criticismD、lecture【正确答案】B【答案解析】remarks致辞。speech讲话,演说。参考译文:在闭幕词里,主席向所有为大会的成功举办作出过贡献的人士表示了感谢。第32题【单选题】It was fire oclock in the afternoon they climbed up to the top ofthe mountain.A、sinceB

40、whenC thatD、until【正确答案】B【答案解析】此句为一主从复合句。“when引导状语从句,若看作强调结构,应在fire前加at。第33题【单选题】Hes unlucky,and hes always suffering luck one after another.A a sickB an illC、sickD、ill【正确答案】D【答案解析】英语中的名词有可数与不可数之分,luck是不可数名词,用来修饰贬义的luck形容词有bad,poor或 ill,这时ill的词义是:不好的。第34题【单选题】Everywhere man has cut down forests in or

41、der to grow crops,orto use wood as fuel or as building material.A、the,theB the,/C/,theD、/,/【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C o 森林你不知道具体是哪里的,所以要泛指。而木头指的是砍下的,所以特指。第35题【单选题】She had come to England to pursue an acting career.A striveB removeC、quitD、chase【正确答案】D【答案解析】pursue继续;从事;追赶;纠缠;chase追逐;追捕。第36题【单选题】We rely more th

42、an any other major economy on the goods and servicesthat we export,the investment that we attract and we make abroad.A、英国对商品和服务出口以及对投资和引资的依赖比世界上其他主要经济更甚。B、英国比世界上其他主要经济更依赖商品和服务出口的投资、引资。C、英国对出口的商品和服务以及对投资和引资的依赖比世界上其他主要经济更甚。D、英国对商品和服务出口以及对投资和引资的依赖超过了世界上任何其他经济大国。【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选D o 本题主要考查经济的专业术语。原文中的eco

43、nomy指“经济大国,是近几年才出现的一种用法。第37题【单选题】Its impossible to detach oneself from reality.A、scatterB、separateC、reformD、prescribe【正确答案】B【答案解析】detach分离;派遣;使超然;separate分开;隔开;分居。第38题【单选题】Cost was a key in our decision.A、philosopherB innovationC qualityD、element【正确答案】D【答案解析】element元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境。第39题【单选题】You will

44、 be liable for any damage caused.A liberalB responsibleC、profoundD、rectify【正确答案】B【答案解析】be liable f o r 有 责任;有 义务;responsible负责的,可靠的;有责任的。第40题【单选题】Income may be national income and personal income.Whereas nationalincome is defined as the total earned income of all the factors ofproduction namely,prof

45、its,interest,rent,wages,and othercompensation for labor,personal income may be defined as total moneyincome received by individuals before personal taxes are paid.Nationalincome does not equal GNP because the factors of production do notreceive payment for either capital consumption allowances or in

46、directbusiness taxes,both of which are included in GNP.The money put asidefor capital consumption is for replacement and thus is not counted asincome.Indirect taxes include sales taxes,property taxes,and excisetaxes that are paid by businesses directly to the government and soreduce the income left

47、to pay for the factors of production.Three-fourths of national income goes for wages,salaries,and otherforms of compensation to employees.Which of the following statementsis true according to the paragraph?A、GNP equals national income plus indirect business taxes.B、GNP excludes both capital consumpt

48、ion allowances and indirectbusiness taxes.C、Personal income is regarded as the total money income receivedby an individual after his or her taxes are paid.D、The money that goes for capital consumption is not regarded asincome.【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选Do本题的依据是本段的The money putaside for capital consumption is f

49、or replacement and thus is notcounted as income.这个句子。对原句的词语选项D 用了别的表达方法,但大意仍保持不变。第41题【单选题】For their own safety,household pets should be confined to their ownyard.A、tamedB、regainedC、restrictedD、contained【正确答案】C【答案解析】confine限制。restrict限制,约束。参考课文:为了自身安全,家养究物应该关在主人自己的后院中。第42题【单选题】I hope the job shes app

50、lied for.A she/s going to getB shell getC、she is to getD、she decides to get【正确答案】B【答案解析】will或 shall用来表示希望或期望。因此在表示与希望有关的动词或动词短语的宾语从句中的将来时态时,要用will或shall。这些动词或短语是:hope,expect,be sure,believe,think,suppose,doubt 和 be afraid 等。第43题【单选题】It is important that I with Mr.Williams immediately.A、speakB、spokeC


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