专题02 语法填空之代词专项100题-备战2023高考英语语法填空专项分类训练.doc

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1、备战2023高考英语语法填空专项分类训练专题02 语法填空之代词专项100题1She recognized _ (I) potential and showed me that I could write with creativity and showed me that I could write with creativity and enthusiasm.2You can ask anyone for help. _here is willing to lend you a hand.3At the end of the five minutes, no one could find

2、_ (they) own balloon.4Raise your leg and let _stay in the air for seconds.5If youre buying a todays paper from the stand, could you get _for me?6Are you going to invite Jack to our party?No, but hes welcome to come along, providing that he behaves_(he).7To her joy, Della earned first the trust of he

3、r students and then _of her colleagues.8The two girls are so alike that strangers find_difficult to tell one from the other.9Ecotourism has _(it)origin with the environmental movement of the 1970s.10Many westerners who/that come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize h

4、ow cheap_ can be to eat out.11“She thought I had hurt _ (I),” says Pahlsson.12As the song goes, this long and winding road “will never disappear”, and it will always stick in the visitors memory. It sure does in _ (I).13In many ways, the education system in the US is not very different from _ in the

5、 UK.14If you dont build your dream, someone will hire you to build_ (they).15To warm himself, the sailor sat in front of the fire rubbing one bare foot against the_.16I was very touched when Shanghai set up a hotline for foreigners to help _ (they) during the crisis.17I want them to behave _ (them)

6、while Im away.18Therefore, kite has _ (it) modern name as fengzheng.19Id appreciate _if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.20It spread around quickly and tens of thousands of people were infected. Zhong, 84, led_ (he) team to fight the illness.21They are calmer and _ (they

7、) mood improves.22This result is only slightly different from _ obtained in the US.23He buried_ (him) in his detective story again.24They had gone to a great deal of expense for _.25Dahlquist had always delighted in listening to the baby birds chirp to_ (they) parents during feeding time.26Mark whis

8、pered so softly that _ but Julie heard him.27Dating sites also make _ easy to avoid someone whom you are not interested in.28Abacus has had a far-reaching influence on science and technology, language, literature, art, architecture and many _fields of China and even some areas of the world.29(2016全国

9、卷乙卷) On my recent visit, I held a lively three-month-old twin that had been rejected by_(it) mother.30By that time, the panda no longer needed _ (it) mother for food.31Some spiders start breaking _ (they) nets during the eclipse, just as they usually do at the end of the day.3262 percent of them can

10、t speak any other language apart from_(they) own.33Niki is always full of ideas,but_ is useful to my knowledge.34Involving _ (you) in an activity that makes you breathe a little more heavily will improve the development of your heart and lungs and help them work more effectively and efficiently.35Ev

11、en in high-tech Japan, _is possible to see businessmen, farmers, mothers or workers in the streets on their bikes.36As the third solar term in the lunar year, _ (it) name suggests the fact that animals sleeping in winter are awakened by spring thunder and that the earth begins to come back to life.3

12、7The quality of education in this small school is better than_ in some larger schools.38Gabi Rizea only discovered his talent for woodcarving three years ago, and put _ to good use, saving dozens of old tree stumps from being removed by turning them into impressive works of art.39Tests have been car

13、ried out at several airports since last year, including John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. The company hopes to put_ in airports around the world.40Chinas writing system forms a strong bridge linking the Chinese people and culture of the present with _ (that) of the past.41Its mass i

14、s more than twice than _of all the other planets in. the solar system combined.42Taxis are certainly the most convenient means of transport, as_ requires little effort to raise your arm to call a cab.43He wrote many childrens books, nearly half of _ published in the 1990s.44All in all, we students s

15、hould behave _ (we) and keep away from violence.45In an effort to help teens better protect their hearing, we suggest setting volume limits on personal audio devices. _is also good to limit the amount of time exposed to noise and to take listening breaks to give the ears a rest.46The research group

16、produced two reports based on the survey, but_ contained any useful suggestions.47To be a competitor, _ must be over 18.48The couple had one biological child and adopted three_.49That first hot dog tasted so good that Id like_.50Mary loved it. She was extremely pretty, and her house was a reflection

17、 of _(she), everything in good taste and in perfect order.51Another nice thing is that you learn both new words and _ (they) use unconsciously, meaning that you will tend to use the words learnt this way in conversations almost automatically.52Nervously facing challenges, I know I will whisper to _(

18、I) the two simple words “Be yourself”.53In the deaf culture of North America, many listeners show applause not by clapping their hands but by waving _in the air.54The cells of the body, especially _ of the brain,can live only minutes without circulating blood.55When the time came for me to say goodb

19、ye to my friends in my village, I wanted to reward the old woman for the trouble I had caused _.56It has been said before, but experiencing it _ has made me want to say it again: a smile57He owes _ to his father that he has been so successful.58Chance favors only the prepared mind. That is telling u

20、s to be prepared until the opportunity presents _.59When_comes to saving energy, big changes start with small steps, like turning off the lights.60As an exchange student, I stayed with a lovely host family and went to school with _ (they) son.61Students in their final year of high school should give

21、 serious thought to which course to study, trying to choose _ that suits them and their interests best.62He had a mate and she was dying on the ground. Sitting close beside her, he opened and closed_wings as if to fan her.63Lin Qiaozhi devoted _ (she) to medical work of Chinese women and children.64

22、She was extremely pretty, and her house was a reflection of _ (she), everything in good taste and in perfect order.65I like this house with a beautiful garden in front, but I dont have enough money to buy_.66Shed lived in London and Manchester, but she liked _ and moved to Cambridge.67People living

23、in colder regions are generally larger than_living in hotter ones.68We can overcome the problems that challenge us or we can enjoy _ (we) by avoiding all difficulties.69Seven people were caught int the big fire that broke out on Friday, four of _badly injured.70In the cafe, customers will enjoy _ (t

24、hey) in the historical environment that is created for them.71He made _ a rule to get up before seven in the morning.72It had never occurred to him_ he might be falling in love with her.73The application of AI technologies in health care industry is in an initial stage compared with_ in automatic dr

25、iving.74My friend is a reliable person, and you can rely on _that he will give you a hand.75I realized_was foolish to judge AI that way.76That time, I thought he was a strange man who got on_(I) nerves.77My brother would like to buy a good watch but_was available from that shop.78At that moment an a

26、ttractive young lady who noticed my book came up to me and introduced_.79_ (I) listening to rock music annoyed him.80It falls on the first Saturday in April. _ (it) aim is to honor and celebrate Americas children and stress the importance of love as they grow up.81We have various summer camps for yo

27、ur holidays. You can choose_based on your own interests.82Speed up. 70 km/h isnt fast enough. You are holding up the traffic, another voice ordered from the seat next to _ (I).83When the gorillas and I frightened each other, I was just glad to find_(they) alive.84Every new year in the heartland of i

28、ndustrial China, thousands upon thousands of motorcyclists brave the weather and hit the road, determined to make _ home85Some people like modern music while _(other)like classic music.86Nowadays, school violence is a hot issue. I think this is a phenomenon, _ calling for our great concern.87It neve

29、r occurred to the athletes_they would die because of the extreme weather.88_ (they) coming to help was a great encouragement to us.89Actually, I do know I need to drag_ (I) away from the online world sometimes.90I found myself lying in hospital when I came to _ (me)91This produced a chain reaction,

30、which made_ possible for life to develop.92In many countries, _is not unusual for families of different backgrounds to live together in the shared space.93And thehutongtoday is fading into the shade for _ tourists and local people.94The young policeman was touched by _ (they) loss and sadness, and s

31、aid that he was more than willing to act as their son.95(2016新课标,68) I held a lively three-month-old twin that had been rejected by _(it) mother.96I ask them to behave _(they) even though I am not at home.97The cost of renting a house in central Xian is higher than _ in any other area of the city.98

32、I wonder whether you have asked_( you) what you really want.99The boy is able to amuse _ (he) for half an hour .100I would appreciate _if you paid in cash.参考答案:1my【解析】考查形容词性物主代词。句意:她意识到了我的潜力,向我展示了我可以用创造力来写作,也向我展示了我可以用创造力和热情来写作。分析句子结构可知,此处的potential是名词,意为“潜力”,所以此处应用形容词性物主代词修饰名词。故填my。2Everyone【解析】考查不定

33、代词。句意:你可以向任何一个人求助。在这里的每一个人都会给予你帮助。根据前句中的 anyone,可知填 everyone符合句意。置于句首,首字母大写。故填Everyone。3their【解析】考查形容词性物主代词。句意:五分钟结束时,没有人能够找到自己的气球。与起强调作用的own一起作名词balloon的定语,所以要用形容词性物主代词。故填their。4it【解析】考查代词。句意:抬起你的腿让它在空中停几秒钟。此处填it指代前面出现的“your leg”。故填it。5one【解析】考查代词。句意:如果你在摊位上买今天的报纸,你能帮我买一份吗?此处指代前文提到的“报纸中的一份”,表示泛指,用不

34、定代词one。故填one。6himself【解析】考查反身代词。句意:你打算邀请Jack参加我们的聚会吗?不,但是如果他举止得体,还是很欢迎他来的。behave oneself为固定短语,意为“使举止规矩”,根据主语he可知,应填he的反身代词himself。故填himself。7that【解析】考查代词。句意:令黛拉高兴的是,她先是赢得了学生的信任,然后又赢得了同事的信任。此处指代不可数名词trust,表示特指,因此用代词 that。故填that。8it【解析】考查代词。句意:这两个女孩子太相似了,以至于陌生人很难区分出她们俩。 find _ difficult to tell one fr

35、om the other,本句的宾语是to tell one from the other,此处用it作形式宾语,代替真正的宾语,故填it。9its【解析】考查代词。句意:生态旅游起源于20世纪70年代的环境运动。根据空格后名词origin可知,此处形容词性物主代词来修饰名词origin。故填its。10it【解析】考查it用法。句意:许多到中国来的西方人一旦意识到在外面吃饭是多么便宜,就会比在自己国家做得少得多。分析句子结构可知,这是how 引导的感叹句,且不定式 to eat out是真正的主语,可以用 it 代替不定式作形式主语。正常的语序为:it can be cheap to eat

36、 out。故填it。11myself【解析】考查代词。句意:“她认为我伤了自己,” Pahlsson说。分析句子,根据句意可知,空格处为宾语从句中谓语动词had hurt的宾语,主语为I,动作的承受者为主语自身,宾语用相对应的反身代词myself。故填myself。12mine【解析】考查代词。句意:正如歌中所唱,这条漫长而曲折的道路“永远不会消失”,它将永远留在游客的记忆中。对我来说确实如此。根据前一句“it will always stick in the visitors memory”可知,本句为does指代前一句的stick,本句缺乏宾语,应用名词性物主代词mine指代my memo

37、ry。故填mine。13that【解析】考查代词。句意:在很多方面,美国的教育体系和英国的教育体系很不一样。这里指代前面的名词education system,同类不同物,所以用that。故填that。14theirs【解析】考查代词。句意:如果你不构建自己的梦想,那么就会有人雇用你去构建他们的梦想。本空在句中作build的宾语,与前面的build your dream呼应,表示build their dreams,因此应用名词性物主代词theirs代替“their dreams”。故填theirs。15other【解析】考查不定代词。句意:为了让自己暖和起来,这个水手坐在火堆旁,光着脚,用一

38、只脚搓另一只脚。表示两者中的一个,另一个,用one.the other.,根据语境和句意,故填other。16them【解析】考查代词。句意:当上海为外国人开通热线帮助他们渡过危机时,我非常感动。动词help后面要用人称代词的宾格作宾语。故填them。17themselves【解析】考查代词。句意:我想要他们在我不在的时候守规矩。behave oneself为固定短语,意为“守规矩”,根据them可知,空处需填反身代词themselves。故填themselves。18its【解析】考查形容词性物主代词。句意:因此,风筝有了它现在这个名字风筝。设空处后为名词,设空处应用形容词来修饰名词。it形

39、容词性物主代词为its,故填its。19it【解析】考查代词it。句意:如果你能提前告诉我你是否来,我将不胜感激。“Id appreciate it if.”是固定句式,后接条件状语从句,意为“如果. .我将非常感谢”。故填it。20his【解析】考查代词。句意:它迅速传播,成千上万的人被感染。84岁的钟南山带领团队与病魔作斗争。team为名词,修饰形容词性物主代词修饰。故填his。21their【解析】考查代词。句意:他们更加平静,心情也好转了。修饰后文名词mood,要用形容词性物主代词their,故填their。22that【解析】考查代词。句意:这一结果与美国的结果略有不同。分析可知,t

40、hat代替前面的“结果”,表示同类不同物。根据句意和语境,故填that。23himself【解析】考查反身代词。句意:他又埋头读他的侦探小说了。由提示词him以及buried in可知,此处应填入反身代词himself,构成固定短语bury oneself in 表示“埋头于/专心致志于”。故填himself。24nothing【解析】考查不定代词。句意:他们白白牺牲了很多东西。根据句意应用nothing,意为没有东西,作介词for宾语,故填nothing。25their【解析】考查代词。句意:在喂食时间,达尔奎斯特总是很喜欢听小鸟宝宝对父母唧唧喳喳地叫。空后为名词parents,因此所填空应

41、是形容词性物主代词their作定语。故填their。26none【解析】考查不定代词。句意:马克耳语得那么轻,只有朱莉听到了。根据“but Julie heard him”可知空格处指“没有人”,代词none表示没有人。故填none。27it【解析】考查形式宾语。句意:约会网站也可以很容地避开那些你不感兴趣的人。结合句意分析句子结构可知,此处使用了it充当形式宾语,不定式短语做真正的宾语,故填it。28other【解析】考查形容词。句意:算盘对中国乃至世界一些地区的科技、语言、文学、艺术、建筑和许多其他的领域产生了深远的影响。此空在名词fields前,需要形容词,根据句意,空格前列举了很多领域

42、,空格处应该指其他的领域,other表示“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”。故填other。29its【解析】考查代词。句意:在我最近的一次拜访中,我抱着一个活泼的三个月大的双胞胎,它被它妈妈拒绝了。根据句意可知,此处表示“一个双胞胎的妈妈”,故此空应该填it的形容词性物主代词its。故填its。30its【解析】考查代词。句意:到那时,这只熊猫不再需要从它的母亲那里获取食物了。此处主语是the panda,用形容词性物主代词its修饰名词mother。故填its。31their【解析】考查代词。句意:一些蜘蛛在日食期间开始破网,就像它们通常在一天结束时所做的那样。修饰后文名词nets应

43、用形容词性物主代词their。故填their。32their【解析】考查代词。句意:62%的人除了自己的语言外不会说其他语言。此处考查ones own“某人自己的”,本句表示除了他们自己的。故填their。33none【解析】考查代词。句意:Niki总是有很多主意,但是没有一个主意对我的知识有用。根据句意,此处用none,意思为“(三者或三者以上)都不”,表示对三者或三者以上的全部否定。故填none。34yourself【解析】考查代词。句意:参加一项让你呼吸稍微重一点的活动会促进你的心肺的发育,帮助它们更有效地工作。根据后文makes you可知,此处指“让你自己参加”,应用反身代词your

44、self。故填yourself。35it【解析】考查it作形式主语。句意:即使在高科技的日本,也有可能看到商人、农民、母亲或工人在街上骑着自行车。句中涉及固定句型“it is/was + adj. + (for sb.) to do sth.”,意为“(对某人来说)做某事是的”,句中用it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式结构to see。故填it。36its【解析】考查代词。句意:作为农历年的第三个节气,它的名字暗示了这样一个事实:冬眠的动物被春雷惊醒,大地开始复苏。修饰名词name,前用形容词性物主代词its。故填its。37that【解析】考查代词。句意:这所规模较小的学校的教育质量比

45、一些规模较大的学校的教育质量好得多。表示比较时,指代前面的quality of education要用that,为了避免重复,可以代替前面提到的不可数名词。故填that。38it【解析】考查代词。句意:Gabi Rizea三年前才发现自己的木雕天赋,并好好利用了这一天赋,将数十根被砍伐的老树桩变成了令人印象深刻的艺术品。此处指利用“talent”,应用代词it。故填it。39it【解析】考查代词。句意:自去年以来,已经在几个机场进行了测试,包括纽约的约翰F肯尼迪国际机场。该公司希望将其安装在世界各地的机场。分析句子结构,横线处需填put的宾语,再结合具体语境,横线处指的是上文提到的system,故填代词it。40those【解析】考查代词。句意:中国的文字体系是连接中国人民和中国文化的一座坚固的桥梁。此处特指上文所提及的过去的中国人和中国文化,表复数含义,应用those进行指代。故填those。41that【解析】


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