备战2023高考英语语法填空专项分类训练专题20 语法填空之副词100题.docx

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《备战2023高考英语语法填空专项分类训练专题20 语法填空之副词100题.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《备战2023高考英语语法填空专项分类训练专题20 语法填空之副词100题.docx(19页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、备战2023高考英语语法填空专项分类训练专题20语法填空之副词100题1. (2022 新高考 I 卷)The GPNPs main goal is to improve connectivity between separate populations and homes of giant pandas, and(eventual)achieve a desired level of population in the wild.2. (2021 年匕京卷)Sam walked her to a nearby convenience store so that she could(safe)

2、wait for the police to take her home.3. (2022 年浙江卷 1 月)On a website called No Fly Climate Sci, for example,(rough) 200 academics - many of them climate scientists have promised to fly as little as possible since the effort started two years ago.4. (2020 年浙江卷 1 月)This is(particular)true in the US. Th

3、e second reason is that people are living longer.5. (consequence) the fish most likely to be eaten have evolved to have thin bodies.6. This years Space“ theme was (true) excellent.7. (thankful), I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end.8. (obvious), they were world cham

4、pions.9. Im crazy about basketball, and pretty good at it too, which is(probable) why I was so mad when we lost our last match.10. The little boy ate an apple(greedy) in the kitchen this morning.11. As babies, we rely(entire) on others for food12. (personal) speaking, I am satisfied with all the wor

5、k you have done.13. Some of the things we find most irritating (令人施Q的)about buses include missing a bus, (particular) after running to the bus stop.14. COVID-19 is undoubtedly a serious social-challenge, but if we all contribute and behave (responsible), it is one that we can overcome.15. Chinese wo

6、rkers once demonstrated their great efficiency in 2018.(incredible), around 1,500 workers spent just nine hours completing the construction of a new train station in Fujian Province, southern China.16. There have been some problems but(basic) its a good system.17. The phrase(apparent) traces its ori

7、gins to a post earlier this year in an online forum run by the Chinese search giant Baidu.18. The Shanghai Contemporary Handwriting Academy has been established to give young people a chance to32. regularly【解析】考查副词。句意:最近的研究表明,如果我们有规律地短暂休息,我们的工作效率会更高。此处用副词 修饰动词短语 take short breaks,故填 regularly o33. s

8、everely【解析】考查副词。句意:不幸的是,珊瑚物种正受到严重威胁,其中许多物种在过去几个世纪中因污染、过度 捕捞和其他影响而遭到破坏。分析句子结构可知,空处修饰过去分词threatened,应用副词形式。故填 severely o【点睛】34. gradually【解析】考查词性转换。句意:塑料银行的目标是用塑料帮助人们逐步解决问题。分析句子结构可知,此处应填 副词修饰动词solve,故填graduallyo【点睛】35. . Interestingly【解析】考查副词。句意:有趣的是,联合国甚至有一个卡通人物来代表这一天。此处作状语修饰整个句子,应 该用副词形式,表示“有趣的是”,故填

9、Interestingly。36. appropriately【解析】考查副词。句意:政府被指控对马拉松比赛中运动员的死亡没有做出适当的反应。分析句子结构可知I, 设空处应用副词appropriately作状语修饰动词respond,故填appropriatelyo37. gently【解析】考查副词。句意:我的老师轻轻地拍了拍我来安慰我。分析句子结构可知,设空处应用副词修饰动词 pattedo 故填 gently。38. fastest【解析】考查副词的最高级。句意:如今,中国不仅拥有世界上发展最快的现代城市,而且风景也非常多样化。根据句意和比较范围in the world可知,此处应用最高

10、级形式,故填fastesto【点睛】39. further【解析】考查副词比较级。句意:你的创造力和决心将使你在科学研究上更进一步。根据句意可知,句中应用比 较级,将“有创造力和决心”和“没有创造力和决心”进行对比,你可以在科学研究上更进一步,far”意为 “远、副词词性,修饰动词“go”,“farther”为其比较级,表示距离或时间上“更远的”,farther”也为其比 较级,表示程度上进一步的,根据句意可知,应用“farther”。故填further。40. better【解析】考查副词比较级。句意:比起演员的身份,在中国这位女士作为优秀的舞者更为人所熟知。根据句意以 及“than”可知,

11、这位女士更出名的是其舞者的身份而非演员,故应使用比较级。故填better。41. harder【解析】考查副词的比较级。句意:另一只青蛙继续拼命地跳着。他跳得更猛了,几乎要跳出来。设空处应为副 词的形式修饰动词jump,结合空前的even和句意,设空处应为比较级。故填hardero42. less【解析】考查固定句型。句意:我听说关于她的事情越多,我越不喜欢她。根据句子结构和意思可知,这里考查 固定句型“The+比较级,the+比较级”的结构,表示“越.越.故填less。43. earlier【解析】考查比较级。句意:从2022年开始,青少年将在18岁成为成年人,比目前法定的成年年龄提前两年。

12、 根据后面的than可知此处用比较级。故填earliero44. more【解析】考查比较级。句意:对衣物质量的关注让我们在高品质的衣物上可能花费的更多,这将减少持续购物的 欲望,同时也减慢对快时尚的需求。根据句意可知,高品质的衣物价格更高,此处应用比较级形式,与 空后的better-made相对应,故填more。45. . better【解析】考查副词比较级。句意:它还将使老挝企业更好地融入区域和全球供应链。分析句意可知,此处讲新铁 路带来的好处,这个好处是相对于以前情况而讲的,用副词比较级better作状语,修饰动词短语fit into。 故填 better o46. more slowl

13、y【解析】考查副词的比较级。句意:你开车开的太快了,你能开得稍慢一点儿吗?这里表示“更慢些”,需要用比较 级作状语。故填more slowly。47. usually【解析】考查副词。句意:你在中餐馆使用的筷子通常是由木头制成的。空处作状语修饰动词短语are made of,应用副词usually,表示“通常地故填usually。48. . weekly【解析】考查副词。句意:我们每周有六节英语课。分析句子结构,空处应用时间副词作状语,weekly是副词, 表示“每周”,符合题意。故填weekly。49. widely【解析】考查副词。句意:这种诚实的美德为他赢得了良好的声誉,有一句谚语广为流

14、传:“与其得到几百盎司的黄 金,不如得到季布的承诺。”由句意可知,此处修饰动词spread,应用副词修饰动词,故填widely。50. Curiously【解析】考查副词。句意:奇怪的是,这个家伙问我了一些关于我冒险经历的问题。分析句子结构,空处修饰整 个句子,应用副词形式作状语,curiously表示“奇怪地。置于句首,首字母大写。故填Curiously。51. fluently【解析】考查副词。句意:她法语说得很流利,我们都很佩服她。分析句子可知,空处在as引导的原因状语从句 中充当状语,修饰动词speaks,需要用其副词形式fluently表示“流利地”。故填fluently。52. e

15、nthusiastically【解析】考查副词。句意:那些淘气的男孩冷静下来,饶有兴趣地听着,然后热情地加入到活泼的谈话中。设空 处后为动词,副词修饰动词,故设空处应用副词的形式。故填enthusiastically。53. increasingly【解析】考查副词。句意:为了回应市民的担忧,政府声称在过去两个月已经采取了措施来解决日益严重的雾霾。修饰后文形容词serious应用副词increasingly,作状语。故填increasingly。54. typically【解析】考查副词。句意:学生天赋的多样性被忽视了,因为学校通常只关注狭隘的学术能力。此处应用副词修 饰动词短语focus o

16、n。故填typically。55. technically【解析】考查副词作状语。句意:那时候,录音在技术上是不可行的。设空处位于形容词前面,起修饰作用,所 以要用副词形式。故填technically。56. Traditionally【解析】考查副词。句意:传统上,最受欢迎的电影具有教育意义,对各个阶层的人都有吸引力。句中用副词作 状语,修饰整个句子。根据句意,故填Traditionally。57. easily【解析】考查副词。句意:俱乐部运动比其他运动项目花费的时间更少,而且如果你的学业或工作要求特别高, 你很容易错过一次练习,甚至是一场比赛。分析句子结构可知,空格处用副词修饰动词“mi

17、ss”,“easy”的 副词是easily,意为“容易地”,故填easily。58. Finally【解析】考查副词。句意:最后,你需要找到额外的方法来挣到足够的钱支付你的大学学费。此处应用副词作状 语,修饰后文整个句子。故填Finally。59. Undoubtedly【解析】考查副词作状语。句意:毫无疑问,尽管这一政策仍有改进的空间,但我认为这仍然是一个好政策,对 学生和国家都是利大于弊。此处是副词修饰整个句子,根据句意“毫无疑问”,故答案为Undoubtedly。60. rudely【解析】考查副词。句意:她粗鲁地说:“三十五美分”,分析句子结构可知,修饰动词said使用副词作状语,故

18、填 rudely o61. completely【解析】考查副词。句意:Rizea成为一名木雕师完全是出于偶然。修饰介词短语by accident,应用副词 completely,作状语。故填 completely。62. certainly【解析】考查副词。句意:英国游泳运动员亚当皮蒂说,“作为一名运动员,我当然很难过,但这事关生死,我们 都要做正确的事。此处需用副词修饰修饰形容词sad。综上,故填certainly。63. especially【解析】考查副词。句意:在我们与冠状病毒共存的困难时期,它们尤其有用。分析句子结构,横线处需填副词 修饰 useful,故填 especially

19、o64. frequently【解析】考查副词。句意:如果你经常阅读,你很可能更容易记住你读的内容。修饰动词read,用副词形式作状 语。根据句意,故填frequently。65. . reliably【解析】考查副词。句意:在十年内,机器人外科医生可能会比人类更可靠地进行手术。空格处用副词修饰动词 perform, reliable 的副词是 reliably,意为可靠地”,故填 reliably。66. occasionally【解析】考查副词。句意:整个上午他都在忙着写这个故事,偶尔停下来寻找合适的字眼。修饰动词pausing应用 副词,故填 occasionally。67. hopef

20、ully【解析】考查副词。句意:像这样的项目的引入将有望帮助结束对环境的系统性破坏,并使替代能源在世界范围 内得到推广。修饰动词help应用副词hopefully,作状语。故填hopefully。68. fully【解析】考查副词。句意:黄河生态系统是一个有机的整体,因此应该充分考虑上、中、下游的差异。修饰动词 considered应用副词。故填fully。69. totally【解析】考查副词。句意:如果你真的感到情绪低落,你就不可能完全乐观。修饰形容词positive应用副词,故填totally o70. intensively【解析】考查副词。句意:通过高强度的训练,梁取得了胜利,并获得

21、了第45届WSC的冠军。修饰动词train,应用副词intensively,作状语。故填intensivelyo71. seriously【解析】考查副词。句意:在中国,很多人都非常重视信鸽比赛。此处为固定短语:takeseriously“重视”,副词 seriously 修饰动词 take。故填 seriouslyo72. especially【解析】考查副词。句意:这表明美国妇女,特别是老年妇女,对自己的年龄非常敏感。根据句意可知,此处应用especially作评注性状语,故填especially073. simply【解析】考查副词。句意:最后,力量和阻力训练可以在家里进行,只需举起一袋

22、袋大米或盒子,而不是在健身 房举重。设空后为动词,修饰动词lifting应用副词。故填simply。74. likely【解析】考查副词。句意:当你第一次看到汉字时,你很可能会觉得它们非常复杂。修饰动词feel,应用副词。故 填 likely o75. wirelessly【解析】考查副词。句意:它能够加热,使高速公路不受冰雪的影响,并且能够对电动汽车进行无线充电。此处 charge“充电”是动词,副词修饰动词,故答案为wirelessly (无线地)。故填wirelessly。76. frequently【解析】考查副词。句意:北极地区的天空中的那些令人惊奇的光经常发生在9月至10月,然后再

23、次发生在3月 至4月之间。分析该句成分可知,所填词在此处修饰动词。ccur,作状语,故用所给形容词的副词形式。 故填 frequently o77. finally【解析】考查副词。句意:当这艘宇宙飞船最终退役时,地球上的领航员将把它送上一条通往木星大气层的毁灭 之路。修饰动词retires,应用副词finally,作状语。故填finally。78. undoubtedly【解析】考查副词。句意:它无疑会帮助你恢复精神!修饰动词help,应用副词undoubtedly“毫无疑问地”。故填 undoubtedly o79. Recently【解析】考查副词。句意:最近,咖啡因已经在橙子、苹果和其

24、他调味饮料中找到了其存在方式。分析可知,设 空处在句中作状语,所以应在形容词recent后加上后缀-ly构成副词。因处于句首,所以首故填字母大 写。故填 Recently。80. easily【解析】考查副词作状语。句意:当孩子们在黑暗的早晨步行或骑车上学时,汽车司机很容易看到他们。修饰句 中的动词see用副词,所给词easy是形容词,其副词是easily。故答案为easily。81. sharply【解析】考查副词。句意:但30年后,许多国家城市和农村人口的BMI差距已经大幅缩小。此处修饰谓语动词 had narrowed,故用 副词 sharply。82. fairly【解析】考查副词。句

25、意:蒸汽机是用来拉车厢的,因为烟雾和噪音,对乘客来说肯定很不舒服。根据所给单词,分析句子可知,此处应用副词修饰形容词unpleasant。故填fairly。83. eventually【解析】考查副词。句意:令我欣慰的是,我儿子终于考上了一所重点大学。副词修饰动词admitted作状语。故 填 eventuallyo84. cheerfully【解析】考查副词。句意:如果你发号施令,我们会欣然服从。此处修饰谓语动词,应用副词,作状语。故填cheerfully o85. . essentially【解析】考查副词。句意:有三种本质上不同的方法来解决这个问题。此处副词修饰形容词different,

26、根据句意, 故填 essentially o86. potentially【解析】考查副词。句意:她有潜力成为我们最好的选手,但是她需要更努力地练习。设空处在句子中作状语,应用副词形式,故填potentially o87. Frankly【解析】考查副词。句意:坦率地说,我对中国菜不太了解。frankly speaking,固定短语,“坦率地说”,位于句 首首字母大写,故填Frankly。88. enormously【解析】考查副词。句意:在我的一生中,我的哥哥一直试图在我做的每一件事上打败我,这是一种非常积极的 推动力。设空处修饰形容词positive,应用副词形式。故填enormously

27、。89. exceptionally【解析】考查副词。句意:因此,如果你接触蝙蝠,你有充分的理由要格外谨慎。设空处修饰形容词cautious , 作状语,应用副词,故填exceptionally。90. Ultimately【解析】考查副词。句意:最终,政府采取的预防和控制措施减轻了人们的压力。设空处作状语,应填副词,而 且位于句首,首字母应大写。故填Ultimately。91. dramatically【解析】考查副词。句意:事件本来可以以一种截然不同的方式发展。副词dramatically修饰形容词different作状 语。故填 dramatically。92. officially【解

28、析】考查副词。句意:选举结果尚未正式宣布。空处需用副词作状语修饰空后动词announce, official的副词 为 officially“正式地。故填 officially。93. Incredibly【解析】考查副词。句意:令人难以置信的是,她根本不知道发生了什么事。分析句子结构可知,空处需用副词 作状语修饰空后整个句子,incredible的副词为incredibly”难以置信地”,句首单词首字母需大写。故填 Incredibly o94. virtually【解析】考查副词。句意:虽然这不是一项协议,但它实际上具有相同的效果。修饰动词have应用副词 virtually,作状语。故填

29、 virtually。95. . flexibly【解析】考查副词。句意:老师们在课堂上能灵活使用课本。分析可知,空格处是状语,修饰动词use ,要用副 词。故填 flexibly。96. accurately【解析】考查副词。句意:这项测试能精确地预测地震何时爆发。空处需用副词作状语修饰动词predict, accurate 的副词为accurately”精确地故填accurately o97. precisely【解析】考查副词。句意:没有人确切知道有多少人住在避难所。空处需用副词作状语修饰动词know, precise的 副词为precisely“确切地,精确地”。故填precisely

30、。98. significantly【解析】考查副词。句意:这大大降低了处理信息的成本。修饰动词,用副词形式。根据句意,故填 significantly o99. originally【解析】考查副词。句意:这所学校最初很小。空处需用副词作状语修饰空后形容词small, original的副词为 originally最初地故填 originally o100. eventually【解析】考查副词。句意:暴雨过后,飞机最终在数小时之后起飞了。根据took off可知,横线处应该用副词形式 作状语,修饰动词。故填eventually。learn about the “ancient“ skill

31、s of using pen and ink to communicate, but, more(important), to learn how to think.19. For example,(rough) 200 academics - many of them climate scientists have promised to fly as little as possible since the effort started two years ago.20. A taste for meat is(actual) behind the change: An important

32、 part of its corn is used to feed chickens, pigs, and cattle.21. It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been(poor) studied; however, biologists calculate.22. He then inserted a needle in my right foot between my first and second toe, and, despite my

33、 anxiety, I fell asleep(immediate). At the time I considered the whole experience to be close to a miracle.23. I(absolute) enjoyed the house races.24. They(official) donated it to China on June 10,2019.25. . The hot spring at the foot of the mountain is something you must try after the climb. Itwill

34、(undoubted) help you get refreshed!26. In the study, GBS was used to provide a(high) efficient way of demonstrating quantum computational speedup in solving some tasks.27. It is(total) impractical to think that we can finish the job in such a short time.28. Landing on the moons far side is(extreme)

35、challenging.29. (expect) as she had appeared, not one of them felt that she was an intruder at all.30. She is still(finance) dependent on her parents.31. The boy looked(anxiety) at his parents, as if asking for forgiveness.32. Recent studies show that we are far more productive at work if we take sh

36、ort breaks(regular).33. Unfortunately, coral species are being(severe)threatened, many of which have been destroyed by pollution, overfishing practices, and other impacts over the past centuries.34. The goal of the Plastic Bank is to use plastic to help people solve the problems(gradual).35. (intere

37、sting) enough, the United Nations even has a cartoon character to represent this day.36. The government has been accused of not responding(appropriate) to the death of theathletes in the marathon.37. My teacher patted me(gentle) to comfort me.38. Nowadays, not only does China have the(fast) growing

38、modern cities in the world, but the landscapes are also truly diverse.39. Your creativity and determination will make you go(far) in scientific research.40. The young lady was(well) known as an excellent dancer in China than as an actress.41. The other frog went on jumping as hard as he could. He ju

39、mped even(hard) and nearly made himself out.42. The more I hear about her, the (little) I like her.43. . From the year 2022, teenagers will become adults at the age of 18, two years(early) than the age at which adulthood currently legally hap-pens.44. A focus on quality would make us likely to pay(m

40、uch) for better-made items, which would reduce the desire to keep shopping, while slowing demand for fast fashion overall.45. It will also enable Lao businesses to(well) fit into regional and global supply chains.46. You are driving too fast. Can you drive a bit(slowly)?47. Chopsticks you get in a C

41、hinese restaurant are(usual) made of wood.48. We have six English classes(week).49. Such a virtue of honesty earned him a good reputation, and there was a saying(wide) spread: It is better to have a promise from Ji Bu than to get hundreds of ounces of gold.50. (curious), the guy asked me some questi

42、ons about my adventures.51. We all admire her as she speaks French(fluent).52. The mischievous boys calmed down listening with great interest and then(enthusiastic) joined in lively conversations.53. In response to the citizens9 concern, the government claimed to have taken measures to attend to the

43、 (increase) serious smog in the past two months.54. The diversity of students9 talents are overlooked because schools(typical) focus on a narrow view of academic ability.55. In those days, recording sound was not(technical) possible.56. (tradition), the most popular movies are instructive and appeal

44、 to people of all classes.57. Club sports are less time-consuming than other athletic items, and you can(easy) miss a practice or even a competition if your academic or work commitments arc particularly demanding at a certain point.58. (final), you need to find other ways to earn extra money to pay

45、for your college fees.59. (doubt), although there is still room for improvement to this policy, I think it is still a good one which brings more good than harm to the students and the nation.60. Thirty-five cents,“ she said(rude).61. Rizea became a woodcarver(complete) by accident.62. British swimme

46、r Adam Peaty said, “As an athlete, I am (certain) sad, but this is a matter of lifeor death and we all need to do the right thing.”63. They are(especial) useful in these difficult times when we are living with the coronavirus .64. If you read(frequent), you win likely have an easier time remembering

47、 what you are reading.65. . Within a decade, robotic surgeons may be able to perform operations much more(reliable) than any human.66. He was occupied writing the story all the morning, pausing(occasion) to search for the right word.67. The introduction of programmes like these will(hope) help end systematic destruction of the environment and sec alternative energy promoted around the world.68. The differences between the upper, middle and lower reaches of the river should be(full) considered, because the Yellow River ecosystem is an organic whole.69. If you are really feeling low


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