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《高中英语2024届高考复习核心词汇汇总(共八组).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语2024届高考复习核心词汇汇总(共八组).doc(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语核心词汇(一)【核心单词】1.approximately adv.近似地,大约2.argument n.争论,辩论3.arrival n.到来,到达4.association n.社团;联盟;交往;联合5.assume v.假定,假设6.assumption n.假定,假设7.astronaut n.宇航员8.athlete n.运动员9.attach vt.缚,系,贴;使依恋;使依附(与to连用)10.attempt vt.试图,尝试11.attend v.看护,照料,服侍;出席,参加12.attention n.注意,关心13.attitude n.态度,看法14.attract

2、vt.吸引,引起15.available adj.可获得的;有空的16.awesome adj.引起敬畏的;可怕的17.awkward adj.令人尴尬,使人难堪的18.background n.背景19.bakery n.面包店20.balance n.平衡21.bargain n.C交易,协议;廉价货 vi.讨价还价;达成协议22.barrier n.屏障,障碍;关卡,关口23.behaviour n.行为,举止24.belief n.信条,信念25.beneficial adj.有益的,有帮助的【重点短语】1.at the mercy of. 任由摆布;对无能为力2.at the cos

3、t of. 以为代价3.at the expense of. 在损失的情况下4.at the risk of. 冒的危险5.appeal to 吸引,投合某人的心意;呼吁6.apply to 适用于;申请7.belong to 属于8.contribute to 导致;有助于9.have/gain access to. 可以获得(或接近)【写作句式】状语从句1.Since the deadline is next Sunday, would you please send them back to me before next Saturday?因为截止日期是下周日,您能否在下周六前把它们发给

4、我?2.We can set out early so that well have more time to read and select books.我们可以提前出发,这样我们会有更多的时间来阅读和选择书籍。3.You are so kind and considerate that we hope to be friends with you no matter where you are.你们如此善良、体贴,我们希望成为你们的朋友,无论你们在哪。【我写我练】词汇应用1.He bargained with the merchant before he bought the ring.他

5、在买戒指前和商人进行了一番讨价。2.When it comes to the social phenomenon, different people hold different attitudes towards it.关于这一社会现象,不同的人有不同的态度。3.Reading widely and regularly will be beneficial to your English.经常阅读,并涉猎广泛,对你的英语有好处。4.Well listen to the arguments from both sides and then vote on it.我们将听取双方的观点,然后投票。

6、5.The war broke out, and many innocent people were at the risk of losing their lives.战争爆发了,很多无辜的人可能会因此丧生。6.She applied to the international school for a job as an English teacher.她在这所国际学校申请英语老师的职位。句式仿写1.重要的是你要学会控制你的脾气,以便你不会做一些使你后悔的事或说使你后悔的话。The important thing is to learn to control your temper so t

7、hat you may not do or say anything youll regret.2.音乐对我如此有吸引力,以至于一有时间我就会听音乐,音乐会带我进入一个不同的世界。Music is so appealing to me that I always listen to music whenever Im free, which brings me into a different world.3.另一方面,既然我们都尽力了,我们就不会有遗憾。On the other hand, since we all tried our best, we had no regret.(二)【核

8、心单词】1.benefit n.益处,好处 v.受益;有益于2.betray vt.出卖;背叛;辜负3.block n.大块,立方体;街区;大楼;障碍物,阻碍 vt.阻塞;妨碍,阻碍4.board n.木板;委员会 vt.上船(或火车、飞机、公共汽车等);(在学校)寄宿5.bonus n.奖金,红利;意外收获6.botanical adj.植物学的7.bound adj.一定会,很可能会;准备前往(某地);(受法律、义务或情况)约束(必须做某事)8.boundary n.分界线;边界9.branch n.树枝;分公司,分店;支部10.brand n.品牌11.breakthrough n.重大

9、进展,突破12.brief adj.简洁的13.brilliant adj.巧妙的,使人印象深刻的;很成功的;聪颖的,技艺高的14.broad adj.宽阔的,广阔的;广泛的;概括的,一般的15.broaden vi.扩大;变宽,加宽 vt.使扩大影响;增长(知识、经验等)16.broadcast n.广播节目 vt.广播,播送;散布,传播(信息等)17.brochure n.资料(或广告)手册18.brotherhood n.;手足情谊兄弟关系19.budget n.预算20.bunch n.串,束,扎;大量,大批21.burden n.负担;责任 vt.使负担;负重22.cafeteria

10、 n.自助餐厅23.calculate v.计算,核算24.campaign n.运动;战役25.campus n.校园【重点短语】1.be absent from 缺席in/during ones absence 某人不在时in the absence of sth. 缺乏某物2.be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心于bury oneself in/be buried in 专心于be lost in 陷入3.be happy with 对满意be content with 对满意be satisfied with 对满意4.be popular with 受欢迎5.be in/o

11、ut of harmony with 与(不)协调一致写作句式【关系代词引导的定语从句】1.Any student who is interested is welcome to participate.欢迎任何有兴趣的学生参加。2.Among the four seasons in a year, summer is my favorite, which makes me free, excited and energetic.一年四个季节中,夏天是我最喜欢的,它让我感到自由、兴奋和充满活力。3.When summer vacation for us students comes every

12、 year, we can do all that we cant do during our school time.每年放暑假时,我们可以做在学校期间不能做的所有事情。4.As is often the case, people tend to talk loud in public places, annoying others around.人们往往会在公共场所高声谈话干扰周围的人,这是常有的事。我写我练词汇应用1.He wanted to rid himself of the burden of the secret, but failed.他想把秘密说出来,让自己得到解脱,但是没能

13、办到。2.The news of important events is often broadcast on the spot over television.重要事件的新闻通常通过电视进行现场直播。3.Please tell me briefly what happened.请简要地告诉我当时发生了什么。4.The gardener is cutting away all the dead branches from the tree.园丁正在砍树上枯掉的树枝。5.In the absence of any further evidence, the police were unable

14、to punish the murder.由于缺乏进一步的证据,警察不能惩罚凶手。6.The film directed by Zhang Yimou is popular with young people.张艺谋导演的这部作品非常受年轻人的喜爱。句式仿写1.我们也会一起度过一段有趣的时光,一起唱歌、跳舞、做游戏,我们希望这会让他们快乐。Well also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy.2.众所周知,岳飞是宋朝一位忠诚的将军

15、。As is known to all, Yue Fei was a loyal general in the Song Dynasty.3.这家校内商店的主要顾客是学生,放假时商店会关门。The school shop, whose customers are mainly students, is closed for the holidays.(三)【核心单词】1.cancel vt.取消2.candidate n.候选人,申请人3.canteen n.餐厅;食堂4.capital n.首都5.casual adj.漫不经心的,不经意的;非正式的,随便的6.catalogue n.目录7

16、.cause n.原因,起因 vt.促使,引起,使发生8.caution n.谨慎,小心,警告9.cautious adj.小心的,谨慎的10.celebrate vt.庆祝11.celebration n.庆祝;庆祝会12.ceremony n.典礼,仪式,礼节13.certificate n.证明,证书14.challenging adj.具有挑战性的15.champion n.冠军16.chance n.机会,可能性17.changeable adj.易变的,变化无常的18.character n.(汉)字,字体;品格19.characteristic adj.典型的,独特的,特有的20

17、.circulate v.(液体或气体)环流,循环;传播,散布21.circumstance n.(pl.) 情况,环境,形势;境况,境遇22.civilization n.文明23.clarify v.澄清,阐明24.classic adj.经典的 n.名著25.classify v.分类,归类【重点短语】1.blame sb.for sth./doing sth. 为某事责备某人/责备某人做了某事blame sth.on sb. 把某事归咎于某人be to blame (for) 应(为)承担责任;该(为)受责备accept/bear/take the blame for sth. 对某事

18、负责任2.bring down 减少,降低;使倒下;打垮,击败bring up 培养,抚养;教育;提出;呕吐bring about 引起;产生;导致bring sth.back 带回某物;使想起某事bring in 引入;赚(钱)bring out 使表现出;产出,出版;阐明【写作句式】关系副词引导的定语从句1.How about the last Sunday of June, when the examination is over and we are free?等考试结束后,我们都有时间的话,六月的最后一个周日怎么样?2.The reason why I cant keep my wo

19、rd is that my uncle will go abroad for further study soon.我无法遵守承诺是因为我叔叔马上要出国深造了。3.Later on, we brought them to the neighborhood,where we gave them to the residents for free.后来,我们把它们带到了附近街巷,无偿分发给了那里的居民。【我写我练】词汇应用1.You cant cancel the contract, neither can I.你不能撤销合同,我也不能。2.He was cautious about making

20、 predictions for the success of the program.关于项目是否成功的预测,他非常谨慎。3.We are having a dinner in celebration of their anniversary.我们举行晚宴庆祝他们的结婚纪念日。4.Its a challenging job but Im sure youll be equal to it.这项工作有挑战,但我相信你有能力承担。5.To be honest, it was Sus fault but Li was also to blame.说实话,那是Su的错,但是Li却也跟着承担了责任。6

21、.The government has taken measures to bring down the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable.政府采取了措施降低日常用品的高价格,来保持市场稳定。句式仿写1.秋天是收获的季节,农民在这时收获他们春天种植的庄稼。Autumn is the time for harvest, when farmers get what they have planted in spring.2.这就是我想在英语国家主修计算机科学的原因。This is the reason why I want t

22、o major in computer science in an English-speaking country.3.对面是圣保罗大教堂,你们在那里能听到一些动听的音乐。Opposite is St.Pauls Church, where you can hear some lovely music.(四)【核心单词】1.coincidence n.U,C巧合;巧事2.colleague n.同事3.collection n.收藏品,收集物fort n.安慰;慰问panion n.C 同伴;同事pete vi.参加比赛;竞争;对抗plaint n.抱怨puter n.电子计算机ment n

23、.评论 vi.表达意见(on/upon)mercial adj. 商业的,商务的;商业化的munication n. U交流,交际,通讯;(常pl.)通信或交通工具pany n.公司pare vt.比较;比喻,比作 vi.相比,比得上pensate v.补偿,弥补position n.作文;作曲prehension n.理解promise v.妥协,折中,让步pulsory adj.强制的,必须做的19.concentrate v.聚精会神20.concept n.概念21.concern v.& n.涉及,关心22.concert n.音乐会;演奏会23.conclusion n.结论;结束

24、24.concrete adj.混凝土制的;具体的,实在的25.condemn v.谴责,指责;宣判【重点短语】Key Phrase1.break down (机器、车辆)出故障;摧毁;分解break out 爆发break in 打断;闯入break into 闯入;破门而入break away from 脱离break through 突破break off 折断;中断;断绝break up 解散;破碎2.by all means 尽一切办法;务必;(表示答应)当然可以by means of 用;依靠【写作句式】“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句1.I am planning to do a

25、part-time job in a foreign company during the summer break,through which I could improve my spoken English and social skills.我计划在暑期到一家外资公司做兼职,期望通过这种方式来提高我的英语口语和社交能力。2.Id like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you for your generous help, without which I wouldnt make such rapid progr

26、ess.我想借此机会表达你对我慷慨帮助的感激之情,没有你的帮助,我不会取得如此快的进步。3.There are four seasons in a year,each of which has distinctive features.一年中有四季,每个季节都有显著的特点。【我写我练】I write and I practice词汇应用1.Would you like to make comments(评论) on our football teams performances during the whole year?2.Once performed, the works of Beeth

27、oven must attract all the people present at the concert(音乐会).3.There is no doubt that the mobile phone is an important means of communication(communicate).4.I drew a conclusion (conclude) from my own experiences that where there is a will, there is a way.5.Your health will break down(垮掉) if you alwa

28、ys stay up late.6.She could not speak, but made her wishes known by means of (依靠) signs.句式仿写1.最近我买了个古代的花瓶,它的价钱很合理。Recently I bought an ancient vase,the price of which was very reasonable.2.我买了很多书,这些书花光了我攒下的所有的积蓄。I bought a great many books, on which I spent all my money that I saved.3.约翰邀请了大约40人参加他的

29、婚礼,他们当中绝大部分都是家人。John invited about 40 people to his wedding,most of whom are family members.(五)【核心单词】 1.condition n.条件,状况2.conduct vt.引导,带领;实施,进行 3.conference n.(正式的)会议;讨论4.confident adj.自信的5.confidential adj.机密的,保密的6.confirm v.证实,证明,确认7.conflict n.冲突,争执,争论8.confuse vt.使迷惑,混淆9.congratulation n.祝贺,庆贺

30、10.connect v.连接;把联系起来11.connection n.连接物;接触,联系12.consequence n.结果,后果13.conservation n.保存;(自然资源的)保护,管理14.consider vt.考虑15.considerate adj.体贴的16.consistent adj.连续的;一致的,始终如一的17.constant adj.经常的,不断的18.construction n.建造,建筑物19.consult v.咨询,商量20.consume v.消耗,耗费(燃料,能量,时间等)21.contain v.包含;能容纳22.contemporary

31、adj.属同时期的,同一时代的23.content adj.满足的;满意的;甘愿的 n.(pl.)容纳的东西;内容;含量;容量24.continuous adj.继续的,连续(不断)的25.contradictory adj.相互矛盾,对立的【重点短语】 1.care about 担心;关心;在乎,介意care for 关心,照顾;喜欢take care 注意;小心take care of 照顾;爱护;负责e across 碰见;偶然发现come along 过来;快点come out 出来;出版come true 实现come back to life 苏醒过来;恢复生机come to th

32、e point 说到要点,触及问题实质come about 发生,造成come to light 为人所知,显露come up with 提出,想出come on 快点;加油【写作句式】宾语从句1.The residents speak highly of what we have done.居民们高度评价了我们的做法。2.At last, on behalf of all the students in our school, I hope that you will have a safe and happy journey home and that there will be more

33、 programs like this in the future.最后,我代表我们学校所有的学生,希望你们返程安全愉快,并希望将来会有更多的这样的活动安排。3.I am convinced that I can perfectly live up to your expectations.我深信我能完全达到你的期望。4.This is Li Xia.I learned from your post that you want to improve your Mandarin.I am more than willing to help you with your Mandarin.我是李夏,

34、我从你的帖子上了解到你想要提高你的普通话水平,我非常乐意帮助你学习普通话。【我写我练】 词汇应用1.It is believed that social progress is normally a matter of struggles and conflicts (冲突).2.It has not been confirmed (证实) that the agreement is to be signed.3.When I lose heart, it is my mother that helps me regain confidence (confident) and gives me

35、 support.4.I just know youd be a trustworthy worker.Congratulations (congratulate)!5.When we read newspapers, we often come across (遇到) such English words as “AIDS” and “PK”.6.Devoted to teaching the deaf children, the young lady has little time to care for (照顾) her daughter.句式仿写1.我真诚地希望我们彼此之间可以多交流,

36、以增进我们的友谊。I sincerely hope that we may exchange with each other more and develop our friendship.2.作为社会中的一员,我知道责任感是使社会更美好所需要的东西。As a member of the society, I am aware that being responsible is what it takes to make a better society.3.我们必须弄清楚卡尔什么时候来,以便我们可以为他预订房间。We must find out when Karl is coming, so

37、 we can book a room for him.(六)【核心单词】1.contrary n.相反 adj.相反的2.contribute vi.捐款;做出贡献;有助于,促成;投稿(to)3.controversial adj.引起争论的,有争议的4.convenience n.方便;便利5.convey vt.表达,传达(思想、感情等);运送;搬运6.convince vt.使确信,使信服,说服7.cook n.炊事员,厨师 v.烹调,做饭8.corporation n.公司,企业,法人9.correction n.改正10.correspond vi.(with/to)符合,相一致;

38、(with)通信;(to)相当于,相类似11.corrupt adj.贪污的,腐败的 v.使腐化,堕落12.courage n.勇气;胆略13.course n.过程;经过;课程14.crash v.& n.碰撞,撞击15.create vt.创造;造成16.creature n.生物,动物17.credit n.信用;信赖;信誉18.criminal n.罪犯19.criterion (pl.criteria) n.标准,准则,原则20.crossing n.十字路口,人行横道21.crossroads n.交叉路口22.crowd n.人群 vt.拥挤,群聚23.culture n.文化2

39、4.cure n.&vt.治疗;医好25.curious adj.好奇的;奇异的【重点短语】1.contribute to.有助于;对起作用;促成;是的部分原因contribute.to. 把贡献给make contributions to 对作出贡献2.drop out 退出,脱离;辍学figure out 想清楚,弄明白;算出fill out 填写(表格等)sell out 售完wear out 耗尽,使筋疲力尽;穿破3.earn ones living 谋生earn ones fame 赢得名声;成名earn the name of 获得的美名写作句式【宾语从句】1.I am wonde

40、ring if you have made a definite plan for the coming summer holiday.我想知道你是否为即将到来的暑假制订了明确的计划。2.I think the picture is telling us that there is usually a difference between ones dream and reality.我认为这幅图是在告诉我们通常梦想和现实之间是有区别的。3.Id like to remind you that you should put on more clothes when getting up the

41、 following morning to protect yourself from cold.我想要提醒你,第二天早晨起床时多穿衣服,以防感冒。我写我练 词汇应用1.In this letter, I would like to convey (表达) my sincere appreciation to you for your assistance.2.He desired to prove his courage (勇气)in the battle when he was young.3.Would you telephone me at your convenience (conv

42、enient) if you dont mind?4.If we judge according to our own cultural (culture) habits,we may make the mistake of “reading” the other person incorrectly.5.What he said doesnt mean trying to figure out (弄清楚)whats wrong with the other person.6.A large population and too many private cars contribute to

43、(导致)heavy traffic jam in the city. 句式仿写1.这幅图画让我深信做一个好女儿甚至比做一个好学生更重要。The picture convinces me that it is even more important to be a good daughter than a good student.2.我打算参加龙舟训练营,我不知道你是否乐意和我一起参加。I intend to join a Dragon Boat Training Camp, and I wonder if youd like to go with me.3.我的努力没有白费,我为自己在英语方

44、面所取得的进步感到骄傲。My hard work pays off, and I am quite proud of what I have achieved in English.(七)【核心单词】1.currency n.货币;现金2.custom n.习惯,习俗,风俗习惯3.customs n.海关,关税4.damage n.&vt.毁坏,损害5.deadline n.最后期限,截止日期6.debate n.& v.讨论,辩论7.decision n.决定;决心8.declare vt.宣布,宣告;声明;断言 vi.声明;(公开)表明9.decline v.拒绝,谢绝;下降10.deco

45、ration n.装饰,修饰11.decrease n.&v.减少,减小,降低12.defeat vt.击败;战胜13.delay v.&n.延误,延迟,耽搁14.deliberately adv.故意地,蓄意地,存心地15.delicate adj.易损的,易碎的16.delicious adj.美味的,可口的17.delighted adj.高兴的,快乐的18.deliver vt.投递(信件,邮包等)19.demand vt.&n.要求20.departure n.离开,出发21.depend vi.依靠,依赖,指望;取决于22.description n.描述,描写23.desert n.沙漠 vt.舍弃;遗弃24.deserve vt.应受(奖、罚),值得,应得25.design n.&vt.设计, 图案,图样,样式【重点短语】1.cure sb of sth 治好某人的病accuse sb of sth 指控某人某事cheat sb of sth 骗取某人某物inform sb of sth 通知某人某事convince sb of sth 使某人相信某事rob sb of sth 抢劫某人某物2.cut down 削减;砍倒cut in 插话;干预cut up 切碎;齐根切掉


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