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《重庆市七校2023-2024学年高三上学期第一次月考英语试题含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《重庆市七校2023-2024学年高三上学期第一次月考英语试题含答案.pdf(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。


2、15 ACABC16-20 BAACB21-35 BDACCADCBADCDBA36-40 AEGDC41-55 ADCBCACDDCDBDAC56.on57.appearing58.who/that59.to experience60.crowded61.easily62.signals63.its64.a65.ensures第一部分 听力1-5 BACCC6-10 BACBB11-15 ACABC16-20 BAACBText 1M:Our football team has just won the championship match!W:Wow,we have become the

3、league champion for the fourth time!M:Cheers!Text 2W:Do you often listen to the radio?M:Yeah.I listen to the radio every morning.W:What programs do you usually listen to?M:Programs about what happened at home and abroad.Text 3W:Look at those colorful birds over there.I think you can teach them to si

4、ng.M:But look at the price!Id rather have a cat.Text 4W:Mike,how are you getting along with your homework?M:I have been doing it for two hours.I dont know if Ill be able to get it finished.W:Take it easy.Text 5M:Pardon me,Miss.Do you have change for a dollar?W:Im afraid not,youll have to ask someone

5、 else.Text 6W:Excuse me,Im looking for the are you the manager?M:Yes,I am.What can I do for you?W:I bought this yesterday,but I didnt look at the receipt until todayand Im shocked that I didntget the discount that you were advertising.I thought that this item would be 25%off!M:May I have a look?Hmmi

6、t says it was checked out on register four-thats Heather.She is newon staff,so she probably didnt know about the sale.Im very sorry about that.Ill fix the problem rightaway and get you some cash.W:Thanks very much.Ill just be waiting over there.Text 7M:Oh,dear,I suppose its time to start thinking ab

7、out the summer holidays again.The papers are fullof travel articles.W:They always are at this time of year.Do you have somewhere in mind?M:I just think it would be nice to go somewhere different,for example,Tibet.W:Where?Tibet?But it is quite far away.It will cost a lot.M:But Id like to go somewhere

8、 out-of-the-way.Somewhere where there arent many tourists.Ihavent been to Tibet,but some people I know told me its a wonderful place for a holiday.W:You might have trouble with food and water.M:Oh,that wont be a problem.I can get some information from the travel agency and see what theyare offering.

9、Are you coming with me?W:Id be quite happy to stay at home and work in the garden.I want to build a path.Text 8W:Do you keep in touch with your aunt in America?M:Sure,I usually call her once a month.W:That sounds kind of expensive.M:Yeah,a little,I guess.W:Do you ever have the desire to chat online?

10、M:Sure.But my aunt is a little older and not really into using the computer.W:But surely she would want to save a little money.You said she has kids.They must have acomputer in the house.You could get one of her kids to teach her how to use the Internet.M:Yeah,I guess I never really thought about it

11、.I kind of like hearing the sound of her voice.It feels alittle closer and more personal.W:Yeah,I understand.I like hearing my parents voices too,but I dont feel like I need to hear themevery time we talk.M:Hmm.Maybe I will get her kids to help.Its a good idea.Text 9W:Can I see your passport,please?

12、M:Is this line for non-residents?W:Yes it is.Residents can queue up in the lines to my right.M:OK.Heres my passport.W:Whats the expiration date on your passport?M:I think its coming up,maybe in a few months.It was renewed in Beijing,so the new expirationdate is on the last page.W.I see.Yes,youll nee

13、d to renew your passport in a few months.Make sure you dont let it expirewhile you are in the UK.M:I wont.W:Do you have anything to declare?M:No,I dont have anything to declare.W:How long will you be staying in the UK?M:Ill be here about a year.W:What is the purpose of your stay?M:Ill be studying.Im

14、 doing an MBA at Nottingham University.W:Where will you be staying?M:I have a housing contract with the university.Ill be in a dorm room on campus.W:How do you plan on paying for your living costs and tuition fees while you are here?M:My father has already paid for that in advance.Here are the recei

15、pts.W:OK.Have a good stay.Heres your passport and your documents.M:Thank you very much.Text 10My way to stay young is simple:Give full attention to the part of you thats young and growing-yourbrain.Keep your mind active and your body will stay young,too.These are exciting times.Take an interestin th

16、e world around you,and make a point of learning one new thing every day.Never think about your age,its not too late to make your life more interesting.I know a house wifewho became a famous industrial designer;I know a retired electrical engineer who has become a highlypaid artist.Get over the idea

17、that you are too old to go back to college.I know I man who entered medical schoolat 70.He got his degree with honors and became a top doctor.Another man went to law school at 71 and isnow an active lawyer.Even if you are getting on in years,staying young is easy for those who live for the future.Yo

18、u can doit if you care enough to try.Keep your mind alive and active;this is the key to staying young,and it willcertainly work.第二部分 阅读【答案】21.B22.D23.A【解析】【导语】本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了世界一些国家独特的生日传统。【21 题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段“In Japan,when a child turns one,a ceremony called erabitori is held,wherethe birthday child c

19、hooses from a selection of items spread out around that represent the potential future.(可知,在日本,一岁的孩子在生日派对上在代表着未来的物品中进行选择,即预测男孩的未来,故选B。【22 题详解】推理判断题。根据第五段“Some families in Australia also mark the age of 21 with a souvenir“keyto the door”,representing the young adults privilege to come and go from the

20、 family home as theyplease.(澳大利亚的一些家庭还会用一把纪念品“门钥匙”来纪念 21 岁,这代表着年轻人可以随心所欲地进出家里)”可知,在澳大利亚家庭中,房门钥匙象征着孩子来去自由的权利,即对独立的承认,故选 D。【23 题详解】细节理解题。根据第六段“In Germany,when unmarried men turn thirty,they are supposed to sweepthe stairs of the local church or town hall,”editor Michael Kallinger says,“while women hav

21、e to deal withthe door handle.”(编辑 Michael Kallinger 说:“在德国,当未婚男性 30 岁时,他们应该打扫当地教堂或市政厅的楼梯,而女性则必须处理门把手。”)”可知,在德国,未婚男性满 30 岁时,他们需要打扫当地教堂或者政府的楼梯,女性则处理门把手,即在德国,过生日的传统包含了打扫公共场所,故选 A。【答案】24.C25.C26.A27.D【解析】【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要报道了新西兰奥克兰的一些小学生成为了世界上第一批被数字老师“教”的孩子。【24 题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第一段“While the start of a ne

22、w school year is always exciting,this year waseven more so for some elementary school students in Auckland,New Zealand.They became the worldsfirst kids to be“taught”by a digital teacher,Will.(虽然新学年的开始总是令人兴奋,但对于新西兰奥克兰的一些小学生来说,今年更是如此。他们成为了世界上第一批被数字老师 Will“教”的孩子。)”可知,Will 是一名数字教师,他将出现在新西兰奥克兰一些小学中。故选 C。

23、【25 题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Thanks to a digital camera and microphone,the avatar not onlyresponds to questions the kids may have,but also picks up non-verbal signals.For example,if a studentsmiles at Will,he responds by smiling back.This two-way communication not only helps draw the studentsattention,but

24、also allows the programs developers to monitor their involvement(参与)and make changes ifneeded.(多亏了数码相机和麦克风,这个虚拟化身不仅能回答孩子们可能提出的问题,还能接收非语言信号。例如,如果一个学生对 Will 微笑,他也会以微笑回应。这种双向交流不仅有助于吸引学生的注意力,而且还允许程序开发人员监视他们的参与情况,并在需要时进行更改。)”可知,Will 会和学生进行交流。故选 C。【26 题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Greg Cross,the Chief Business Office

25、r for Soul Machines,states thatkids who have grown up in this digital time adapt to new technology quickly,and he hopes to develop theidea of digital humans in the area of educate further.(Soul Machines 的首席商务官 Greg Cross 表示,在这个数字时代长大的孩子适应新技术的速度很快,他希望在教育领域进一步发展数字人类的概念。)”可知,Greg Cross 希望在教育领域进一步发展数字人类

26、的概念,由此可推断,Greg Cross 对数字老师抱有支持的态度。故选 A。【27 题详解】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“The program,in place since August 2018,has been a great successso far.However,no matter how popular it becomes,Will is unlikely to replace human educators any timesoon.For one,the avatars knowledge base is severely limited.But more import

27、antly,even the smartestdigital avatars could never predict and react to all the unexpected situations that educators have to deal withon a daily basis.However,it could come in handy as a“personal teacher”,providing kids with one-on-onehelp on the subjects or even topics.(该项目自 2018 年 8 月开始实施,迄今取得了巨大成

28、功。然而,无论它变得多么流行,Will 都不太可能在短期内取代人类教育者。首先,虚拟角色的知识库是非常有限的。但更重要的是,即使是最聪明的数字化身也永远无法预测和应对教育工作者每天必须处理的所有意外情况。然而,它可以作为“私人老师”派上用场,在科目甚至话题上为孩子们提供一对一的帮助。)”可推断,数字老师不管多么流行,也存在一定局限性,所以还需要得到进一步发展。故选 D。【答案】28.C29.B30.A31.D【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了“人工智能给写作带来什么影响ChatGPT 如何剥夺学生自主写作和思考的动力”。【28 题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第二段“These in

29、clude whetherAI,more generally,threatens student writingskills,the value of writing as a process,and the importance of regarding writing as a tool for thinking.(这些问题包括,更普遍地说,人工智能是否威胁到学生的写作技能,写作作为一个过程的价值,以及将写作视为思维工具的重要性)”可知,作者比较关心人工智能会给学生的写作带来的影响。故选 C。【29 题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Evan Selinger,a philosopher

30、,worried that predictive texting reducesthe power of writing as a form of mental activity and personal expression.“By encouraging us not to thinktoo deeply about our words,predictive technology may change how we deal with each other,”Selingerwrote.”(哲学家 Evan Selinger 担心,预测性短信会削弱写作作为一种心理活动和个人表达形式的力量。

31、“通过鼓励我们不要太深入地思考自己的言语,预测技术可能会改变我们处理彼此的方式,”Selinger写道)”可知,预测性的写作会削弱人类自我思考,只是像一个机器一样写作。故选 B。【30 题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第五段“There will always be a demand for creative,original content thatrequires the unique viewpoint of a human writer.(对创造性、原创内容的需求总是需要人类作家的独特观点)”可知,创造性和原创性的内容还是需要人类作家的输出。由此可以推测,人类作家对于写作来说仍然具有重要性

32、。由此推知,人类写作仍然非常重要。故选 A。【31 题详解】主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“ChatGPT could create text that seemed like a human wrote it.Howcould teachers discover whether students were using language created by anAI chatbot to cheat on awriting task?(ChatGPT 可以创建看起来像是人类写的文本。教师如何发现学生是否使用人工智能聊天机器人创建的语言在写作任务中作弊?)”可知,本主要介绍 ChatGPT 对于写

33、作产生的影响。由此可知,D 项“人工智能将给写作带来什么影响?”适合作本文最佳标题。故选 D。【答案】32.C33.D34.B35A【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了“喜欢分歧”是如何妨碍团队作业的。【32 题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段“Psychologists have documented a phenomenon known as the liking gap,whereby two people meeting for the first time routinely underestimate how much their counterparts(对应方)like

34、 them.”(“心理学家记录了一种称之为“喜欢分歧”的现象,即两个人第一次见面通常会低估对方对他们的喜欢程度。”)”可知“喜欢分歧”是由于低估即误判别人对“我们”的看法。故选 C。【33 题详解】推理判断题。根据第二段“On average,people liked their partners more than they believed theirpartners liked them,and thought themselves to be the least liked in the group.”(平均而言,人们喜欢他们的伙伴超过他们认为他们的伙伴喜欢他们的程度,并认为自己是最不

35、受欢迎的组员。)可知,他们对自己被队友喜欢缺乏自信。故选D。【34 题详解】词义猜测题。根据第三段“Here,too,people tended to underestimate the degree to which they wereliked,regardless of how long they had known their teammates.”(人们倾向于低估自己被喜欢的程度不管他们认识了队友多久了)”可知他们对自己的 views of their own likability 是持否定态度的。故选 B。【35 题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段“Managers should t

36、hink carefully not just about how teammates regardone another but about how team members think they themselves are regarded,the researchers say(管理者应该仔细考虑的不仅仅是队友之间如何看待对方,还有队员如何看待自己)”可知管理者应该重视队员对自己的看法。故选 A。【答案】36.A37.E38.G39.D40.C【解析】【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了优秀学生的秘诀。【36 题详解】此处是小标题,为本段主要内容。根据后段内容Study is bus

37、iness;business comes beforerecreation.(学习是要事;学习优先于娱乐)可知优等生学习的秘诀之一即 Set priorities(做事要设定优先顺序)。故选 A。【37 题详解】根据下文内容Paul Melendres,a sraight-A freshman from New Mexico,keeps two folders-one forthe days assignments.another for papers completed and graded.Melendres methodsAbag or a drawerkccps csscntial s

38、upplics togcther and cuts down time-wasting searches.(PaulMelendres 是一名来自新墨西哥州的优等 生,他有两个文件夹 一个放当天的作业,另一个放已完成的论文和评分。结合本段大意主要建议学生要有条理。那么 37 题处应该仍然讲学生如何做到有条理:一个袋子或抽屉把必需品放在一起,减少了浪费时间的搜索。故选 E。【38 题详解】根据段首句Neat papers are likely to get higher grades than sloppy ones.(整洁的论文可能比凌乱的论文得到更高的分数。”可知,整洁的论文能得到更高的分数

39、。选项DNo matter how good it really is(不管它真的有多好)”和空后”you cant believe it tastes good if its presented on a dirty plate.如果把它放在脏盘子里,你简直不敢相信它很好吃。)则进一步解释了整洁的论文的必要性。故选 G。【39 题详解】根据主题句 speak up=voice your opinions freely and bravely 加上 Class participation goes beyondmerely asking questions,though.班级参与不仅仅只是问问

40、题。更是 Its a matter of showing intellectualcuriosity.(展示求知欲的时候。)故选 D【40 题详解】根据上下文行文逻辑反复提到 she,特别是是 later she 可知 40 题首要考虑 C 选项,再加上放进与原文意思切合。test questions 对应选项中的 a written examination。“As part of her note-aking,Domenica Roman emphasizes points she thinks may be covered during exams.She designs test que

41、stionsbased on them.Later she gives herself a written examination before test day(作为笔记的一部分,Domenica Roman 强调了她认为考试中可能会涉及的知识点。后来,她根据 这些知识点设计试探性的考题,并在考试前给自己做一次笔试。故选 C。第三部分 语言运用第一节【答案】41-55 ADCBCACDDCDBDAC【解析】【导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。主要介绍的是出生残疾的考克斯(Cox)克服困难,勇敢面对挑战的事迹,并呼吁人们向她学习。41考查形容词词义辨析。句意:1983 年 2 月,杰西卡考克斯出生在

42、亚利桑那州的塞拉维斯塔,她的父母震惊了。annoyed 恼怒的;.shocked 震惊的;.discouraged 泄气的;touched 感动的。根据下文中的“Why?She had no arms.”可知,她没有胳膊,所以使她父母“震惊”。故选 A 项。42考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着考克斯的成长,她的母亲认为她的女儿有权利过正常人的生活,只要做些与众不同的事情。concluded 推断;advocated 提倡;claimed 声称;.decided 决定,确定。根据下文中的“Cox learned to tie her shoes,get dressed and take a _45_

43、.”可知,她母亲“确定”她能过上正常人的生活。故选 D 项。43考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着考克斯的成长,她的母亲认为她的女儿有权利过正常人的生活,只要做些与众不同的事情。right 权利;challenge 挑战;choice 选择;fear 害怕。根据下文中的“to live a normal life by doing things differently.”可知,过正常的生活是人们的权利。故选 C项。44考查副词词义辨析。句意:考克斯很小的时候就非常独立,她学会了系鞋带、穿衣服和洗澡。Merely 仅仅,只不过;Patiently 耐心地;.Fiercely 猛烈地,非常;Hardly

44、 几乎不。根据下文中的“at a young age,Cox learned to tie her shoes,get dressed and take a _5_.”可知,考克斯很小就会自己系鞋带等,说明她“非常”独立。故选 B 项。45考查名词词义辨析。句意:考克斯很小的时候就非常独立,她学会了系鞋带、穿衣服和洗澡。bath 洗浴;break 间歇;course 课程,过程;trip 旅行。根据上文中的“Cox learned to tie her shoes,get dressed and”可知,此处与系鞋带,穿衣服等日常生活并列,所以此处指“洗澡”。故选 C 项。46考查动词词义辨析。

45、句意:她还做了假肢,并使用了 11 年,一直在想为什么。wondering 想知道;wandering 徘徊;expecting 期望;digesting 消化。根据下文中的“why”可知,此处为“想知道”。故选 A 项。47 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:被称为“机器人女孩”让她变得害羞和安静。decent体面的;.considerate体贴的;shy 害羞的;sensible 理智的。根据上文中的“Getting called names like“Robot Girl”可知,被人起外号会让人“害羞”。故选 C 项。48考查名词词义辨析。句意:考克斯记得八年级的第一天登上公共汽车时,埃莉诺罗斯

46、福的一句话在她脑海中回荡。saying 谚语;note 便签;.warning 警告;.quote 引语。根据下文中的“Noone can make you feel inferior(卑微的)without your_9_.”可知,此处指的是“引语”。故选 D项。49 考查名词词义辨析。句意:“没有你的允许,任何人都不能让你感到自卑。”recognition 识别;pride自豪;.comment 评论;permission 允许。根据上文中的“No one can make you feel inferior(卑微的)”以及语境可知,此处表示“未经你的许可”,没人能让你感到自卑。故选 D

47、项。50 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她决定接受自己的不同,永远摘掉了义肢。.philosophy 哲学;difference区别;strength 优点,力量;.reputation 声誉。根据上文中的“She had no arms.”可知,此处指的是拥抱她的“不同”。故选 C 项。51考查形容词词义辨析。句意:考克斯说,只有我们对自己诚实,我们才能克服挑战。.grateful感激的;.true 忠实的,真实的;unique 独特的 close 关闭的。根据下文中的“we are able to overcomeour challenges.”可知,只有“忠于”自己,才能战胜挑战。故选 D 项

48、。52 考查动词词义辨析。句意:那一年,她还获得国际跆拳道联合会的黑带!removed 清除;attempted尝试;acquired 获得;purchased 购买。结合语境可知,此处讲述的是她克服挑战所取得的成绩,所以此空指的是她“获得”了黑带。故选 B 项。53考查动词词义辨析。句意:大学毕业后,考克斯被亚利桑那每日星报报道,从此开启了她的职业生涯。informed 告知;called 称呼;.improved 改善;reported 报道。根据下文中的“ArizonaDaily Star”为一媒体可知,此处指的是她的事迹被该媒体“报道”。故选 D 项。54考查动词短语辨析。句意:考克斯

49、经常通过幽默与人交流。relates to 有关;reflects on 反思;corresponds with 符合.holds back抑制,阻止。根据上文中的“She has spoken to audiences in over 26countries since then.”可知,她在 26 个以上的国家演讲,所以此处指的是她用幽默的方式与人“关联”起来,即与人交流。故选 A 项。55 考查副词义辨析。句意:所以向杰西卡考克斯学习吧挑战就是机遇。A.Or 或者;B.Otherwise否则;C.So 所以;D.And 和。根据下文中的“challenges are opportunit

50、ies.”以及全文对考克斯事迹的介绍可知,此处呼吁大家向她学习,所以此处与上文为因果关系。故选 C 项。第二节【解析】【导语】本文是新闻报道:华为 Mate 60 Pro 搭载“中国芯”突破科技封锁,引领手机新潮流56.on在具体某一天用介词 on57.appearing 考查 with+n.+doing,long queues 与 appear 是主谓关系,故用 appearing58.who/that考查定语从句,先行词指人,且在从句中做主语59.to experienceallow sb.to do sth.60.crowded形容词修饰名词61.easily 副词修饰动词 make a


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