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《Unit+6+Topic+1+Section+C仁爱版英语七年级下册.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit+6+Topic+1+Section+C仁爱版英语七年级下册.pptx(31页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、nit 6 Our Local AreaSection CTopic 1Do you love your family?Let me show you a familly with love.01Where is the boy?The boy is _ his fathers shoulder(肩膀肩膀).He is very happy.onWhere is the old man?The old man is _ the old woman.They love each other.Where is the girl?The girl is _ her grandmother.She i

2、s doing shoulder massage(按摩)(按摩)for her grandmother.next tobehindWhere is?Love is _our family.Love is_ our heart.Love is everywhere.inin01How many rooms are there in the picture?There are eight rooms.yardhousePre-reading in spatial order(空间顺序)How do you count?(数)ontheleftof在在左边左边inthecenterof在在中心中心a

3、tthebackof在在后面后面ontherightof在在右边右边gardenliving roombathroombedroomsstudykitchendining roomPre-reading02(_)(_)(_)在下图中标出在下图中标出 in front of,in the front of,behind,at the back of,in the center of的位置。的位置。后后(_)前前(_)in front ofin the front ofin the center of在在的中心的中心behind at the back ofMy Home This is my h

4、ome.There is a small garden in the center of the yard.And there are many beautiful flowers in the garden.But there arent any trees.At the back of the yard,there is a nice house.There are three bedrooms,a large living room and a study in it.I love playing on the computer in the study.Near the house,t

5、here is an apple tree.Some birds are singing in the tree.On the left of the yard,there is a kitchen and a dining room.Our bathroom is on the right of the yard.Can you see a red car next to the bathroom?Thats my fathers.Now Im helping my father clean the study.My mother is cookingin the kitchen.I lov

6、e my home very much.1.Whats in the center of the yard?(1st para.)2.Whats at the back of the yard?(2nd para.)3.Whats on the left of the yard?(3rd para.)4.What are the people doing?(4th para.)There is a small garden in the center of the yard.There is a nice house at the back of it.The boy is helping h

7、is father clean the study and his mother is cooking in the kitchen.There is a kitchen and a dining room.P31.1b.Read 1a and answer the following questions.But there arent any trees.但但是是没有树。没有树。There be结构的否定句结构的否定句:在在be动词动词(is/are)后加后加not,原句中有原句中有some变为变为any;some 用于肯定句用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句。用于否定句和疑问句。Ther

8、e is not a house in the picture.图片里没有房子。图片里没有房子。=There is no house in the picture.There isnt any water in the cup.杯子里没有水。杯子里没有水。=There is no water in the cup.There is not+(a/any)+名词名词=There is no+名词名词 There are no pockets in these trousers.这些裤子没有裤兜。这些裤子没有裤兜。=There are not any pockets in these trouse

9、rs.There are not+(any)+名词名词s=There are no+名词名词s=There are no trees.At the back of the yard,there is a nice house.at the back of“在在(内部)的后面(内部)的后面”,反义词组为,反义词组为in the front of“在在(内部)的前面(内部)的前面”。There is a map at the back of the classroom.in front of“在在(外部)的前面(外部)的前面”,反义词为,反义词为behind。在院子的后面有一所漂亮的房子。在院子的

10、后面有一所漂亮的房子。There are some trees in front of my house.There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.I love playing on the computer in the study.play是动词是动词“玩,玩耍,弹奏玩,玩耍,弹奏”我喜欢在书房里玩电脑。我喜欢在书房里玩电脑。play+games e.g.play computer gamesplay+球类球类 e.g.play basketballplay+西洋乐器西洋乐器 e.g.play the guitarplay wi

11、th+sth.e.g.play with a penplay with+sb.e.g.play with his brotherSome birds are singing in the tree.in the tree 在树上在树上(外来物,不是生长在树上的)外来物,不是生长在树上的)一些鸟在树上唱歌。一些鸟在树上唱歌。There are three birds in the tree.on the tree 在树上在树上(原生长在树上的原生长在树上的)There are many apples on the tree.On the left of the yard,there is a k

12、itchen and a dining room.on the left of 在在的左边的左边;on the right of 在在右边右边;in the center of 在在中央中央;at the back of 在在后部。后部。There is a bed in the center of the bedroom.在院子的左边,有一个厨房和一个餐厅。在院子的左边,有一个厨房和一个餐厅。There is a lamp on the left of the bed.There is a bookshelf on the right of the bed.Now Im helping my

13、 father clean the study.help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事,help后接不定式作宾补,后接不定式作宾补,带带to不带不带to均可均可。help sb.with sth.意为意为“帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事”,with后接名词。后接名词。Please help me with my English.请帮一下我的英语。请帮一下我的英语。Can you help me(to)learn English?我现在正在帮助我爸爸打扫书房。我现在正在帮助我爸爸打扫书房。1.My brother often helps me _(clean)the h

14、ouse.Its nice of him.2.There _(be)some milk,five eggs and some bread on the table.3._(在在的后面的后面)the classroom,there is a blackboard.4.What can you see _ the left of the yard?A small garden and some tall trees.(to)cleanAt the back ofisonChoose the right answers and complete the passage.A.Some birds ar

15、e singing in the tree.B.My mother is cooking in the kitchen.C.Our bathroom is on the right of the yard.D.And there are many beautiful flowers in the garden.E.There are three bedrooms,a large living room and a study in it.DEACB This is my home.There is a small garden in the center of the yard.1 But t

16、here arent any trees.At the back of the yard,there is a nice house.2 I love playing on the computer in the study.Near the house,there is an apple tree.3 On the left of the yard,there is a kitchen and a dining room.4 .Can you see a red car next to the bathroom?Thats my fathers.Now Im helping my fathe

17、r clean the study.5 I love my home very much.IntroductionConclusionBodyPost-reading03A:Whats on the desk?A:How many planes are there?B:There are some model planes on it.B:There are three.Look at the following pictures and read the conversations below them.model planes/mdl/04A:Is there any water in t

18、he bottle?A:How much water is there?B:Yes,there is.B:Only a little.A:Whats_?A:How _There are some birds.There are three.in the treemany birds are there?on the tree(生长在树上的)生长在树上的)in the tree(外来物外来物)有什么不同呢?on the treeThere are some apples.many apples are there?There are four.A:Is there_?A:How _there?a

19、ny milk in the glassB:Yes,there is.much milk isB:Only a little.How many与与How much的区别的区别(1)How many+名词复数名词复数 +are there+地点状语地点状语?答语:There are+数词数词.e.g.How much water is there in the bottle?瓶子里有多少水瓶子里有多少水?There is a little.有一点儿有一点儿。(2)How much+不可数名词不可数名词 +is there+地点状语地点状语?”(对不可数名词的数量对不可数名词的数量进行进行提问提问

20、)e.g.How many books are there on the desk?桌上有几本书桌上有几本书?There are six.有六本有六本。练一练练一练:1)Therearethreepensinthebox._pens_inthebox?2)Thereissomemilkinthebottle._milk_inthebottle?3)Therearetwobottlesofwateronthedesk._bottlesofwater_onthedesk?4)Therearetwobottlesofwateronthedesk._water_onthedesk?Howmanyare

21、thereHowmuchisthereHowmanyarethereHowmuchisthereReadandwrite3a.Readandwritethewordsbyyourself.Payattentiontothestressineachpair.Thenlisten,checkandrepeat.1 12 23 34 4findfindingfightfightingsingsingingtelltelling1 12 23 3Last _,I saw a _ fly _ in the sky.The _ _ likes the yellow _ and the _ _ likes

22、the blue one.The _ is very _ to us.nightkitehighfirstgirlbirdthirdgirlchildkind3b.Listenandcompletethesentences.Thenreadthemaloud.ListenandcompletePost-readingWhats your home?Describe your home like 1a.The following sentences may help you.This is my home.In the center of the yard.At the back of.On t

23、he left of.I love my home very much.05知识小结知识小结We learn:1.some words:center,yard,flower,house,large,left,model only 2.some phrases:at the back of,in the center of,in the front of,on the left/right of 3.some sentences:Whats in the center of the yard?We can:1.tell the differences between how many and h

24、ow much e.g.How many people are there in the picture?How much water is there in the bottle?2.tell the differences between in the tree and on the tree e.g.There are many birds in the tree.There are many apples on the tree.06everyone shouldlove hometogether home 一、一、句型转换。句型转换。1.There is an old man in

25、the room.(改为复数形式)(改为复数形式)There old in the room.2.There is some meat on the plane.(改为否定句)(改为否定句)There on the plane.3.There is a map of Beijing on the wall.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)a map of Beijing on the wall?,.4.Therere thirteen trees behind the house.(对画线部分提问)(对画线部分提问)trees behind the house?5.

26、Theres an apple on the table.(对画线部分提问)(对画线部分提问)on the table?are some men isnt any meat Is there Yes there isHow many are there Whats二、根据句意,选用括号内适当的词填空。1.Arethere_(any/some)pictureonthewall?2.Thereisabird_(on/in)thetree.3.Thereisariver_(on/behind)thehouse.4.Thepurseis_(my/mine).5.Lets_(havealook/have

27、alookat)themap.anyinbehindminehavealookat三三、按要求回答问题。、按要求回答问题。1.Where is your computer?(在桌子上)?(在桌子上)2.Where is my ball,mum?(在门后)(在门后)3.房子前面有一些树,但是没有花。房子前面有一些树,但是没有花。4.为什么不喝点为什么不喝点茶茶呢?呢?5.Mom,where are my sports shoes?(在你的床下)(在你的床下)Its on the desk.Its behind the door.There are some trees in front of the house,but there arent any flowers.Why not drinks some tea?Theyre under your bed.


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