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《2021届高考英语模拟黄金卷07(山东教师).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021届高考英语模拟黄金卷07(山东教师).pdf(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、绝密启用前备战2021高考英语全真模拟卷(新课标版)第七模拟(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第 一 节(共 15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AUnsolved Mysteries

2、About the Planet EarthMystery 1:Where did water come from?Water covers more than 70 percent of the Earths surface and that makes the Earth earn the nickname the blueplanet.Then where di water come from?The most popular scientific theory states that the H2came from severalviolent asteroids(小彳亍星)cover

3、ed with ice.Anothe suggests that the water actually has been around since theEarths formation However it happened,though,its certainly worked out well for the Earth life forms.Mystery 2:What about all the oxygen?Another thing is the planet*s oxygen.Tiny creatures released oxygen as a waste product,f

4、illing theatmosphere with it.After that,the level of oxyge in the Earths atmosphere went wildly up and down until itfinally calme down around 540 million years ago.Since then,its remained at about the breathable level we knowtoday.But what caused it to be suddenly steady?Mystery 3:What caused the Ca

5、mbrian(寒武纪)Explosion?The Cambrian Explosion refers to the explosion of complex life forms that occurred on Earth about 540million years ago.Before then,life had consisted mostly of microbes.But at the beginning of the Cambrian periodcomplex creatures began developing at a rate never seen before.Sudd

6、enly,life forms had brains,eyes,and bones.Most living creatures today can trace their blood back to the Cambrian period.Mystery 4:Will we be able to predict earthquakes?We still haven*t been able to come up with a way to accurately predict earthquakes.We can certainly try,butour current technology c

7、annot predict them exactly.We know that earthquakes start when the rock cracksunderground and the enormous energy released in the process causes vibration,which generates earthquake waves,but we havent figured out why that happens,or how to predict it.1 .What was created by creatures on Earth?A.Wate

8、r.B.Bacterium.C.Oxygen.D.Ice.【答案】c【解析】细节理解题。根据 Mystery2:What about all the oxygen?部分中的 Tiny creatures released oxygen as awaste product可知,微生物把氧气当作废弃物释放出来。因此,氧气是地球上的微生物创造出来的。故选C项。2.Which of the following talks about the Earths advanced species?A.Mystery 1 .B.Mystery 2.C.Mystery 4.D.Mystery 3.【答案】D【解析

9、】细节理解题。根据 Mystery3:What caused the Cambrian Explosion?部分中的Suddenly,life forms hadbrains,eyes,and bones.”可知,突然之间,生物有了大脑、眼睛和骨头。因此,此部分内容介绍关于地球高级物种的信息。3.What do we know about Mystery 4?A.It is a matter that has extremely practical significance.B.It will be solved in the near future.C.It is the most diff

10、icult mystery to solve of the four.D.It is the oldest mystery of the four.【答案】A【解析】推理判断题。根 据 Myslery 4:Will we be able lo predicl earthquakes?部分的内容可知,能否准确预测地震与人类的生命和财产安全息息相关,极具现实意义,故选A 项。BIn many films,when the owner is in trouble,their beloved dog would run home to seek help without fail.Yet,while

11、this image has become ar unforgettable part of our pop culture,few people know the same sort o responseapplied to service dogs.Once a blind man fell flat on his face,which was awful but finally harmless.His service dog,however,wastrained to turn to an adult if the owner had an epileptic seizure(癫瘤发作

12、),and it was sure this was a seizure.However,while the dog did what it was taught,the woman it found was merely annoyed but not alarmed.Thankfully,the dogs owner was not in the situation of medical emergency.But the experience inspired him toshare this information on social media,If a service dog wi

13、thout a person approaches you,it means the person isdown and in need of help,the owner explained.Dont get scared,don*t get annoyed,and follow the dog!If thefirst person doesnt cooperate,it moves on.”Referring to the accident,a TV presenter asked a dog trainer,Olivia,some basic questions about servic

14、e dogs,including how humans should react if an unaccompanied service dog approaches them.What theyre going to do is sniff and gently push your leg,the trainer explained,specifically noting thatservice dogs are not usually trained to jump or bark.If you see a dog in a vest without a person around it

15、followit.When asked if one should say something to indicate theyr prepared to follow the dog,Olivia said there*s noclear command.The spoken language is not going to be a secret password,said.You car say,What?1 or*Where?or just start walking wherever the dog leads.Olivia concluded the TV show by addi

16、ng that those who rely on service dogs could train their companionsto move along to someone else,if the first person the dog came upon reacted negatively to its request.Doing socould finally save the owners life.4.What do we know about service dogs?A.They cant understand the spoken language.B.They o

17、ften make people annoyed.C.They are seldom known by most people.D.They only exist in the pop culture.【答案】C【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Yet,while this image has become an unforgettable part of our pop culture,few people know the same sort of response叩plied to service dogs.”可知,虽然这种印象已经是通俗文化中令人难忘的部分,但很少有人知道在现实中遇到

18、类似的情况时,服务犬确实会有这样的反应。由此可知,大多数人对于服务犬了解甚少。5.In the owners emergency,a service dog will g e n e r a l l y.A.run home for help of familiesB.ask the nearby person for helpC.jump or bark to draw peoples attentionD.stay beside the owner until the owner recovers【答案】B 解析】细节理解题。根 据 第:段中的 His service dog,howeve

19、r,was trained to turn to an adult if the owner hadan epil叩lie seizure”可知,他的服务犬受到的训练是,在他癫痛发作的时候,去向成年人寻求帮助。因此,当主人出现紧急情况的时候,服务犬会向附近的人求助。6.How should people react to an unaccompanied service dog?A.Follow it to anywhere it leads.B.Communicate with it through commands.C.Keep it home until finding its owne

20、r.D.Take it to the nearest police station.【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中的“If you see a dog in a vest without a person around it,follow it.可知,如果你看到一只无人在其周围的服务犬,请跟着它走。由此可知,见到无人陪伴的服务犬,应该跟着它。7.What is the authors purpose of sharing the story?A.To encourage everyone to help disabled people.B.To introduce a talk s

21、how about service dogs.C.To teach how to train service dogs well.D.To spread knowledge of dealing with service dogs.【答案】D【解析】推理判断题。通读全文,尤其根据第一段中的“Yet,while this image has become an unforgettable partof our pop culture,few people know the same sort of response applied to service dogs.”可知,人们对现实中的服务犬了解

22、甚少。而本文主要介绍了当服务犬过来向你求助时应如何做。由此可知,本文旨在普及应对服务犬的相关知识。CA childs early years of language development are important for the basics of school readiness,such asliteracy(读写能力)skills and social and emotional growth.In a recent study,Assistant Professor of Psychology atthe University of Miami,Lynn Perry and a t

23、eam of fellow researchers who examined childrens speechcommunication over the course of a year found that children benefit from conversations with their peers(同龄人)and their teachers.The study examined how language use and development in 2-and3-year-old children wereinfluenced by what they heard from

24、 their teachers and their peers.*Previous research on language development looked mostly at the role of parent-child communication within ahome setting or a lab environment,which means were missing a big part of a childs everyday life-the classroom,said Perry.HWe know that parents*words are importan

25、t for childrens development and their performance at school,but we dont have much research on what happens in the kindergarten or preschool settings.*Using a device(设备)called a Language Environment Analysis(LENA)recorder,Perry collected hundreds ofhours of audio recordings.Children wore the LENA rec

26、order once a week.LENA software then assessed whetherthe recorded audio was speech or not,and whether the speech came from the child wearing the recorder or from anadult or another child talking to them.After studying the audio data,Perry found that the speech children heard from other children was

27、positivelyrelated to their own language use,meaning children who heard the most from their peers learn more new word andvocalize more during the course of the year.Additionally,there was a positive association between teachers*talkingand childrens language use and development-but only when the teach

28、er talked to the child in a back-and-forthconversation,rather than just talking to the child with no opportunity for the child to respond.One important aspect of the study that stands out to me is how important it is to see those conversationalturns with teachers,and that back and-forth conversation

29、s are very beneficial for children.We talked to the teachersabout the results,and they are very excited about this finding and currently brainstorming additional opportunitiesto have conversations with children,added Perry.8.What does the new study focus on?A.The influence of talking in the kinderga

30、rten on children.B.The parent-child communication at home or in the lab.C.The basics of school readiness for preschool children.D.he ways to improve preschool childrens healthy growth.【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的The study examined how language use and development in 2-and3-year-old children were influence

31、d by what they heard from their teachers and their peers.”可知,这项研究测试了2 岁和3 岁儿童的语言使用和发展是如何受到老师和同龄人所说的话的影响的。由此可知,这项研究的主要内容是集体环境下的交流对学龄前儿童的影响。9.How did the researchers perform their new study?A.By observing children in class.B.By conducting a survey of teachers.C.By communicating with children.D.By reco

32、rding the childrens speech in class.【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,以前关于语言发展的研究大多着眼于家庭环境或实验室环境中亲子沟通的影响,这意味着研究者错过了孩子日常生活的很大一部分球境一一课堂。再结合第三段的内容可知,这项研究主要是通过录下孩子们在课堂上所说的话这一方式进行的。10.What does the underlined word vocalize0 in Paragraph 4 mean?A.Listen B.Write C.Speak.D.Read.【答案】c【解析】词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句中的 the speech

33、children heard from other children was positively relatedto their ow language use可知,研究了音频数据后,佩里发现,孩子们从其他孩子那里听到的话语与他们自己的语言使用呈正相关。结合第一段 中 的 examined childrens speech communication和画线词所在句中的heard可知,这项研究主要是关于孩子的语言交流能力由此可推知,此处应指,从同龄人那里听到最多话语的孩子,能学习到的新词更多,也会说得更多。故画线词应与speak意义相近。11.What should teachers do t

34、o develop childrens speech ability according to the text?A.Encourage children to listen to their own speech.B.Inspire children to speak more and interact with them.C.Teach children to write more new words.D.Teach children to read more books.【答案】B【解析】推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句可知,教师的谈话与儿童的语言使用和发展之间存在着积极的联系,但只有在教

35、师与儿童互相交谈时,这种积极的联系才存在,而不是教师单方面说,儿童没有机会做出反应。由此可推知,为了发展孩子的语言能力,教师应鼓励孩子多说,并与他们互动。DLife beneath the sea surface can be lovely and lively.But many organisms there produce poisonous chemicalsto hunt.Divers are now collecting such poisons as drugs for human medicine.Sharks arent the scariest things in the o

36、cean for scientists who dive to work.Powerful cuiTents can be justdeadly.But the scientists who work underwater train to deal with these dangers.The rewards of the research andunderwater adventures are greater than the risks.The sea may seem like a strange place to look for new drugs.But organisms i

37、n the ocean have had to adapt tothe tough environment.The chemicals they make for survival might help people,too.More than 50 years ago,scientists discovered a new anti-cancer drug in a sea sponge.Since then,researchers have been searching the seasfor more of such useful natural products.With the he

38、lp of underwater robots and small submarines,scientists are searching the seas-from shallow waterto the great deep ocean.Bacteria living in the Arctic cold water break down their food using different ways from organisms on land.This process of turning food into energy for growth,activities and repro

39、duction is called metabolism(新陈代谢).These pathways also produce chemicals calledusecondary metabolites”.One day they also might help people.During a four-year project called PharmaSea,scientists made thousands of extracts(提取物)from thoseseafloor samples.In about a dozen of them,researchers found mixtu

40、res that can kill bacteria that some of todaysantibiotics(抗生素)cannot.Three other new-found chemicals reduce epileptic seizures(electrical storms in thebrain)in mice.Yet another compound may reduce the symptoms of Alzheimers disease.12.Why do sea organisms produce chemicals?A.To make themselves notic

41、eable in the sea.B.To benefit other creatures.C.To change their environment.D.To struggle for survival.【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。根据笫三段中的The chemicals the make for survival might help people,too.”可知,海洋生物产生化学物质是为了生存。13.In what way do the Arctic bacteria differ from organisms on land according to the text?A.The m

42、edicinal value.B.The way of hunting.C.The way of breaking down food.D.The importance to humans.【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。根据第五段中的 Bacteria living in the Arctic cold water break down their food usingdifferent ways fror organisms on land.”可知,生活在北极寒冷海水中的细菌分解食物的方式与陆地上的生物不同。14.What is special about the mixtures from

43、 seafloor samples?A.They have the same effects as today*s medicine.B.They have unique functions.C.They can treat most diseases.D.They can kill all bacteria.【答案】B【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段中的 researchers found mixtures that can kill bacteria that some of todaysantibiotics cannot可知,研究人员在海底样本的提取物中发现了能杀死细菌的混合物,而现在

44、的一些抗生素无法做到这一点。由此可知,海底样本的混合物具有独特的杀菌功能。故选B 项。15.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Diving for New MedicineB.Threats From the OceanC.Future Sources of BacteriaD.Danger of Diving Into the Sea【答案】A【解析】主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是根据第一段中的Divers are now collecting such poisons as drugs forhuman medicine.可知,本文主要介

45、绍了科学家目前正在海洋中寻找可以作为人药物的化学物质。由此可知,A 项(潜水寻找新药)适合作本文的标题。第 二 节(共 5 小题;每小题2.5分,满 分 125 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The Magic of Fall Photography Fall is the time when nature the greens of summer into the reds,browns,yellows and oranges of fall.It is a magical season for p h o to g ra p h y.

46、16 However,many of us aredisappointed with our results.Below are some tips on how to improve your photographs of the fal colors.17 One way to do this is to use high color contrast which is achieved by usingcomplementary(互补的)colors in your compositions.By definition,complementary colors form the gray

47、scale colorswhen combined in proportion.On a color wheel,the complementary colors are opposite to each other.18 Usingcomplementary colors together will make your photos pop with color.One color combination that works reallywell in nature shots is red and green.Among the colors of fall,red and green,

48、and orange and blue are easy to find.When you are around water,blue is easy to find and it can work as a background to a yellow or orange subject.As an alternative to the usual grand panoramic(全景的)shots,look more for a subject with a single color.When looking for this type of subject,walk around the

49、 subject and see which shooting position will help you tak thebest s hot.19Once you have a good sense of composition,experiment with the angles and focal lengths(焦距).20 Shooting a scene vertically gives it the all different presentation.A.Also,dont overlook vertical formats.B.It is an event we look

50、forward to every year.C.You should look for a scene without extra elements.D.So the complementary color to red is green,and to blue is orange.E.To get rid of these elements,youd better make the background less distinct.F.Red is not that common in nature,so when it is found,it draws attentionG.To get


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