Unit5 单元测试-2021-2022学年人教版九年级英语全册(含答案).pdf

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1、Un it5 单元测试(用时9 0 分钟 满分1 0 0 分)题号IIIIIIIVVVI总分得分一、单 选 题(本大题共10小题,共 10.0分)1.The traditional Chinese poems to spread by popular singers.A.is singing B.are singing C.is sung D.are sung2.一Did you go to the cinema to see 3D Titanic last night?No,I go to the cinema.The tickets are too expensive.A.hardly B

2、.nearly C.still D.only3.Our teacher will come back tomorrow what he says.A.because of B.according to C.as for D.thanks to4.Could you please help me to look for my lost d o g?n a me is Gina.Of course.A.It B.Ifs C.Its D.Its,5.No ma t t er,you cant enter the room.A.where are you B.what do you doC.who a

3、re you D.who you are6.Your sweater looks very nice.Whats it ma de?一Wool,and its made Guiyang?A.from;on B.of;in C.of;on D.from;in7.一Students in Grade 9 have too much homework to do every day.They w ill_ in health.一So they will.I hope their teachers can help them reduce pressure.A.believe B.fall C.kee

4、p D.fail8.一What did you say to John?一I didnt say anything.But his face he was angry with me.A.explained B.discovered C.described D.suggested9.You can go out if your h o me wo r k.A.are finished B.finishesC.is finished D.will be finished10.These tents and sent to disaster areas.A.pack B.packed C.are

5、packed D.are packing二、完形填空(本大题共15小题,共 15分)I always tell my son that achieving average scores in the class is fine.He does not have tobe one of the top scorers in his class(11)attend after-school classes to help with his study.I think the most important thing to him in his(12)is to be a child:have(13

6、),exerciseand stay healthy and find something he is interested in,so he knows how to communicate withothers and(14)difficulties.I was born in the 1980s and had to study hard to make sure Icould go to a good university and eventually find a well-paid job.But my son is lucky enoughto be born at a time

7、 when he does not need to(15)food or clothes.Unlike some(16)who make busy plans for their children to attenddifferent(17)after-school classes,I would rather spend the money taking him to(18)andletting him see the world.For some parents,the reason why they(19)their best to make their children get goo

8、dgrades only is that they were not be top students themselves.They do(20)for their childrenso that their children could get good grades.In fact,when parents do all the heavy lifting fortheir children,they will lose the ability to be(21).I do feel pressure from other parents to send my(22)to after-sc

9、hool classes,but I need toremind myself that when he is buried in endless homework at an early age,he might(23)allinterest in learning when he grows up.Going to a good university is not the(24)goal in life.He needs to form good habits andhobbies so that when he is kind of(25)at university,he will no

10、t spend all his spare timeplaying video games.11.A.andB.butC.orD.so12.A.timeB.childhoodC.teenageD.life13.A.hobbiesB.gradesC.mealsD.classes第2 页,共 19页14.A.work outB.look forC.give upD.help with15.A.worry aboutB.make upC.look forD.think up16.A.customersB.businessmenC.teachersD.parents17.A.wonderfulB.ou


12、小题,共40.0分)ATea has a long history of more than two thousand years.Its hometown is certainly China.At first tea was considered as a kind of good thing that could make people awake so thatthey could study comfortably.Many knowledgeable people thought it was helpful for theirstudy,because their minds c

13、ould keep awake after drinking too much tea.During TangDynasty,tea was sent to European countries first through the Silk Road.It was tea that madeChinese culture spread over in the Western countries.The first book about tea was The Classicof Tea by Lu Yu in Tang Dynasty.In the book,he described the

14、tea culture.However,the tea culture changed into a kind of new form.Many people could findsomething bad in it in Song Dynasty.Many people spent much time on it instead of thinkingabout the safety of their country.Between the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of QingDynasty,many people paid more

15、attention to tea.People thought of it as the symbol of thespirit.Nowadays,tea has become the gentlest and the most comfortable drink in France.It hasalso become a helpful drink that is good fbr peoples skin and health in England.Lots ofChinese look on tea as one of the most popular presents that the

16、y give others during importantfestivals.26.What did many knowledgeable people think of tea when it was invented at first?A.Useless.B.Difficult.C.Meaningless.D.Helpful.27.When was tea sent to European countries for the first time?A.In Tang Dynasty.B.In Yuan Dynasty.C.In Song Dynasty.D.In Qing Dynasty

17、.28.Between the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty,tea was regarded asA.a kind of drink B.the symbol of the spiritC.a kind of culture D.a kind of gift29.Whats the meaning of the underlined word gentlest?A.最速溶的 B.最凉爽的 C.最刺激的 D.最温和的30.Which of the following about tea is true accordi

18、ng to the passage?A.Lu Yu was bom in Song Dynasty.B.Tea was invented in England.C.Englishmen think of tea as a kind of healthy drink.D.Frenchmen like to give tea to others as presents.BIn Xian,there are special sidewalks for the phubbers(低头族).Different people havedifferent opinions on it.手 机 CE11PH0

19、NES低 头 族,专 用 通 道第4页,共19页Li Minyi,14,BeijingThis special walkway can keep people who are always looking at their phones safeand protect them from accidents.People might feel much freer when using thiswalkway,because they used to knock into someone else on a crowded one.Huang Xi,15,JiangsuIt just enco

20、urages people to keep looking at their phones.Just imagine if everyoneonly paid attention to their mobile phones while walking,walkways like this wouldbe useless and accidents would still happen.Chen Yecheng,14,HubeiMobile phones have made a big difference in our lives.It seems that many peoplecant

21、live without them.Every year,many people get injured or lose their livesbecause they are playing on their mobile phones while walking.So why not create abetter environment for them?The special walkways can protect them from danger.Sun Run,14,ZhejiangSmart phones are making a difference to our lives

22、too much.They keep us awayfrom reality and the beauty around us.A special walkway for those isindulgence(纵容).Cant people put their phones down for a while and enjoy abeautiful day?This is what we should encourage.31.The underlined word one refers to A.sidewalkB.phoneC.an accidentD.a person looking d

23、own at the phone32.What does the underlined phrase get injured mean in Chinese?A.补偿 B.受伤 C.损失 D.逃避33.According to Sun Run,we should encourage pe opl e.A.to walk on the special sidewalkB.not to use mobile phones in lifeC.to spend more time on workD.to play with the phone less and enjoy life more34.Wh

24、o think(s)it a good idea to have such a sidewalk for the phubbers?Li MinyiHuang XiChen YechengSun RunA.B.C.D.35.What is the best title for the passage?A.Dont be a phubberB.Good service in XianC.Special walkways for the phubbersD.Should we look down at our phone while walking?cKwanzaa is a celebratio

25、n of African American history and culture.It begins on December 26thand continues until New Year s Day,January 1st.During the festival,a family member,usually the youngest child,lights candles in a specialcandleholder.Each night a candle is lit.Traditionally there are three green candles,three redca

26、ndles and a central black candle.They represent the seven Kwanzaa principles(原则).Theprinciples are believed to play a big role in building strong,successful families,neighborhoods,etc.In the evenings,adults share stories and explain bow to follow the seven principles in dailylife.On the sixth day,wh

27、ich falls on New Year s Eve,family and friends get together to enjoya large meal.Kyle,a third grader,wrote this about Kwanzaa,“When we celebrate Kwanzaa,we have manypeople at home,light the candles,and have a nice dinner.We learn the meaning of Kwanzaaand remember family members.We say something goo

28、d about them.Last year,weremembered my grandmother.In 1966,Dr.Karenga created Kwanzaa.He was studying the history of Africa at that time.Dr.Karenga wanted to create a holiday to bring African Americans together and celebrate theirhistory and culture.He called the holiday“Kwanzaa v.In fact,the name c

29、omes from anAfrican language,and it means“first fruits of the harvest(攵获季节)”.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。第6页,共19页36.How long does the festival of Kwanzaa last every year?A.Two days.B.Three days.C.Five days.D.Seven days.37.What color are the candles?A.Green,black and red.B.Green,white and red.C.Green,black and whit

30、e.D.Black,white and red.38.What does the underlined word“represent“in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A.决定 B.展示 C.维护 D.代表39.Who did Kyle remember during Kwanzaa last year?A.His aunt.B.His father.C.His grandmother.D.His grandfather.40.Which of the following is TRUE about Kwanzaa?A.It has a history of abo

31、ut 100 years.B.Its name comes from an African language.C.It is to celebrate the good harvest of the year.D.During the festival,there s a big family dinner each night.DHow do you deal with plastic bags from the supermarket?Throw them away or reuse them?How about eating them?EnviGreen in India has mad

32、e a bag with natural ingredients(成分).It looks and feels justlike plastic,but can be broken down.The bags bring no harm to the environment.Both humansand animals can safely eat them.EnviGreens founder Ashwath Hedge spent four years tryingout such a thing of 12 natural ingredients.It includes potatoes

33、,vegetable oil and bananas.Hemade the ingredients into liquid(液体)and used the liquid to make the bag.Although the EnviGreen bags are much more expensive than those usual plastic bags,theyare good for our environment.Usually,it takes 1,000 years for usual plastic bags to break down.But an EnviGreen b

34、ag can naturally break down in less than 180 days.It also breaks down inless than a day in water,and in about 15 seconds in boiling water.Maybe the EnviGreen bagcould be a solution to the world problem of plastic pollution.41.We can infer that EnviGreen is.A.a kind of Indian foodB.an organization in

35、 IndiaC.an Indian companyD.an Indian restaurant42.Which of the following ingredients may not be in the special bag?A.Potatoes.B.Vegetable oil.C.Bananas.D.Milk.43.How long does it take to break down an EnviGreen bag naturally?A.1,000 years.B.About 180 days.C.Less than a day.D.About 15 seconds.44.Whic

36、h of the following is TRUE?A.Ashwath Hedge spent four years trying out the EnviGreen bags.B.The EnviGreen bags are made from 12 kinds of vegetables.C.The EnviGreen bags are cheaper than usual plastic ones.D.Indians are widely using the EnviGreen bags now.45.What is the main difference between a plas

37、tic bag and an EnviGreen one?A.The touch feeling.B.The shape.C.The taste.D.The weight.四、选词填空短文(本大题共1 小题,共 10.0分)46.根据短文内容,用方框中单词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺。有两个单词多余。store,similar,duty,great,taste,all,sale develop,meat,most,become,provideThe Chinese government has been trying its best to improve its national brands

38、 of allkinds to meet the need of modern life.In the 1990s,Western people thought Chinese electronic products were cheapand unreliable.But now,things have changed(2).More people trust Chinese brands.Made in China cool.They are beautiful and offer something special thatAmerican phones dont have/an art

39、icle on CNN once said about Chinese smartphones.It第 8 页,共 19页is reported that in many cities in Europe,many sell TCL televisions,Haier fridgesand Lenovo computers.More than half of the US-owned drones are Chinese models.TheyYe not only made in China,but also designed and in the country.Besides,Chine

40、se food has been enjoyed in Western countries.To meet localpeoples(6),Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the dishes.One exampleis the(7):In China,people like to eat meat with the bone in,but people in Westerncountries dont.So the Chinese restaurants in those countries big pieces of meatwi

41、thout bones,even for fish.Riding a Mobike on the street,you might hear some people speaking Chinese aloud.Turning to the right,you see a Sichuan-style restaurant.After walking into a store,you seethat Huawei smartphones are on(9).But youre not in Chinayoure in Manchester inBritain.In fact,you might

42、see(10)things in many other cities.Chinese products havebeen going all over the world.L2._4.5.6.工_8,9,_10五、单词拼写.单句(本大题共10小题,共10.0分)47.Our teachers taught us to sing 1 songs before class.48.The mother bird kept her b a b i e s (练习)flying hard.49.Mary is a(活泼的)girl loved by everyone.50.We can c(完成)the

43、 project in a week.51.One Belt,One Road(一带一路)is helpful for the development of t he(国际的)trade.52.The first s(步骤)of cooking fried rice with egg is to heat the oil.53.During(国际风筝节),I saw many colorful kites.54.What art f do you like best?I like music best.55.Recently Yangzhou Taizhou Airport has chang

44、ed its name into Yangzhou TaizhouA irp o rt.(国际的)56.I like all(形状)of the kites.六、书面表达(本大题共1小题,共15.0分)通过学习,我们了解了中国的传统艺术形式以及中国制造在全球的影响,感受到作为中国人的自豪。请用上be covered with,leaf,grass,glove写一篇50词左右的小短文,体裁不限。第10页,共19页答案和解析1.【答案】D【解析】考查语态。根据by popular singers可知用被动语态,由语境可知,用一般现在时。故选D。2.【答案】A【解析】本题考查副词辨析。hardly的

45、意思是“几 乎 不 ;nearly的意思是“几乎,接近”;stiH的意思是“仍 然 ;0nly的意思是“仅仅”。根据答语“票太贵了”可知,此处表示“我几乎没去看过电影。故选A。3.【答案】B【解析】because of因为;according to根据;as for至于;thanks to幸亏。根据句意“根据他说的,我们老师将在明天回来。”可以判断用according to。故选B。4.【答案】C【解析】略5.【答案】D【解析】No matter 无论”,引导让步状语从句,其语序为陈述句语序,故选D。6.【答案】B【解析】句意:一一你的毛衣看起来很漂亮。它是什么制成的?羊毛,而且它是在贵阳制造

46、的。由回答Wool可知,第一空表示be made of由 制造,固定短语。由回答中的Guiyang可知,bemadein+地 点,在.被制造,固定短语。故选B。7.【答案】D【解析】句意:一一9 年级的学生每天有太多的作业。他们的健康正在衰退。一一他们确实如此。我希望他们的老师可以帮助他们减少压力。A.believe相信;B.fall下降;C.keep保持;D.fail失败。fail in health健康衰退。根据句意,故选D。8.【答案】D【解析】句意:一一你对约翰说了什么?一一我什么也没说。但他的脸色表明他生我的气。A.explained 解释;B.discovered 发现;C.des

47、cribed 描述;.suggested 表明。故选 D。9.【答案】C【解析】略10.【答案】C【解析】考查被动语态。主语和谓语动词之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态.11.【答案】【小 题 1 C【小题2】B【小题3】A【小题4】A【小题5】A【小题6】D【小题7】C【小题8】B【小题9】D【小 题 10 B【小 题 11】D【小题12 A【小 题 131 D【小 题 14 B【小 题 15 C【解析】略1.句 意 为“他不必成为班上最高的得分者之一,也不一定要参加课外辅导班帮助他学习”。这是否定句,用。r 连接并列的部分。第 12页,共 19页2.由 to be a child 判断,此处的

48、时段是 in his childhood1 53.前面提及“童年时代最重要的事情就是做一个孩子”,后面顺承表示:要有爱好。4.略5.由上文中“我努力学习考大学是为了摆脱贫困”可知,儿子生活的时代衣食无忧。6.由句中提到的for their children判断,此处指的是parentso7.由后面“宁愿把这钱花在带孩子旅行看外面的世界”推断是昂贵的补习班。8.略9.句意为“对一些父母来说尽最大努力让孩子得高分的原因只是”iry onesbest”尽某人最大的努力”。10.上文提及“家长只想让孩子得高分”,下文顺承表示:他们为孩子做所有事情。11.略12.由文章开头“I always tell

49、my son that”可知,选 son。13.由“小时候如果太忙于作业”推断:长大后他们可能失去学习的兴趣。14.由下文可知,作者认为,上一所好大学不是孩子的最终目标,故此处用final修饰goal。15.由“他需要养成好的习惯与爱好”推断:上大学有点业余时间时,他不会把所有时间用于打视频游戏。26.【答案】【小 题 1】D【小题2】A【小题3】B【小题4】D【小题5】C【解析】略1.用寻找关键句法。根据第二段第二句中的Many knowledgeable people thought it washelpful for their study”可推知答案选 D。2.略3.略4.词义猜测题。

50、根据最后一段第一句Nowadays,tea has become the gentlest and the mostcomfortable drink in France.可推知此处 gentlest 应与 the most comfortable(最舒适的)是并列关系,将各个选项代进去,D 项最为适合。5.略31.【答案】【小 题1】A【小题2】B【小题3】D【小题4】A【小题5】C【解析】略1.略2.词义猜测题。or后面的短语lose their lives意 为 失 去 生 命 ,因此猜测get injured意 为“受伤”。3.细节理解题。根据孙润的观点中提出的问题Cant peopl


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