湖南省108所学校2022-2023学年高一下学期期中联考英语试题 Word版含答案.docx

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1、姓名 准考证号绝密启用前2023年上学期高一期中联考英语本试卷全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。注意事项:1 .答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试卷和答题卡上。2 .回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑,如有改动,用橡皮擦 干净后,再选涂其他答案;回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3 .考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段 对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间

2、来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。I .Why was Benson in the hospital yesterday?A.His baby got ill.B.He looked after his daughter.C.He went to take his medicine.2.In what way will the woman check out?A.By WeChat.B.By Alipay.C.In cash.4 .What does the womans sister probably do?A.Shes a teacher.B.She is a student

3、.C.She is a coffee shop owner.5 .What does the man want to buy for his wife?A.Fruits.B.Perfume.C.Flowers.6 .What is the man probably doing now?A.He is doing business.B.He is having an interview.C.He is sharing his working experience.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中

4、选出最佳选 项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答41. A. EvenB. Insteadc. StillD. Almost42. A. forgotB. threatenedC. decidedD. pretended43. A. downloadedB. describedC.sentD. shared44. A. orderedB. examinedC. madeD. counted45. A. decorateB. cleanC. fillD. wash46. A. instructB. promiseC. comfortD.

5、convince47. A. creationB. processC. imageD. notice48. A. wetB. hotC. dryD. odd49. A. safeB. toughC. wrongD.ready50. A. fearfulB. confusedC, calmD. sensitive51. A. dutyB. projectC. choiceD. collection52. A. stepped forwardB. headed offC. checked outD. went through53. A. driversB. policemenC. stranger

6、sD. colleagues54. A. providedB. returnedC. refusedD. handed55. A. patienceB. courageC. profitD. effort第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Latin America has one-third of the worlds bamboo-and has made good use of it over the years- 56 its bamboo resources are not being used to the

7、ir full potential, said Ali Mchumo,director general of the International Bamboo and Rattan Organization,or INBAR,on Thursday.“More work is needed to raise awareness?share 57(technique)and technologies,and help countries learn from each other about the potential of this golden grass,he said at the Co

8、nsultative Forum of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries,58 was held by the organization in Beijing.As an organization 59 (make) up of 50 member states, most of them developing countries from the Global South, INBAR 60 (act)as an important network for South-South cooperation for more

9、than 25 years.The organization has carried 61 projects,research,capacity-building workshops and field trips in more than50 countries, creating hundreds of thousands of jobs and 62(train)more than 40,000 people.Fernando Lugris,Uruguays ambassador to China,said that INBAR has shown its ability 63(prom

10、ote)safe bamboo growing and restore weakened land.That is why I 64(honest) believe that our nations should look at INBAR with 65 inclusive attitude, either to integrate with it or cooperate with it in various ways/* he said.第四部分写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)请阅读右面图画,按要求写一篇英语短文。内容包括:1 .简述图片内容;2 .谈谈你的感想。注意:1

11、.写作词数应为80左右:2 .请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料,,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。It was my first time to ski and I had been persuaded to come along with a group of friends who had booked a hotel for us all. Everyone else there had at least some experience of skiing in the past and all throughout the

12、 flight to Geneva they were talking funny stories about past trips to towns and villages I hadnt even heard of.While I knew I was in for a really good time, a little part of me was wondering whether I had made a mistake by joining such experienced skiers for a week in the Alps (阿尔卑斯山), when I had ne

13、ver even had a single skiing lesson on proper snow, that is to say real snow.We arrived at the hotel in the afternoon and my training lessons didn*t start until the following morning. There was no way that I was going to stay behind and watch everyone else go out to enjoy the slopes (斜坡)without me,

14、so 1 grabbed my stuff and headed out with the rest of them. Harriet, a member of our group, took pity on me and offered to pair up, giving me some tips on how to get started.I had been planning hitting the ski track for months and now I arrived and I was about to feel the rush. The excitement starte

15、d to spread. But on this occasion, it really was my fist outing, and I was seriously nervous. I always loved snow, I loved throwing snowballs with my friends as a kid. but now I felt I was out of my comfort zone and, after I equipped myself, I was shaking all over nervously.I tried to go forward. Fo

16、r all of about ten meters, I fell to the ground again and again. My instructor, Paul, was near and he was trying too hard not to laugh. I was feeling a little bit ashamed. Again to my feet, again to the ground.注意:1 .续写词数应为150左右;2 .请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。And the pattern continued until finally I caught my

17、 balance.With proper lessons the following days, I improved quickly.2023年上学期高一期中联考英语参考答案、提示及评分细则1 5 BCCB15 6-10 CAACA 11-15 ABBAA 16-20 ABCCA21. ? 推理判断髓.根据文章第一College offers you many academic freedoms. You can delop extstiiig passions and explore new interests-and Gnd a major that will put you on th

18、e career path you want.(大学给你很多学术门由你可以培养现有的激情 探家精的找理一找到一个能止你走上理想职业通路的专业广由此可知文章是为了遗弃专业则可以推断出是写给学院申请 若也就是选并专业的大学生的.故选A.22. B 细节理解苞.根据 Computer Science 中A、a computer sck-noe maior you*11 be exposed to areas such 婚 robotics, natural language recognition proKraninie*. artificial inieHigence. programnung l

19、anguages, numerical analysis. and gaming tech noh xy. Problem solving is a mayor component of computer science, no matter which section of the industr you want to pursue.(作 为一名 计算机科学专业的学生你将接触到机器人然语言识别程序、人工皆能、编程语言、数字分析和游戏技术等场域.无论你想从 “事个行业,解决问通是计算机科学的一个主要组成部分)二由此可知.Compuier Science主要集中在解决向值上.故送B.23. C

20、 细节理解 tfi.根据 Communication!* 中It will prepare you for a wealth of career options in business, advertisitiK* human resources, public relaiion式它将为你在商业、广告、人力资源、公共关系等领域提供E富的职业选异,”WEconomics中Economics is the study of choices-iho?c of individual, business, governments, and jocieties and how they choose to

21、 s”nd their time and money and otherwise allocate their resources. !t is also an excellent preparation for a future in buBinesaC姓济学 是研究 选持的学 科一个人、企曼、政府和社会的遗弃,以及他们如何选抹花费时间和金钱以及如何分配费赛.这也是时未来育曼的一个假好的 常备广,由此可知,的者均提到了 bsiru0所以“它们为人打将来从气商业做准备是共同点.故选C.24. B从文章第三段第一句可知料带草原和沙漠气候使剁博茨瓦纳国家以种植前她农作物.正确答案为不利的气候环境”

22、25. A 从文章第四段可知,两国巳经商定了一系列农业合作.去年中国抗旱水吊的试点项目在樽茨瓦纳首昨成功启动/进行/开展. 正确答本为A26. D 根据文d倒数第二段可知农民点击读程序上某农作物的图片就能看到技濯息需求、成熟时间、种子价格、成交价格及产址 等信息.该程序还能提酸农民何时谟做何事.因此正确答案为D.提供农作物的葩串信息.27. C文章主要讲的是11岁的中国小学生设计了一个F机獴序帮助当地农民更好地务农这件事.因此正确答案为C.28. D根据文笈第二段最后一句话可知.读收禁止Ch aiGPT是担心学生会利用该程序在考试中作弊.29. C根据文章第四段第一句和文章最后一段可知.作者支

23、持人工智能住高校教育中的运用.30. B 根据文15r 第四段A卜powered education lechnoloxics can be adopted to make the learning experience more suitable for each student based on his or her strengths and weaknesses.”可III.人工皆能能等根据学生个人情况定制学习体验.31. b根据文字最后一段可知我n不能避免人工智能进人高校教育要叮时做进确保人工智能发挥积微作用.32. C 推理判断翘.根据第三段中第一Q* Advocates poin

24、t out that low-fat. hiKh-protein kaiigaroo meet comes from an animal more environmentally friendly than Rreenhouse gM-releasing sheep and catdeJ 袋瓜交易的支持者们指;H 低脖防、高蜃门袋 M肉米自一 种比指放温室气体的绵羊和牛更环保的动物.广可知相对加育袋以时环境更友好.故选C.33. C 推理判断tfi.根据第四段中“Theybeen walking in this land a lot longer than people have.(它打在这片

25、土,地上行走的时间 比人类还要:久 厂以及“How could something that V been here for thousands of yeans be , dstnoyiiig * the couniry? I don,t understand the logic in that (这样在地球上存在了上千年的生物怎么会毁了这个国家呢?我不理解这其中的逻辑)”可知, lwayne Bannon认为袋M不应该被杀X,故送C.34. D 推理判断庖.根据鼠后一段中“If kangaroos were more valuable than cattle or sheep, landh

26、olders would work with the kan Karoo industry on brandinK* market inx and quality control. The government role would be oversight and reKulation.(如果货 只比牛或羊更宝贵.土地所有者将与袋瞅产业合作,在品牌、营销和质让控制方面进行合作.政府的作用将是监僧和监管.广可 知,更好地管理袋艮产可能是私有化的好处.故选D35. B 推理判断通.根据最后一段中 81f kangaroos were more valua Me than cattle or sh

27、eep, landholders would work with the kangaroo indusiry on branding, marketing and quality co nt rol. The governments role would be oversight and regulation.珈 果袋 取比牛或羊更宝贵土地所行者将号袋以产业合作在品牌、营销和质后控制方面进行合作.政府的作用将是魁仲和监管广可 知这篇文章是为解决袋只造成的向IS而写的.故选B.36. D联系下文“别人可能像你一样也在处理百己的问咫.可知应选D“不幼快的经历对于我们所有人来说邮是生活的一部分”,即

28、旬 个人都会遭遇不怜快的事情.37. A分析全文的行文结构不发理设空处是本段的主旨句.A项全面(括了这一段的内容.38. B 根据空后的“If you dont feel able to talk to your parents or your sisters, youll find support groups that can provide you with ideas or at leae*t listen to you.”可初选 B 项”向家人求助”39. F 上文中提到“provide op port unities for social interaction,. F 项中的“M

29、aking new friends and talking with them will raise your spiriis。之呼应.其中Mxial imeraciion是关词社交活动“八乂阳我打。人交流和结识科朋友.Cm不是“hobbiH二40. G空前提到鄱些从产面疾病中恢复健康的人通常会说,他们获灯了新的生命.每天怀打一网赛想的心醒来.故遗G项”用一种全 行的态度寸持平凡的生活能尊让你息费更加枳微向上”卜文金接看举例说明具体应谈如何做.【高一英语试题*考答案 第1页(共5页】【文章大意】本文是记叙文.由于活动限制ChitUe决定建造溜冰场以供叶区居民迸行户外活动.41. B根据前面的“

30、wasn、可知42. C根据语境可知decide”在这个句子中是”断定”的怠思.43. A根据后面句子可以知道此处是从网上“卜代”说明44. A 根据语境可知,此处是从网上“仃啊二45. C根据前文要建一个滑冰场可知,作者用水去”填扑”这个地方.词句中的“pl。是指专用的小城土地.46. D Chittle挨家挨户去“说服人f看他的”作品二47. A同上.48. B Chit tie ,si backyard ice rink 或 Manton 的一个热门地方.49. B 结合前文第二段第二句When ihe town went into lockdown”可知,当情况很取(1的时候.50.

31、C结合全文可知人们在这个地方惠觉到很平和很族仰.51. B结合全文可知Chitde做了一个项目.52. A 根据语境可知摄个人都上前支持Chittie. z. step forward (走出来:上前:进步八B. head。便阻止:C. check out(结账离开八D. go through(经受:通过,53. C根据语境可知逐陌生人邮来了.54. D 根据语境可知,连陌生人都道给Chinle钱.55. D根据全文Chittle为人打付出了努力建濡冰场.56. but/yet考看并列连词.句意为转折关系.57. techniques再6名词复数.文的“lechrwlogieb并列.58. w

32、hich考者从国连词.非限制性定语从句.59. made芍6推调语动词.此处作定语修饰ortunEaiion用过去分词made.60. has acted考出动词.根据卜文的for more ihan 25grn 1)W Zacharyt you know what? I saw Benson in the hospital yesterday. Do you know what wronK with him?M. Oh, his daughter just had a baby. He was laking care of her.(Tfjri 2)M: Eight items* $499

33、in total. How are you koiiik to pay the bill. .Mipayor WeChat I、y?W : Can I pay in cash?M! Certainly. You can pay in any way as you wish.W t Thanks a lot. (77n 3)W . (knd morning, Mr. Adams. 1 am surprked to see you outside the school.M. Im surprised to see you too. Daisy. What are you doing in this coffee shop?W Im hdping my sister deal with online order*. She is short ha nded now.(Ten 4)M: I am looking (or M)methinK for my wife. She likes the s*weet smell of flowers, except for rose a.W. 1 get it. We have sets of various perfumes and we are currently running at a special p


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