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《2023届浙江省杭州市高三下学期教学质量检测(二模)英语试题(解析版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023届浙江省杭州市高三下学期教学质量检测(二模)英语试题(解析版).docx(24页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022学年第二学期杭州市高三年级教学质量检测英语试题卷考生须知: 本试卷分选择题部分和非选择题部分。选择题部分1至10页,非选择题部分11页至12页。满分150分,考试用时120分钟。注意事项:1 .答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。2 .回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在 本试卷上无效。3 .考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷

2、上的答案转涂 到答题纸上。第一节(共5小题,每小题L5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选 项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅 读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What time will the flight take off?A. At 2 p.m. B. At 3 p.m. C. At 5 p.m.2. Which restaurant do the speakers probably decide to go?A. The Burger King. B. A French

3、restaurant. C. An Italian restaurant.3. Where do the speakers plan to meet?A. In the office. B. In the lab. C. At the cafeteria.4. When did the man plan to go to the beach?A. Tonight. B. Next week. C. This Tuesday.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. Getting a ticket. B. Recommending a song. C.

4、 Using an app.第二节 供15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项13. What makes ChatGPT helpful to research various topics?B. Its accurate information.D. Its vast body of questions.A. Its capability of information processing.C. Its availability of up-to-date data.14. Why do ChatGPT us

5、ers have to be cautious when using it?B. ChatGPT lacks creativity.D. ChatGPT is not properly trained.C. Objective.D. Intolerant.A. ChatGPT is unable to think itself.C. ChatGPT offers illogical information.15. What is the authors attitude towards ChatGPT?A. Favorable.B. Disapproving.【答案】12.D13. A 14.

6、A15.C【解析】【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了人工智能ChatGPT,介绍了其特点、存在的问题以及人们对ChatGPT的看法。【12题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段中 “Its ability to provide in-depth answers to user questions has even drawn the attention of distinguished technology companies它对用户问题提供深入解答的能力甚至引起了知名科技公司 的注意)”以及第二段中 “The intelligent robot understands what the user

7、 says or types and then responds in a way that makes sense.(这个智能机器人能理解用户所说或键入的内容,然后以合理的方式做出回应)”可 知,ChatGPT的独特之处是它可以参与有意义的对话。故选D。【13题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段“The intelligent robot understands what the user says or types and then responds in a way that makes sense. Its vast body of knowledge has been gathered f

8、rom the internet and archived books. It is further trained by humans. This makes ChatGPT a useful tool for researching almost any topic.(这个智能机器人能 理解用户所说或键入的内容,然后以合理的方式做出回应。它的大量知识来自互联网和存档书籍。它由人 类进一步训练。这使得ChatGPT成为研究几乎任何主题的有用工具)”可知,信息处理能力使ChatGPT有 助于研究各种主题。故选A。【14题详解】细节理解题。根据第四段 u ChatGPT cannot think

9、 on its own. It depends on the information that it has been trained on. As a result, the AI tool works well for things that have accurate data available. However, when unsure, ChatGPT can get creative and flow out incorrect responses. OpenAI cautions users to check the information no matter how logi

10、cal it sounds. Also, ChatGPT has only been trained with information till 2021.(ChatGPT 不能独立 思考。这取决于它所接受的训练信息。因此,人工智能工具可以很好地处理有准确数据的事情。然而,当 不确定时,ChatGPT可能会变得有创意,并给出不正确的回答。OpenAI提醒用户,无论这些信息听起来多 么符合逻辑,都要检查。此外,ChatGPT的信息培训只进行到2021年)”可知,ChatGPT用户在使用时必 须谨慎因为ChatGPT本身无法思考。故选A。【15题详解】推理判断题。根据第四段“ChatGPT can

11、not think on its own.(ChatGPT不能独立思考)”;第五段“Experts believe ChatGPT has limitless potential to solve real-world problems.(专家认为 ChatGPT 在解决现实问题方面 具有无限潜力)”以及最后一段 uHowever, ChatGPT has received mixed reactions from educators.(然而,教育 工作者对ChatGPT的反应不一)”可推知,作者主要列举了其他人对ChatGPT的看法,没有提到自己对 ChatGPT的态度,故对ChatGPT是

12、客观态度。故选C。第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选 项。We all know that leading a healthy lifestyle is essential, but sometimes its hard to stick to good habits. If youre looking to make some changes and improve your health, this blog post is fbr you! 16Get movingIts no secret

13、that exercise is good fbr you. Not only does it help to improve your overall health but it canalso boost your mood and increase your energy levels. 17 This could include going for a brisk walk, riding your bike, or taking a fitness class. There?s no need to go all out. Even moderate activity around

14、your house, such as working in your garden, can benefit significantly.Reduce or get rid of sugarSugar can cause inflammation (发炎)and worsen existing health conditions like diabetes and heart disease.18 When you cut sugar out of your diet, youUl likely notice an improvement in your energy levels, men

15、tal clarity, and overall sense of well-being. You may even drop a few pounds.Drink more waterYour body comprises about 60% water. It helps flush toxins from your body, carry nutrients to your cells, and keep your skin healthy. It helps improve your mood and energy levels and helps you lose weight. 1

16、9 Also, it may surprise you how much better you feel.Get enough sleepA good nighfs sleep is one of the best things you can do for your health and wellness. When you sleep enough, your body has adequate time to recharge and heal from the days activities, which also helps to improvefocus and concentra

17、tion, and help boost your mood. 20A. It can also lead to weight gain and make you feel exhausted.B. You may have heard the advice to drink eight glasses of water a day.C. These tips can help you get the restful sleep you need to feel your best.D. Here are some simple tips that can help you turn thin

18、gs around within 30 days.E. So next time youre feeling tired, reach fbr a glass of water instead of a cup of coflee.F. One way to make exercising easier is to set a daily goal of 30 minutes of physical activity.G. However, when you dont get enough rest, youre more likely to have trouble concentratin

19、g.【答案】16.D17. F 18.A19. E 20. G【解析】【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了几种在30之内改善健康状况的简便方法。【16题详解】根据上文 “If you9re looking to make some changes and improve your health, this blog post is fbr you(如果你想 做出一些改变并改善你的健康状况,这篇博客文章是为你准备的)”以及下文“Get moving(动起来)”可推 理出下文讲的是有关改变并改善健康状况的方法技巧的过渡句,与D项Here are some simple tips that can h

20、elp you turn things around within 30 days.(以下是一些简单的技巧,可以帮助你在30天内扭转局面)”表达 的含义一致,故选D项。【17题详解】根据下文 “This could include going for a brisk walk, riding your bike, or taking a fitness class.(这可能包括快 走、骑自行车或参加健身课程)”可推理出,上文讲的是设定每天的体育运动目标,与F项“Onewayto make exercising easier is to set a daily goal of 30 minute

21、s of physical activity.(让锻炼变得更容易的一种方法是 设定每天30分钟的体育活动目标)”表达的含义一致,故选F项。【18题详解】根据上文 “Sugar can cause inflammation and worsen existing health conditions like diabetes and heart disease(糖 会引起炎症,并使糖尿病和心脏病等现有健康状况恶化)”可推理出,糖会引起健康状况恶化,下文继续讲 的是糖会导致身体的其他不适,与A项“It can also lead to weight gain and make you feel e

22、xhausted.(它也会 导致体重增加,让你感到筋疲力尽)”表达的含义一致,故选A项。【19题详解】根据上文 “Your body comprises about 60% water. It helps flush toxins from your body, carry nutrients to your cells, and keep your skin healthy. It helps improve your mood and energy levels and helps you lose weight.(你的身 体由大约60%的水组成。它有助于排出体内毒素,将营养物质输送到细胞

23、中,保持皮肤健康。它有助于改 善你的情绪和能量水平,帮助你减肥)”可知,水有益于人的健康,因此下文讲的是感到不适的时候,要喝 水,与 E 项So next time youre feeling tired, reach for a glass of water instead of a cup of coffee(所以下次你 觉得累的时候,去拿一杯水,而不是一杯咖啡)”表达的含义一致,故选E项。20题详解】上文 “When you sleep enough, your body has adequate time to recharge and heal from the days activ

24、ities, which also helps to improve focus and concentration, and help boost your mood.(当你睡眠充足时,你的身体有足够的 时间从一天的活动中充电和恢复,这也有助于提高注意力和集中度,并有助于提振你的情绪)”提到睡眠充 足有助于提高注意力和集中度,并有助于提振你的情绪,这是在强调睡眠充足的重要性,G项“However, when you dont get enough rest, youre more likely to have trouble concentrating.(然而,当你没有得至U足够的休 息时,

25、你更有可能难以集中注意力)”和上文是转折关系,强调睡眠不足会使注意力难以集中,此处也是在 强调睡眠充足的重要性,故选G项。第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I was young and determined to take an adventurous trip. But 21 nearly 875 yards out of a cable car (缆车),with a rubber band attached to my ankles, was not par

26、t of my plan. Ws22 how intentions canchange.Staring over the 23 of the cable car, my heart was in my throat. I 24 heard the others behind me counting down. How could I have let myself be 25 into this? It was crazy!My palms were 26, and my heart was pounding.“Five. They started the 27 for the second

27、time, ignoring my useless protests.“Four.Three ”“Two. In that instant I 28 my mind a million times and came to the final 29 that there was no way I could allow myself to leap out of the cable car, suspended so high off the ground.30 my ankles please!Then.“One.I let go and leaped out as far as I coul

28、d. If there had been time to 31 it for another second, I would have stopped myself. But instead, I jumped.roseIt felt as if all my fears, insecurities, and doubts were being let go. An enormous sense of 32up in me. As I fell toward the earth33first, I saw my new friends waiting for me on the ground

29、andcould hear them34my victory over fear.Jumping out of the cable car put me on35of the world, and thafs where I am determined to21. A. slidingB. jumpingC. runningD. climbing22. A. unacceptableB. importantC. inspiringD. funny23. A. bottomB.edgeC. middleD. ceiling24. A. correctlyB. frequentlyC. barel

30、yD. actually25. A. talkedB. lookedC. checkedD. turned26. A. warmB. dryC. sweatyD. icy27. A. encouragementB. orderC. processD. countdown28. A. changedB. fixedC. focusedD. made29. A. attemptB. decisionC. destinationD. stage30. A. UntieB. HoldC. UnfoldD. Catch31. A. approve ofB. complain ofC. think abo

31、utD. dream about32. A. uncertaintyB. freedomC. trustD. panic33.A. headB. handsC. feetD. back34. A. screamingB. wavingC. claimingD. applauding35. A. endB. topC. outsideD. center【答案】21.B 22.D23. B 24. C25. A 26. C 27. D28. A 29. Bremain for the rest of my life.33. A34. D 35. BC 32. B30. A 31.【解析】【导语】这

32、是篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者决心进行一次冒险旅行,朋友说服他从悬在高空中的缆车上跳 下,起初作者感到恐惧,想要放弃,但最终战胜了恐惧,挑战成功。21题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:但脚踝上绑着一条橡皮筋,从缆车上跳下近875码,并不是我计划的一部分。A.sliding滑动;B. jumping 跳;C. running D. climbing 爬。根据下文 “But instead,【jumped.” 中的“jumped”可知,我是从缆车上向下跳,由此可知,句中指从缆车上跳下近875码。故选B项。【22题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:意图如何改变是有趣的。A. unacceptable不可接

33、受的;B. important重要的; C. inspiring 鼓舞人心的;D. funny 有趣的。根据上文 “I was young and determined to take an adventurous trip.可知,我本来决心进行一次冒险,但现在不敢从缆车上跳下去,由此可知,对我来说,这种意图的 改变是有趣的。故选D项。【23题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:凝视着缆车的边缘,我的心提到了嗓子眼。A. bottom底部;B. edge边缘;C. middle 中间;D. ceiling 天花板。根据上文 “But nearly 875 yards out of a cable c

34、ar,可知,我准备从缆车上跳下去,由此可知,凝视着缆车的边缘,我感到害怕。故选B项。【24题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:我几乎听不到身后其他人在倒计时。A. correctly正确地;B.frequently频繁 地;C.barely几乎不;D. actually事实上。根据上文“my heart was in my throat”可知,当时我很紧张,由 此可知,紧张感让我几乎听不到身后其他人在倒计时。故选C项。【25题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我怎么能让别人说服我自己这样做呢?太疯狂了! A. talked说话;B. looked 看;C. checked 检查;D. turned 转

35、动。根据上文 “But nearly 875 yards out of a cable car (缆车),with arubber band attached to my ankles, was not part of my plan.v 可知,“从缆车上跳下”并不是我计划的一部 分,由此可知,是别人说服我这样做的,“talk into”意为“说服”,符合语境。故选A项。【26题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的手心出汗,心跳加速。A. warm温暖的;B.dry干燥的;C.sweaty满是 汗的;D. icy冰冷的。根据句中“my heart was pounding”可知,我心跳加速,由

36、此可知,当时我很紧张, 紧张到手心出汗。故选C项。【27题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“五。”他们第二次开始倒计时,无视我无用的抗议。A. encouragement鼓 励;B. order命令;C.process过程;D.countdown倒计时。根据句中“Five.”和下文的“Four.”可知,朋 友们在进行倒计时。故选D项。【28题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:“二。”在那一刻,我改变了一百万次主意,然后做出了最后 决定,我不可 能让自己跳下悬挂在离地这么高的缆车。A. changed改变;B. fixed使固定;C. focused集中(注意力);D. made 制造。根据上文 uH

37、ow could I have let myself be into this? It was crazy!可知,我犹豫着要不要跳下缆车,由此可知,在犹豫的过程中,我改变了一百万次主意。故选A项。【29题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“二。”在那一刻,我改变了一百万次主意,然后做出了最后的决定,我不可 能让自己跳下悬挂在离地这么高的缆车。A. attempt尝试;B.decision决定;C. destination目的地;D. stage 阶段 o 根据句中 “ there was no way I could allow myself to leap out of the cable ca

38、r, suspended so high off the ground”可知,“不让自己跳下悬挂在离地这么高的缆车”是我做出的最后的决定。故选B项。【30题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:请解开我的脚踝! A. Untie解开;B. Hold拿着,抱住;C.Unfold展开;D.Catch 抓住 o 根据句中 “ there was no way I could allow myself to leap out of the cable car, suspended so high off theground”可知,我决定不跳下缆车,由此可知,我请求解开我脚踝上的橡皮筋。故选A项。【31题详解】

39、考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:如果有时间再考虑一下,我早就阻止我自己了。A. approve of对予以 认可;B. complain of 抱怨;C. think about 考虑;D. dream about 梦见。根据上文 there was no way I could allow myself to leap out of the cable car, suspended so high off the ground ” 可知,我决定不跳下缆车,但没来 得及阻止,由此可知,如果有时间再考虑一下,我早就阻止我自己了。故选C项。【32题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:一种巨大的自由感在我心中

40、升起。A. uncertainty犹豫;B. freedom自由;C. trust 信任;D. panic 恐慌。根据上文 “It felt as if all my fears, insecurities, and doubts were being let go. 可 知,我所有的恐惧、不安全感和疑虑都被释放了,由此可知,我感到了巨大的自由感。故选B项。【33题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我第一次头朝地面落下时,我看到我的新朋友在地面等着我,我可以听到他 们为我战胜恐惧而鼓掌。A. head头;B. hands手;C.feet脚;D. back背部。根据上文“But nearly875

41、 yards out of a cable car”可知,我要从缆车上跳下,由此可知,我是头朝着地面落下。故选A项。【34题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我第一次头朝地面落下时,我看到我的新朋友在地面等着我,我可以听到他 们为我战胜恐惧而鼓掌。A. screaming尖叫;B.waving挥手;C. claiming宣称;D. applauding鼓掌。根据 句中“hear”和“my victory over fear”可知,我战胜了恐惧,由此可知,朋友们为我战胜恐惧而鼓掌,我 听到了他们的掌声。故选D项。【35题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:从缆车上跳下来让我登上了世界之巅,我决心在那里度

42、过余生。A. end末端;B. top 顶端;C. outside 夕卜部;D. center 中心。根据上文 uIt felt as if all my fears, insecurities, and doubts were being let go.”可知,“从缆车上跳下来”让我摆脱了恐惧、不安全感和疑虑,我战胜了自己,获得了自 由,由此可知,我登上了世界之巅,到达了我想到达的境界。故选B项。第二节(10个小题,每小题L5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Its common to see a barista (咖啡师)create coff

43、ee art, but its a whole different ball game doing the same thing with tea. Han Zheming, 36 80-year-old Shanghai resident, has managed 37 (perfect) the skill, creating tea art in cups, or dian cha (点茶)in Chinese, which used to be a routine during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). Over the past decades, he

44、 38 (use) tea and spoons to create nearly 200 patterns 39 (base) on ancient paintings.Its also his intention to bring the old ritual back to modern life and have more people appreciate 40 (it) charm. Dian cha in modern brewing enhances the taste of tea, Han says. It is similar 41 the foam on top of

45、a cup of coffee, except that it is made of tea rather thanChinese tea culture started to enjoy 42 (popular) during the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and flourished throughout the Song Dynasty, 43 tea had become a necessity for almost everyone, from nobles and scholars to common people, just like other impo

46、rtant items, such as rice, oil and salt, as suggested by Song politician and thinker Wang Anshi.44 (total) different from the method of brewing tea during the Tang period, in the Song Dynasty, the popular way of having tea was through dian cha. The action of pouring hot water over fine powdered tea

47、is called dian, hence the name dian cha, which 45(list) as an intangible cultural heritage of Runzhou district,Zhenjiang city, Jiangsu province, in 2019.答案】36. an 37. to perfect 38. has used 39. based40. its41. to 42. popularity 43. when44. Totally45. was listed【解析】【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了 “点茶”的历史和韩吉吉明是如

48、何完善“点茶”技术和传播“点 茶”文化的。【36题详解】考查冠词。句意:80岁的上海居民韩吉吉明设法完善了这项技能,创造了杯子里的茶艺,或中文中的点茶, 这在宋朝(96。年至1279年)曾经是一种惯例。分析句子可知,句中泛指一名上海居民,故空格处应用不 定冠词,“80”音标的第一个音素为元音音素,故应用不定冠词“an”。故填an。【37题详解】 考查固定短语。句意:80岁的上海居民韩皓明设法完善了这项技能,创造了杯子里的茶艺,或中文中的点 茶,这在宋朝(960年至1279年)曾经是一种惯例。分析句子可知,句中涉及固定短语“manage to do sth.,意为“设法做成某事”,故空格处应填t。perfect”。故填to perfect。【38题详解】考查时态。句意:在过去的几十年里,他用茶和勺子在古代绘画的基础上创作了近200个图案。根据句意 和句


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