2023年新高考英语压轴题专项训练压轴题10 阅读理解AB篇完形填空语法填空(解析版).docx

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2023年新高考英语压轴题专项训练压轴题10 阅读理解AB篇完形填空语法填空(解析版).docx_第1页
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2023年新高考英语压轴题专项训练压轴题10 阅读理解AB篇完形填空语法填空(解析版).docx_第2页
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《2023年新高考英语压轴题专项训练压轴题10 阅读理解AB篇完形填空语法填空(解析版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年新高考英语压轴题专项训练压轴题10 阅读理解AB篇完形填空语法填空(解析版).docx(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、压轴题10阅读理解AB篇+完形填空+语冻填空(时间:40分钟满分:47.5分)第一节(共7小题;每小题2.5分,满分175分)A(2023福建厦门厦门一中校考一模)Every delicious steak you have ever enjoyed eating started with a good cut of meat. However, picking that perfect cut can be challenging-supermarkets are flooded with options, and it is not as straightforward as simply

2、 choosing the one with the highest price tag. Follow this guide for some advice.Tenderloin(US), Fillet(UK), Eye Fillet(AUS/NZ)A classic cut, the tenderloin comes from the strip of muscle tucked against the backbone of the animal. As this muscle does not do much work, this is the tenderest cut of bee

3、f-which also makes it the most expensive, and arguably the most desirable. We say “arguably“ because, while the tenderloin is supremely lean and a favorite of those who love their steak to melt in their mouth, it can also be tasteless. Filet mignon, widely referred to as the creme de la creme (精华)of

4、 all steak cuts, is cut from the very tip of the tenderloin.Ribeye(US/ UK), Scotch fillet(AUS/NZ)This cut, from the rib section of the animal, comes with an abundance of rich marbling. The ribeye wont give you that same “melt-in-your-mouth feeling, but it is still one of the tenderest cuts available

5、. Differently, the ribeye is cooked with the bone in, while the Scotch fillet is not.Strip(US), Sirloin(UK), Porterhouse(AUS/NZ)Coming from the hindquarter of the animal, the strip is not quite as tender as the tenderloin, or loaded with quite as much flavor as the ribeye, but for many steak lovers,

6、 it is just right. The best part is that because this all-rounder has a bit more chew and a bit less marbling than those cuts, it tends to be less expensive.T-boneCant decide between the tenderloin and the strip? Why not both? The T-bone is cut with strip on one side of a bone, and tenderloin on the

7、 other. With two very different textures (口 感)and flavors, the T-bone gets the best of both worlds, but it can also be more difficult to cook. The meat closer to the bone is slower to cook than the rest of the steak.1. What makes the tenderloin the most expensive part among the steak?A. Different te

8、xtures.B. Much flavor.C. Rich marbling.D. The tenderest cut.2. What can we learn about the steaks from the passage?A. Its not a piece of cake to pick a perfect cut.B. All things considered, Ribeye is the best.C. A good cut only means the most expensive one.D. It usually takes little time to cook T-b

9、one.3. Which of the following is not mentioned in the article concerning steak?A. Price.B. Packaging. C. Cooking method. D. Flavor.【答案】1. D 2. A 3. B【导语】这是一篇应用文。文章介绍了一些选优质牛排的方法。1 .细节理解题。根据 Tenderloin(US), Fillet(UK), Eye FiUet(AUS解Z)部分的“As this muscle does not do much work, this is the tenderest cut

10、 of beef-which also makes it the most expensive, and arguably the most desirable. (由于这块肌肉不做太多的工作,所以它是牛肉中最嫩的部分,这也使得它最贵,也可以说是最令人满意的广 可知,tenderloin在牛排里面是最贵的部分是因为它是最嫩的牛肉块。故选D。2 .细节理解题。根据第段的However, picking that perfect cut can be challengingsupermarkets are flooded with options, and it is not as straigh

11、tforward as simply choosing the one with the highest price tag.(然而, 要成K 出 最完美的那块是很有挑战性的超市里琳琅满目的选择,不像选择价格最高的那块那么简单广可知,选 择一个完美的牛肉块不是那么容易的。故选A。3 .细节理解题。Strip(US), Sirloin(UK), Porterhouse(AUS/NZ)部分的it tends to be less expensive(所以它往往 更便宜)”提到了 牛排的价格;Ribeye(US/ UK), Scotch fillet(AUS/NZ)部分的“Differently,

12、the ribeye is cooked with the bone in(不同的是,肋眼是带着骨头一起煮的)“提到了烹饪方法;Strip(US), Sirloin(UK), Porterhouse(AUS/NZ)部分的“Coming from the hindquarter of the animal, the strip is not quite as tender as the tenderloin, or loaded with quite as much flavor as the ribeye, but for many steak lovers, it is just right

13、.(来 自牛的 后腿,这条肉不像里脊肉那么嫩,也不像肋眼肉那么有味道,但对许多牛排爱好者来说,它刚刚好厂和T-bone 部分的“With two very different textures (口感)and flavors(有两种非常不同的纹理和口感)”提到风味。因此, 选项中关于牛排没有提到的是包装。故选B。B(2023河南焦作焦作市第一中学统考二模)About 400 pounds of food is wasted per day from 5 pm to 8 pm in Douglass Dining Hall. We scrape(舌ij 掉)the food from the c

14、onveyor belt into the buckets by hand. Working for Dining Team Green, I dont expect to basically become a garbage girl J Roll said. We do the work because we care much about it. We all have a responsibility to take care of the environment.To have more approachable composting(把制成堆肥)machines on campus

15、, Roll now has a newsustainable project investing in Lomi, an automated compost machine. I learned about Lomi through an adj Rollsaid. “Funny enough, I just saw it and thought it perfect. It really interested me how the mechanism worked.”Lomi is a new technology that can break down food waste into n

16、atural compost. According to Roll, it breaks down waste in the way: grinding(碾碎)the food into plant fertilizer. Unlike most composting machines, Omi can compost animal products, such as small bones. Another huge benefit is that it doesnt have smell and can convert waste to compost in a shorter time.

17、Roll plans on using the compost in the Gilbert community garden so that Dining Team Green can give back to the community. Ifs very exciting to see our food waste that would otherwise have gone in the trash and pollute the environment go to our community,“ she said.Roll is excited to introduce a new

18、form of composting to the residents. She hopes that this machine will inspire other composting machines in all residential buildings. I want Lomi not only to be a way to reduce food waste on the floor, but an educational tool to make people compost in a real way and not just talk about it in a theor

19、etical sense J Roll said.4. Which of the following can best describe Lomi?A. Elegant.C. Low-powered.B. Widespread.D. Environmentally friendly.5. . What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?A.The reasons for designing Lomi.B.The impact of wasting food.C.The solution to food waste.D.The advantages of Lo

20、mi.6. What may be Rolls expectation?A. More people will get involved in composting initiatives.B. Dining Team Green will become an educational tool.C. More developed composting machines will be invented.D. Dining Team Green will build community gardens.7. What can we know about Roll?A. She lives in

21、the Gilbert community.B , She is a member of Dining Team Green.C. She knows a lot about residential buildings.D. She plans to design more composting machines.【答案】4. D 5. D 6. A 7. B【导语】本文是篇记叙文。为了解决食物残渣问题,Roll专注于推广一台制作堆肥的机器。4 .推理判断题。根据第三段“Lomi is a new technology that can break down food waste into n

22、atural compost.(Lomi是一种可以将食物垃圾分解成天然堆肥的新技术。)可知,Lomi将食物垃圾分解成天然堆肥,避免 了食物垃圾对环境的污染,有着环保作用。故选D。5 .主旨大意题。根据第三段“According to Roll, it breaks down waste in the way: grinding (碾碎)the food into plant fertilizer. Unlike most composting machines, Omi can compost animal products, such as small bones.Another huge

23、benefit is that it doesnt have smell and can convert waste to compost in a shorter (根据 Roll 的说法,它通过这样的方式来分解废物:将食物研磨成植物肥料。与大多数堆肥机不同,Omi可以堆肥动物 产品,如小骨头;另一个巨大的好处是它没有气味,可以在更短的时间内将废物转化为堆肥。)可知,第 三段主要讲述了 Lomi的优点。故选Do6 .推理判断题。根据最后一段I want Lomi not only to be a way to reduce food waste on the floor, but an ed

24、ucational tool to make people compost in a real way and not just talk about it in a theoretical sense,(我希望 Lomi不仅是一种减少食物浪费的方式,而且是一种教育工具,让人们真正地堆肥,而不仅仅是在理论上 谈论它。)可知,Roll可能是希望Lomi能够教育人们积极地、用实际行动去堆肥,让更多的人参与到堆肥 计划中。故选A。7 .细节理解题。根据第一段Working for Dining Team Green, I dont expect to basically become a garba

25、ge girl J (在Dining Team Green工作,我不期望从根本上成为一个垃圾女孩)和第四段“Roll plans on using thecompost in the Gilbert community garden so that Dining Team Green can give back to the community. (Roll 计 划在Gilbert社区花园使用堆肥,这样Dining Team Green就可以回馈社区。)可知,Roll为Dining Team Green 工作,是其中一员。故选B。第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)(2023辽宁校联考

26、一模)My friendship with the students in a primary school in Uganda started on a shaky ground. The 8 of not being understood was hidden within, for they spoke a language different from that of mine and mine too fell on 9 ears.I greeted them with a broad smile, and they replied with ice cold 10 when I s

27、poke further. A 11 echoed in my mind: you must live through it to get to them. So I gave it another try. I spoke 12 English with hand gestures and a bit of dancing. If all failed, the smile would 13 Soon we picked up and then the14 of the learners came into play. At the mention of a name, reddish ch

28、eeks and shaking voices were the response I got. I decided to 15 a desk with a team each day during group work to get closer. After school, I16 them home.17 . we became friends. They were eve aware of my favorite fruit, avocado (牛油果).If I didnt getone on my desk, it would 18 me wherever I was. My sl

29、ippers were 19 .One night I left them out as no one could steal a pair of slippers in that state. The next morning, I was ready to drag my slippers on as usual and I was surprised they had been 20 .Wow!The little things we do for each other bring us great joy and 21. We dont have a proper spokenlang

30、uage, but we arefluent in the language of _22.8. A. angerB . fearC. desireD. belief9. A. sharpB. allC. deafD. long10. A. agreementB. blameC. commentD. silence11. A. reminderB. doubtC. confusionD. relief12. A. simpleB. officialC. academicD. unusual13. A. turn upB . break offC. take overD. fade away14

31、. A. shynessB lazinessC. lonelinessD. calmness15. A. clearB. shareC, searchD. exchange16. A. preventedB. forcedC. allowedD. accompanied17. A. SuddenlyB. ObviouslyC. AccidentallyD. Gradually18. A. missB. findC. refuseD. leave19. A. carried outB. put outC , made outD. worn out20. A. packedB. cleanedC.

32、 repairedD. abandoned21. A. freedomB. warmthC. chanceD. challenge22. A. sympathyB , admirationC. friendshipD. confidence【答案8.B 9.C10.D 11. A 12.A 13.C14.A 15.B 16.D17.D 18.B 19.D 20.C 21.B 22.C【导语】这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者和乌干达一所小学的学生们的友谊开始时并不稳固。不被理解 的恐惧隐藏在内心,因为他们说的语言和作者说的不同,而作者的语言也没人听。但是,随着时间的发展, 他们最终在友谊的语言上交

33、流很流利。8 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:不被理解的恐惧隐藏在内心,因为他们说的语言和我说的不同,我的语言 也没人听。A. anger 愤怒;B. fear 恐惧;C. desire 愿望;D. belief 信仰。根据后文“for they spoke a language different from that of mine and mine too fell on 2_ears .”他们说的语言和我说的不同以及上文说的友谊并 不稳固,可知,此处为不被理解的恐惧隐藏在内心,因为他们说的语言和我说的不同,我的语言也没人听。故选B项。9 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上题。A. sharp锋利的

34、;B.all全部的;C.deaf聋的;D. long长的。根据 前文“for they spoke a language different from that of mine”可知双方都听不懂对方的话。deaf ears 置若罔闻。 故选C项。10 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:我用灿烂的微笑迎接他们,当我继续说话时,他们以冰冷的沉默回应我。A. agreement 赞同;B. blame 责备;C. comment 评论;D. silence 沉默。根据上文“The _1_ of not being understood was hidden within”不被理解的恐惧隐藏在内心,故可推知,

35、此处为当作者继续说话时,他们以 冰冷的沉默回应。故选D项。11 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个想法一直提醒着我:你必须经历它才能到达他们的内心。A. reminder 提醒物;B. doubt 怀疑;C. confusion 混淆;D. relief 救济,宽慰。根据下文的you must live through it to get to them”可知一个想法一直提醒着作者。故选A项。12 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我说简单的英语,用手势和一点舞蹈。A. simple简单的;B. official官 方的;C.academic学术的;D. unusual通常的。根据上文“So I gav

36、e it another try”可推知,此处表示作者说 简单的英语,用手势和一点舞蹈。故选A项。13 .考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果一切都失败了,微笑会取代一切。A. turn up出现;B. break off中断; C. take over接管,取代;D fade away逐渐消失。根据上文“If all failed”可推知,此处表示如果一切都失败 了,微笑会取代一切。故选c项。14 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:很快我们就学会了,然后学习者的害羞就发挥了作用。A. shyness害羞; B. laziness 懒惰;C. loneliness 孤独;D. calmness 镇静。根据后文

37、“At the mention of a name, trembles and fhce covering were the response I got.”可知,学习者的害羞就发挥了作用。故选A项。15 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:我决定在小组工作期间每天和一个团队共用一张桌子,以便更接近他们。 A. clear清除,清理;B.share共享;C. search搜寻;D. exchange交换。根据下文“to get closer可知,此处 为作者决定在小组工作期间每天和一个团队共用一张桌子,目的是更接近他们。故选B项。16 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:放学后,我陪伴他们回家。A. preven

38、ted阻止;B. forced逼迫;C. allowed 允许;D. accompanied 陪伴。根据前文力 decided to8a desk with a team each day during group work toget closer.”可知作者为了能够接近学生们,除了和学生们共用一张桌子,放学后还要陪学生回家。故选D 项。17 .考查副词词义辨析。句意:渐渐地,我们成了朋友。A. Suddenly突然;B. Obviously明显地;C. Accidentally 偶然地;D. Gradually 渐渐地。根据前文“I decided to 8 a desk with a t

39、eam each day during group work to get closer. After school, I 9them home可推知,此处为是作者“破冰”行动后的结果:渐渐地,他们 成了朋友。故选D项。18 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果我桌上没有牛油果,不管我在哪里,他们都会找到我给我送牛油果。 A. miss 错过,想念;B. find 找到;C. refuse 拒绝;D. leave 离开,留下。根据前文“If I didnt get one on my desk”可知学生们一定要找到作者,把牛油果送给作者。故选B项。19 .考查动词短语辨析。句意:我的拖鞋已经破旧了。

40、A. carried out实施;B. putout扑灭;C. made out 辨认出,看出,理解;D. worn out 穿破。根据下文“The next morning, I was ready to drag my slippers on as usual and I was surprised they had been 13.Wow!”可知作者的拖鞋是穿破了。故选 D 项。20 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天早上,我准备像往常一样穿上拖鞋,但令我惊讶的是,它们已经修 补好了。A. packed 包装;B. cleaned 清洁;C. repaired 修理;D. abandone

41、d 抛弃。根据前文“My slippers were _12.One night I left them out as no one could steal a pair of slippers in that state.” 以及止匕处的,原讶, 可推知,拖鞋已经修补好了。故选C项。21 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们为彼此做的小事给我们带来了巨大的快乐和温暖。A.freedom自由; B. warmth温暖;C chance机会;D. challenge挑战。根据全文作者开始陪伴孩子们回家,孩子们给作者送 牛油果以及修补拖鞋等这些小事可知这都是温暖人心的善举。warmth温暖符合语境。故选

42、B项。22 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们没有合适的口语交流,但我们在友谊的语言上很流利。A. sympathy 同情;B. admiration 钦佩;C. friendship 友谊;D. confidence 自信心。根据上文“bring us great joy and 14”带来了巨大的快乐和温暖,可知,此处表示虽然没有合适的说话语言,但在友谊的语言上的交流是很流利 的。故选C项。第三节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)(2023山东日照统考一模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。A robot has been taught to laugh

43、at jokes to make it more human. Researchers are using AI to train robots about appropriate laughter, and 23 (distinguish)between chuckles and screams.They described 24 (work)with a robot called Erica in the hope of making a conversation more natural. “We think that one of the important 25 (function)

44、of conversational Al is sympathy,“ said Dr Koji Inoue, a professor. A conversation is, of course, multimodal, not just responding correctly. So we decided that one way a robot can empathize (共情)with users is to share their laughter, 26 you cannot do with a text-based chatbot.Creating a 27 (share)lau

45、ghter“ model, the researchers used AI to help detect laughter and decidewhether to laugh and what kind of laughter would be 28 (good). Four short dialogues between real people and Erica 29 (use)to test the system, which performed well.However, the experts said there is more work to do to create 30 (

46、true)natural laughter situations.Dr Inoue said, “The robot should actually have 31 distinct character, and it can show this character through its conversational behaviors, such as laughing, ye gaze, gestures and speaking styles. It may well take more than 10 to 20 years before we can finally have a

47、casual chat 32 a robot like we would with a friend.59【答案】23 . to distinguish 24. working 25. functions 26. which27. shared 28. better 29. were used 30. truly 31. a 32. with【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍研究人员正在使用人工智能来训练机器人适当的笑声。23 .考查非谓语动词。句意:研究人员正在使用人工智能来训练机器人如何发出适当的笑声,并区分咯咯 笑和尖叫。use sth. to do sth.用某物做某事。根据并列连

48、词 and 前的 to train robots about appropriate laughter 可知,用不定式结构。故填to distinguish。24 .考查非谓语动词。句意:他们描述了与一个名为Erica的机器人合作,希望能让对话更自然。describe doing sth.描述做某事。故填working。25 .考查名词的数。句意:“我们认为会话人工智能的重要功能之一是同情”,教授井上浩二博士说。one of +复数名词。故填functionso26 .考查定语从句。句意:所以我们认为,机器人与用户产生共情的一种方式就是分享他们的笑声,这是 基于文本的聊天机器人无法做到的。指代前面的一句话,用关系代词which引导非限定性定语从句。故填 which o27 .考查形容词。句意:研究人员创建了一个“共享笑声”模型,利用人工智能来帮助检测笑声,并决定是 否笑,以及什么样的笑会更好。名词laughter与share之间为被动关系,所以前用-ed形式形容词修饰。故 填 shared o28 .考查比较级。句意:研究人员


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