人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 5 Poems复习学案(含答案).docx

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1、第三册选择性必修Unit 5Poems基础知识排查速记词汇句型背诵i ,认阅读单词1. imagery h.形象的描述;意象;像2. rhythm加节奏;韵律;规律3. nursery.幼儿教育的n.托儿所;保育室4. nursery rhyme 童谣;儿歌5. mockingbird 嘲鹑(美洲鸣禽,能模仿别种鸟的鸣叫)6. brass n.黄铜;黄铜制品;铜管乐器7. billy goat n.公山羊8. bull n.公牛9. dewdrop n.露珠;水珠10. clover n.三叶草11. butterfly n.蝴蝶12. lawn/i.草坪,草地13. cinquain n.五

2、彳亍诗14. haiku n.俳句15. syllable n.音节16. blossom n.花朵;花簇。上变得更加健康(或自信、成功)17. await”.等候;期待;将发生在18. revolve应.旋转;环绕;转动19. core”.核心;精髓;(水果的)核儿20. cherry h.樱桃;樱桃树;樱桃色。的.樱桃色的;鲜红色的21. cherry blossom 樱花22. verse n.诗;韵文;诗节23. civilian n.平民;老百姓24. prose n.散文25. dominant 4切,首要的;占支配地位的;显著的26. sonnet n.十四行诗27. barre

3、n.贫瘠的;不结果实的H.记重点单词1. rhyme .押韵词;押韵的短诗式(使)押韵2. folk。力民间的;民俗的;普通百姓的3. diamond n.钻石;金刚石;菱形4. bee n.蜜蜂5. dawn 黎明;开端;萌芽6. amateur n.业余爱好者.业余的;业余爱好的7. mood 情绪;心情;语气8. tease况.&.取笑(某人);揶揄;逗弄9. format n.格式;总体安排;(出版物的)版式“.格式化10. delicate a力.精美的;精致的;脆弱的11. utter”.出声;说;讲。力完全的;十足的;彻底的12. comprehension n.理解力;领悟力;

4、理解练习13. shelf.(p/.shelves)架子;搁板14. blanka4空白的;无图画(或韵律、装饰)的;没表情的n.空白;空格15. version n.版本;(从不同角度的)说法16. era n.时代;年代;纪元17. sow vt.& oi.(sowed, sown/sowed)播种;种18. seedn.种子;起源;萌芽19. deadline n.最后期限;截止日期20. contest/i.比赛;竞赛;竞争”争取赢得(比赛、选举等);争辩21. polish”修改;润色;抛光n.上光剂;抛光;擦亮22. string n.细绳;线;一串”.(strung, strun

5、g)悬挂;系a力.弦乐器的;线织的23. wherever co%.在任何地方;在所有的情况下。血(用于问句)究竟在(到)哪里24. griefn.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事25. complicated adj.复杂的;难懂的26. prejudice偏见;成见”.使怀有(或形成)偏见m.知拓展单词1. drama n.戏;剧;戏剧艺术一dramatic a力戏居U(性)的;突然的f dramatically od。.突然地; 戏剧性地;引人注目地2. sorrow n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事。上感到悲伤f sorrowful q矽.悲伤的;悲哀的3.literary a的.文学的;爱好文学的;有文学作

6、品特征的f literature .文学4. recite”.背诵;吟诵;列举f recitation背诵;逐一叙述5.respective M.分别的;各自的f respectively 而分别;各自;依次为6.sympathetic M.同情的;有同情心的;赞同的f sympathy同情;赞同1.1 nnocent 力.天真无邪的;无辜的;无恶意的f innocence 天真;单纯;无罪8. correspondence n.来往信件;通信联系f correspond oi.相一致;符合;相当于;通信9. variation n.变化;变体;变奏曲f vary加变化;不同f various

7、/.不同的;各种各样的 f variety n.多样性;变化10. racial.种族的;人种的f race竞争;种族山.&.(与)赛跑;(与)竞争I词汇助力I高频词汇1. monument n.纪念碑;纪念物2. moral adj.道德上的3. motivation n.动机;动力4. motto n.箴言;格言5. . mountainous adj,多山的6. mouthful n.满口; 一口7. multiply vt.& vi.;(使)增加;繁殖8. musician n.音乐家; 乐师IV.背核心短语1. be made up of由组成(构成)2. to the point

8、切题3. make sense有意义;讲得通4. consist of由组成/构成5. be popular with受的欢迎6. in particular 尤其;特别7. of one s own属于自己的8. pay attention to 注意9. keep up with 跟上,赶上10. be based on 以为基础V.悟经典句式1. There are various reasons why people compose poetry.(why 弓导的定语从句) 人们创作诗歌有各种各样的原因。2. By playing with the words in nursery r

9、hymes, children learn about language.(by doing.) 通过玩童谣中的文字游戏,孩子们学习了语言。3. With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, you may eventually want to write poems of your own.(with 的复合结构)有这么多不同的诗歌形式可供选择,你最终也许想自己作诗了。4. The reason is that they can feel the warmth of love and enjoy the innocence of

10、 childhood.(The reason is that.)原因是他们能够感受到爱的温暖,享受到童年的天真。5. Browning was sure about his love, so he found a way to visit her, and immediately convinced her to become his bride.(so 连接的并列句)布朗宁确信自己爱她,因此他找到了一个方法去拜访她,并且立即说服她成为自己的新娘。6. Poetry should always be read aloud, as that is when you can hear the mu

11、sic of the words.(when引导的表语从句)(你)总是应该大声朗读诗歌,因为那是你能听到词汇之美的时候。填词语境词汇串记请先从表格中选用本单元所学词汇完成下列短文,然后核对答案并背诵该短文。civilian, await, respective, sympathy, delicate, comprehensionBeing a literary amateur 9Tom was fond of drama prose, poems full of rhythms and folk stories.So there were a string of versions of lit

12、erature in his book shelf.He often created nursery rhymes,whose core centered on lively animals,such as billy goats, bulls,bees and butterflies.They were within children? s Lcomprehension, so they were easy to recite.His imagery of sorrow, grief and good moods attracted 2.civilians and nobles, who o

13、ften corresponded with him.Tom s sister, Jane, was keen on various plants.At dawn she would appreciate 3.delicate cherry blossoms and dewdrops on clovers.In spring, she would sow seeds, 4.awaiting them to grow up.She was innocent and had great 5.sympathy for the poor.So she organized a team, which w

14、as made up of ten adults, to oppose racial prejudice in this modern era.All in alb Tom and Jane were successful in their 6.respective fields.核心考点突破提示:题干中加底纹词汇为本单元词汇sorrow n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事 近.感到悲伤(sorrowful如/.悲伤的)to one s sorrow让某人悲伤的是 sorrow at/for/over sth对某事感到悲伤 (l)As a matter of fact, my nephew daren t

15、 look up to see my sorrowful (sorrow) eyes.悲伤的泪水顺着脸颊往下流,我紧紧地拥抱着父亲,说道:“让我悲伤的是,我又失败了。” 父亲也对我的失败感到悲伤,他轻拍我的肩膀,安慰我,鼓励我。(读后续写之悲伤心理描写) (with的复合结构)With tears of sorrow rolling down my cheeks, I hugged my father tightly, saying, “To my sorrow,I failed again. My father also sorrowed at/for/over my failure and

16、 he patted me on the shoulder, comforting and encouraging me.mood n.情绪;心情;语气 in a good/bad mood 心情好/坏be/feel in the mood for sth/to do sth 有心情做某事be/feel in no mood for sth/to do sth 没有心情做某事(l)Having finished a string of things, I am in the mood to walk(walk) on the lawn.简的心情如此好,以至于儿乎要跳起来,眼里噫满了喜悦的泪水。

17、(读后续写之喜悦心理描 写)Jane was in such a good mood that she almost jumped up, tears of happiness filling her eyes.我被困在大南瓜里,大口喘着气,没心情和我的哥哥开玩笑。(2021 浙江1月,读后续写)Trapped in the pumpkin,I gulped for air and I was in no mood to play jokes with my elder brother.sympathetic的.同情的;有同情心的;赞同的(sympathy 同情;赞同)be sympathet

18、ic to/towards.赞同;同情have (no) sympathy for sb (不)同情某人in sympathy with赞同/支持with sympathy( = sympathetically odo.)同情地(l)To tell you the truth, I am in sympathy with the way you polished the format of the article.(2)Meredith太太同情穷人,因此每当她有时间的时候,她都会给他们带来食物和药品。(改编自2020新高考全国I ,读后续写)Mrs Meredith was sympathet

19、ic towards/to the poor, so she would bring food and medicine to them whenever she had time.(sympathetic)Mrs Meredith had sympathy for the poor, so she would bring food and medicine to them whenever she had time.(sympathy)我同情地说道:“在医院照顾好自己,我向你保证我不会让你失望。”(2022浙江1月,读后续写)I said with sympathy/sympathntica

20、lly, “ Take care of yourself at the hospital and I assure you that I won t let you down. ”correspondence n.来往信件;通信联系(correspond近.相一致;符合;相当于;通信)in correspondence with 与有通信联系; 与一致correspond with sb 与某人通信correspond to相当于;类似于correspond with/to 与一致; 符合(l)The editor welcomes correspondence(corresDond) fro

21、m readers and amateurs on any subject.只有当你言行一致时,你才能和其他人建立更好的关系。You can build better relationships with others only when what you do corresponds with/is in correspondence with what you say.Only when what you do corresponds with/is in correspondence with what you say can you build bettei relationships

22、 with otheis.(用倒装句改写)(3)如果你有任何问题,请尽早和我通信。(应用文写作之结束语)If you have any question, pleas】 correspond with me at your earliest convenience.why引导的定语从句 There are various reasons黑。pkj段mpose RQ皴以人们创作诗歌有各种各样的原因。先行词是the reason时,定语从句的引导词需根据定语从句缺少的成分而定,如果缺少状语, 用why或者for which;如果缺少主语,则用that/which;如果缺少宾语,则用that/whi

23、ch或 者不填。我渴望这个职位的原因是我能够帮助外国人更好地理解中国文化。(应用文写作之申请信)The reason why/for which I am starving for the position is that I can help foreigners have a better understanding of Chinese culture.汤姆脸上的笑容像钻石一样闪闪发光。他向我解释的原因是他在英语演讲比赛中获得了一 等奖。A bright smile shone on Tom,s face like a diamond.The reason (that/which) he

24、 explained to me was that he won the first prize in the English Speech Contest.印证高考原句呈现LAs a result, these writers never get in the habit of crossing out chunks of their draft and writingrevisions in the blank space.(2022新高考全国 H)因此,这些作者从来没有养成在草稿中删除大块内容,然后在空白处修改的习惯。2. After letting go of his anger an

25、d frustration, he found himself on a road to sympathy instead.(2021 天津 3 月)在放下愤怒和沮丧之后,他发现自己反而走上了一条同情之路。3. Two hours before my husband came back home from another job interview, my daughter climbed up to grab a glass vase from a high shelf.(2021 天津 3 月)在我丈夫参加完另一个工作面试回家的两个小时前,我女儿爬到高处的架子上抓起了一个玻 璃花瓶。4.

26、The 80,000 objects collected by Sir Hans Sloane, for example, formed the core collection of the British Museum which opened in 1759.(2020新高考全国 I )例如,汉斯斯隆爵士收藏的8万件物品构成了大英博物馆的核心藏品,该博物馆于1759年 开放。5. If you are in need of a deadline extension, simply explain the situation to the professor.(2019全国 HI)如果你需要

27、延长期限,只需向教授解释情况。巩固基础知识达标提示:题干中加底纹词汇为上一单元词汇I .一词多义练/熟词生义练清除阅读障碍1. delicateA.脆弱的B.精美的C清淡的D.微妙的 (1 )The wine has a dry delicate flavour. C(2)The ring had a very delicate design. B(3)Faced with such a delicate international situation, we should be careful and brave. D(4)The eye is one of the most delicat

28、e organs of the body. A2. correspondA.相当于B.通信C相符合;相一致 (l)My brother frequently corresponds with literary amateurs, who prefer drama and prose. B(2)Your complicated account does not correspond with hers. C(3)The British job of Lecturer corresponds roughly to the US Associate Professor. A3. .快速阅读下列句子并

29、猜测句中加黑词汇的汉语意思(l)The teacher could tell by the blank look on Mary s face that she didn t understand a single word of his lecture.茫然的(2)My tutor has offered many suggestions and comments on my paper and polished every page of my draft.润色(3)That small fishing village has now blossomed into an important

30、 port.发展成为(4)And then he would donate them to folks who could truly use them but didn t have the budget to buy one.人们n.核心知识强化练巩固语言知识1. To my great sorrow, he turned down my application, saying that I wasn t qualified.2. My nephew organized an expedition which was made up of one navigator and nine sa

31、ilors.3. I was in a good mood because my loyal friend s thorough guidance enabled me to win the first prize in the contest.4. All the candidates for the position advertised in the newspaper must deliver a speech respectively(respective) on July 15.5. Unfortunately, when I was faced with the rough ta

32、sk he assigned to me, my mind went(go) blank.6. I had sympathy for Tom from the bottom of my heart, who was leading a miserable life full of adversities.7. I often correspond with my former monitor, who is enthusiastic, genuine and full of vigour.8. The innocent(innocence) smile on the steward s fac

33、e shone like a diamond.9. My heart sank when I was teased(tease) by my cruel classmates.10. He resolved to leave school for various(vary) reasons.写作能力提升I ,单句写作应用文增分练话题写作之环境保护I.我们倡导建设低碳校园的原因是我们必须保护环境和地球。(The reason why.is that.)The leason why we advocate building a low-carbon campus is that we must p

34、rotect the enviionment and he earth.2 .首先,我们可以通过骑自行车减少污染量。(by doing)Firstly, we can reduce the amount of pollution by riding bicycles.3 .其次,无论我们在哪里吃饭,都不应该浪费食物。(wherever)Secondly, we shouldn t waste any food wherever we have meals.4 .第三,最后离开教室的人应该关灯。(thc+序数词+ todo)Thirdly, the last one to leave the c

35、lassroom should turn off the lights.5 .总之,这些措施容易实施,因此,让我们立刻行动起来吧。(so连接的并列句)In a word, these measures easy to carry out, so let s take action right now.H.微型写作续写提能练【教材续写语料】1 .情感描写mood .情绪;心情;语气grief n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事sorrow n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事式.感到悲伤sympathetic c.同情的;有同情心的;赞同的f sympathy九.同情;赞同 innocence n.天真;单纯;无罪2 .

36、动作描写blossom n.花朵;花簇式,变得更加健康(或自信、成功) await”.等候;期待;将发生在tease况取笑(某人);揶揄;逗弄 utter”出声;说;讲blank 4的.空白的;没表情的f go blank变成一片空白3 .环境描写dawn n.黎明;开端;萌芽【续写语料运用】请从以上语料中选择合适的词汇,完成以下语段。然后核对答案并背诵该语段。当老师在课堂上提问我问题时,我的大脑突然变成一片空白。我的嘴唇翕动着,但是一 个字也说不出来。令我非常悲伤的是,其他学生哄堂大笑,毫无同情心地嘲笑我。我悲痛欲 绝,满脸窘得通红。我垂下眼帘,等待着老师的批评。但老师却柔声安慰我:“别紧张

37、。通 过努力,你会成长为一名好学生的。”老师脸上像钻石一样闪闪发光的笑容驱散了我糟糕的 情绪。When my teacher asked me a question in class, my mind suddenly went blank.I kept moving my lips but couldn t utter a word.To my great sorrow, other students exploded with laughter, teasing me without sympathywas overcome with grief, my face flushing with embarrassment.I dropped my eyes down, awaiting my teacher s criticism.But my teacher comforted me gently, “Take it easy.You can blossom into a good student with great efforts. The smile on my teacher? s face shone like a diamond, which drove away my bad mood.


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