人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 4 Adversity and Courage复习学案(含答案).docx

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1、第三册选择性必修Unit 4Adversity and Courage基础知识排查速记词汇句型背诵i .认阅读单词1. adversity n.困境;逆境2. expedition n.探险;远征;探险队3. endurance n.忍耐力;耐久力4. cupboard n.橱柜;壁橱;衣柜5. steward(轮船、飞机或火车上的)乘务员;服务员6. crush”.毁坏;压坏;压碎,拥挤的人群7.stove小炉具;厨房灶具8. banjo n.班卓琴(乐器)9. voyage n.&况.航海;航行10. navy n.海军;海军部队11. decent功,相当不错的;正派的;得体的12. c

2、osy 力温馨的;舒适的13. crew .(轮船、飞机等上面的)全体工作人员;专业团队;一群人14. rugby n.橄榄球运动15. corporate.公司的;法人的;社团的16. navigator n.领航员;(飞机、船舶等上的)航行者17. episodes.(人生的)一段经历;(小说的)片段;插曲18. motive n.动机;原因;目的H.记重点单词1. wage n.工资2. bitter.严寒的;激烈而不愉快的;昧苦的3. vigour( = vigor) n.精力;力量;活力4.sink况.(sank/sunk, sunk)沉没;下沉;下降”.使下沉;使沉没genuine

3、 a力.真正的;真诚的;可信赖的bitter 矽严寒的;激烈而不愉快的;味苦的f bitterly。加.伤心地;愤恨地;极其enthusiastic q6.热情的;热心的envy n. &”.羡慕;妒忌一envious a力.忌妒的;羡慕的selfish 自私的cruel /残酷的;残忍的;冷酷的loyal adj.忠诚的;忠实的commitment n.承诺;保证;奉献f committed 力;尽心尽力的;坚定的2.动作描写sink况.沉没;下沉;下降”,使下沉;使沉没abandon”舍弃;抛弃;放弃;遗弃barkoi.&.(狗)吠叫;吠叫声;厉声质问resolve况决定;决心;解决(问题

4、或困难)【续写语料运用】请从以上语料中选择合适的词汇,完成以下语段。然后核对答案并背诵该语段。得知儿子汤姆沉溺于电脑游戏,妈妈的心一沉,接着伤心地哭了起来。接着,她勃然大 怒,厉声质问汤姆,“你一直都是一个如此好脾气、真诚、热情、忠诚的孩子,其他人都羡 慕你。汤姆痛苦地抽泣道:“我不知道如何解决上次考试完全失败的问题。”听到这里, 妈妈冲向汤姆,把他揽入怀中,拍着他的后背,喃喃细语道:“只要你致力于学习你会取得 更大进步的。”Learning that her son ,Tom , was abandoned to computer games ,the mothers heart sanka

5、ndthen wept bitterly.Then , she exploded with anger and barked questions at Tom , “ You are always such a Rood-tempered , genuine , enthusiastic and loyal boy that others envy you. Tom sobbed miserably , I dont know how to resolve the complete failure in the last exam.v Hearing this , the mother hur

6、ried to Tom , gathered him into her arms and patted him on the back , murmuring ,“ As long as you are committed to you】 study , you can make much more progress.v5. abandon”舍弃;抛弃;放弃;遗弃6. blanket n.毯子7. miserable M.痛苦的;令人难受的8. good/bad-tempered。的.脾气好的/坏的9. genuine。力,真正的;真诚的;可信赖的10. thorough.深入的;彻底的;细致

7、的11. furniture n.家具12. barkci.&.(狗)吠叫;吠叫声;厉声质问13. bat n.球拍;蝙蝠式用球板击球;挥打;拍打14. damp.潮湿的;湿气重的15. recreation n.娱乐;消遣;游戏16. nephew n.侄子;外甥17. rough/汹涌的;粗糙的;粗略的18. motorn.发动机;马达/.有引擎的;机动车的19. candidate n.候选人;应试者山.知拓展单词1. qualified 4矽.符合资格;具备的知识(或技能、学历等)f qualify(使)具有资格;(使)合格一qualification资格;资历;资格证书2. enth

8、usiastic.热情的;热心的f enthusiastically ado.热情地f enthusiasm n.热情;热忱3. aboard 血&叼.上(船、飞机、公共汽车等)f board上船(或火车、飞机、公共汽车等);寄宿n.木板;董事会;伙食4. assign”.分派;布置;分配fassignment.任务;作业;分配5. envy n.羡慕;妒忌f envious q切.忌妒的;羡慕的6. belongings n. p/财物;动产f belong况.属于;应在(某处)7. selfish 切.自私的f selfishly adv.自私地f selfishness n.自私8. p

9、erseverance n.毅力;韧性;不屈不挠的精神f persevere况.坚持;孜孜以求9. resolve加&.决定;决心;解决(问题或困难).决心;坚定的信念f resolution决议;解决;坚定;决心10. cruel q残酷的;残忍的;冷酷的f cruelly 加.残忍地;残酷地f cruelty残忍;残酷11. unfortunately ida不幸地;遗憾地f fortunately (反)ado.幸运地f fortune n.运气;财产 fortunate。的.幸运的12. guidance .指导;引导;导航f guide导游;指南”.带领;引导;为领路13. adve

10、rtising n.广告活动;广告业f advertise vt.&况.公布;宣传;做广告f advertisement n.广 告;宣传14. loyal 力.忠诚的;忠实的一loyalty .忠诚;忠实15. commitment/1.承诺;保证;奉献f commit ”犯(错误、罪行等)况(使)承担义务;(使) 作出保证f committed 尽心尽力的;坚定的I词汇助力I高频词汇1. mess n.凌舌L2. midnight n.午夜3. mild 温和的;轻微的4. mineral n.矿物质,矿物5. ministern.部长;牧师6. minority n.少数;少数民族7.

11、misleading 力.误导性的8. mixture n.混合;混合物w.背核心短语1. turn sb down 拒绝(某人)2. make fire 生火3. give off放出(热、光、气味或气体)4. dream of/about 梦想5. at the age of在岁时6. be enthusiastic about 对充满热情7. become/be stuck in 陷于8. throw away 扔掉9. manage to do sth设法做成某事10. go from bad to worse 每况愈下V.悟经典句式1. Below are some of Black

12、borow s diary entries.(全部倒装) 以下是布莱克博罗的一些日记摘录。2. Before we abandoned the ship, Shackleton calmly called us together and told us to rescue our most essential supplies-the small boats, our food, the cook stove, candles, clothes, and blankets.(before引导的时间状语从句)在我们弃船之前,沙克尔顿镇定地把我们召集在一起,告诉我们要抢救最需要的供给品 小船、食物

13、、炉子、蜡烛、衣服和毯子。3. How could I become as selfish and bad-tempered as Thomas Orde-Lees! (as.as.) 我怎么能变得像托马斯奥德利斯一样自私和脾气暴躁呢!4. It will eventually lead to success as long as you persevere.(as long as 只要)只要你坚持,最终就会成功。5. If it weren, t for sea animals, we would all starve.(if 引导的虚拟条件句) 要是没有海洋生物,我们都得挨饿。填词语境词汇

14、串记请先从表格中选用本单元所学词汇完成下列短文,然后核对答案并背诵该短文。qualified, resolve, aboard, fortunate, sink, enthusiasticBorn in a wealthy family, my nephew, Jack, leads such a thoroughly decent and cosy life that he hardly meets with cruel adversities.He has been dreaming of an adventure since he was young.At 18, Jack 1 .res

15、olved to join an expedition advertised in the newspaper, but the leader turned him down because he thought Jack was not 2,qualified.Full of vigour, Jack never abandoned his dream for he was so 3.enthusiastic about a great voyage.At 19, he joined the navy and was assigned to be a steward with low wag

16、es.On a bitter cold day, the crew went 4.aboard a massive ship bound for Atlantic Ocean.Jack was genuine9 good-tempered and loyal and he wasn t selfish, either.He often played the banjo for recreation.So those who were on the ship all liked him.Unfortunately, one day, the motor broke down and the sh

17、ip got crushed on a huge iceberg.When the ship sank, their hearts also 5.sank.At that time, the calm captain made a commitment to save them and commanded them to throw away their belongings such as stoves, blankets 9 bats, cupboards and other pieces of furniture.Finally, they were 6.fortunate enough

18、 to escape the ship.It was their endurance, resolution and perseverance that helped them survive.On the distant island, Jack managed to make fire with animal fat, which gave off a smelly smell and then he cooked sea animals.One month later, they were saved by a passing ship.In summary, it has been a

19、 miserable but unforgettable episode in Jack s life.核心考点突破提示:题干中加底纹词汇为本单元词汇DI enthusiastic 的热情的;热心的(enthusiastically也热情地;热心地 enthusiasm n.热情;热忱)be enthusiastic about(doing)sth 对(做)某事热情lack/be full of enthusiasm 缺乏/充满热情with enthusiasm( = enthusiastically) M 情地(l)He is selfish and bad-tempered and thu

20、s, he will never be enthusiastic about helping those in trouble.我不仅充满热情而且容易相处,这使得我能胜任报纸上所刊登的志愿者工作。(申请信之个 人优势)I am not only full of enthusiasm bul also easy to get along/on with, which makes me qualified for the voluntary work advertised in the newspaper.尽管失败了儿次,伯纳德和约翰仍然热情地做爆米花。(2020.新高考全国I ,读后续写) Be

21、rnard and John still made popcorn enthusiasticaUy/with enthusiasm in spite of several failures.aboard 也& prep.上(船、飞机、公共汽车等)board &诚上船(或火车、飞机、公共汽车等),木板;董事会;伙食broad时.宽阔的;广阔的abroad ad也在/到国外;在/到海外 go aboard上船(飞机、火车等) on board在船(火车、飞机等)上 go abroad 出国 他身材高大,肩膀宽阔,留着胡子,总是满面笑容。(读后续写之外貌描写)He is tall with broa

22、d shoulders and a beard and always wears a broad smile.得知你将去国外深造,我写信告知你一些必要的注意事项。(应用文写作之告知信)Learning that you will go abroad for furthe】 study, V m writing to inform you of some necessary do sand don ts.这对年轻夫妇一上船,他们就吃东西、说话、大笑,好像他们是这世界上仅存的人。The instant the young couple went aboard the ship, they were

23、 eating, talking and laughing loudly as if they were the only people in the world.(aboard)The instant the young couple boarded the ship, they were eating, talking and laughing loudly as if they were the only people in the world.(board)envy n. & vt.羡慕;妒忌(envious的.忌妒的;羡慕的) with envy羡慕地;忌妒地green with e

24、nvy忌妒地眼红;十分羡慕/忌妒envy sb (doing) sth羡慕/妒忌某人(做)某事 be envious of 羡慕;妒忌(l)He said with envy, “I am envious(envy) of you, because you are leading such a cosy and decent life/老实说,我真羡慕你获得了优秀毕业生的称号,我应该向你学习。Honestly speaking, I do envy you getting the title of the Excellent Graduate and I should follow your

25、example.李明不仅学得快,而且善于用逻辑思维解决难题,我十分羡慕。Not only is Li Ming quick at learning but also he is good at solving tough problems with logical mind.I am grern with envy.abandon %舍弃;抛弃;放弃n.放任;放纵(abandoned a力被遗弃的;放纵的) abandon oneself to (doing) sth沉湎于(做)某事;纵情于(做)某事abandon doing sth放弃做某事be abandoned to (doing) s

26、th 沉湎于(做)某事(l)He abandoned asking(ask) for his guidance, which was beyond our expectations.(2)1 abandoned myself to computer games.I performed extremely badly in the end-of-term examination.Abandoning myself to computer games, I performed extremely badly in the end-of-term examination.(用现在分词短语作状语改写)

27、Abandoned to computer games, I performed extremely badly in the end-of-term examination.(ffl 过去分词短语作状语改写)resolve泣& W决定;决心;解决(问题或困难).决心;坚定的信念(resolution ,决议;解决;坚定)resolve to do sth决定做某事(1 )The steward made a resolution (resolve) to visit his relatives more often.文化遗产代表我们祖先的智慧,因此我们国家已经决定不遗余力地保护它们。(话题写

28、作之 文化遗产与保护)Cultural relics represent the wisdom of our ancestors, so our country has resolvedo spare no effort to protect them.为了解决冲突,我们应该学会多沟通,设身处地为他人着想。(话题写作之人际沟通)To resolve conflicts, we should learn to communicate more and put ourselves in others place.司 asasHow could I become as andas Thomas Or

29、deLees!我怎么能变得像托马斯奥德利斯一样自私和脾气暴躁呢!asas意为和一样,表示同级比较。其中第一个as为副词,第二个as为连词或介词。其基本用法为:as+adj J adv.+ as.,还有如下用法: 否 定式:not as/so+adj.I adv, + as. 倍数 + as+adj./adv. + as. as much/many+名i司+ as.他和我一样勤奋,因此,他已取得了和我一样多的进步。He is as hard-workivg as me, so he has made as much progress as me.(2)我们投入的时间和精力是其他同学的两倍,所以我

30、深信老师们会高度评价我们的项目。(2022浙江1月,读后续写)We devoted twice as much time and energy as other students did, so I was greatly convinced that our project would be highly thought of by our teachers.在我看来,这本书没有你认为的那么有趣。As far as I am concerned, the book is not as/so interesting as you think.if引导的虚拟条件句If it werenLt fo

31、r sea animals, we贺QuJWLalLsXaryg.要是没有海洋生物,我们都得挨饿。本句为if引导的虚拟条件句,叙述与现在事实相反的假设。虚拟语气在if虚拟条件句中的运 用如下:与现在事实相反,从句谓语动词用过去式(be动词一般用were),主句谓语动词用 “ would/could/should/might+ 动词原形”。与过去事实相反,从句谓语动词用“had +过去分词”,主句谓语动词用 “ would/could/should/might+have+过去分词”。与将来事实相反,从句谓语动词用过去式、were to do或should do,主句谓语动词用 “ would/c

32、ould/should/might + 动词原形”。受邀在这里发表演讲我倍感荣幸。今天我的演讲主题是“如果我是一名环卫工人”。如果 我是一名环卫工人,我会让我们的城市更干净,让街上没有任何垃圾。(应用文写作之演讲稿) I feel honored to be invited here to deliver a speech.Today the topic of my speech is uIf I were a dustman . If I were a dustman, I would make our city cleaner with no rubbish lying on the st

33、reet. 如果他们开车多走几公里,就有可能找到一个更好的宾馆。They might have found a better hotel if they had driven a few more kilometers.如果我明天看到他,我就会告诉他我在昨天举行的比赛中获得了第一名的好消息。If I saw/were to see/should see him tomorrow, I would inform him of the good news that I ranked first in the competition held yesterday.印证高考原句呈现1. The sec

34、ond group did high-intensity aerobic exercise under the guidance of a trainer for four or more days a week.(2022新高考全国 H)第二组在教练的指导下每周进行4天或更多的高强度有氧运动。2. Fortunately for those in midlife, Levine is finding that even if you haven? t been an enthusiastic exerciser, getting in shape now may help improve y

35、our aging heart.(2022新高考全国H)莱文发现,对于那些中年人士来说,幸运的是,即使你不是一个热情的运动爱好者,现在保 持体型可能有助于改善你老化的心脏。3. The one in the new environment should be sympathetic to the fact that your friend may feel abandoned.(2022全国乙)在新环境中的人应该同情你的朋友可能感到被抛弃的事实。4. Our findings suggest when a child “hides“ by putting a blanket over her

36、head, it is not a result of egocentrism.(2022全国乙)我们的研究结果表明,当一个孩子用毯子盖住她的头来“隐藏”时,这不是自我中心主义的 结果。5. The adorable female calf is the second black rhino born this year at the reserve, but it is too early to tell if the calves will make good candidates to be returned to protected areas of the wild.(2021 全国

37、甲)这只可爱的雌性小犀牛是今年在该保护区出生的第二只黑犀牛,但现在判断这些小犀牛是否 会被送回野生保护区还为时过早。巩固基础知识达标提示:题干中加底纹词汇为上一单元词汇I .一词多义练/熟词生义练清除阅读障碍1 . roughA.汹涌的;风浪很大的 B.崎岖的 C.粗略的D.艰难的 E.粗鲁的(1)1 can t tolerate sailing in rough sea. A(2)According to a rough estimate, about fifty seals starve to death annually. C(3)1 don t know how to release

38、the pressure in such a rough time. D(4)The ice on the rough road has melted and it is safe to drive on it now. B(5)He is such a rough child that he doesn? t behave himself. E2 .快速阅读下列句子并猜测句中加黑词汇的汉语意思(l)To my sadness, my son was abandoned to smoking and drinking沉:面于(2)She was sincere and genuine in h

39、er wish to make up for her former mistakes.真诚的(3)Jenna threw the burnt piece into the sink and put in the other slice of bread.洗涤槽, 水槽 n.核心知识强化练巩固语言知识1. My heart sank/sunk(sink) when I was informed that my moderate reforms ended up in failure.2. When I submitted the regulations I designed to my boss

40、, he turned me down immediately.3. Dozens of workers are qualified(qualify) for their jobs in the international firm.4. Our monitor is enthusiastic about creating a harmonious campus and he often launches some campaigns to promote it.5. These policies will be abandoned(abandon) because of financial

41、problems next year.6. We have resolved to reduce(reduce) our carbon footprint by restricting the amount of carbon dioxide our lifestyles produce.7. Fortunately (fortunate), I succeeded in seizing this precious chance to be a volunteer in the activity.8. I promise that I will be loyal to the enterpri

42、se and I will never quit my job.9. Riding bicycles benefits the environmental conservation because they won t give off waste gases.10. The enterprises have thoroughly(thorough) implemented what they have promised to the public.写作能力提升I .单句写作应用文增分练话题写作之人际交往1 .以下是我最近一直在经历的事情。(全部倒装)Below is what I have

43、been experiencing 】ecently.2 .我一直和我的同学相处得不好,我不知道如何和他们一样热情地交流。(asas)I have been getting on/along badly with my classmates and I don t know how to communicate as enthusiastically as they do.3 .在我的老师们帮助我之前,我一直茫然失措。(before引导的时间状语从句)Before my teachers helped me, I had been at a loss.4 .我亲爱的老师们一直告诉我:“只要你足

44、够自信,抓住每个和别人聊天的机会,你就可以 改变这种情况。(as long as)My dea】 teachers kept telling me, “ As long as you are confident enough and grasp every chance to chat with othe】s, you can transform the situation. ”5 .如果老师们没有帮助我,我就不会和我的同学们做朋友。(if引导的虚拟条件句)If the teachers hadn t given me a hand, I wouldn t have made friends with my classmates.IL微型写作续写提能练【教材续写语料】1 .情感描写cosy 力.温馨的;舒适的miserable 力痛苦的;令人难受的f miserably “da痛苦地good/bad-tempered 力.脾气好的/坏的


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