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《2023年安徽省亳州市统招专升本英语自考真题(含答案带解析).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年安徽省亳州市统招专升本英语自考真题(含答案带解析).docx(17页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2023年安徽省亳州市统招专升本英语自考真题(含答案带解析)学校:班级:姓名:考号:一、单选题(20题)1 .Your e-mail is well written some spelling mistakes ()A.let alone B.except C.except for D.besides1.1 was now in a relaxed mood and had no desire () the man make a fool of himselfA.see B.to see C.seeing D.seen3 .the bad weather, athletes have to c

2、ontinue to do some training () A.In relation to B.In spite of C.As a consequence of D.Though4 .This will improve their working conditions and enable them to double the 0A.goods B.quantity C.output D.product1 .I am concerned, it is important to get a job first ()A.As long as B.As well as C.As soon as

3、 D.As far as6 . () everyones here, she said, lets begin to discuss the solution to the problems we have foundA.As far as B.Now that C.So far D.By far7 .When I go out in the daytime I use the bike the car if I can ()A.rather than B.regardless of C.in spite of D.more than8 .A111 can do now is nothing

4、()A.but waiting B.but wait C.except waiting D.only to waitUnited States, in churches, music, food, national groups, or newspapersMore than 215 million people call America home because ()A.they buy their houses thereB.they settle there nowC.they get married thereD.they were born there六、作文(1题)39.1.目前,

5、越来越多的大学生做兼职。2.大学生做兼职的利弊。3.你 的看法。参考答案LC除了一些拼写错误,你的电子邮件写得很好。考点词义辨析【精析】C let alone :更不用说:besides :除了还均不符合句 意。其实本句主要考查的是except和except for的用法区别。except作 除以外解,强调从整体中除去一部分,多指对同类事物的排除。而 except for作除了,只解,强调从整体中排除一部分,对主语的 内容在细节方面进行修正。综上所述,本题应选C2.BB句意我现在心情很放松,并不希望看到那个男人出丑。词语搭配。 have no desire to do sth.:不想做某事3.

6、B句意:尽管天气恶劣,运动员们还是得继续训练。词组辨析题。in spite of :尽管;例:I went out in spite of the rain.尽管下雨我还是出去了。 in relation to :关于;(列:I have a lot to say in relation to that affair.关于那件事我有很多话要说。as a consequence of :因此,对于的结果;though:虽然,尽管,为连词,后接从句。根据句意选B4.C句意:这有助于改善他们的工作条件,并能使产量翻番。本题考查 近义词的词义辨析。goods :商品;quantity :数量;outp

7、ut :产量;product : 产品。所以C符合句意5.D句意:就我而言,先得到一份工作尤为重要。连词词义辨析。as long as 意为只要;as well as 意为也;as soon as 意为一就 ;as far as意为就来说。根据句意,选D6.BBas far as:至于,远到,就而言;now that:既然,由于;so far:到目前为止,迄今为止;by far:到目前为止。根据句意,选B7.A白天出行时,我尽可能地骑自行车而不开车。考点词组辨析【精析】A rather than :而不是;regardless of :不管,不顾;in spite of : 尽管;more t

8、han:比多。根据句意,选A8.B【翻译】我现在所能做的只有等待。考点非谓语动词B do nothing but为固定句型,意为“只能做。若but前面的动词部分有do的某种形式, 则but后面的to要省略,直接跟动词原形;若前面没有do的某种形式, 则but后应加上to。由句中的do可知,but之后要用省略to的不定式。 故选B。9 .A我们不需要空调,也买不起空调。考点倒装句型【精析】A neither, nor位于句首时,需要部分倒装,即把助动词或情态 动词放在主语前面。此时表示前面否定的内容也适用于后面的人或物。 B项句子成分不完整,C、D项没有倒装。故选A10 .A句意:无线电是满足中

9、国对基础通信服务日益增长需求的唯一途 径。本题为固定搭配题。单词demand通常不与介词with,in或at搭配使 用,而与for搭配表示对的需要;所以根据句意和搭配可知,答案 为AH.B空气污染显然是城市生活的主要缺陷之一。考点词义辨析【精析】B reference :涉及;disadvantage :缺陷,缺点;definition : 定义;expression :表达,根据句意选B12 .A如果没有合适的软件,电脑只是一个空盒子罢了。考点虚拟语气【精析】A根据句意并分析句子结构可知,本句中的Without引出表示 虚拟条件的成分,相当于Ifthere weren。appropriate

10、 software,表示对现 在情况的假设,所以谓语动词应用would/should/might/could+动词原形 的形式。故选A13 .D虽然史密斯一家搬走了,我们还是可以经常见到他们。考点状语从句【精析】D as long as :只要;as far as :就而言;as though :好像;eventhough :尽管。根据句意,本题应该用even though弓|导让步状语从 句。故选D14 .B他提议应当改变公司的发展方向,这听起来很合理。考点虚拟语气和动词语态【精析】B 当 suggestion, proposal, advice, order, request 等表示建议、

11、要 求、命令的名词后有同位语从句时,从句一般用虚拟语气,谓语动词用 should+动词原形的形式,should可以省略。分析句子结构可知,proposal 和sounds之间是同位语从句,是对proposal的解释说明,所以从句的谓 语动词应用should+动词原形的形式,should可以省略。且change和the direction of the companys development之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,所以 应用被动语态。故选B15 .A地球上没有东西静止不动的原因是地球在不断地运动。考点定语从句和表语从句【精析】A分析句子结构可知,reason和第二个is之间是一个定语从句, 修

12、饰表示原因的reason,所以第一个空应用why,在从句中作原因状语。 第二个空引导一个表语从句,当主语是reason时,后面的表语从句表示 原因时要用that引导,不能用why或because,所以第二个空应用thato 另外,也可将The reason whyis/was that视为固定句型。故选A 16.D根据航空守则,你应该在登机之前关掉手机。考点情态动词【精析】Dmay :可能;can :可以;would :将要;should :应该。此处 表示根据交通规则应尽的责任和义务,应用should16 .B报纸要求对所有参与这件事的人给予严厉的惩罚。考点词义辨析【精析】Beall for

13、:要求;apply for:申请;look for:寻找;pay for:付的费用。根据句意可知,选B18 .A句意:当警察破门而入时,他们发现老人躺在地板上死了。本题考 查非谓语动词的用法。find sb . doing sth .结构中用现在分词形式作find 的宾语补足语,表示发现某人正在做某事或正处于某种状态19 .C住在这些公寓里的居民能免费使用游泳池、健身房和其他设施。考点词语搭配【精析】Caccess :进入,使用权,have access to为固定搭配,意为有接 触(或进入、使用)的机会(或权利)。excess :过量;excursion :远足,短途旅行;recreatio

14、n:娱乐,消遣。根据句意和搭配可知,选C 20.D这对美国夫妇收养了一个两岁的孩子,孩子的父母都死于地震。考点词义辨析【精析】Dadjust :调整,使适合;afford :提供,负担得起;approve : 批准,赞成;adopt:收养,领养。根据句意可知,选D21.BK根据空后的名词短语15 years可知,空处应填介词。符合要求的选 项有C、Ko句意:15年来,来自伦敦大学学院的专家们一直在调查 超过6,700名英国人的生活方式。故选K。22.HH分析句子结构可知,空处应填引导词,引导一个定语从句,修饰指 人的先行词friends。符合要求的选项只有H。句意:学生在上大学时 可以学习并交

15、到将持续一生的朋友。故选H。23 .JA.studied (v.学习,研究)B.continuing (v.继续,持续)C.by (prep. 通过)D.who (pron.引导定语从句)E.whose (pron.引导定语从句) F.improve (v.改进,改善)G.truth (n.事实,真相)H.ignored (v.忽视, 不予理睬)1.recently (adv.最近,不久前)J.those (pron.那些)K.for (prep. 表示一段时间)L.less (adv.更少,较少)J分析句子结构可知,空后的 who引导一个定语从句,空处为其先行词,所以空处应填指人的名词或 代

16、词。符合要求的选项只有J。those在此处指代上文中的people,此处 表达的是“不去(音乐会、演出和博物馆)的那些人”。故选J。24 .unusuahmusual题意:作为一名医生,他在凌晨两、三点回家不是什 么稀奇事。句子表达的是肯定的含义,故此处应填usual的反义词,加 上否定前缀un-即可25 .enrichedenriched题干大意是:很多外来词汇和短语丰富了英语这门 语言。enrich是形容词rich的动词形式,指使富裕,使丰富。此处 应填enrich的过去分词形式enriched26.1eisurelyleisurely题干大意是:这位年轻的工业工程师一切都做得从 从容容。

17、此处应填leisure引申出来的形容词形式leisurely,指不慌不忙 的,从容的,修饰way。leisurely还可作副词,指不慌不忙地,从容地, 如 walk leisurely27 .cheatingcheating题意:当大学生被抓到在考试中作弊时,他们可能会 被开除学籍。catch sb.doingsth.为固定用法,意为抓住某人在做某事,此 处为其被动语态28 .unscientificunscientific题干的大意是:认为科学能解决人类一切问题的观点是不科学的。根据句意,此处只需要在形容词scientific前加上表 否定的前缀un-即可29.B30.A31.B32.B33

18、.C34 .C事实细节题。根据文章第四段内容.pregnant women, who average about 1.26 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than others, at a particular risk., 第 五段内容.pregnancy causes women to emit 21 percent more CO2 和第六 段内容. .pregnant women are () (presumably) avoiding another mosquito attractor: alcohol.可知,()前两个可以对应A、B、D项,而C项与原文 所要

19、表达的意思相反,文中说,孕妇不能喝酒,在这个因素上避免了吸 引蚊子。故选C35 .AA事实细节题。根据文章第一段第二句Similarly, a family buying a house for the first time commonly borrows from a building society.可知, 一 个家庭第一次买房一般是向住宅互助委员会贷款。故选A36 .B 考点事实细节题【精析】B 根据第一段第二句but when youre asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you.可知,当你睡着时,你的睡姿会显示出你真实 的一

20、面。故选B37 .A 考点事实细节题【精析】A题干的大意是:下列哪个选项不是鹦鹉容易被饲养的原因? 根据第二段第二、三句和第五句可知,鹦鹉不需要太多照顾,它吃的食 物不贵,也不需要像狗一样每天要溜一溜。只有A项文中未提及。故选38 .B 考点推理判断题【精析】B 根据第二句.but most of them can trace their families back to other parts of the world.可推知,这些人已经在美国定居,他们中多数人 的家族可以追溯到世界其他地方。故选B39.见解析 Part-time Jobs In contemporary society,

21、college students1 taking part-time jobs has become a hot topic. It has a great influence on their life. I believe there are both benefits and drawbacks. Clearly, in addition to getting an income, college students taking part-time jobs may enjoy a more exciting lifestyle, as they can meet people from

22、 all walks of life and develop a sense of responsibility which cant be learned in the classroom. On the other hand, the negative effects of part-time jobs are also obvious. Students who take part-time jobs may spend less time focusing on study, and if they seek to excel in both the part-time jobs an

23、d study, the busy life they lead may put their health at risk. Besides, the society is much more complicated than they have expected, and they sometimes may be exposed to danger. In my opinion, college students ought to keep a balance between academic study and part-time jobs, and always bear in min

24、d that a students priority is to acquire knowledge at school.9.We dont need air conditioning,()A.nor can we afford itB.neither can afford itC.nor we can afford itD.neither we can afford it10.WirelessistheonlywaytokeepupwithChina,sgrowingdemandbasicc ommunicationservice ()A.for B.in C.with D.at11 . A

25、ir pollution is obviously one of the major of city life ()A.references B.disadvantages C.definitions D.expressions12 .Without appropriate software, a computer merely an empty box ()A.would become B.will become C.would have become D.had become13 .the Smiths have moved away, we can still see them from

26、 time to time ()A.As long as B.As far as C.As though D.Even though14 .His proposal that the direction of the companys development sounds reasonable ()A.must change B.be changed C.changes D.is changed15 .The reason nothing on earth is motionless is the earth is in constant motion ()A.why; that B.that

27、; why C.that; that D.that; because16 . According to the air traffic rules, you switch off your mobile phone before boarding ()A.may B.can C.would D.should17 .The newspaper severe punishment for all who had been involved in this incident ()A.applied for B.called for C.looked for D.paid for18 .When th

28、e police broke into the house, they found the old man deadon the floor ()A.lying B.laid C.lain D.laying19 .The residents living in these apartments have free to the swimming pool, the gym and other facilities ()A.excess B.excursion C.access D.recreation20 .The American couple have () a two-year-old

29、child, who lost his parents in an earthquakeA.adjusted B.afforded C.approved D.adopted二、选词填空题(10题)21.3.22.A. easierE. carefullyB. gnups (k incomeH. thatD. payL whatE. onJ.Students at university can learn and make friends 1 will last a life time.However,the cost of studying is on the rise.This increa

30、se means that most students can get into money trouble 2 they do not know how to manage their money. It is not just the course fees.Students must also 3 for room and board.In addition,they may spend money 4 clothes,travel,and other things. Thus,students need to budget 5 .At most universities teacher

31、s can give students suggestions on how to spend their money.The first thing they suggest is to write down your 6 ,for example,the money you will get from your family or a part-time job.Then list all of your expenses.Put your expenses into two 7 : those that change (food,books,travel),and those that

32、will stay the same (tuition,room and board).Add together all of your expenses. When you do this,you find it is 8 to plan out your budget.This means you can save your money,rather than trying to 9 from others.As you can see,there is more to learn at university than just 10 is taught in the classroom.

33、23.F. impnnrL. lessA. slu(lirl B. continuing C. byD whoG. truth H. ignored I. rrcntly J. thoseResearchers have found that people who go to concerts,shows and museums can live longer than 1 who do not.Experts from University College London have been examining the lifestyles of over 6,700 British peop

34、le 2 15 years.They 3 how often the people went out and what kinds of events they attended.They found that people over 50 years old 4 regularly went to concerts were about 30 percent 5 likely to die over the next 14 years.The researchers said the over 50s could extend their life 6 engaging with the a

35、rts.In addition to living longer concertgoers could also have more fun. The UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock believes there could be a lot of 7 in the research.He said arts and culture could 8 things like mental health,aging and loneliness.He 9 announced plans for the UKs National Health Service to

36、use the arts to help people live a healthier life.One researcher said JOur results highlight the importance of 10 to explore new social factors that affect our health/9 1.三、填空题(5题)1.1 lt is not for him to come home at two or three in the morning workingas a doctor, (usual)25 .Many foreign words and

37、phrases have the English Language. (rich)26 .The young industrial engineer did everything in a way. (leisure)27 .When college students are caught in exam, they can be kicked out ofschool, (cheat)28.It is (scientific) to think that science can solve all the problems for human beings四、情景对话(5题)29.2 ()A

38、.That suits us very well actuallyB.Why do you want to leave?C.Um, have you worked as a waitress before?D.On what days are you free?E.Is the first of next month all right with you3O.Task 1 (每小题2分,共10分)W : Good morning, Mr. Zhang. I am Chen Hua, and Ill be interviewing you. How are you today?M : 66W :

39、 Can you tell me something about your experiences in this kind of work?M : Well, for many years, I managed a department for the Redstone Company in London. Now I work part-time because I also go to school at night. Im getting a business degree.W : Oh, how interesting.67M : Ill finish school in a few

40、 months, and Id like a full-time position with more responsibility.W : And why would you like to work for our company?M : 68W : Could you please tell me about your special skills and interests?M : Of course, Pm good at computers and I can speak French. I used to take French classes at the local coll

41、ege.69W : Can you give me any references?M : Yes, certainly. You can talk to Mr. Wang, my boss, at the RedstoneCompany. I could also give you the names and numbers of several of my teachers.W : All right, Mr. Zhang.70M : Yes, I wonder when Ell be informed about my application for the job?W : Well, w

42、ell let you know as soon as possible. Lets keep in touch. Thank you very much for your coming.M : Thank you.A. I am fine. Thank you.B. Would you like to ask me any questions?C. And I like travelling a lot.D. Because I know your companys work, and I like it.E. Tell me, why do you want to leave your p

43、resent job66. ()67. 70. ()32.M: Lovely day, isnt it?W: Yes, 66 And its supposed to get warmer.M: Yes, thats true. You know, though, Tm always a little worried to see winter go-W: 67M: Well, I love skating. In fact, I used to teach skating for a living.W: Oh! That sounds interesting. 68M: I work at B

44、ank of America. How about you?W: 69M: Here?W: No, Im from Chicago. Im just visiting here for the wedding.M: Oh, I see.W: By the way, 70Pm Helen Keller.M: Nice to meet you. My name is John Smith.A. But what do you do now?B. Its really warm.C. I guess I should introduce myself.D. Im on the radio stati

45、on.E. Really66. ()33.75. ()五、阅读理解(5题)34 .What is NOT the reason why the pregnant women have a high risk of mosquito appeal ()A.They emit more CO2 than normal peopleB.The air surrounding them are much warmer than others C.They drink alcoholD.They emit more heat than people around35 .When your family

46、wants to buy or replace a car, a television, or a washing machine, you find the money either from savings or by borrowing from the bank, a hire purchase company or perhaps a friend.Similarly, a family buying a house for the first time commonly borrows from a building society(住宅互助委员会).If you own a pr

47、ivate business, a garage, a shop, or a farm, you will need, from time to time, to buy new equipment, new furnishings, or, if you are doing well, new premises (房屋) so that you can expand.Some of the cost you can meet from the profits you have kept in the business, but often you will need help. You wi

48、ll go to your bank, to a finance house, or perhaps to a relative or friend for finance provided from his savings. When you borrow money or raise money in this way you pay it back out of future profits.Many large businesses, however, need cash for new developments or expansion far in excess of what can be provided from their profits or from private sources of capital. A new factory,


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