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《英语中考模拟试卷(二)_中学教育-中考.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语中考模拟试卷(二)_中学教育-中考.pdf(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、学习必备 欢迎下载 英语中考模拟试卷(二)(满分:150 分;时间:120 分钟)班级 座号 姓名 成绩 听力部分(30 分)、Listen to the tape and choose the right word or phrase you hear in the sentence()1Atalk Bwalk Cwork()2Acloudy Bwindy Csunny()3Alast Bfast Cpast()4Abottom Bbutton Cbutter()5Athink of Bhear of Cturn off、Linsten to the dialogue and choose

2、the right answer ()6AAll right BThat s good CIt doesn t matter()7AYours is better BThank you CSorry to hear that()8AYes,of course BNever mind CSo do I()9AHe s Jim s father BHe s at home CHe s a teacher()10AYes,it s over there BIt s about two kilometres CIt s about 50 metres along on the right 、Liste

3、n to dialogue and choosse the right answer (听对话,选择正确的答案,对话念二遍。)(5 分)()11AWang Mei BHan Mei CLi Mei()12AIn Japan BIn China CIn Germany()13AOn foot BBy car CBy bike()14AOn the fifth floor BOn the tenth floor COn the sixteenth floor()15AMore than 800 BAbout 1,600 CAbout,1750、Listen to the passage and c

4、hoose the right answer (听短文,选择正确答案,短文念三遍。)(5 分)()16AIn India BIn Australia CIn London()17AMuch money BA job CA plane()18AOn may 5,1930 BIn may 10,1930 CIn May 11,1930()19AAustralia BIndia CLondon()20ANo,she couldn t BYes,she could CShe could do anything 学习必备 欢迎下载、Listen to the passage and fill in th

5、e blanks (听短文,填上所缺的单词,短文念三遍)(10 分)All students need to have good study habits(习惯)When you have good study habits,you learn things quicklyYou also remember them 21 Do you like to study in the 22 room?This is not a good place,because it is usually too 23 You need to study in a quiet place,like your be

6、droomA quiet place will 24 you only to think about one thing When you study,do not think about 25 things at the same time Only think about your homework If you 26 so,you will do your homework more quickly,and you will make 27 mistakes Good study habits are very 28 If you do not have them,try to lear

7、n them If 29 are good,they will help you a 30 in your studies 笔试部分(120 分)、词汇(一)根据句子意思或所给音标,填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整、正确。(5 分)31Thomas Edison was a famous scientist 32The PLA was founded on 1,1927 33 does your brother do?In a computer company 34Put the box of sugar into the /kbd/and shut the door 35The line w

8、as so Bad that we couldn t hear each other /kili/(二)根据汉语提示,用词组的适当形式填空。(5 分)36Last night,as soon as I (入睡)I dreamt I went to the moon 37It takes him half an hour to get to school (骑车)38Gradma Wang is over ninty She is too old to (照顾)herself 39What s the little boy doing?He s (穿上)the sweater 40There a

9、re many different kinds of (手机)in this shop、选择填空。()41Write your name on the paper,please?I m sorryI don t have pen with me Asome Bany Ca Dthe()42You don t have any money Who will the new coat?My aunt will,I think Alook for Bpay for Cwait for Dsend for()43Can you speak Japanese?No,I Aneedn t Bdon t C

10、mustn t Dcan t()44They will go to the museum if it the day after tomorrow Adon t rain Bdoesn t rain Cwon t rain Disn t raining()45Would you like something to eat?YesI d like some Abread Bapple Cjuice Dcoke 念二遍分听短文选择正确答案短文念三遍分学习必备欢迎下载听短文填上所缺的单词短文念三遍分习惯笔试部分分词汇一根据句子意思或所给音标填入一个适当的词使句子意思完整正确分二根据汉语提示用词组的适

11、当形式填空分入句就画线部分提问合并成一句使句意不变改为反意疑问句学习必备欢迎下载口语应用一从栏中选出栏中每句话的正确答语分二根据对话内容选择恰当的句子补全下列对话分三在下列对话的每个空格中填上一个词使对话完整正确分学习必备欢迎下载二根据短文内容选择正确答案分心不在焉看到抓住得到收集学习必备欢迎下载难堪飞糖苍蝇小虾尊敬羡慕三用方框所给词的适当形式填空使短文正确通顺每个词限用一次分学习必备欢迎下载书面表达一看图填词根据学习必备 欢迎下载()46Robert the computer for three years Abought Bhas bought Chas had Dhas borrowed

12、()47Where s the Museum of Natural History?On side of the street Aother Banother Cboth Dthe other()48The desks in our class is newer than in their class Ait Bthat Cthem Dthose()49I don t know Mr Chen isIt s said that he is a policeman Awhat Bwhom Cwhere Dwhich()50He asked me to the parkThere we saw o

13、ur teacher with a young man Ago,walk Bwent,to walk Cto go,walking Dgoing,had walked()51I don t think science is foreign languages Aas,interesting Bas interesting Cas interesting than Das more interesting as()52These are books are over there Aour,Yours Byours,Mine Chis,Our Dtheir,Your()53When my fath

14、er was young,he a lot Aused to smoking Bwas used to smoke Cused to smoke Dis used to smoking()54It s very nice you to get me two tickets the concert Aof,to Bto,for Cfor,of Dof,for()55The geography teacher told us Athe earth goes round the sun Bif the earth goes round the sun Cthe earth went round th

15、e sun Dif the earth went round the sun、根据要求改写下列句子,每空只填一词。(10 分)56He had noodles for lunch yesterday (改为否定句)He noodles for lunch yesterday 57I ve already finished my composition (改为一般疑问句)Have you finished composition?58、I think Emma will pass the Chinese exam (就画线部分提问)you think will pass the Chinese

16、exam?59、Li Lei is very strong,he can carry the heavy box (合并成一句,使句意不变)Li Lei is to carry the heavery box 60、You d better stop talking in class (改为反意疑问句)You d better stop talking in class,?念二遍分听短文选择正确答案短文念三遍分学习必备欢迎下载听短文填上所缺的单词短文念三遍分习惯笔试部分分词汇一根据句子意思或所给音标填入一个适当的词使句子意思完整正确分二根据汉语提示用词组的适当形式填空分入句就画线部分提问合并成

17、一句使句意不变改为反意疑问句学习必备欢迎下载口语应用一从栏中选出栏中每句话的正确答语分二根据对话内容选择恰当的句子补全下列对话分三在下列对话的每个空格中填上一个词使对话完整正确分学习必备欢迎下载二根据短文内容选择正确答案分心不在焉看到抓住得到收集学习必备欢迎下载难堪飞糖苍蝇小虾尊敬羡慕三用方框所给词的适当形式填空使短文正确通顺每个词限用一次分学习必备欢迎下载书面表达一看图填词根据学习必备 欢迎下载、口语应用(一)从栏中选出栏中每句话的正确答语。(5 分)()61What was the date yesterday AYou re welcome ()62I m sorry I broke y

18、our cup BIt was Friday()63Thank you for lending me your bike CIt was March 6th()64Would you like to go hiking with me?DYes,she has()65Has HanMei ever been to Taiwan?EIt doesn t matter FYes,I d like to GNo problem (二)根据对话内容,选择恰当的句子补全下列对话。(5 分)A:Hello!7888225 B:Oh,hello66 A:Hold onKate,a telephone cal

19、l for C:Thank youHello,this is Kate speaking67 B:Hi,KateThis is RoseI ve got two tickets for the film“Harry Potter”68 C:Yes,I d love to 69 B:At 7:30Shall we meet at the gate in front of the cinema at about seven?C:70 B:See you later (三)在下列对话的每个空格中填上一个词,使对话完整、正确。(10 分)Tom:My head hurts,Doctor Doctor:

20、Open your 71 and say“Ahh”Hmm Tom:What s the 72 with me?Doctor:You ve got a bad cold Take this medicine and 73 in bed for two days You ll be 74 soon Tom:Thank youBy the 75 ,how much is the medicine?Doctor:How much?Look,don t you 76 me?Tom:Ha,ha!It s 77 ,Uncle JohnI didn t know you were here How are y

21、ou,Uncle?Doctor:78 ,thank you And you must 79 care of yourself?ASee you later BWho are you?CWhat time is it going to be?DCould I speak to Kate,please?EWho s that?FWould you like to see it with me?GAll rightSee you later 念二遍分听短文选择正确答案短文念三遍分学习必备欢迎下载听短文填上所缺的单词短文念三遍分习惯笔试部分分词汇一根据句子意思或所给音标填入一个适当的词使句子意思完整正

22、确分二根据汉语提示用词组的适当形式填空分入句就画线部分提问合并成一句使句意不变改为反意疑问句学习必备欢迎下载口语应用一从栏中选出栏中每句话的正确答语分二根据对话内容选择恰当的句子补全下列对话分三在下列对话的每个空格中填上一个词使对话完整正确分学习必备欢迎下载二根据短文内容选择正确答案分心不在焉看到抓住得到收集学习必备欢迎下载难堪飞糖苍蝇小虾尊敬羡慕三用方框所给词的适当形式填空使短文正确通顺每个词限用一次分学习必备欢迎下载书面表达一看图填词根据学习必备 欢迎下载 Tom:Yes,I willThanks a 80 、完形填空。(10 分)We were going to play a team

23、from a country schoolThey didn t come until the game time arrived They looking 81 than we had thought They were wearing dirty jeans(牛仔裤)and looked like farm boys We all sat down We felt that we didn t 82 any pratice against a team like that It was already so late that no 83 could be given to them fo

24、r a warm up The game began One of our boys 84 the ball and he shor(传)a long pass to our forward(前锋)From out of nowhere a boy in a dirty Tshirt 85 the pass and beautifully he shot and got two points Then they got another 86 of points in minutes Soon it was all over And we 87 the game We certainly lea

25、rned that though a team is good,there is usually another 88 a little better,89 the important thing we learned was:One can t tall a man,or a team,by the 90 ()81Aless Bworse Cyoung Dstronger()82Ause Bget Cneed Dtry()83Atime Bbasket Cball Droom()84Agot Bmissed Ccarried Dplayed()85Achanged Bstarted Ccau

26、ght Dstopped()86Ahalf Bpair Cthree Ddouble()87Awon Blost Ctook Djoined()88Aalready Babout Calmost Djust()89AIf BSo CBut DBecause()90Apoints Bplaces Cclothes DTshirts、阅读理解(一)根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“T”,错误的用“F”。(5 分)There are places in North Africa where great cities once stoodThere were gardens and tree

27、s and grassBut now these places are like deserts Scientists have gegun to study this land to find out what happened Many of them think the land died when the trees were cut downFrees help other plants grow Tree roots(根)hold the siil in place They keep the soil from blowing away In forests,leaves on

28、he ground keep rainwater from running offTrees near farms protest growing plants from strong winds Once there were hundreds of farms in the Southwestern United StatesThen the farms turned into fields of dry landTrees might have saved these farmsBut few trees grow in the dry Southwest Now we try to s

29、ave trees In many forests,when a tree is cut down,a new tree is planted in its placeWe do not want the land to die ()91From what we have read,we can see land can never become desert ()92The trees were cut down so the places in North Afica where great cities once stood 念二遍分听短文选择正确答案短文念三遍分学习必备欢迎下载听短文填

30、上所缺的单词短文念三遍分习惯笔试部分分词汇一根据句子意思或所给音标填入一个适当的词使句子意思完整正确分二根据汉语提示用词组的适当形式填空分入句就画线部分提问合并成一句使句意不变改为反意疑问句学习必备欢迎下载口语应用一从栏中选出栏中每句话的正确答语分二根据对话内容选择恰当的句子补全下列对话分三在下列对话的每个空格中填上一个词使对话完整正确分学习必备欢迎下载二根据短文内容选择正确答案分心不在焉看到抓住得到收集学习必备欢迎下载难堪飞糖苍蝇小虾尊敬羡慕三用方框所给词的适当形式填空使短文正确通顺每个词限用一次分学习必备欢迎下载书面表达一看图填词根据学习必备 欢迎下载 have become desert

31、 like lands now ()93Trees help other plants grow ()94Because many people moved there to make a living,the farms in Southwestern United States turned into fields of dry land ()95The writer wants to tell us that trees are important to land (二)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(20 分)A MrNewton was a famous scientist,but h

32、e often absentminded(心不在焉)One evening when he arried home at 8 o clock,his family were out He saited and waitedHe became so worried about them that he couldn t eat He wasn t hungry at all Then he remembered:his wife always took the children to the park on Wednesday and after that she would take them

33、 to the cinemaAnd it was Wednesday that day MrNewton was no longer worried He began to feel hungry He ate some bread,meat and tomatoesAfter supper he feel asleep in chair Later MrNewton heard someone entering the houseThey didn t make much noise,and they didn t turn on the lights,eighter“Thieves!”He

34、 thoughtGetting up quickly,MrNewton seized a chair in his hands and lifted it up in the airThen he heard:“Dad!What are you doing?”Now he understood:They were not thieves,but his children()96MrNewton was a famous Awriter Baritist Cdoctor Dscientist()97MrNewton began to eat as soon as Ahe was worried

35、Bhe got home Che felt hungry Dhe know where his family were()98His wife always took the children to the cinema on AFriday BSunday CWednesday DSaturday()99The word“seize”in this passage means A看到 B抓住 C得到 D收集()100Why didn t the children make noise and turn on the light?Because Athe lights weren t work

36、ing Bthe wanted to steal something Cthey didn t want to wake their father up Dthey wanted to have joke with their father B “I m hungry,”Pat said to his friend,Mike“Let s have a meal somewhere ”They walked down the road until they came to an expensive restaurant“This will be fine,”Pat said“Just the p

37、lace we want ”He opened the door and they went inside The head waiter came up to them at once “A table for two?”he asked“Yes,the best table you have ”念二遍分听短文选择正确答案短文念三遍分学习必备欢迎下载听短文填上所缺的单词短文念三遍分习惯笔试部分分词汇一根据句子意思或所给音标填入一个适当的词使句子意思完整正确分二根据汉语提示用词组的适当形式填空分入句就画线部分提问合并成一句使句意不变改为反意疑问句学习必备欢迎下载口语应用一从栏中选出栏中每句话的

38、正确答语分二根据对话内容选择恰当的句子补全下列对话分三在下列对话的每个空格中填上一个词使对话完整正确分学习必备欢迎下载二根据短文内容选择正确答案分心不在焉看到抓住得到收集学习必备欢迎下载难堪飞糖苍蝇小虾尊敬羡慕三用方框所给词的适当形式填空使短文正确通顺每个词限用一次分学习必备欢迎下载书面表达一看图填词根据学习必备 欢迎下载 He took them to a table near a window He handed them the menu and went away An hour later,they had almost finished their meal It was one

39、of the best meals they had ever had,and now they were eating their last dish Suddenly Pat looked carefully at the dish “What s this?”he cried,and pointed at something amall and black in the dish The head waiter hurried towards their table “Look at this!”Pat said to him in a very loud voice “There s

40、a dead ply in my dish How terrible!I thought this was a goo retaurant,but I was wrong ”The head waiter was very embarrassed(难堪)“Please sir,do not speak so loudly I am so sorry about the fly I m afraid such an accident may happen,even in the best restaurants You need not,of course,pay for your meal ”

41、Soon after this,Mike and Pat wer walking past another restaurnant “Let s go in and have a drink,”Pat said“I ve got one fly left ”()101Where did Pat and Mike go for dinner?AA cheap restaurant BAn expensive restaurant CA take away food shop DTheir friend s restaurant()102Why could they have the most e

42、xpensive dishes?ABecause their friend would pay for them BBecause they had a way not to pay for them CBecause they had just got a lot of money DBecause they were rich enough to pay for them ()103The word“fly”in this passage means A飞 B糖 C苍蝇 D小虾()104Where did the fly come from?AMike brought it there B

43、It flew there from the kitchen CPat brought it there DIt flew there from out of the window()105What do you think of Pat and Mike?AThey should be liked BThey should be hated CThey should be respected(尊敬)DThey should be admired(羡慕)(三)用方框所给词的适当形式填空,使短文正确、通顺。每个词限用一次。(10 分)for,so,do,other,many,use,land,g

44、row,instead,subject Life in the 21st century will be different from life in the 20th century,because many changes will take place in the new century,but what will the change be?The population is 106 fastThere will be more and more people in the world and 107 of them will live longer than before Comp

45、uters will be much smaller and more 108 ,and there will be at least one in every home And computers studies will be one of the important 109 in school People will work fewer hours than they did in the 20th century,and they will have more free time 110 sports,watching TV and travellingTravelling will

46、 be much cheaper and easierAnd many more people will go to 111 countries for holidays 念二遍分听短文选择正确答案短文念三遍分学习必备欢迎下载听短文填上所缺的单词短文念三遍分习惯笔试部分分词汇一根据句子意思或所给音标填入一个适当的词使句子意思完整正确分二根据汉语提示用词组的适当形式填空分入句就画线部分提问合并成一句使句意不变改为反意疑问句学习必备欢迎下载口语应用一从栏中选出栏中每句话的正确答语分二根据对话内容选择恰当的句子补全下列对话分三在下列对话的每个空格中填上一个词使对话完整正确分学习必备欢迎下载二根据短文

47、内容选择正确答案分心不在焉看到抓住得到收集学习必备欢迎下载难堪飞糖苍蝇小虾尊敬羡慕三用方框所给词的适当形式填空使短文正确通顺每个词限用一次分学习必备欢迎下载书面表达一看图填词根据学习必备 欢迎下载 There will be changes in our food,too More 112 will be used for building new towns and housesThen there will be lass room for cows and sheep,113 they eat more vegetables and fruit Maybe people will be

48、healthier Work in the future will be different,tooDangerous and hard work will be 115 by robotsBecause of this,many people will not have enough work to doThis will be a problem 、书面表达(一)看图填词 根据图画所提供的语境,在空格处填入适当的词,使其意思完整、语法正确,每个空格限填一个词。(10 分)Xiao Ming went to the park 116 Sunday morning He didn t 117

49、the notice in the parkHe went into the park,118 the flowers and climbed up the man made 119 After playing some time,he 120 tiredSuddenly he saw a 121 over there He ran over there happily He 122 down without seeing the notice at once When he looked 123 ,he saw it said WET PAINT At the same time he 12

50、4 his hands and clothes were very dirty,He felt sadHe ll never 125 this lesson(二)根据所给的中英文提示,以“Computer”为题,写一篇 80 个单词的短文。要求主题明确、意思连贯、符合逻辑、适当发挥、可读性强。1、它有着悠久的历史,是最重要的发明之一;2、几个世纪前的中国使用的算盘是最古老的一种;3、如今,它变得越来越小,但工作速度越来越快。没有人知道它的未来会是什么样子。4、提示词:invention,abacus,several,develop 等。念二遍分听短文选择正确答案短文念三遍分学习必备欢迎下载听短


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