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《自考综合英语二Lesson2教案_小学教育-小学课件.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《自考综合英语二Lesson2教案_小学教育-小学课件.pdf(15页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、-.-zj资料-Lesson Two Icons Part One Objectives:Students will be able to:1.grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2.master the key language points and grammatical structure in the text;3.conduct a serious of reading,listening,speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the lesson.Key

2、 Points:Key words¶phrase Difficult Points:Write an essay based on the text.Part Two Teaching Steps:Step 1 Language Study 1.cultural adj.culture n.文化 2.heroine n.hero n.英雄 3.glamour n.glamorous adj.迷人的 4.achievement n.achieve v.实现;完成 5.fashion n.fashionable adj.时髦的 6.distinguish v.distinguished a

3、dj.杰出的;著名的 7.consciousness n.conscious adj.有意识的 8.unheroic adj.heroic adj.英雄的;英勇的 9.economy n.economic adj.经济的;经济学的 economical adj.经济的;节约的;经济学的 10.consequently adv.consequent adj.作为结果的;结局的 -.-zj资料-consequence n.结果 11.legendary adj.legend n.传奇 12.mythic adj.myth n.神话 13.indefinable adj.definable adj.

4、可限定的 define v.限定 14.accomplishment nj.accomplish v.完成 辨析:accomplishment 与 achievement achievement:1.达成;完成 U achievement of an ambition 抱负的实现 2.成就,成绩 C The invention of the computer is a great achievement.发明电脑是一大成就。accomplishment:1.成就;成绩 C The first walk on the moon was quite an accomplishment.第一次在月球

5、上行走是一项了不起的成就。2.才艺,教养;造诣;技能 P1 That class increased her accomplishments as a pianist.那个培训班增长了她作为钢琴师的技艺。3.完成;实现 U This plan is difficult of accomplishment.可见:前者强调“成功”,后者强调“实现,过程”。15.evident adj.evidence n.证据;迹象 v.证明 16.inspire v.inspiration n.鼓舞 17.proof n.prove v.证明 provable adj.可证实的 18.recognition n

6、.recognize v.承认;认出 19.eloquence n.eloquent adj.雄辩的 20.brilliance n.brilliant adj.有才气的;显赫的 21.coordinator n.coordinate v.协调 22.original n.origin n.起源 23.disastrous adj.disaster n.灾难 24.insincere adj.英雄的英勇的资料限定结果传奇神话可限定的完成辨析与达成完成抱负的实现成就成绩发明电脑是一大成就成就成绩第一次在月球上行走是一项了不起的成就才艺教养造诣技能那个培训班增长了她作为钢琴师的技艺完成实现可见前

7、真诚的迟疑的犹豫的诚实真挚犹豫踌躇虚拟语气表示与当前情况的假设超群的夸大的他伤心极了提出想出在这个会上提出了一些新问题因而受到颂扬赞美大多数医务人员由于在抗击非典战役中的勇敢表现而受到了人们的赞扬不是而 佳人选别人也有同感教授们对总统选举中所发生的一切感到失望同感大有人在塑造影响决定我们的计划进展顺利决定历史的进程事件的发展资料伟人可以决定历史的进程但他们不能创造历史通过定义界定根据定义英雄以其所取得的-.-zj资料-sincere adj.真诚的 sincerity n.诚实;真挚 25.hesitancy n.(hesitance)hesitant adj.迟疑的;犹豫的 hesitate

8、 v.犹豫;踌躇 26.If you were asked to list,you would 虚拟语气,表示与当前情况的假设。Example:If I had enough money,I would buy that car.27.If next you were,who somehow seem bigger than life,you might come up with an entire different list.bigger/larger than life 超群的;夸大的 Example:His sadness was bigger than life.他伤心极了。come

9、 up with bring forward with 提出;想出 Example:Some new issues were come up with at the meeting.在这个会上提出了一些新问题。28.You might,in fact,name people who are celebrated for their wealth and glamour,rather than their achievements be celebrated for 因.而受到颂扬、赞美 Example:Most doctors and nurses were celebrated for th

10、eir bravery in the battle against SARS.大多数医务人员由于在抗击“非典”战役中的勇敢表现而受到了人们的赞扬。rather than instead of 不是.(而是)Example:He was criticized by the teacher for his absence from class rather than his failure in the exam.他因缺课而受到了老师的批评,而不是因为他这次考试的失败。29.And you would not be alone,because pollsters have found that p

11、eople today do not choose political leaders who shape history for their“Most Admired”be not alone in thinking/believing others agree with you 在.方面别人也有同感 Examples:Were not alone in believing that Xiao Jiang is the best person for the job.我们相信小江是这项任务的最佳人选,别人也有同感。Professors are disappointed about what

12、has happened in the presidential election,and they are not alone in that.教授们对总统选举中所发生的一切感到失望,同感者大有人在。shape form or take shape,give signs of future development 塑造;影响;决定 Example:Our plan is shaping well.我们的计划进展顺利。shape history(the course or events)决定历史的进程(事件的发展)Example:Great men can shape history but

13、they cant make history.英雄的英勇的资料限定结果传奇神话可限定的完成辨析与达成完成抱负的实现成就成绩发明电脑是一大成就成就成绩第一次在月球上行走是一项了不起的成就才艺教养造诣技能那个培训班增长了她作为钢琴师的技艺完成实现可见前 真诚的迟疑的犹豫的诚实真挚犹豫踌躇虚拟语气表示与当前情况的假设超群的夸大的他伤心极了提出想出在这个会上提出了一些新问题因而受到颂扬赞美大多数医务人员由于在抗击非典战役中的勇敢表现而受到了人们的赞扬不是而 佳人选别人也有同感教授们对总统选举中所发生的一切感到失望同感大有人在塑造影响决定我们的计划进展顺利决定历史的进程事件的发展资料伟人可以决定历史的进

14、程但他们不能创造历史通过定义界定根据定义英雄以其所取得的-.-zj资料-伟人可以决定历史的进程,但他们不能创造历史。30.By definition,heroes and heroines are men and women distinguished by uncommon courage achievements,and self-sacrifice made most often for the benefit of others Paraphrase:heroes and heroines are people who are different from other people b

15、ecause of their unusual courage,achievements and the sacrifices they make in the interests of others.by definition by defining 通过定义,界定 Example:By definition,heroes are those who are distinguished by their accomplishment.根据定义,英雄以其所取得的成就而出名。be distinguished(from)by to be noticeably different from or b

16、etter than others of the same type because of an unusual quality 以.而著称;有别于;不同于 Examples:Xiao Yang is distinguished from other young men by his unusual maturity.小的老练程度超过了其他年轻人。Chinese people are distinguished by their diligence and courage.中国人民以勤劳勇敢而著称。Cf.distinguish between/sth.from sth.eles to noti

17、ce or understand the difference between/to tell one thing from another.区别 Examples:Colour-blind people find it hard to distinguish between red and green.色盲的人很难分清红、绿两色。City people often cant distinguish young wheat from weeds.城里人往往分不清麦苗和野草。distinguished guests 贵宾 for the benefit of for ones benefit;o

18、r the profit of 为,为 的利益 Examples:The money is to be used for the benefit of the poor in the rural area.这笔钱要用来帮助农村地区的穷人。for the benefit of the people/country 为了人民/国家利益 31.they are people against whom we measure others.他们是我们评价别人的标准。Paraphrase:We judge people by comparing them with heroes,and find out

19、about their value.英雄的英勇的资料限定结果传奇神话可限定的完成辨析与达成完成抱负的实现成就成绩发明电脑是一大成就成就成绩第一次在月球上行走是一项了不起的成就才艺教养造诣技能那个培训班增长了她作为钢琴师的技艺完成实现可见前 真诚的迟疑的犹豫的诚实真挚犹豫踌躇虚拟语气表示与当前情况的假设超群的夸大的他伤心极了提出想出在这个会上提出了一些新问题因而受到颂扬赞美大多数医务人员由于在抗击非典战役中的勇敢表现而受到了人们的赞扬不是而 佳人选别人也有同感教授们对总统选举中所发生的一切感到失望同感大有人在塑造影响决定我们的计划进展顺利决定历史的进程事件的发展资料伟人可以决定历史的进程但他们不

20、能创造历史通过定义界定根据定义英雄以其所取得的-.-zj资料-measure sth.against to judge the value of sb./sth.using sth.else as a standard;to compare sth.with a certain standard 对照 来评价 Examples:Our production costs are high,when they are measured against the worlds advanced level.对照世界先进水平,我们的生产成本过高。Your performance is poor when

21、 measured against the success of the other sales personnel.与其他销售人员的业绩相比,你的业绩相当差。32.Yet,some people say that ours is an age where true heroes and heroines are hard to come by,where the very ideal of heroism is something beyond us-an artifact of the past.可是,有人说,我们的时代是很难出现真正英雄的时代,英雄主义这一概念本身我们就难以理解 它已经成

22、为历史。Paraphrase:Yet,some people say that we are living in a new age.In this age heroes and heroines are rare,and heroism is only something people admire but do not practice.Heroic and noble conduct is a thing of the e by 找到,遇到 Example:How did you come by this second-hand book?你是怎样找到这本旧书的。heroism is s

23、omething beyond us we have no idea what heroism is 我们不知道英雄行为是何物 an artifact of the past 历史文物,这个短语是对 heroism 的补充说明。be beyond sb.为某人所不能理解;对某人来说太难 与 beyond 搭配的词有:beyond power 越权 beyond belief 不可相信 beyond recognition 难以认出 beyond control 无法控制 beyond doubt/question 毫无疑问 beyond imagination 难以想象 beyond ones

24、 means(经济上)难以承受 beyond description 难以描述 33.Consequently,bereft of cultural heroes,we have latched onto cultural icons 因此,缺少了民族英雄,我们就迷上了通俗文化偶像。Paraphrase:As a result,since there were no cultural heroes for us to admire,we have began to admire cultural icons.consequently as a result 因此,于是 bereft of(正式

25、)失去;缺少 bereft(bereave 的过去式、过去分词)Example:The boy is bereft of hope.这孩子失去了希望。latch onto/on to sb./sth.(informal)to become very interested in sb./sth.,often finding them so useful that we dont want to let them go 对某人或某事产生极大的兴英雄的英勇的资料限定结果传奇神话可限定的完成辨析与达成完成抱负的实现成就成绩发明电脑是一大成就成就成绩第一次在月球上行走是一项了不起的成就才艺教养造诣技能那

26、个培训班增长了她作为钢琴师的技艺完成实现可见前 真诚的迟疑的犹豫的诚实真挚犹豫踌躇虚拟语气表示与当前情况的假设超群的夸大的他伤心极了提出想出在这个会上提出了一些新问题因而受到颂扬赞美大多数医务人员由于在抗击非典战役中的勇敢表现而受到了人们的赞扬不是而 佳人选别人也有同感教授们对总统选举中所发生的一切感到失望同感大有人在塑造影响决定我们的计划进展顺利决定历史的进程事件的发展资料伟人可以决定历史的进程但他们不能创造历史通过定义界定根据定义英雄以其所取得的-.-zj资料-趣,往往不愿意放弃(这里作者的意思是:人们开始迷上了文化偶像之后,就一发不可收拾,对他们的崇拜愈来愈狂热。)34.who are

27、simply famous for being famous.仅仅因为有名而成名的人 Paraphrase:who are well-known just because they are frequently seen in public,so that a lot of people know them or know about them(not because they possess unusually fine qualities or because they have made great contributions to society).be famous for be k

28、nown for 35.They are people who manage to transcend celebrity,who are legendary,who somehow manage to become mythic.他们超越了名流,成为传奇式人物,甚至在某种程度上已是神话式的人物。Paraphrase:Cultural icons make themselves more famous than celebrities;they inspire great admiration;and to a certain degree,they become important peop

29、le.注意:此句用三个由 who 引导出的并列的定语从句来修饰 people,界定 文化偶像 的三个特点:比名流名气更大,受到崇拜,成为重要人物。36.In part,their lives have the quality of a story.部分的原因是由于他们的生平带有传奇故事的色彩。Paraphrase:Part of the reason is that their lives are unusual,full of ups and downs like people in legends or myths.in part partly;to a certain extent 在一

30、定程度上,部分地 Example:He failed in the exams in part because he was careless.他没通过考试在一定程度上是由于他粗心。37.Good looks certainly help.漂亮的长相当然有用。Paraphrase:Attractive appearance is surely very useful in the making of an icon.help to improve a situation or to make sth.happen 起作用 Examples:Wisdom,not strength helps i

31、n the matter.在这方面智慧起作用,力量无济无事。To be young and single definitely help when youre looking for a job.年轻又单身在找工作时是有利的条件。38.So does a special indefinable charisma,with the help of the media.在媒体的炒作下某种难以描述的、特殊的个人魅力也起作用。Paraphrase:A particular great charm that is hard to define also proves useful.The media h

32、elp to impress people with it.with the help of 在 的帮助下 这是个倒装句,A special indefinable charisma 是主语,does 是谓语,代表 helps,介词短语 with the help of the media 作状语。英雄的英勇的资料限定结果传奇神话可限定的完成辨析与达成完成抱负的实现成就成绩发明电脑是一大成就成就成绩第一次在月球上行走是一项了不起的成就才艺教养造诣技能那个培训班增长了她作为钢琴师的技艺完成实现可见前 真诚的迟疑的犹豫的诚实真挚犹豫踌躇虚拟语气表示与当前情况的假设超群的夸大的他伤心极了提出想出在这

33、个会上提出了一些新问题因而受到颂扬赞美大多数医务人员由于在抗击非典战役中的勇敢表现而受到了人们的赞扬不是而 佳人选别人也有同感教授们对总统选举中所发生的一切感到失望同感大有人在塑造影响决定我们的计划进展顺利决定历史的进程事件的发展资料伟人可以决定历史的进程但他们不能创造历史通过定义界定根据定义英雄以其所取得的-.-zj资料-39.But nothing becomes an icon more than a tragic and early death.然而悲剧性地过早离开这个世界,却是造成偶像最重要的因素。become 适合;与.相称 Examples:Purple becomes her.

34、紫色很适合她。Dont be rude.It doesnt become you.别动粗,这同你的身份不相称。40.Being Somebody 当名人 somebody an important person 名人;重要人物 Examples:It is said that his father is somebody in the show business.据说他的父亲是演艺界的大腕人物。He spoke as if he was somebody in the department.他说话的样子好像他是系里了不起的人物似的。Cf.something a thing or a perso

35、n that thought to be important or worth noting 有见地;有道理;了不起 Examples:Theres something in what the boy says.那男孩子的话还真有道理。Christy has learned to write with his left foot.Its really something.克里斯蒂学会用左脚写字了,真了不起。Youve done it,Chris.Youre really something.克里斯,你成功了。你可真了不起。41.Their accomplishments are still e

36、vident in our own day.Paraphrase:Today we still see or feel what they achieved in the past.42.Todays celebrities,however,often do not become known for any enduring achievement.然而,当今的名人往往并不是由于他们所取得的成就而闻名。Paraphrase:But,today,people often do not become famous because theyve achieved something(a great

37、book,an invention,a discovery,a way of thinking,etc.)that will last or influence people for a long time.be/become known for to be/become famous because of Examples:Suzhou is known for its beautiful gardens.因其美丽的园林而闻名。He became known for a book he wrote when he was 17.他因 17 岁时写的一本书而出名。Cf.be known as

38、to be called,regarded as,looked upon as 以.而著称 Examples:In China,Suzhou and Hangzhou are known as“paradises on earth”.在中国,和被称为“人间天堂”。英雄的英勇的资料限定结果传奇神话可限定的完成辨析与达成完成抱负的实现成就成绩发明电脑是一大成就成就成绩第一次在月球上行走是一项了不起的成就才艺教养造诣技能那个培训班增长了她作为钢琴师的技艺完成实现可见前 真诚的迟疑的犹豫的诚实真挚犹豫踌躇虚拟语气表示与当前情况的假设超群的夸大的他伤心极了提出想出在这个会上提出了一些新问题因而受到颂扬赞

39、美大多数医务人员由于在抗击非典战役中的勇敢表现而受到了人们的赞扬不是而 佳人选别人也有同感教授们对总统选举中所发生的一切感到失望同感大有人在塑造影响决定我们的计划进展顺利决定历史的进程事件的发展资料伟人可以决定历史的进程但他们不能创造历史通过定义界定根据定义英雄以其所取得的-.-zj资料-The girl has an unusually large vocabulary and is known as a walking dictionary.那女孩知道的词真多,被称为“活字典”。Singapore is known as a garden city.新加坡以花园城而闻名。43.The ye

40、ar before,that distinction went to President Carters wife,Rosalynn.前一年,这个称号又送给了卡特总统夫人,罗萨琳。Paraphrase:The year before,the title/honour was given to President Carters wife,Rosalynn./The year before,President Carters wife,Rosalynn,won the honour.(prize,title,honour,property,etc.)go to sb./sth.to be giv

41、en to,awarded to,or inherited by sb.赠送给,授予 Examples:The money they raised from the concert all went to the flooded area.举办音乐会所得款项全部捐赠给水灾地区。The house was left to his son,and all the paintings went to his daughter.房子留给了他的儿子,女儿继承了所有绘画。44.The hero was distinguished by his accomplishment;the celebrity by

42、 his image or trademark.英雄因其成就而出众,而名流则因其形象或其特征而出名。Paraphrase:The hero was different from ordinary people because of what he had achieved;the celebrity differs from ordinary people merely because he is well-known.45.The hero created himself;the celebrity is created by the media.英雄因其成就而名,而名流则因媒体的宣传而出名

43、。(英雄造就自己,媒体造就名流。)Paraphrase:The hero was admired for what he had hone for society;the celebrity bursts onto the scene through the work of the media.46.The hero was a big man;the celebrity is a big name.英雄是了不起的人物,名流是了不起的名声。Paraphrase:The hero was an outstanding man with excellent qualities;the celebr

44、ity is an average person with an enviable reputation.(Heroes are men and women of great moral strength;celebrities are famous people.)47.There is another distinction:heroes inspire respect,celebrities inspire envy.Paraphrase:Another way to distinguish heroes and celebrities is that people respect he

45、roes and envy celebrities.48.Except for the attention they get from the media,these people are exactly like us.要不是媒体的关注,这些人和我们没什么两样。Paraphrase:If the media didnt give them so much attention,they wouldnt be any different from ordinary people.英雄的英勇的资料限定结果传奇神话可限定的完成辨析与达成完成抱负的实现成就成绩发明电脑是一大成就成就成绩第一次在月球上行

46、走是一项了不起的成就才艺教养造诣技能那个培训班增长了她作为钢琴师的技艺完成实现可见前 真诚的迟疑的犹豫的诚实真挚犹豫踌躇虚拟语气表示与当前情况的假设超群的夸大的他伤心极了提出想出在这个会上提出了一些新问题因而受到颂扬赞美大多数医务人员由于在抗击非典战役中的勇敢表现而受到了人们的赞扬不是而 佳人选别人也有同感教授们对总统选举中所发生的一切感到失望同感大有人在塑造影响决定我们的计划进展顺利决定历史的进程事件的发展资料伟人可以决定历史的进程但他们不能创造历史通过定义界定根据定义英雄以其所取得的-.-zj资料-注意 except 和 except for 的区别:except for with the

47、 exception of(used to introduce the only thing or a person that prevent a statement from being completely true)1)从一个表示整体的单数名词中除掉一部分 The essay is excellent except for the conclusion.这篇文章除结尾之外总体不错。Cf.All the essays are good except yours and Johns.除了你和约翰的文章之外,其他人的都不错。The whole class passed the test exc

48、ept for John.全班除了约翰之外都通过了测试。Cf.We all passed the test except John.除约翰之外我们都通过了测试。2)所谈及的名词和除外的名词代表不同的类别时 The country is not worth seeing,except for its temples.那个国家除了寺庙之外没有什么值得游览的。The road was deserted except for a few cars.路上除了几辆轿车之外杳无人绝迹。Cf.All the roads are deserted except one.除了一条路之外,其他路上行人绝迹 49.P

49、reviously,men like Gould and Harriman,whose names everyone knew,could easily have passed through a crowd without being recognized.Paraphrase:In the past,when famous men like Gould and Harriman walked through a crowd,it was quite possible that people dont recognize them,though everyone knew of them.此

50、句的意思是:这两个人要是在人群里走走的话,人们完全可能不知他们为何许人。(但他们极少出现在人群之中。)could have done sth.(情态助动词 could 与完成时形式的动词不定式 have done sth.连用)表示过去可能会发生但实际上没有发生的事情:Examples:You could have got a job last year.你本来去年就可能会找到工作的。Ten people were killed in the accident.They could have been saved.事故中有 10 人死亡,他们的生命本来是可以挽救过来的。pass through


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