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《2017上半年教师资格证考试《英语学科知识与教学能力》(高级中学)真题及答案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017上半年教师资格证考试《英语学科知识与教学能力》(高级中学)真题及答案.docx(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2017上半年教师资格证考试英语学科知识与教学能力(高级中学)真题及答案1. 【单项选择题】Which of the fol(江南博哥)lowing is the feature shared by the English phonemes/m/and/p/? A. Voiced.B. Voiceless.C. Bilabial.D. Dental. 正确答案:C参考解析:考查英语音素。根据英语辅音的分类可知,按照声带振动与否,m是浊辅音,p是清辅音;按照发音部位,二者都是双唇音;按照发音方式,m是鼻音,p是塞音。m和p共同的特征是双唇音,故选C。2. 【单项选择题】Which of the

2、following is true of English sound system? A. Aspiration is a distinctive feature.B. Voicing is a distinctive phonetic feature.C. Nasalization of vowels gives rise to another vowel.D. Length of vowels differentiates one vowel from the other. 正确答案:B参考解析:考查发音系统的区别特征。雅格布逊在20世纪40年代首先提出区别特征(distinctivefe

3、ature)这一想法,目的是找出一套音系的对照或对比特征以概括语音的某些方面,比较重要的区别特征有:辅音响音鼻音带声等。辅音特征可以区分辅音和元音,即所有辅音都是+辅音,所有元音都是-辅音。响音特征用来区分所谓阻塞音(塞音、擦音及塞擦音)和响音(其他辅音和元音),即阻塞音是-响音,响音是+响音。鼻音和带声自然就是用来分别区分鼻音(包括鼻化音)和带声音的特征。这些特征都是二分特征,可以区分出两种情况:有该特征的和没有该特征的。元音的长短只能区分单元音,并不能区分双元音,D项说法不正确。故选B。3. 【单项选择题】Though the government encourages foreign i

4、nvestment,_ investors are reluctant to commit fimds in the current climate situation in the country. A. potentialB. affluentC. optimisticD. solid 正确答案:A参考解析:考查句意理解和形容词辨析。根据句意“尽管政府鼓励对外投资,但是在国家目前的经济状态下,_投资者不愿意拨款”,可知前后半句之间是转折关系分析四个选项,potential意为“潜在的,可能的”,affluent意为“富裕的,丰富的”,0ptimistic意为“乐观的”,solid意为“固体

5、的,结实的”,A项最符合句意,即潜在的投资者。4. 【单项选择题】 The man _ the dark glasses fled away from the spot very rapidly. A. inB. atC. ofD. by 正确答案:A参考解析:考查介词用法。分析句子成分,可知_thedark glasses作后置定语,修饰theman,该句意思是“那个戴墨镜的男人快速地逃离了现场”。介词in除了表示“在里面”还表示穿戴不仅可用于穿衣,还可以表示戴眼镜、戴帽子、留辫子等。如:aman in glasses戴眼镜的男人,aboy in hat戴帽子的男孩,a girlin pig

6、tails梳辫子的姑娘。5. 【单项选择题】The morpheme -ceive in the word conceive is a_. A. stemB. rootC. allomorphD. suffix 正确答案:B参考解析:考查语素。根据不同的标准,语素可以分为不同的类型。除了复合词以外的多语素词可以分为词根、词缀和词干。词根(root)是构成词的基础成分,词缀(affix)是那些只能附着于另一个语素上的一类语素的总称。也就是说,把一个词的所有词缀去除后,剩余的部分就是词根。所有的词都至少包含一个词根语素。根据语素能否单独出现词根可以分为自由词根语素和黏着词根语素。例如blackbo

7、ard中的black是自由词根;conceive中的-ceive就是黏着词根,源自拉丁语,意思是to take(拿)。A项为词干,B项为词根,C项为词素变体D项是后缀。故选B。6. 【单项选择题】There is no need_ to teach children how to behave. A. howeverB. whatsoeverC. foreverD. whenever 正确答案:B参考解析:考查whatsoever的用法。本句意思是“教孩子如何守规矩是没有必要的”。本句去掉设空部分完全成立,意思完整,不缺任何成分。whatsoever作副词,相当于at all,用在否定句中,与

8、no,not或nothing等具有否定意义的词连用构成加强否定式。7. 【单项选择题】_advance seems to be following advance on almost a monthly basis. A. So rapid is the rate of progress thatB. Rapid as the rate of progress is thatC. So rapid is the rate of progress asD. Rapid as the rate of progress as 正确答案:A参考解析:考查倒装。在sothat结构中,so及其所修饰的部分

9、位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。该句的正常语序为“The rate of progress is so rapid that advance seems to be following advance on almost a monthlybasis”句意为“进展速度如此之快,看起来几乎是以月为单位向前推进”。故选A。as在引导让步状语从句时将表语、状语或动词原形等提到as前面,构成倒装。本句不是让步状语从句。8. 【单项选择题】Tom, see that your sister gets safely back, _? A. can youB. wont weC. won t youD. sh

10、ould we 正确答案:C参考解析:考查祈使句的反义疑问句。祈使句的反义疑问句须按其句子结构及讲话人的语气来决定其疑问部分。祈使句的反义疑问句,若前面是否定结构,则附加问句一般只用will you。若前面是肯定结构,附加问句通常用willyou,wontyou,wouldyou等。它形式上是反义疑问句,但并不表示正式的疑问句,也不表示反义而是表示请求、邀请或劝说等。有时根据语境的需要反义疑问句也可以用canyou,cantyou等。一般说来,用will you,wont you,would you等构成的反义疑问句语气较委婉。故选C。9. 【单项选择题】What rhetoric devic

11、e is used in the sentence This is a successful failure? A. SimileB. MetonymyC. MetaphorD. Oxymoron 正确答案:D参考解析:考查修辞。题意为,“这是一个成功的失败”这句话中运用了什么修辞手法?成功和失败是反义词用成功修饰失败存在很明显的矛盾关系。矛盾修饰法是把两个意思相反、互相矛盾或互不协调的词用在一起,以产生警句式的修辞效果。它是英语反义词的一种灵活运用。这种修辞手法表面上看来是矛盾的,但实际上这样的组合却能达到其他修辞手法没有的语言效果,含义深刻,寓意明确。A项“明喻”,B项“转喻借代”,C项“

12、隐喻暗喻”,D项“矛盾修饰法”。故选D。10. 【单项选择题】The expressionAs far as I know . suggests that people usually observe the Maxim of _ in their daily conversations. A. QuantityB. QualityC. RelevanceD. Manner 正确答案:B参考解析:考查会话合作原则及其四条准则。Grice认为,我们日常会话交替并不是一连串不相联的话语,而是在某种程度上的相互合作的结果。每个会话参与者都在一定程度上认识到有一个或一系列共同的目的,或至少是一个共同接

13、受的方向,即对话的参与者都懂得而且应该遵守“合作原则”。Grice的著作逻辑与会话(Logic and Conversafion)(1975)中再次提出了CP这一概念,并指出了四条准则且每条准则又包括一些次准则:(1)量的准则(Maxim of Quantity):尽量提供对方所需信息,不提供冗余信息。a所需的话应包含交谈目的所需信息量:b所说的话不应超出交际所需的信息量。(2)质的准则(Maxim of Quality):只讲真实的话。a不要说自知是虚假的话:b不要说缺乏足够证据的话(3)关系准则(Maxim of Relevance):所讲的话要有联系。(4)方式准则(Maxim of M

14、anner):讲话要简练,清楚,有条理。a避免晦涩:b避免歧义:C简练(避免哕嗦):d井井有条二通过分析,正确答案为B项,11. 【单项选择题】When the teacher attempts to elicit more information from the students by saying And.?,Good. Anything else?, etc, he/she is playing the role of a _. A. prompterB. participantC. managerD. consultant 正确答案:A参考解析:考查课堂教师角色。题干的意思是当老师试

15、图从学生那里得到更多信息时他通过一些话语来引导,他扮演的角色是什么。当学生发言或回答问题过于简略时教师可用“And?”“GoodAnythingelse?”等提示学生继续往下说,这时教师扮演的课堂角色是提示者。A项是提示者,B项是参与者C项是管理者D项是咨询者。根据题干意思,可锁定答案为A。12. 【单项选择题】 For more advanced learners, group work may be more appropriate than pair work for tasks that are_. A. linguistically simpleB. structurally con

16、trolledC. cognitively challengingD. thematically non-demanding 正确答案:C参考解析:考查课堂活动形式的选择。题干的意思是对于更高级水平的学习者来说在完成什么样的任务时采取group work会比pairwork更合适。解答此题考生需要知道两种活动形式的特点与区别。Groupwork“小组活动”,即将学生分成若干个小组进行活动;pair work“结对活动”,即每两位学生一组进行活动。结对活动常用于那些需要更多控制性练习的低年级学生中,比如句型练习和对话练习并且学生可以获得较多的练习机会。与小组活动相比,它更省时,易控制,教师可以有

17、更多的时间进行解答、举例。而对于高年级水平的学生来说,尽管有时也用结对活动,但在小组活动中,常常给学生一些富有挑战的任务,使学生共同完成因此他们的主动性更强。相比较而言,小组活动更适合他们。通过字面意思,A项“语言简单”B项“结构控制”适合pairwork。小组活动往往要有一个明确的主题,为学生指名任务方向,因此D项错误。13. 【单项选择题】When you focus on utterance function and expected response by using examples likeHere you are, Thanks, you are probably teachin

18、g language at the _. A. lexical levelB. sentence levelC. grammatical levelD. discourse level 正确答案:D参考解析:考查语言知识教学。话语层面的语言教学关注语言在上下文中的应用。注重语言的交际功能。因此,关注话语功能和期待回应的教学应属于话语层次的教学。A项“词汇层面”B项“句子层面”C项“语法层面”,D项“话语层面”。故选D。14. 【单项选择题】Which of the following tasks fails to encourage active language use? A. Reciti

19、ng a text.B. Bargaining in a shop.C. Writing an application letter.D. Reading to get a message. 正确答案:A参考解析:考查语言运用活动。题干问下列哪一项任务没有激发学生灵活地运用语言。A项“背诵课文”,B项“在商店讨价还价”,C项“写一封申请信”,D项“阅读以获得信息”。背诵课文是比较死板的语言输出方式,在语言运用方面是最没有体现灵活性的故选A。15. 【单项选择题】 A teacher may encourage students to_ when they come across new wor

20、ds in fast reading. A. take notesB. ask for helpC. guess meaning from contextD. look up the words in a dictionary 正确答案:C参考解析:考查阅读教学。当学生进行快速阅读时,如果遇到一些生词老师可以鼓励学生通过上下文语境进行词义猜测。故选C。16. 【单项选择题】Which of the following statements about task design is incorrect? A. Activities must have clear and attainable o

21、bjectives.B. Activities should be confined to the classroom context.C. Activities must be relevant to students life experiences.D. Activities should help develop students language ability. 正确答案:B参考解析:考查教学任务设计。教师在设计任务时,任务应有明确的目的:任务应具有真实意义即接近学生的现实生活;任务应有助于学生语言实际运用能力的提高。A、C、D三项均是关于教学任务设计正确的说法。教学任务显然不应该

22、局限于课堂。还可以延伸到课堂之外。因此答案为B。17. 【单项选择题】If someone says I know the word, he should not only understand its meaning but also be able to pronounce, spell, and _ it. A. explainB. recognizeC. memorizeD. use 正确答案:D参考解析:考查词汇教学。词汇教学的内容包括词义、词汇信息(词的拼写和发音等)、用法、词汇学习策略。所以“知道”一个单词除了能够发音、拼写、了解它的词义外,还要会使用它。故选D。18. 【单项选

23、择题】Teachers could encourage students to use_ to gather and organize their ideas for writing. A. elicitingB. mind mappingC. explainingD. brainstorming 正确答案:B参考解析:考查写作教学。教师让学生收集的自己的想法,并将它们连贯、有逻辑性地组织起来,这属于绘制思维导图(mindmapping)的过程。而头脑风暴(brainstorming)是指在给定主题之后,学生思考并收集与主题相关的想法这一过程。但不包括将它们进行组织这一步骤。故选B。19. 【

24、单项选择题】 When students are asked to go to the local museum, libraries, etc. to find out information about endangered animals and work out a plan for an exhibition, they are doing a(n) _.A. surveyB. experimentC. projectD. presentation 正确答案:C参考解析:考查收集评价信息的方式。教师让学生去博物馆、图书馆等搜查关于濒危动物的信息并让学生做出书面的展览规划这属于一项学习

25、项目。题干中的“搜查濒危动物的信息”可以算是一种survey(调查)但是还需要制定一个展览计划,因此整个任务应该是一个project(项目)故选C。20. 【单项选择题】 Which of the following tasks fails to develop students skill of recognizing discourse patterns? A. Analyzing the structure of difficult sentences.B. Checking the logic of the authors arguments.C. Getting the scramb

26、led sentences into a paragraph.D. Marking out common openers to stories and jokes. 正确答案:A参考解析:考查语篇教学。语篇是指一系列的语句和段落构成的语言整体,因此侧重的是句群和段落之间的关系。语篇通常分为会话语篇和段落语篇。A项是对一个句子内部结构的分析和理解,不属于语篇的范畴故选A。21. 【单项选择题】请阅读Passage l,完成TSE小题。Passage 1In the field of psychology, there has long been a certain haziness surrou

27、nding the definition of creativity, an I-know-it-when-I-see-it attitude that has eluded a precise formulation. During our conversation, Mark Beeman, a cognitive neuroscientist at Northwestern University, told me that he used to be reluctant to tell people what his area of study was, for fear of bein

28、g dismissed or misunderstood. What, for instance, crosses your mind when you think of creativity? Well, we know that someone is creative if he produces new things or has new ideas. And yet, as John Kounios, a psychologist at Drexel University who collaborates frequently with Beeman, points out, that

29、 view is wrong, or at least not entirely right. Creativity is the process, not the product, he says.To illustrate, Beeman offers an example. Imagine someone who has never used or seen a paperclip and is struggling to keep a bunch of papers together. Then the person comes up with a new way of bending

30、 a stiff wire to hold the papers in place. That was very creative, Beeman says. On the flip side, if someone works in a new field-Beeman gives the example of nanotechnology-anything that he produces may be considered inherently creative. But was the act of producing it actually creative? As Beeman p

31、ut it,Not all artists are creative. And some accountants are very creative.Insight, however, has proved less difficult to define and to study. Because it arrives at a specific moment in time, you can isolate it, examine it, and analyze its characteristics. Insight is only one part of creativity, Bee

32、man says.But we can measure it. We have a temporal marker that something just happened in the brain. Id never say thats all of creativity, but its a central,identifiable component. When scientists examine insight in the lab, they are looking at what types of attention and thought processes lead to t

33、hat moment of synthesis: If you are trying to facilitate a breakthrough, are there methods you can use that help? If you feel stuck on a problem, are there tricks to get you through?In a recent study, Beeman and Kounios followed peoples gazes as they attempted to solve whats called the remote-associ

34、ates test, in which the subject is given a series of words, like pine,crab, and sauce, and has to think of a single word that can logically be paired with all of them.They wanted to see if the direction of a person s eyes and her rate of blinking could shed light on her approach and on her likelihoo

35、d of success. It turned out that if the subject looked directly at a word and focused on it-that is, blinked less frequently, signaling a higher degree of close attention-she was more likely to be thinking in an analytical, convergent fashion, going through possibilities that made sense and systemat

36、ically discarding those that didn t. If she looked at pine,say, she might be thinking of words like tree, cone, and needle, then testing each option to see if it fit with the other words. When the subject stopped looking at any specific word, either by moving her eyes or by blinking, she was more li

37、kely to think of broader, more abstract associations.That is a more insight-oriented approach.You need to learn not just to stare but to look outside your focus, Beeman says. (The solution to this remote-associates test: apple. )As it turns out, by simple following someones eyes and measuring her bl

38、inks and fixation times, Beemans group can predict how someone will likely solve a problem and when she is nearing that solution. Thats an important consideration for would-be creative minds: it helps us understand how distinct patterns of attention may contribute to certain kinds of insights.TSWhic

39、h of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined wordhaziness in PARAGRAPH ONE? A. Arbitrariness.B. Vagueness.C. Misunderstanding.D. Controversy. 正确答案:B参考解析:词义题。根据第一段“In the field of psychology,there has long been a certain hazinesssurrounding the definition of creativity,an I-know-it-when

40、-I-see-it attitude that has eluded a precise formulation”可知,在心理学领域“创造性”一直没有形成准确的定义。大家所持的态度就是“当我看到创造力的时候,我就知道什么是创造力”,以这种态度避开了对创造力定义的精确化。既然是避开了精确化,那么当然就是模糊不清的。即长期以来人们对于创造力的定义一直处于模糊或朦胧的状态。vagueness的意思是“含糊”,与haziness的意思最接近。故选B。22. 【单项选择题】According to John Kounios, what does the underlined word that in P

41、ARAGRAPH two refer to? A. Bending the stiffwire.B. Holding papers in place.C. The idea of making a paperclip.D. The process of making a paperclip. 正确答案:D参考解析:指代题。根据画线单词that前的句子“To illustrate,Beeman offers an exampleImaginesomeone who has never used or seen a paperclip and is struggling to keep a bun

42、ch ofpapers togetherThen the personcomes up with a new way of bending a stiff wire to hold the papers in place可知,为了解释其观点,Beeman举了一个例子。试想一个从未使用过或者见过回形针的人正在努力将一堆纸叠在一起。然后他想到将一根金属丝掰弯以固定纸堆的办法。又根据第一段最后一句“Creativity is the process,not the product”可知that指的是做回形针的过程。故选D。23. 【单项选择题】In PARAGRAPH FOUR, which of

43、the following shows the purpose of describing the experiment? A. To discern the link between analytical thinking and insights.B. To discern connection between close attention and insights.C. To discern connection between close attention and imagination.D. To test people s capacity for close attentio

44、n and abstract association. 正确答案:B参考解析:细节题。根据第三段“When scientists examine insight in the lab,they are looking at whattypes of attention and thought processes lead to thatmoment of synthesis”当科学家们在实验室检测洞察力时,他们所观察的是何种类型的注意力和思维过程可以带来顿悟即实验目的是通过对比实验中两种人的观察和思维方式。反映的是注意力与洞察力之间的相互作用。故选B。24. 【单项选择题】Based on t

45、he experiment, which of the following may signal that the subject is nearing the solution? A. The subject is begging to work.B. The subject looks away at something else.C. The subject is distracted from the given words.D. The subject concentrates on the given words all the time. 正确答案:C参考解析:推断题。根据原文“

46、When the subject stopped looking at any specific word,either by movingher eyes or by blinking,she was more likely to think of broadermore abstract associations”当实验主体通过转动眼睛或眨眼,不再聚焦某一特定词语,他联想的词语可能更抽象,范围也更广。也就是说当实验主体转移注意力,不再聚焦在某一特定词语时可以预测他解决问题的可能性以及何时能得出正确答案,即C项正确。B项looksaway at something else“看向别处”与原文

47、表述是不一样的。25. 【单项选择题】 What is the best title for this passage? A. Creativity. and InsightsB. Insights and Problem SolvingC. Where Do Insight Moments Come?D. Where Do Creativity Moments Come? 正确答案:D参考解析:主旨题。文章前两段主要讲了creativity的定义。第三段指出insight是creativity的核心组成部分:虽然creativity不容易理解。但insight比较容易定义和研究。第四段描述了一个实验。实验目的是发现attention和insight之间的关系。第五段指出实验结果即不同类型的attention能够影响insight,这给了想成为有创造力的人


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