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1、八年级完形填空练习题附加答案2、阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。There is nobody in the world the same41 you;you are unique(独特唯一的)!Everybody is 42 from everyoneelse.That is good!43 it makes the worldan interesting place.There are people taller 44 you,andshorter than you.Maybe your hair is the samecolor as your fr

2、iends hair,but maybe it islonger than 45.Another difference isyour hair may be straight,hers may be curly.I am sure you have some friends who are46 than you.And you also have some friends,they are as 47 at sports as you.Butthere are also people around you who are notgood at some things.48 does your

3、bestfriend look like?Do you both 49 to finishyour homework at school?Do you both want towear the same clothes every day?I think 50some ways you are the same,but in many otherways you are different.So say loudly to theworld,“I am who I am-Im unique!,541.A.with B.as C.of D.from42.A.better B.different

4、C.smartD.good43.A.Because B.So C.AlthoughD.But44.A.a fte r B.thanC.then D.infro n t of45.A.her B.she C.hers D.shes46.A.smart B.sm arter C.sm artestD.a smart47.A.bad B.b e tte r C.w ell D.good48.A.Where B.What C.How D.Howoften49.A.lik e B.enjoy C.would lik eD.going50.A.through B.byC.inD.on参考答案:BBABC

5、BDBAC3、Mark lived in a village far away.One dayhe became very ill and everyone thought hewould 1 soon.They sent for a doctor.Twodays 2 the doctor came and looked overthe sick man.3 asked for a pen and somepaper to write down the name of the medicine.But there was no pen 4 paper in thevillage,because

6、 no one could write.The doctor 5 up a piece of burntwood from the fire and wrote the name of themedicine on the 6 of the house.Get thismedicine for him.5 5 he said,“and he will soonget 7 .,5 Marks family and friends did notknow 8 to do.They could not read thestrange words.Then a young man 9 an idea.

7、He took off the door of the house,put it onhis carriage(马车)and drove to the nearest10.He bought the medicine there,and Markwas soon well again.()1.A.wake B.cry C.moved D.die真的不掉线吗?、?()2.A.late B.later C.agoD.before()3A.The sick man B.Mark C.Thedoctor D.The farmer()4.A.and B.or C.then D.also()5.A.pic

8、ked B.held C.madeD.looked()6.A.wall B.window C.groundD.door()7.A.well B.worse C.badD.good()8.A.when B.what C.whereD.whick()9A.thought B.hit C.caughtD.had()!0.A.shop B.farm C.h o sp italD.villagekeys:DBCBADABDC4、P eter and Mike were in 1 class.P eterwas born in a 2 fam ily.But Mikes fath erwas a busi

9、nessm an(商人)and got 3money.When P eter got into trouble(困难)healways helped him.Peter liked to have sports.He was goodat 4.He ran 5 than any others in theirclass It was Sunday.Mike and Peter went toa forest to have a picnic.Mike took a lotof food there.It was a 6 ay.The birds weresinging and there we

10、re all kinds offlowers.They ate and drank then went 7 inthe river.They had a good time.Suddenly theyheard a great noise.They found it was a tigerbehind a big tree.They were both very8 .Peter put on his shoes quickly and wasgoing to run away.Mike stopped him andsaid:,5Ifs no use for us.The tiger runs

11、 9faster than us.Lets find a way.”“It doesntmatter,“said Peter.Tm 1 0 Ill runfaster than you.”1.A.same B.differentC.difference D.the same2.A.richD.bad3.A.manyD.much4.A.ranD.runs5.A.fastC.fastest6.A.sunD.sunny7.A.fishB.happy C.poorB.lot C.anyB.running C.runB.fasterD.bestB.rain C.rainedB.to fishingC.f

12、ishingD.fished8.A.happyB.a fra idC.sadD.ex citin g9.A.moreB.muchC.manyD.l i t t l e10.A.a fra idB.w orriedC.sureD.glad参考答案:1 5 DCDBB 6 10 DCBBC5、根据短文内容在A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案(10分)We were going to play a team from acountry school.They didnt e 1 the matchnearly began.They looked 2 than wethought.T

13、he wore dirty T-shirts and bluejeans and looked like farm 真的不掉线吗?、?boys.We thought they 3 saw abasketball before.We felt that we didnt 4any practice to play with such a team.It wasvery late so they couldnt have any time topractice.The match began,one of our boys5 the ball and he tried to give it toa

14、nother one.But from out of nowhere a boyin a T-shirt 6 the ball and he quickly andbeautifully got the ball into our basket andhad two points.They 7 us.They hadanother two points in a minute.Soon it wasall over.The country team 8 the match.Ofcourse we knew that there was still anotherteam 9 than any

15、good team.But theimportant lesson we learn this time was:Onecant tell a man or a team by the 10.)1、A.when B.soC.untilD.at)2、A.strongerB.youngerC.worseD.better)3、A.never B.oftenC.sometimesD.alwaysC.useC.tookC.held)4、A.haveD.need)5、A.gotD.carried)6、A.caughtD.stoppedB.makeB.playedB.changedC.admired)7、A

16、.surprisedD.smiledB.frightenedC.got)8、A.lostD.had)9、A.worseB.wonB.lessC.better.D more)1 0、A.T-sh irtB.appearancepointsC.nameD.1 5 CCADA6 10 AABCB6、初二完形填空练习题Mary has some frien d s.1 B etty,P eter,A lice 2 Mike.Mary is the o ld est 3.B ettyis th irte e n years 4.She is younger thanMary and older than

17、 Peter.Alice is nice andMike is seven.Betty and Peter are 5 runners.ButPeter runs faster.Mary and Betty like to 6.Mary plays better than Betty.Alice sings 7of them.Mary and Betty study in a middleschool.Alice and Mike study in a primaryschool.They 8 work hard at school.ButBetty works 9.Her handwriti

18、ng is good,10.1.A.They are B.It isC.There are D.W e are2.A.but B.orC.them D.and3.A.in the five B.of fiveC.of thefive D.for the five4.A.older B.oldC.oldest D.very old5.A.best B.betterC.well D.good6.A.play basketball B.play abasketballC.play the basketball D.playbasketballs7.A.good B.betterC.best D.we

19、ll8.A.six B.al I C.four D.both9.A.hard B.harderC.very hard D.hardest10.A.too B.twoC.at D.also真的不掉线吗?、?1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.A7、Some sounds are harmful.When plansfly low 84 the land.the very loud soundscan damage the house.Very loud sound caneven make people deaf.We know sound travel

20、s about onekilometer in three 85.in a thunder stormyou see the lighting first and then hear thethunder.Divide this number 86 this will tellyou 88 kilometers away the thunder stormis 88.()7 9.A.full of B.fill with C.is filled ofD.is filled with()8 0.A.others B.the other C.anotherD.the others()8 1.A.h

21、undreds of B.hundred of C.Hundreds D.hundred()8 2.A.may B.Maybe C.may beD.can()83.A.of B.with C.withoutD.By()84.A.in B.onC.aboveD.over()8 5.A.hours B.daysD.seconds(秒)C.minutes()8 6.A.more fast B.muchfaster C.more fasterD.much faster()87.A.in B.of C.byD.at()8 8.A.how ma ch B.howmany C.how D.how long参

22、考答案:DA ACC D D B C B真的不掉线吗?、?作为一个只有400万人口,650平方公里国土面积的岛国,各种自然资源严重缺乏的新加坡一直深知人才对于一个国家全面发展的重要性。为吸引外来人才,同时促进中新关系,更好的把握在迅猛发展中国市场中的商机,新加坡教育部于上世纪九十年代初开始在中国推出了 一系列的奖学金计划,主要分为三类,SMI,SM2,和SM3.其中 SM 是 Senior Middle School 的缩写。这三类计划所招收的学生分别是初三毕业生,高二在读生,及大一在读生。(小昕本人呢就是SM 1的学生,所以对SM1的介绍应该会相对详细一些)#g9 3 S z0 QSM1的生

23、源来自全国各省市的一些特定的重点中学应届优秀初三毕业生,目前我所知道的省份有东北三若,河北,山东,陕西,四川,重庆,天津,湖南,湖北,江苏,浙江,广东,福建,安徽,海南等等(有待添加)。由于SM1采用的是对口学校的制度,所以招生工作是由该盾市在新加坡对口的中学独立进行的。不同的省份、城市的学校有可能会被分在同一个中学,而同城市的不同中学所对口的学校也不一定相同。(Z/z*e#矶;S3 n A!QSM1的招生考试通常是在暑假期间进行,多为7月底至8月初,而学校的报名工作会在学生毕业前结束。获取考试资格的考生将分别参加笔试和面试,一共分为两天。笔试包括英文,数学和向性测试。其中数学绝对是最容易的一

24、科,因为是用中文考的,而且新加坡的中学数学内容是属于涵盖面广但不深究的。英文考试则会比较吃力些,据说我们当年的试卷是新加坡前一年小学毕业统考的试卷,但当时我的感觉却是看阅读像是在看天书。另外有一片作文,300字左右。因为中考英语的作文一般也就是假条,书信之类不会超 过120字的东西,第一次写300字的作文时,多多少少都会有些发懵。幸运的是,后来听招我过来的老师说英文并不是他们招生的最主要标准,只要不是特别差的就好(一般情况下普通初中毕业考生8 9成是不会通过他们的英文考试的,除非大牛)。向性测试则是一种智商测验,在规定时间内做完一本找规律填图的题(有人说像中国公务员考试里的图形判断题)。后来据

25、我们被录取的学生推测,这个向性测试估计是最最重要的一项测试。因为新加坡教育者相信通过这种智商测试可以测评一个学生的逻辑性,从而判定其将来的发展空间。根据以往的一些例子,我们发现有很多平时绝对拔尖的学生没被录取的最大原因就在这里。如果向性测试没有通过,即使其他的发挥的再好,被录取的希望也会大打折扣。9 M#尹 n#j;H.G#a/e4 P!o-13#,A4 w5|!F/i$h+0 a4 s B面试的程序由学校校长及老师自己定,所以每个学校的招生面试都略有不同。例如有些学校可能会把新加坡英文口试里的短文朗诵及看图说话加进面试。但总体来说,这个面试不算特别的正式,两个老师(或校长)对一个学生,多以英

26、文进 行(听说极少数学校的面试也是中文的)。可能是考生年纪还偏小的原因吧,老师通常只是根据你提供的材料,如成绩单,获奖证书什么的问一些学习、兴趣上的简单问题,有时也会谈到家庭和理想,基本上像是在聊天。(我记得我当时面试的时候老师问我如果到了新加坡会不会想家,我一边信誓旦旦地说会控制好自己,一边眼泪就快往下掉了。)面试时只要不太紧张,仪表、谈吐得体,一般就不会有太大的问题。去面试的一般除了校长就是做学生在新加坡监护人的老师,都挺亲切的说。8寸n6 S*h C#L+E(5A y;?/5 A)i%v5 C4 vl?SMI被录取的学生将在当年的9月 底10月初来新加坡(具体日期学校定),之后进行两个月

27、左右 的bridging co u rse,也就是全日制的英文补习,以早日适应开学全英文教学。新加坡的学制是每年1月1日开学,SM1新生也就是在这时插班进入中三,学习数学,理化生,真的不掉线吗?、?地理,社会学,英文,华文,中华文学等9到10科。中四毕业参加英国剑桥0水准统考(G CE0 Level Exam),并根据考试成绩进入各所初级学 院(新加坡的高中)。目前还有另外一种Integrated Program(即直通车计划),这 些IP的学生不需要参加0 Level考试,直接升入直通车计划下的初院(只有有限的几所学校,完全取决于考生所在省市的对口学校)。6#H)s,e2 r m 5 K初级学院也是两年的课程,并参加英国剑桥A水准考试(GCE A Level Exam),并以该考试的成绩申请大学。值得一提的是,SM1学生和新加坡教育部的合同期限为4年,也就是说,当SM 1的学生从初院毕业后就可以自动解约,申请其他国家的大学。英联邦的国家都可以用A level的成绩来申请。美国多数学校也承认A level成绩,但还需要学生自己去参加SAT考试。如果学生想继续留在新加坡的话,可以继续续约。这时大学的奖学金通常就都会有bonding 了,-?


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