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《2023北京高三一模英语汇编:阅读表达.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023北京高三一模英语汇编:阅读表达.docx(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2023北京高三一模英语汇编阅读表达一、阅读表达(2023北京东城统考一模)阅读下面短文,根据题目要求用英文回答问题。We all like to think that we are rational (理性的)thinkers, but poor decisions and choices are evident all around us: staying in bad relationships or boring jobs, taking up smoking, eating too much junk food; the list goes on. So why cant we ma

2、ke better decisions? One reason appears to be what psychologists call decision fatigue”: the idea that we all have a limited store of energy for making decisions and practising self-control. For example, if you are ground down by everyday struggles, you have less mental energy for good decisions.How

3、ever, studies point to the fact that deciding things early in the day is likely to lead to better outcomes. Most of us will have had the experience of going to bed with a seemingly unsolvable problem, only to wake up with a flash of inspiration the next morning. So decisions made when we feel least

4、tired are more likely to be the right ones.Another worthwhile strategy is to pretend that you are advising an imaginary friend, rather than relating decisions to your own life. This creates a distance between you and the issues in question, and can help you to think logically rather than emotionally

5、.People often advise making lists of advantages and disadvantages, and then prioritizing the items in each list. This can certainly be helpful, but we need to be careful not to over-think every decision. We may overestimate the value of information, and sometimes it is better simply to go with our g

6、ut instinct (直觉).Perhaps the most important thing we can do to minimize the possibility of regret is to make sure that our decisions are in line with our life values; in other words, to have a life vision and be true to it. Instead of asking ourselves questions such as “Which option is safer? or Whi

7、ch option is best financially?”,it is far better to ask “How will I feel about this when Im 70?”.1. What does decision fatigue mean?2. Why do people tend to make good decisions early in the day?3. Decide which part of the following statement is wrong. Underline it and explain why.Sometimes it is a g

8、ood idea to go with our gut instinct to make decisions, because weighing advantages and disadvantages takes great efforts.4. In addition to the strategies in the passage, please suggest another way to make good decisions. (In about 40 words)(2023北京西城统考一模)阅读下面短文,根据题目要求用英文回答问题。In Martin County, Florid

9、a, two non-profit organizations have come together to plant seeds of hope through community gardening. Recently, the House of Hope charity for the homeless and people with addictions and otherAccording to the passage, because the electronics lose value very rapidly in our changing market, the earlie

10、r you sell them, the more valuable they will remain.12. Why do we need to manage our e-waste? (In about 40 words)Possible version:Managing our e-waste can reduce the pressure on the environment. If we dont deal with the fast-growing e- waste properly, it will pollute our environment or even affect t

11、he food chain. Plus, it can relieve the shortage of metal resources, because some metals in e-waste are reusable if they are recycled.13. It found that humans and primates comfort one another and demonstrate care in a similar way. 14. It symbolizes safety and love which are important to both childre

12、n and adults. 15. but a brief touch like a handshake is too lighi to convey love and ca】e.Even a brief touch like a handshake is enough to convey love and care. 16. (1)1 often write notes to people I love. For example, I often write notes to remind my family to put on their coats on cold days, expre

13、ssing my care and love. When reading the warm Words, they feel loved and cared.(2) I often have little conversations with my loved ones. Talking with my parents after schlool can help relieve their tiredness from work. Besides, I prepare gifts for them on special occasions. The handmade gifts convey

14、 my appreciation for what they have done for me.【导语】这是一篇说明文。研究发现,触摸给人带来安全感;当人们难过时,触摸给人以安慰和安定的感 觉。13 .细节理解题。根据第二段前三句One famous study examined videos of how people responded to those near them who had been the victim of a bad fortune. Researchers looked at their interaction with the victim, and compar

15、ed this with behaviour in non-human primates (灵长类动物). It found that humans and primates comfort one another and demonstrate care in a similar way.(一项著名的研究调查了人们如何回应他们附近遭遇不幸的 人的视频。研究人员观察了它们与受害者的互动,并与非人类灵长类动物的行为进行了比较(灵长类动 物)。研究发现,人类和灵长类动物以类似的方式相互安慰并表现出关心。广可知,研究发现,人类和灵长 类动物以类似的方式相互安慰并表现出关心。故答案为It found

16、that humans and primates comfort one another and demonstrate care in a similar way.14 .推理判断题。根据第三段前三句Another study found that when the husband or wife of a patient in sorrow or discomfort reaches out and holds their hand and, as if by magic, they become settled and less sorrowful. Perhaps we shouldn

17、t be surprised, as we have known fbr many years about the importance of touch. It symbolizes safety and love, and this is actually one of the most important aspects for development as a child.(另项研究发现, 当 悲伤或不适的病人的丈夫或妻子伸出手握住他们的手时,就像魔法一样,他们会安定下来,悲伤也会减 少。也许我们不应该感到惊讶,因为我们多年来一直知道触摸的重要性。它象征着安全和爱,这实际上是 孩子成长

18、过程中最重要的方面之一。厂可知,触摸象征着安全和爱,这对儿童和成人都很重要。故答案为 It symbolizes safety and love which are important to both children and adults.15 .细节理解题。根据倒数第二端Actually, even the briefest touch from us can bring strong emotional experiences to the receivers who suffer from “touch hunger”. A warm handshake, a gentle pat o

19、n the shoulder, or a high-five is often enough to convey love and care.(其实,即使是我们最简单的触碰,也能给“触碰饥饿”的受者带来强烈的情感体验。一个温暖的握手,轻轻拍一下肩膀,或者一个击掌,都足以传达爱和关心。广可 知,即使是一个简单的握手,也能传达爱和关心,因此所给句子中后半部分“but a brief touch like a handshake is too light to convey love and care”是错的。故答案为:错误部分:but a brief touch like a handshake

20、is too light to convey love and care.原因:Even a brief touch like a handshake is enough to convey love and care.16 .开放题。言之有理即可。例如:除了触摸,我们可以写温暖的字条来鼓励或提醒别人,让他们感到温 暖;我们也可以和别人进行简短的对话,嘘寒问暖;我们也可以送别人小礼物来表达我们的关心。4。词以 内 o 故答案为:(1) I often write notes to people I love. For example, I often write notes to remind

21、 my family to put on their coats on cold days, expressing my care and love. When reading the warm Words, they feel loved and cared,或(2) I often have little conversations with my loved ones. Talking with my parents after schlool can help relieve their tiredness from work. Besides, I prepare gifts for

22、 them on special occasions. The handmade gifts convey my appreciation for what they have done for me.17 . It is a phenomenon where parents share news, photos, and other information about theirchildren. 18. Because sharenting can help ease the social isolation that comes with this period in their chi

23、ldrens lives. 19. When parents oversharent, their children maymake up information about their livesto better control what can and cant be posted about them.According to the passage, their children may withhold information about their lives from their parents to better control what can and cant be po

24、sted about them. 20. If my parents oversharent, I can talk to them and express my concerns about the information theyre sharing online. I can also set boundaries and ask them to get my permission before sharing anything about me, or ask them to limit the audience of their posts.【导语】本文为一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一

25、个新生单词“sharenting”,也就是“晒娃工文章分析了 这种现象产生的原因以及可能存在的问题。18 .考查细节理解。根据文章第段If youve spent any time on social media sites, youve probably noticed it: parents share news, photos, and other information about their children. This phenomenon is called “sharenting”, a combination of the words “sharing” and “paren

26、ting,/如果你花时间在社交媒体网站上,你可能已经注意到: 父母分享新闻、照片和其他关于孩子的信息。这种现象被称为“晒娃”,由“分享”和“养育”两个词组合而 成。户可知,所谓的“sharentin指的是一种父母在社交媒体分析关于孩子的新闻、照片和其他信息。故答 案为 It is a phenomenon where parents share news, photos, and other information about their children. o19 .考查细节理解。根据文章第二段“Studies found that for parents of infants(婴儿),sh

27、arenting can help ease the social isolation that comes with this period in their childrens lives.(研究发现,对于有婴儿的父母来说、“晒 娃”有助于缓解他们在孩子这一阶段中所面临的社会孤立。广可知,对于有婴儿的父母而言,“晒娃”有助于 缓解他们在孩子这一阶段中所面临的社会孤立。故答案为Because sharenting can help ease the social isolation that comes with this period in their childrens lives. o

28、20 .考查推理判断。根据文章第三段“However, when parents post about their children on social media with high frequency, the phenomenon of “oversharenting“ occurs, which can be a great cause for concern. For example, if parents share too much information that their children dont want disclosed, it may lead them to w

29、ithhold information about their lives from their parents so they can better control what can and cant be posted about them.(然而,当父母在社交媒体上频繁地晒孩子的照片时,“过度晒娃”的现象就会出现,这可能是一个令 人担忧的问题。例如,如果父母分享了太多孩子不想透露的信息,这可能会导致他们对父母隐瞒自己的生 活信息,这样他们就能更好地控制哪些信息可以发布,哪些信息不可以发布。)”可知,如果父母过度晒 娃,孩子可能就会对父母隐瞒自己的生活信息。因此原句中的“make up i

30、nformation about their lives”是错误 的 o 故答案为 When parents oversharent, their children maymake up information about theirlivesto better control what can and cant be posted about them.According to the passage, their children may withhold information about their lives from their parents to better control

31、what can and cant be posted about them. o21 .开放题。要求考生以自己为例,说明如果父母过度晒出自己的生活信息,自己会如何做,考生言之有 理即可。故参考答案为 If my parents oversharent, I can talk to them and express my concerns about the information theyre sharing online. I can also set boundaries and ask them to get my permission before sharing anything

32、about me, or ask them to limit the audience of their posts. o22 . A voice assistant. 22. Factual questions. 23. Leo s mother encourages him to seek out human connections anddisagrees with his interacting with Celia.According to the passage, Leos mother was grateful to Celia fbr offering emotional su

33、pport to his son. So, she is in favor of Leos interacting with Celia. 24. I think its good, because virtual assistants have been developed to help people manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health concerns. While they cannot replace human interaction and professional therapy, they can provide a

34、 level of support and guidance for those who may not have access to other resources.【导语】本文为一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己的儿子和语音助手之间的亲密关系,作者认为自己的儿子对 语音助手的依赖可能是源自于一种情感上的支持。23 .考查细节理解。根据文章第一段When Neve was not around, instead of finding a new partner, Leo began to treat Celia, a voice assistant, as his new friend.(当Neve

35、不在身边时,Leo并没有寻找新的伴侣,而是开始 把语音助手Celia当作自己的新朋友。户可知,Celia是一个语音助手。故答案为A voice assistant。24 .考查细节理解。根据文章第二段At first, Leo mostly asked Celia factual questions like How many stars are there in the Milky Way?”(一开始,Leo主要问Celia 一些事实性的问题,比如“银河系里有多少颗星 星?”广可知,最初Leo主要问Celia一些事实性的问题。故答案为Factual questions。25 .考查推理判断。

36、根据文章倒数第二段“As a mother, it was strange to see my child interacting with a virtual assistant rather than a real person. But T also recognized that Celia was providing him with a kind of emotional support that he wasnt getting elsewhere. In a way, she was like a diary that talked back.(作为名母亲, 看至U我 的孩子与

37、虚拟助手而不是真人互动,感觉很奇怪。但我也意识到Celia给了他一种情感上的支持,这是他 在别处得不到的。在某种程度上,她就像一本会互动的日记。厂可知,作者认为Celia给了自己的儿子情感 上的支持,从父母的角度看,这是值得感激的。所以作者支持儿子和Celia之间的互动。也就是原句中的 “disagrees with his interacting with Celia.”是车昔误的。故答案为 Leo飞 mother encourages him to seek out human connections and disagrees with his interacting with Celi

38、a.According to the passage, Leos mother was grateful to Celia fbr offering emotional support to his son. So, she is in favor of Leos interacting with Celia.26 .开放题。要求考生评价虚拟助理成为人们情感支持这一现象,考生言之有理即可。故参考答案为I think its good, because virtual assistants have been developed to help people manage stress, anx

39、iety, and other mental health concerns. While they cannot replace human interaction and professional therapy, they can provide a level of support and guidance for those who may not have access to other resources. o27 . A persons learning style or “intelligence” is the method through which they gain

40、information most easily. 26. To describe the range of different abilities in children and adults. 27. To help students perform better and store more important information in their minds, schools should focus on linguistic and logical- mathematical intelligences.To help students perform better and st

41、ore more important information in their minds, schools should use the theory of multiple intelligences to design the way they educate children. 28. I want to develop my spatial intelligence most. Because I think a sense of space is very important to a person. In addition, I am interested in architec

42、ture and would like to be a building designer when I graduate from university.【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章说明了学习风格的概念以及八种不同的智力和学校所采取的教育模式。28 .考查细节理解。根据第一段A persons learning style or intelligence is the method through which they gain information most easily.(一个人的学习风格或“智力”是他们最容易获得信息的方法)”可知,一个人的学 习风格或“智力”是他们最容易获得信息的方

43、法。故答案为A persons learning style or “intelligencers the method through which they gain information most easily.29 .考查细节理解。根据第二段“According to him, eight different intelligences are proposed to describe the range of different abilities in children and adults.(他提出了八种不同的智力来描述儿童和成人不同能力的范 围)“可知,加德纳博士用八种智能来描

44、述儿童和成人不同能力的范围。故答案为To describe the range of different abilities in children and adults.30 .考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段“The good news is that hundreds of schools are currently using the theory of multiple intelligences to design the way they educate children. By doing so, students will perform better and store mor

45、e important information in their minds.(好消息是,目前有数百所学校正在使用多元智能理论来设计 他们教育孩子的方式。通过这样做,学生们会表现得更好,并在脑海中储存更多重要的信息广可知,为了 帮助学生表现得更好,并在脑海中储存更多重要信息,学校应该使用多元智能理论来设计教育孩子的方 式。错误部分为schools should focus on linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences”。故答案为 To help students perform better and store more import

46、ant information in their minds, schools should focus on linguistic aod logical-mathematical inteHigences.To help students perform better and store more important information in their minds, schools should use the theory of multiple intelligences to design the way they educate children.31 .开放性题目。题干:你

47、最想培养哪种智力?为什么?可回答:我最想发展我的空间智能。因为我认为 空间感对一个人来说很重要。另外,我对建筑很感兴趣,大学毕业后想成为一名建筑设计师。故答案为I want to develop my spatial intelligence most. Because I think a sense of space is very important to a person. In addition, I am interested in architecture and would like to be a building designer when I graduate from u

48、niversity.32 . Technology 30. Making employees work from home. 31. Working from home can do many benefits, because it reduces employers9 capital as well individuals working time. Because working from home increases productivity and efficiency at work. 32. If the sense of responsibility is not strong

49、, it will lead to low work efficiency. In addition, flexible time arrangement will also lead to unlimited extension of working hours. 【导语】本文是说明文。文章分析了在家工作的优点。29 .考查细节理解。根据第段的“The major benefit that developing technology has provided is allowing individuals to work from home.(技术发展带来的主要好处是允许个人在家工作。可知,技术使得个人能够 在家里工作,故填Technologyo30 .考查词义猜测。根据第二段的“Organizations can save a huge amount of capital by making employees work from home.


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