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《2022年四川省内江市第六中学中考一模英语试题(含听力)(解析版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年四川省内江市第六中学中考一模英语试题(含听力)(解析版).docx(24页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、第一部分听力初三英语第一节(共5小题;每小题L5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。1. Where does the conversation take place?A. At a party.B. In a store.【1题答案】【答案】A【解析】【原文】略2. Which animal is Mikes favorite?A. Monkey.B. Panda.【2题答案】【答案】B【解析】【原文】略3. When di

2、d the basketball game begin?A. At 8:00 pm.B. At 8:30 pm.【3题答案】【答案】C【解析】【原文】略C. At home.C. Elephant.C. At 9:00 pm.4. Whafs the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Mother and son.B. Teacher and student.C. Clerk and customer.【4题答案】【答案】C【解析】【原文】略In 2013, the first hamburger grown this way was

3、eaten in London. It took a year to produce and cost over 200,000 to make. Dr Mark Post, who created the worlds first hamburger from meat grown in a lab, told the BBC it “tastes exactly the same as the meat we know”. When two food critics (评论家)tried the burger in 2013, one said it was close to meat“

4、and another said it tasted like a real hamburger. TVs not just beef that is being created; companies are also working on other meat like turkey and chicken.The Adam Smith Institute says moving away from the present way meat is produced would help reduce greenhouse emissions (排放)by up to 96% and free

5、 up 99% of the land used in farming worldwide. They also think it will reduce chances of food poisoning (中毒)because the meat is grown under such controlled conditions. Jamie Hollywood from the Adam Smith Institute also told the BBC lab-grown meat could be a lot cheaper. He says the price has gone do

6、wn in five years from 200,000 to 8, so in the future it could be even less.32. The main idea of Paragraph 3 is.A. what lab-grown meat isB. how lab-grown meat is madeC. what lab-grown meat tastes likeD. when people can eat lab-grown meat33. The writer mentions two food critics in Paragraph 4 to show

7、that.A. lab-grown meat is cheaperB. chicken meat can be made in the labC. lab-grown meat tastes similar to animal meatD. English people first tasted lab-grown meat 34. The writer probably agrees that. A. lab-grown meat will cause a lot of problems B. lab-grown meat tastes better than animal meat C.

8、making lab-grown meat will cost too much money D. lab-grown meat can help solve the worlds food crisis 35. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Could lab-grown meat be the future of food?B. What does lab-grown meat taste like?C. When could people eat lab-grown meat?D. Wh

9、at is lab-grown meat and how is it made?【3235题答案】【答案】32. B 33. C 34. D 35. A【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍了随着人们对肉类的需求越来越大,英国开始生产实验室种植的肉类,以帮助解决世 界粮食危机,并且已经生产出世界上第一个汉堡给食物评论家品尝,以及之后还会生产更多其他的肉类。【32题详解】段落大意归纳题。A.实验室培育的肉是什么;B.实验室是怎么培育肉的;C.实验室培育的肉尝起来怎么 样;D.人们什么时候可以吃到实验室培育的肉;根据第三段文章的理解可知,主要讲述了,实验室如何生 产肉的一个过程,所以选择B。【33题详解】细

10、节理解题。A.实验室培育的肉更便宜;B.鸡肉能在实验室被培育出来;C.实验室培育的肉尝起来和动物 肉很相似;D.英国人第一次尝实验室培育出的肉;根据第四段理解及one said it was “close to meat” and another said it tasted like a real hamburger. nJ知,选择 C。【34题详解】推测题。A.实验室生产的肉将会引起很多问题;B.实验室生产的肉比动物肉更好;C.制作实验室培育肉将 会花费太多钱;D.实验室培育的肉将会解决世界食物危机;根据文章的理解和文章第一句话The UK should start producing l

11、ab-grown meat to help solve the worlds food crisis (危ML), according to a research group.可矢口,选 择D。【35题详解】标题归纳题。A.实验室培育的肉类会成为未来的食品吗?; B.实验室培育的肉是什么味道?; C什么时候人 们可以吃实验室培育的肉?; D.什么是实验室培育的肉,它是怎么制成的?;根据整篇文章的理解可知,选 择A最合适,其他答案不能代表全文大意。第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。Sitting o

12、n the chair, your mind races through everything you need to do: Finish your math homework, play sports, recite the English words, eat dinner, start your other homework, shower. All before bedtime at half past ten? You ask yourself, What should I do? 36First, find a blank sheet of paper and write dow

13、n everything you need to do today. Dont worry about writing in complete sentences-just get it all out of your head and onto a list.Next, figure out the things you must do first. 37 for example, play sports at 5:05 or dinner at 6:30.Now, go through the rest of your list, and put a star next to anythi

14、ng you absolutely must get done today or thats really important.Now take a note of how long you think each task will take to do. 38 If you find it hard to estimate (预 估)time, try using kitchen timer or a stopwatch for a while to track how long different tasks take. ItUl get easierafter youve done it

15、 a few times.Now you have a plan-you just need to stick to it! 39 But if something takes a lot longer than expected, just stay calm and adjust (调节)your plan as needed. Remember, the plan is there to help you. 40 A. Make a note of anything on your list that has to be done at a certain time,B. Try to

16、give yourself more than enough time so you dont feel rushed.C. Pay attention to your time, and check your schedule often to make sure youre staying on track (轨道).D. If you need to change it to make it work better, thats okay.E. Add in times for showering and doing the dishes.F. The answer is time ma

17、nagement.【3640题答案】【答案】36.F37. A 38. B 39. C 40. D【解析】【导语】本文介绍了对自己要做的事情进行时间管理的方法。【36题详解】通读全文可知,从第二段开始介绍了对自己要做的事情进行时间管理的方法,所以处在第一段的此空应填 一个能概括下文的句子来引出下文,选项F “答案就是时间管理”符合语境。故选F。【37题详解】根据下文.for example, play sports at 5:05 or dinner at 6:30.”可知,例子中运动和晚餐都标上了具体的时 间,由此可知作者建议把待办事项和时间点同时写下,选项A “把清单上某个时间必须做的事情

18、记下来”。故选Ao【38题详解】根据上文 “Now take a note of how long you think each task will take to do.” 可知,此处应与每项任务所需要 的时间有关,选项B “试着给自己足够的时间,这样你就不会感到匆忙”符合语境,故选B。【39题详解】根据下文 “But if something takes a lot longer than expected, just stay calm and adjust your plan as needed.可 知,人们还是可以根据实际情况调节计划的时间的,而but表示句意出现转折,由此可知此处应

19、表达原则上 还是要按计划中的时间完成任务,选项C “注意你的时间,经常检查你的时间表,以确保你在按计划进行” 符合语境。故选C。【40题详解】根据上文Remember, the plan is there to help you.可知,计划只起帮助或提醒的作用,也就是说它并不是 固定的,如果调整能让计划更有用的话,那么它还是可以被调整的,选项D “如果你需要改变它以使它更有 用,那也是可以的符合语境。故选D。第三部分语言知识运用(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)Last year I ruined my summer vacation by bringing along a modern

20、convenience: the iPad. Instead of41 nature, I checked my e-mail. Instead of paddling a small boat, I followed my Twitter feed(推特简 讯).Instead of reading great novels, I stuck to reading four 42 each morning. And that was the problem: I was behaving 43 I were still in the office. My body was on vacati

21、on but my head wasnt.So this year I made up my mind to try something 44: getting away from the Internet. I knew itwouldnt be easy, since Im bad at self-control. But I was determined. I started by 45 the iPad to my wife. Then, a little bit of luck: the cell phone signal at our house was 46 than in th

22、e past, meaning that I couldnt cheat. I was forced to carry out my plan. Largely cut off from e-mail, Twitter and my favorite newspaper websites, I had few ways to connect to the world except for the radio and how much radio can one listen to really? I had no 47 but to do what I had planned to all a

23、long: read books.This experience has had a 48 ending. With determination and the strong support of my wife, I won in my vacation struggle 49 the Internet. I 50 realized that it was I, not the iPad, that was the problem.I knew I had won when 51 passed a Starbucks and my wife asked if I wanted to stop

24、 to use the Wi-Fi. “I dont need it J I said. 52, as we return to post-vacation life, a harder test begins: Can I 53 whenIm back at work? And I dont plan to 54 my convenience completely. But I hope to resist the temptation(诱 惑)to check my e-mail every five minutes, which often leads to following my T

25、witter replies.A vacation is supposed to help you reset your 55to become more productive(高效的).Here I hopethis one worked.41.A.looking upB.looking forC.looking atD.looking after42.A.novelsB.newspapersC.booksD.dictionaries43.A.so thatB.as ifC.even thoughD.ever since44.A.upsetB.calmC.crazyD.different45

26、.A.sendingB.givingC.destroyingD.throwing46.A.betterB.strongerC.lessD.worse47.A.choiceB.wayC.meansD.idea48.A.meaninglessB.hopefulC.happyD.peaceful49.A.forB.againstC.toD.in50.A.certainlyB.suddenlyC.immediatelyD.finally52.A.AlsoB.HoweverC.OtherwiseD.Anyway53.A.stopB.escapeC.continueD.change54.A.give up

27、B.give inC.give offD.give away55.A.bodyB.heartC.brainD.thought51. A. IB. heC. theyD. we【4155题答案】【答案】41. C42. B43. B 44. D 45. B46. D 47. A 48. C49. B 50. D 51.D 52. B 53. C 54. A 55. C【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要介绍作者的一个假期中ipad不离手,查看邮件、看新闻网站,但是作者觉得 身体在休息但是大脑依然在工作,然后作者下定决心远离网络,最后在这个假期中作者成功了,但是在工作 中不打算放弃网络,最后作者告诉

28、读者,假期可以帮助你重新调整你的大脑,使之更有效率,享受假期。41题详解】句意:没有看风景,而是查看我的电子邮件。本题考查动词词组,A. looking up意为“查找,看望”;B. looking for意为“寻找;C.looking at意为“看” ;D. looking after意为“照顾”,根据后句I checked my email “查看我的电子邮件”可知,没有看 风景,故答案选C。【42题详解】句意:我没有读伟大的小说,而是坚持每天早上读四份报纸。本题考查名词辨析,A. novels意为“小说”;B. newspapers意为“报纸”;C.books意为“书” ;D.dicti

29、onaries意为“字典”,根据所给空前面的four以及后面的each morning,可知应该是报纸,故答案选Bo43题详解】句意:这就好像我仍在办公室,我的身体在度假,但我的大脑并没有。本题考查连词词组辨析,A. so that意为“为了”; B. as if意为“好像”;C.even though意为“尽管”;D. ever since 意为“自从”,根据后句 I were still in the ofEce. My body was on vacation “我还在办公室。我的 身体在度假”可知是好像,故答案选B。【44题详解】句意:所以今年我决定尝试一些不同的方式:远离网络。本题考

30、查形容词辨析,A. upset意为“沮丧的”;B. calm意为“平静的;C.crazy意为“疯狂的”;D.different意为“不同的”,根据第一段我度假通过ipad来上网,第二段远离网路可知是不同的,故答案选Do【45题详解】句意:我先把iPad给了我妻子。本题考查动词辨析,A. sending意为“发送”;B. giving意为“给 ;C destroying意为“摧毁”;D. throwing意为“扔”,根据作者要远离网络,这里是把ipad给妻子,固定搭配give sth to sb 把某物给某 人”,故答案选B。【46题详解】句意:然后,有一点运气:我家的手机信号比过去差,这意味着

31、我不能作弊。本题考查形容词比较级,Abetter意为“更好”;B.stronger意为“更强壮”;C.less意为“更少”;D. worse意为“更差、更坏”,根据前句Then, a little bit of luck “有一点幸运”以及后句meaning that I couldnt cheat.这意味着我不能作弊”可知这里信号比过去差,故答案选D。【47题详解】句意:我别无选择,只能做我一直计划做的事:读书。本题考查名词辨析,A. choice意为“选择”;B. way意为“方式、方法”;C.means意为“手段”;D.idea意为“主意,观点”,根据固定搭配have no choice

32、 but t。do sth “除了做某事外别无选择”,故答案选 Ao【48题详解】句意:这次经历有一个圆满的结局,有了决心和妻子的大力支持,我在假期里战胜了互联网。本题考查形容词辨析,A. meaningless意为“毫无意义的;B.hopeful意为“有希望的;C.happy意为 “高兴的、圆满的“;D. peaceful 意为和平的”,根据后面 With determination and the strong support ofmy wife “有了决心和妻子的大力支持”可知结局圆满,故答案选C。 【49题详解】句意:这次经历有一个圆满的结局,有了决心和妻子的大力支持,我在假期里战胜了

33、互联网。本题考查介词辨析,A.for意为“为 ;B. against意为“对抗”;Cto意为“到 ;D.in意为“在.里”,根据本句句意“与互联网对抗,struggle against意为“同作斗争”,故答案选B。【50题详解】句意:我终于意识到问题出在我,而不是ipad上。本题考查副词辨析,A. certainly意为“当然地”;B. suddenly意为“突然地”;C.immediately意为“立刻 地”;D. finally意为“最后地”,根据所给空前面的句子I won in my vacation,可知应该是最后意识到, 故答案选D。51题详解】句意:当我们路过一家星巴克时,我知道我

34、赢了,我妻子问我是否想停止使用Wi-Fi。本题考查代词辨析,A.I意为“我B.he意为“他 ;C they意为“他们”;D.we意为“我们”,根 据所给空后面的句子and my wife asked if I wanted to stop to use the Wi-Fi. “我妻子问我是否想停止使用WiFi 可知是我们路过星巴克,故答案选D。【52题详解】句意:然而,当我们回到假期后的生活,一个更艰难的考验开始了。本题考查副词辨析,A.Also意为“也、而且 ;B.However意为“然而;C.Otherwise意为“否则”;D. Anyway意为“而且”,根据后句a harder test

35、 begins: “一个艰难的考验开始”可知表转折,排除A和 D,所给空后有逗号,故答案选B。【53题详解】句意:我回去工作后可以继续吗?本题考查动词辨析,A.stop意 “停止” ;B. escape意为“逃离”;C. continue意为“继续” ;D. change 意为“改变”,根据本段落作者和妻子路过星巴克拒绝使用wifi,考验开始了,回到工作中我能继续不使 用电子设备吗?故答案选C。【54题详解】句意:我也不打算完全放弃我的便利。本题考查动词词组辨析,A. give up意为“放弃”;B. give in意为“投降” C give off意为“分发”;D. give away 意为

36、“赠送”,根据前句 Can I 13when Im back at work? And I dont plan to, “当我返回工作中我能放弃吗?并且我不打算便利”,可知是放弃,故答案选A。55题详解】句意:假期可以帮助你重新调整你的大脑,使之更有效率。本题考查名词辨析,A. body意为“身体”;B. heart意为“心” ;C brain意为“大脑”;D. thought意为 “想法”,根据第一段最后一句My body was on vacation but my head wasnt “我的身体在度假,但我的头 没有。”可知作者是想调整大脑,故答案选C。【点睛】做完型填空时,首先要通读

37、课文,明白主旨大意,然后再做题。做完型时要记住“瞻前顾后想结 果”这一原则,根据上下文以及语境做题,切忌主观臆断。另外,平时还要多多积累词汇。完型填空常考 名词、动词、形容词和副词等辨析。做词义辨析题时,首先要确认四个选项的含义,然后分析语境和逻辑 关系,确定答案。例如题目5中,首先确定四个选项的含义,A. sending意为“发送;B.giving意为给 ;C. destroying 意为“摧毁”;D. throwing意为“扔”,根据作者要远离网络,这里是把ipad给妻子,固定搭配givesth t。sb “把某物给某人,故答案选B。第四部分 句子成分(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)指出

38、下列句子划线部分是什么成分,从A、B、C、D中选出正确答案。56. He told me not to make noise here.A.间接宾语B.直接宾语C.宾补D.表语【56题答案】【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:他告诉我不要在这制造噪音。考查句子成分。tell sb not to do sth表示“告诉某人不要做某事”,不定式作宾补。故选C。57. It is so important to keep a balanced diet.A.宾语B.定语C.表语D.宾补57题答案】【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:保持均衡的饮食非常重要。考查句子成分。分析句子结构可知,balanced意为

39、“均衡的”,形容词,作定语。故选B。58. It is my honor to give a speech here.A.表语B.定语C.真正主语D.状语【58题答案】【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:我很荣幸在这里发表演讲。考查句子成分。分析句子结构可知,it是形式主语,后面的动词不定式是真正的主语。故选C。59. The old people live a happy life in our village.A.宾补B.定语C.状语D.表语【59题答案】【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:老人在我们村庄,过着幸福的生活。考查句子成分,“in our v川age”表示地点,因此是地点状语。故选C。

40、60. What will the weather be like in three days?A.主语B.宾补C.宾语D.定语【60题答案】【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:三天后天气会怎么样?考查句子成分。根据标点符号可知,本句是疑问句。what什么,特殊疑问词;will 一般将来时的助动词; the weather天气,主语;be like像,谓语;in three days三天后,时间状语。故选A。B卷(非选择题 满分60分)第一节 单词填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 根据下列句意及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。61. Its our duty to save energ

41、y. Please r to turn off lights and computers when you leave the office.【61题答案】【答案】(r)emember【解析】【详解】句意:节约能源是我们的责任。当你离开办公室时,请记住关灯和电脑。分析“Please r.to turn off lights and computers when you leave the office.”可知,此处表示“记得“关灯和电脑,可用remember表示,用 在祈使句中,使用动词原形,故填(r)emember。62. Speak English as much as possible

42、and youll make great p in spoken English one day.62题答案】【答案】(p)rogress【解析】【详解】句意:尽可能多说英语,总有一天你的英语口语会取得很大的进步。根据“Speak English as much as possible”可知多说英语会使英语口语取得进步,结合首字母p可知用progress表示“进步 不可数名词。 make progress 取得进步。故填(p)rogress。63. The students will put on a new play about f against COVID-19 tomorrow eve

43、ning.【63题答案】【答案】ighting【解析】【详解】句意:明晚,同学们将上演抗击新冠肺炎新剧。根据“againstCOVID-19”及首字母,可知,此处表 示“抗击”,英文表达为fight against,介词about后接动名词,故填ighting。64. Being overweight i the risk of having a heart problem. Youd better exercise more.【64题答案】【答案】ncreases【解析】【详解】句意:超重会增加患心脏病 风险。你最好多锻炼。分析“Being overweight i.the risk of

44、having a heart problem.”可知,此处表示“增加“,可用increase表示,时态是一般现在时,主语是Being overweight, 动词用三单,故填ncreases。65. We must follow traffic r when crossing the street.【65题答案】【答案】(r)ules【解析】【详解】句意:过马路时我们必须遵守交通规则。根据“traffic及“when crossing the street”可知,此处表示“交 通规则”,英文表达为traffic rule,此处不是单指一个交通规则,所以要用复数形式,故填(r)ules。66.

45、Uyou practice more, you wont succeed in winning the game.66题答案】【答案】(U)nless【解析】【详解】句意:除非你多练习,否则你不会成功地赢得比赛。根据“. you practice more, you wont succeed in winning the game”及首字母,可知,除非多练习,否则不会赢得比赛,unless“除非”引导条件状语从句,故填 (U)nlesso67. My mother asked me to take after-school activities, but my father d with he

46、r.【67题答案】【答案】(d)isagreed【解析】【详解】句意:我妈妈让我参加课外活动,但我爸爸不同意。根据uMy mother asked me to take after-school activities, but my father.with her.v可知,妈妈让“我”参加课外活动,but表示句意出现转折,结合首字母 d可知,爸爸应是不同意“我”参加课外活动,disagree with “不同意”;根据上句“asked”可知,此句也 应用一般过去时,谓语动词disagree应用其过去式disagreed。故填(d)isagreed。68. My parents are p of everything good that I do.【68题答案】【答案】(p)roud【解析】5. What can we know about Jack?A. He likes his job.【5题答案】【答案】C【解析】B. Hes working hard.C. Hes been out of job.【原文】略第二节(共10小题;每小题L5分,满分15分)听下面3段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。在听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听材料,回答


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