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1、夹叙夹议类写作STEP1写作技巧记叙文是以记人,记事为主要内容的文体,作为一种人们日常表达的重要形式,一直是高考 写作中的重点备考内容。考试中的记叙文体作语言,根据其形式,又可分为命题作文和看图 作文。命题作文要求作者写难忘,印象深刻的人或事,或记述一件事来阐发某人主题看图作 文要求考生根据一系列图画讲述一个故事。这两种形式是重点备考内容。记叙文的篇章构思1)构思此类记叙文时,应先明确写作中心,确立中心句,然后选取典型事例加以议论分析。A Teacher in My MemoryEver since I went to school,! have many teachers .Among th

2、emremember most clearly Mr Gao,a teacher with a loving heart.(文章的中心句)It was my second year in senior middle school when Mr.Gao began to teach us English.At that time,! was as timid as a mouse and afraid of making any mistakes.Silent and ordinary as I was,Mr Gao didnt ignore my existence.The first ti

3、me hs asked me a question/stood still without r word.He looked at me for a while and encouraged me to think about it,saying nothing is impossible as lonx as you fight for it.Though I made a mistake, he didnt get anHry.lnstead,he patiently talked with me and enlightened me to realize what the problem

4、 was adding that believe in yourself,and you will be as wonderful as others.(典型事例)Thanks to his love and encouraging words,ever since, I tried persuading myself to be brave.As a resultmade much progress and grew up to be a true man.(分析)Though 5 years passed,the impressing smile and words are still f

5、resh in my memory.从以上例子我们可以看出命题作文的结构模式:开头,交待中心思想。正文:记述一个实例,可夹杂一些分析。结尾:做个总结或发出倡议,呼应开头。2)也可以采用“引子”作为这种作文的开头,引邮对人物或故事的叙述,并在结尾点题。An Unforgettable TeacherOn the wall in my room,theres a Chinese character ,lt always reminds me of my teacher,MrLin.(引子开头)First of all, her determination is the greatest thing

6、 in the world. Though she couldnt see or hear anything, she still worked very hard. Whats more, she was so brave that she did many difficult things that normal people can hardly do. From Helen, I learn a lot her positive and optimistical personalities against all the odds.Whenever I face the trouble

7、 in my life, I would think of Helen, who possesses special longings for the future and lead a life full of hopes and have confidence to make my own life more wonderful.参考范文三:I have a wide range of collections of treasures, of which an umbrella tops first.I happened to get this special gift on a clou

8、dy day, which turned out to be pouring rain afterwards. On my way home, I was awkward at the school gate not only because of the heavy rain but also because of my refusal to take the umbrella from my mother earlier when it was cloudy. I regretted for not having taken her words that preparation in ad

9、vance would reduce the loss to the least. However, to my surprise, my mother came into my sight, with that umbrella and with great care at that moment.Life is full of small things. But they are also of great lessons we can learn from. This umbrella I have kept with me from then has always reminded m

10、e that make preparations in advance and get closer to success.8.IL Guided WritingDirections: Write an English composition in 120- 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.在成长过程中,我们有时会和父母意见相左,请叙述你曾经做过的一件违背父母意愿的事, 并简要谈谈你现在对此事的感受或看法。参考:高分作文评分:内容8语言8结构3总分_19It is typical of all par

11、ents tokeep a keen eye on (此处运用 了 keen 这个词的第二层含义,警 惕的,而旦是高频短语,非常好)whatever their children are doing, from their babyhood to their adolescent(该处运用了插入语的结构,使得句型变得富有层次感),during when the parents not only act as conductors but also(该处使用 了 not only-but also 结构使得句型饱满,对于基础 较差的学生来说是一种拉长句型的良好办法)lead us away fr

12、om the wrong road we might have taken without their guidance. However, cases can happen where(该处使用 / 定语从句, 运用 / case这个高频词,注意:该词的有多种含义,提醒学生注意)we fail to(高频短语)reach the same end as our parents when the division between right or wrong is more evident than it has been, for which I myself(运用同位语结构,这一点是很多学

13、生容易忽视的写作技巧)can offer an example here.It was during the summer vacation of my second year in senior high school that(该处使用强 调句来做本段的开头,具有强调的作用,加重该段在全文中的地位,使得句型灵活多变)my parents and I had an argument on whether I should join(类似表达 sign up for)a summer camp or assign for (高频短语)a tutorial class. As my parent

14、s held that so impending was(倒装句,句式灵 活多变)my college entrance examination that I should be buried in(高频短语)my study rather than spare anytime on something else, little did theyd到装句,句式多变)approve of my joining the camp, especially when I had problem achieving satisfactory marks in maths. As for me, howe

15、ver, there was still a years time to fix that up, and there needed to be a real relaxation before my fierce fight with the upcoming(词汇使用灵活)examination which could be a turning point of my life. At last, without consensus of (少量使用大纲以外的词可以提升)my parents, I assigned for the camp and spent my summer vaca

16、tion having fun.Now, having a tough time preparing fbr the examination, I knew whatever my parents? did was for my good(使用非谓语结构,文章句式多变),Willful as I was before(使用让步状语从 句的倒装句,句式多变,起强调作用),I now realize that not everything can be divided into right or wrong, but there is indeed a need for us to weigh(使

17、用该词的另一种词性,词性使用多变,很 灵活)the importance when it comes to(高频固定句型结构,表达正式,总结恰当)making a decision, on which(定语从句运用自如,句型结构优美,长难句综合运用)our parents can be the ones from whom we can seek help.参考2:评分:内容7语言8结构 3_总分_18When we grow up, there will definitely be occasionswhenfoccasion 中定语从句中先行词 固定用when,可以拓展一些特殊先行词的用法

18、给学生)our opinions differ from those of our parents. Wefail to realize that our parents are actually doing us good until we get matured and become father and mother ourselves. My own experience serves as the best example of this.Ten years ago, when I was still in kindergarten, I was so absorbed in pla

19、ying computer games that I can totally neglect my meals and sleeps, which, unsurprisingly,(非限制性定语从 句,并加入了插入语,非常地道的表达,可以用多举例让使用学用这个表达)made my parents more than angry at that time,if my memory served me right. At that time, myattitude towards(固定词组,注意介词)it is nothing but rebel, and as a result, I did a

20、 really bad job in the final exam and thus was scolded and blamed by my parents(这里可以改为 thus being scolded and blamed by my parents,非谓语作结果状语,语言更高级).From then on, I come to realize that my parents are really giving advicebased ontheir own experiences. For kids like me, who havent really had much exper

21、ience, it is advisable that we shouldobey their orders. Only in this way can we be good children ourselves(only+状语+部分 倒装,在作文结尾的时候能够经常用到,告诉学生要有意识的使用).参考3评分:内容_8 语言7结构3总分_17_When we are young, occasions will be when we have different ideas from my parents9. Tn most occasions, we wont realize the benef

22、its of our parents unless we become adults. So do I. The following example best shows this point of view.Several years ago, when I was in primary school, I was very naughty. So naughty I was that I even dared(so+adj/adv+部分倒装,这里应改为 so naughty was I that I even dared) drop out of school so as to(比 in

23、order to 要高级,可以推荐学生使用)buy a particular book from J.K. Rowling. This, unsurprisingly, pissed off my parents(插入语使用非常好).Then I rebelled a lot and consequently, my test scores were not satisfactory and I learned a lesson from it, never to do it again.Then I come to understand that when my opinions diffe

24、r from those of our parents9, we better take their advice(应该是 we had better take their advice) since they have more experience than we have. It is suggested that we should take their advice into consideration (注意这个句 型中的虚拟用法)when making decisions. Only in this way can we become matured ourselves.参考1:

25、评分:内容_10.语言9 结构5 总分Every one of us in the course of our growth is destined to face numerous choices be it a life-changing one or minor one. In the decision-making process, some choices tend to be at odds with those made by our parents for us. With the growth of mind, comes the proper handling ofthem

26、.From my living experience, the fierce fight with my father in my fifteen was the very first incident that flashed in my head.lt was all about my school performance. I was always frittering away my leisure timethat(强调句型非常好)is supposed to be focused on my study.Hanging out with buddies, smoking cigar

27、ettes and dating with some classmate seemed to me a way of acting maturely.(非谓语作状语,动名词作主语,非常好)1 always felt repellent against the idea that (同位语从句)ideal child is an obedient one measured by the excellence of academic performance. It was an afternoon after school when the fight finally commenced. Wit

28、h long pent-up rage in my heart, I blurted out some unbearable words at lease for my father. My father slapped me hard in the face and walked away wearing an unforgiving and at the same time a desperate look. After my fathers departure, a sense of guilt haunted me for the worst thing a son can do is

29、 despising his father for his illiteracy. After that, I made a promise that I shall never disappoint him hereafter.For years, I had a bad conscience for being so ungrateful and mean to my father until I entered college and obtained a degree. At the graduating ceremony, I asked for his forgiveness an

30、d he said he could never be more proud of me. It suddenly occurred to me that(翻译常考句型,教 会学生在写作中使用)the quarrel had been patched up years ago for his anger is way less than his love and care for me.“Think before you actthafs the key to the solution of conflicts between you and yourparents. My lesson is

31、 that instead of being a wayward child and acting rashly without serious consideration, we should never cease the efforts to reason with our parents when it comes to making a choice(when it comes to doing sth 这个句型非常好,但注意 to 是介词).Disregarding their concerns sometimes turns out to be misleading or eve

32、n hazardous. Above all, it may lead to an unpleasant and tragic end in your life.参考2评分:内容形语言 9结构5总分22During the course of growth with pain and happiness, by trial and error, what impressed me most was the period when I was ignorant of my mothers advice that abstaining from internet addiction should

33、be observed.So absorbed completely and totally in surfing the internet, including playing such attractive cyber games was I that(so+adj/adv+部分倒装,翻译常考句型,教会学生在写作中运用,本 句的倒装用得非常好,状语较长,容易出错)1 seldom had enough time to fulfill my homework and was of high spirits taking teachers lectures.As the old saying

34、goes, as a man sows, so he shall reap.(谚语运用)At mid-term examination, I even got the lowest scores in our class in two subjects which used to be my strengths .Later, My mother hurried to unplug the cable after she suggested me several times to quit the unbeneficial habit of net addiction, but in vain

35、. Angrily and gloomy, I quarreled with my innocent mother, even making her in tears.No sooner had I remembered this experience than I quit regret that what I had done absolute inappropriate to my mother about the case.(No soone什过去完成时+than+一般过去 时,2013年高考翻译考点,教会学生使用,注意时态与倒装,并拓展hardlywhen)If time could

36、 be turned back, I would not say the rude and disobedient speech to my mother. However angry or down, you should keep calm in every walk of your life and adopt the reasonable attitude to take the courage to face the difficulties, which is what I learn from this experience, 范文:It is an unforgettable

37、matter in my mind, though it happened 3 years ago, which was so impressive to both my parents and me that we all can memorize it clearly.3 years ago, I was just a teenager, 14 years old, with lots of dreams every day, such as becoming heroes, flying in the sky, and many unachievable dreams”. At that

38、 time what made me addicted is just the 3D computer games, where I could find myself in an imaginary world and I could realize my dreams there. However(类似表达 Nevertheless), this hobby was aware by both my parents! As a result, it is a nightmare for me the following days: I could not touch the compute

39、r any longer. How sorrowful for me it is !(感叹句运用)But fortunately, there was an illegal net bar in my neighborhood. I felt so thrilled and thus I spent lots of my spare time in it(可 以改为 thus spending lots of my spare time in it.), which made me paid all my attention to the computer games, leading my

40、life meaningfulness and worthless.Now, it has been 3 years since my wrong decision, I feel so regretful and sorrowful for not following the advice from my parents. I believe that it is just their advice that serves as a good medicine for our young generation to grow up just due to their golden life

41、experience and thoughts. So (替换为 Therefore 更好),here I will strongly recommend that teenagers shouldtake parents advice into consideration or discuss it with them to at least. Only in this way canwe have a better and promising future!It was five years ago when I was saddened by the defeat in a nation

42、al chess game.(对人物和 事件的叙述)Whenever I feel depressed,he inspires me to go ahead and be a true man.I really appreciate what Mr Lin has done for me.(感想,文章的中心句)3)此外,按照事情发生的先后顺序来记述一件事,并在结尾发表感想或作一总结。这也是 记叙文常见的写作模式。A Fire Accident“Fire,Fire!What a terrible word to hear when one woke up in a strange house i

43、n the middle of the night!lt was a large old wooden house and my room was on the second floor.l jumped out of bed,opened the door and stepped out into the passage.lt was full of thick smoke.(发生)I began to run.The floor became hot under my bare feet.I found an open door and ran into the room to get t

44、o the window.But before I could reach it, one of my feet caught in something and I fell down.The thing I had fallen over felt like a bundle of clothes .1 picked it up to protect my face from the smoke and the heat.(发展)Seeing a flaming doorway in front, I put the bundle over my face and ran.My feet b

45、urned terribly,but I got through.As I got out of the house,the bundle of clothes gave a thin cry.I nearly dropped it in my surprise,when I saw a woman running madly towards me.I saved her baby.(高 潮)I was a heroiCan you believe it?(结尾和感想)STEP 2写作模板阐释主题型要求考生围绕一个主题,描述生活中的一件事,说明这一主题。模板一:An ancient sayin

46、g goes: “名言警句,“,which is universally true.A story of/My experience of 事 例名称proved it again.事例的具体内容After that ,my belief becomes firmer that 主题,and in my daily life 此事的影响或对主题的 倡议练习:常言道:“熟能生巧(Practice makes perfect),通过描述你生活中的一件事,说明练习 对于成就一件事情非常重要。An ancient saying goes: Practice makes perfect, v which

47、 is universally true, My experience of learning comprter proved it again.When I was learning computer,! found that controlling mouse was not easy.I always pushed the wrong button and thus closed the windows I didn/t want to close;sometimes,l even failed in setting it where I intended it to be. Feeli

48、ng sad at first J didnt give up and kept practicing for almost two days.Later,I found it not as difficult as it used to be.Now,I can even play games in which the mouse is frequently used.After that,my belief becomes firmer that practice is a way leading to perfection:the more you practice ,the neare

49、r you are to the point of being perfect;and in my daily life I am no longer upset when I first wasnt skillful in achieving something.since I have realized practice makes perfect. 模板二:In my 地点,there is a 物.Whenever seeing it,I think of 事件名称或主题It was three years ago 事件内容。From 人或事,I learned that 主题练习:常言道:Failure teaches success.通过描述你生活中的一件事,说明我们要用乐观看 待失败In my bedroom,there is a photojn which


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