The Winchesters《温彻斯特家族(2022)》第一季第十二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、雨果嘉年华巡演韦恩堡印第安纳州你真觉得我们该来这里吗You really think we should be here?如果我们被抓了怎么办What if we get caught?听着这是你在城里的最后一晚Look.when its your last night in town, 你想做什么就做什么好吗you can do whatever you want, all right?你随便玩我都不在乎You can play tiddlywinks for all I care, 但我呢我想要一个难忘的夜晚I want to have a night I can remem

2、ber.你真觉得塔科马♥会♥那么糟吗You really think Tacomas gonna be that bad? 我不是来谈心的Look, I didnt come here to talk!好吗我是来找乐子的OK? I came here to have fun.我们能好好找乐子吗So can we have a good time?林波的欢乐大厅嘿你听到了吗Hey, do you hear that?听到什么Hear what?林波的欢乐大厅你看笨蛋Check out, Bozo.谁Who?帐篷里的那个小丑That clown over there i

3、n that tent.什么帐篷What tent?哩哩 八、八、Hee hee.I know this game attracts powerful magic users.强大的魔法使用者And I need some of it.我需要它来阻止阿克里达女王I need it to stop the Akrida queen,阻止他们的入侵to defeat their invasion.阿克里达是的The Akrida? - Yes.没人知道入侵什么时候开始No one knows when that invasions gonna happen.但一旦发生就无法阻止But when i

4、t does, it cant be stopped.他们太强大了Theyre too powerful.她说得对Shes right.去找个女巫团加入别在这里找Find a coven to join not that anyone here is offering. 足够多的黑魔法巫师Enough dark magic users应该能够保护彼此should be able to protect each other免受这些漏洞将要掀起的风暴from the storm those bugs are going to whip up.我不能这么做我有朋友有家人I cant do that.

5、 I have friends, I have family我必须考虑他们拜托that I have to think about. Please.肯定有什么能阻止他们的东西There has to be something that can stop them.求你了Please.证明Prove你有足够的力量施展那种魔法you are powerful enough to wield that kind of magic, 然后也许也许我们会让你留下and maybe, perhaps, well let you stay.好的怎么证明OK. How?让它长大Make it grow.不用水

6、不用泥No water, no dirt只能用魔法Just magic.业余时间结束了Amateur hour is over.出去的时候别撞到结界门Don*t let the warded door hit you on the way out.艾达门罗Ada Monroe?我听说了你想要什么I heard about what youre after,只要出价合适我可以帮你and I can help for the right price.你是谁Who are you?我是你的新死党Im your new best pal.我叫罗威娜My name is Rowena.这些都是从图书馆带

7、出来的吗These are all from the library?我的传说收集库里并没有太多漏洞There arent many holes in my lore collection, 但恐怕嘉年华传说就是其中之一but Im afraid carnival lore is one of them.美国嘉年华的民间传说Folklore of the American Carnival.小丑世家:从阿尔菲到扎波全史Clowning Around: A History from Alfie to Zappo.H你真觉得这里会有You really think theres gonna be关

8、于林波的资料吗stuff about Limbo in here?在我们开找之前Before we see, 最近发生了这么多事I wanted to check in 我想先确认一下你没事after everything thats happened.好的Right.是你自己要确认吗Is checking?还是玛丽让你这么做的Or did Mary put you up to this?不管你们俩之间发生了什么Whatever is going on between the two of you都不关我的事is none of my business.我这么问是因为你是我的

9、朋友Im asking because youre my friend.我没事Im good.嗯Yeah.谢谢Thanks.我在任何地方都没有看到林波的欢乐大厅相关的东西I see no sign of Limbors Hall of Happy anywhere.那现在怎么办So what now?我们说说重要的事情We get to the important stuff,比如你透露一下你和你的大兵男友like you spilling on what you and soldier boyfriend在汽车旅馆吵架的事were fighting about back at the mot

10、el.这么说吧被指控谋杀Lets just say being accused of murder对约翰控制易怒问题没有什么帮助hasnt exactly helped John with his anger issues.他还处在否认阶段Hes in total denial.每个人应对创伤的过程都是不同的Everybody processes trauma differently.至少Z医生是这么说的At least, thats what Dr.Z says.真希望我知道该怎么帮他I just wish I knew how to help.现在时机确实不合适Well, timings

11、definitely not great.一旦艾达找到可用的魔法If Ada finds that magic,我们很快就要迎来与阿克里达的一战well definitely have an Akrida fight on our hands soon.我只是好担心他Im just so worried about him.一切都会变好的Everything is gonna be OK. All right?我们和你同在我知道Were in this together. -1 know.继续假装安慰我So just keep pretending like youre comforting

12、me anyways.什么有人在跟踪我们Wait, what? - Someone*s following us.从我的肩膀1点钟方向看过去Over my shoulder, 1:00.该死都是他逼我的Oh, damn it. He made me.快Quick!我好像找到了什么Oh, I think I found something.林波的真名是杰罗姆哈斯金斯Limbos real name was Jerome Haskins,他是20世纪20年代常在中西部and he was a part of a carnival that traveled巡回演出的嘉年华的成员the Midwes

13、t in the 1920s.这上面还写了他是主演之一Says here he was one of the main attractions.直到连续两次沙尘暴来袭Until the one-two punch of the Dust Bowl再加上经济大萧条整个嘉年华都难以为继and Depression hit, and the entire carnival went under.人们总说每个小丑都有一段艰难的过往Well, they say every clown has a sad story.我们现在知道他的了Now, we know his.不过这还不是全部的故事Except

14、that wasnt the end of it.传说记载According to legend,哈斯金斯找到了一个强大的神秘术士Haskins searched out a powerful occultist想要用他的灵魂换取黑魔法and asked to trade his soul for dark magic.让我猜猜他一定是想要Let me guess. He wasnt asking for亮晶晶的新鼻子和小丑鞋a shiny new nose and clown shoes?不是啦No.是一个咒语It was for a spell能够让他忘记所有烦恼to make him f

15、orget all of his problems并保持这种状态他就能永远开心了and freeze him like that, so he could stay happy forever.在那儿There.你是谁为什么要跟踪我们Who are you, and why are you following us?我想知道你们查到了什么林波的资料Because I wanted to know what you found out about Limbo.我不相信记者And I dont trust reporters.记者Reporters?我们是韦恩堡审查员报的记者忘了吗From the

16、 HFort Wayne Examiner/ remember?哦Oh! Ha.当然记得这不重要Of course. Never mind.你为什么那么在意林波So why do you care so much about Limbo?是因为那个失踪的孩子沃利吗Is it about Wally, the missing kid?不是别人我弟弟罗杰No, somebody else my little brother Roger.林波30年前带走了他Limbo took him 30 years ago.所以你们不是真的记者So youre not really reporters.你们是猎

17、魔人Youre Monster Hunters?我们对此并不愿大肆宣扬Its something that we dont like to advertise原因显而易见你能再多跟我们for obvious reasons. Could you tell us more about 说说你弟弟的事吗克拉伦斯what happened to your brother, Clarence?那时我18岁I was 18罗杰才10岁and Roger was 10我们父母刚死于一场车祸when our parents died in a car crash.我比他大了八岁Growing up eigh

18、t years apart,我们之间的关系并没有那么亲密我也不知we were never close, so I didnt know what to do-该如何帮助他度过哀伤how to help him through his grief, you know?所以葬礼过后的第二天So instead, a day after the funeral, 我带他去了嘉年华想要让他开心起来I took him to the carnival to try and cheer him up.可是却让情况恶化了It only made things worse.他跑开了And he ran of

19、f.我到处找他I looked everywhere.但我只找到了一个小姑娘But all I found was this little girl.她说她看到罗杰慢慢消失She said shed seen Roger vanish,就那样不见踪影了like he just disappeared.你有告诉警♥察♥吗Did you try telling the police?他们觉得是那小姑娘的幻觉They thought the little girl was seeing things 最终他们不再寻找罗杰and eventually stopped sea

20、rching for Roger彻底放弃了可我没有and gave up. But I didnt.就在那时我听说了林波的传说Thats when I heard of the Legend of Limbo.如果当时我能陪他熬过悲伤If only Cd helped him through his grief而不是带他去那该死的嘉年华instead of taking him to that damn carnival, 他现在还会在我身边hed be here right now.你那是也只是个孩子You were just a kid too.我的父母都死于恶魔之手I lost both

21、 of my parents to monsters.我知道这有多难承受I know how hard it is.也许就是这样根据报纸上说的Maybe thats it. According to the paper, 沃利的父母离婚还因此被迫搬家Wally was upset because his parents were getting divorced 他十分难过and forcing him to move.我们了解到罗杰也十分难过And now we know that Roger was upset too.你觉得林波是在找特定的受害者吗So you think Limbos

22、targeting his victims?他会找到伤心或悲痛之人Searching for people who are sad or dealing with grief 将其引诱至帐篷里and luring them into his tent?他大概在为自己的小丑团招新人吧I think hes adding to his troupe.我们会找到你弟弟的Well, were gonna find your brother.你们的时间不多了嘉年华团队You dont have much time. The carnival starts今晚就会离开了 一旦他们离开 pulling up

23、 stakes tonight, and once its gone, 谁也不知道林波theres no telling where or when 下一站会在何时去哪里Limbo will strike next.我们得尽快弄清楚他使用的Then we need to figure out what kind of magic 是什么样的魔法我现在就去 we*re up against, stat - Tm on it. 我刚刚确认了和林波I was able to identify the occultist 做交易的术士的身份Limbo made a deal with. 希望深入了解他

24、的故事 Hopefully, digging into his lore 能让我们想到打败林波的办法 will lead to how to defeat Limbo. 我知道我不是猎魔人I know Im no Monster Hunter, 但我也做了些有关林波的研究 but have some research on Limbo, 都是在我寻找罗杰时收集到的 things Ive gathered searching for Roger. 很好OK. Great.那么卡洛斯你和克拉洛斯带上他找到的所有线索So Carlos, you go with Clarence and grab e

25、verything hes got, 和拉塔在汽车旅馆碰面and then meet Lata back at the motel.我和约翰留在这确保John and I are gonna stay here and make sure 林波在离开前不会再抓走谁 that Limbo doesnt snatch anyone else up before he goes. 找到了Here it is.你说记录者从你那里偷走的魔法书The grimoire you say the Men of Letters stole from you. 没错Ah, yes!我的旧魔法书My old gri

26、moire.是的现在该你Yes, which means its now your turn完成你所承诺的了to fulfill your end of the bargain.你答应告诉我能够You promised me magic 打败阿克里达女王的强大魔法 powerful enough to kill the Akrida queen.我的确承诺过That I did.但还有一个小小的问题But theres just one teeny, weeny, wee little problem.这本魔法书从不属于我This was never my grimoire.我骗了你我太坏了我

27、知道I lied. Terrible of me, I know.但我得确保But I had to make sure你带我走进那扇魔法防卫森严的门you let me through that heavily warded door.为什么Why?记录者在这里放了什么你想要的东西What do the Men of Letters have here that you want? 不是记录者艾达门罗Not the Men of Letters, Ada Monroe.是你You.那些女巫们或许对你的园艺魔法弃如敝履Those hags may have dismissed your gre

28、en-thumbed magic, 但我没有 but not me.我是为了你困在植物中的恶魔而来Im here for the demon you trapped in a plant.你找到时机跟我单独相处了想怎么办So now that you got me alone, whats the plan?再拷问我一次吗Wanna grill me again?弄清楚为什么我不像你Try to figure out why Im not as upset想象的那样心烦as you think I should be?调查过这个案子后我想我已经知道原因了After investigating

29、this case, I think I know why. 是吗原因是什么 Really? And why is that? 如果原因在我们呢 What if its us?如果我们的关系才是问题所在What if our relationship is the problem?你是想说抓捕一个邪恶小丑Wanna tell me how Hunting an evil clown 让你突然间觉得我们之间出问题了吗 suddenly makes you think we have issues? 不是因为抓捕林波 Not hunting Limbo.是一位和克拉伦斯谈了他弟弟的遭遇Talkin

30、g to Clarence about what happened to his brother. 玛丽这是无稽之谈Mary, that doesn*t make any sense.克拉伦斯想用嘉年华来让弟弟Clarence used the carnival as an escape 逃避他所面对的问题so his brother wouldnt have to face his problems. 你不觉得Dont you think it*s possible 你或许也是在借我们的关系 that youve been using our relationship 来逃避你的问题吗-所以

31、你把in the same way? - OK, so our relationship 我们的关系比作嘉年华狂欢is a circus carnival in this metaphor. 不我是说一些能让你No. Its something happy从困扰自己的问题中分心的开心的事情 to distract you from your issues.而这显然起作用了因为自我们离开劳伦斯And its been working, because ever since we left Lawrence, 你就一直在假装我们是在度假youve been pretending that weve

32、 been on vacation together 而不是在逃脱凯尔的谋杀指控是谁Whos there?嘉年华结束了 保安来了Carnivals closed! - Security guards coming.快躲起来嘿Hide! - Hey!小子回来Hey, kid, come back here!有人吗Hello?有人吗Hello?有人吗Hello?是谁啊Whos there?猎魔不是件光明正大的事Huntings a dishonest business.关于你是谁You gotta lie all the time你做了什么都不能说实话about who you are and w

33、hat you do.但最难的谎言But the hardest lies并不是你骗别人的那些arent the ones you tell other people.是骗你自己的那些Theyre the ones you tell yourself.又找了一天这个神秘人还是一无所获Another day looking for this mystery man and still nothing.这家伙就像个鬼魂Its like this guys a ghost.至少我们找到了超好吃的三明治At least we did find some killer sandwiches.好吧如果三明

34、治能杀死阿克里达女王Well, if sandwiches could kill the Akrida queen,那就没问题了then wed be all set我只是说我不认为Im just saying, I dont think拉塔和卡洛斯会吃这些instead of on the run for Kyles murder.不然就是你完全放飞自我了Either that, or youre flying off the handle 因为你看起来像在无视一切事实because it*s like youre totally ignoring reality.我在无视事实Im igno

35、ring reality?你难道不是也站在这里Youre honestly gonna stand here装作你没在逃避自己的问题吗and act like youre not avoiding your issues, too? 结束猎魔之后的生活或是我们的未来OK, what about life after Hunting or us?我申请了大学也通过了Well, I applied to college, and I got in.很好那之后你还有其他行动吗Great. And then what have you done since?你接受入学通知了吗Have you acce

36、pted the offer?你有报任何课程吗Have you enrolled for any classes?你有没有想过Have you taken a second to think about如果我还在猎魔这一切如何行得通how any of this works if Tm still Hunting?抱歉我忙着拯救世界呢Sorry Im too busy trying to save the world.就是这样玛丽这就是你一贯的借口There it is, Mary, the eternal excuse.承认吧你只要一想到未来触手可及I mean, admit it-the

37、second your future got real, 就会一如既往地缩回乌龟壳you did what you always do.你埋头做着猎魔的事情You buried your head in the Hunting sand这样就不用去想上学的事so you wouldnt have to think about college 或是我们的关系了 -行了or our relationship. - You know what?你爰怎么想怎么想我没时间争这个Think what you want I dont have time for this.又一次缩进你的乌龟壳And ther

38、e you go, proving my point.是林波Its Limbo.我想他就在这里I think hes here.好了OK.看到任何他或帐篷出现的迹象就通知我Walkie if you see any sign of him or the tent.你不觉得我们该待在一起吗Dont you think we should stick together?有必要吗Why bother?我说不定只是为了逃避事实Im probably just sticking my head才躲去猎魔呢in that Hunting sand, right?约翰我看到林波的帐篷了John, I fou

39、nd Limbos tent.我要进去玛丽等等我Im going in. - Mary, wait for me.我马上过去Ell be right there.玛丽Mary!玛丽Mary!玛丽Mary.玛丽Mary.她刚刚还在用无线电呼叫我At one moment, shes radioing me.下一秒就凭空消失了The next, shes vanishing into thin air.完全找不到林波或是他的帐篷There was no sign of Limbo or his tent anywhere. 就和沃利和罗杰一样Just like with Wally and Rog

40、er.你觉得林波也像锁定他们一样Do you think Limbo was targeting her锁定了玛丽吗the way he was targeting them?只有一处细节完全不合理Except for one detail that doesnt make any sense.事发时玛丽不像其他人一样难过I mean, Mary wasnrt upset like the others when it happened.除非她的确很难过Unless she was.好吧我们吵了一架OK, look, we got into a fight.但我们谁都没想到这会引发什么后果Bu

41、t neither one of us realized what it was going to lead to.好吧我们得去找她All right, we need to find her.还得想办法抢在林波和嘉年华And we also need to find a way to defeat Limbo一起搬走之前打败他before the carnival goes and he goes with it.我或许有些想法OK. I think I might have some ideas源自于我在和林波做交易的术士based on the information I found o

42、n the occultist身上搜寻到的信息that Limbo made a deal with.林波的快乐是术士Limbos happiness is the result of a mirror给他的一面镜子带来的that was given to him by the occultist那面镜子被施了黑魔法thats enchanted by dark magic.他想要维持这种快乐And he can only maintain that happiness只能通过将之传递给其他人by spreading it to others.所以林波才会绑♥架♥别

43、人That must be why Limbo kidnaps people.好消息是林波的快乐十分纯粹The good news is while Limbos happiness is absolute,也非常脆弱只要他的小丑团中its also very fragile because if anyone from his troupe有人能够重新接受现实were to be convinced to embrace reality again, 林波就会被摧毁then Limbo would be destroyed他的其他受害者也会被释放and all of his victims

44、set free.好那么我们就去毁掉林波的快乐派对Great. So we crash Limbos happy party,要避免看到他的镜子然后avoid looking into his mirror, and we talk说服其中的一个some sense into one of them. - Yeah.我们只需想办法找到那个We just need to figure out how to find我们都看不到的帐篷a tent that we cant see.不如让林波主动锁定我们吧Why dont we get Limbo to target one of us?现在玛丽失

45、踪了I know Im pretty upset with Jonathan我超级生约翰逊的气now that Mary s missing.正中他的下怀可不是什么好主意Playing into his hand cant be a good idea.肯定还有其他获取通行证的办法There has to be another way to gain admission.通行证Admission.玛丽消失前她捡到了一张门票When Mary went missing, she found this ticket.似乎是我们刚吵了一架门票就出现了Its like it appeared righ

46、t after our fight.或许需要有人契合林波的咒语Perhaps its only offered once a person has门票才会出现been primed for Limbos spell.我想我知道去哪里找了I think I may know where to find one.克拉伦斯有一大堆林波的纪念品Clarence had a bunch of old Limbo memorabilia和他的研究成果放在一起along with all of his research.就是这个通往快乐地狱的旧门票Here, an old ticket to Limbos

47、Hall of Happy.这会有用吗You think itll work?最好管用我们没那么多时间了It better, because we dont have much time嘉年华就要离开了until the carnival is gone.小小一株植物里竟藏着如此多的邪恶力量So much evil in such a small package.它儿乎是散发散着黑暗It practically radiates darkness.我能感觉到I can feel it.恶魔不是我们交易的而一部分The demon wasnt part of our deal.你为什么想要这个你是想要Why do you even want it? Are you trying to play两边下注both sides against the middle here, like-别这么激动Dinnae get your knick


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