The Winchesters《温彻斯特家族(2022)》第一季第九集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、给我倒点好吗Pour me some of that, would you?提醒我为什么这单不能等到明天早上And remind me why this couldnt wait till morning.我猜是有人急着要后面的东西Someone needed whats in back in a hurry, I guess.为加班费干杯Heres to time and a half.什么鬼What the hell?呼叫调度中心叫辆救护车过来Call dispatch. Get an ambulance down here.天呐调度中心我是Jesus. - Dispatch, this

2、is35-682装甲车Armored Truck 35-682.我们在罗斯威尔街向南行时Weve hit a station wagon while travelling southbound撞上了一辆旅行车on Rosewell Street.我们需要援助和救护车We need assistance and an ambulance out here尽快过来请注意as soon as possible. Please advise.没有脉搏了No pulse!35-682请待命35-682, stand by.尸体是凉的Bodys cold.找到了Here.护身符呢Wheres the am

3、ulet?不在这里Not here.但这能帮我们找到它But this will help us find it.我只是说这车不错Im just saying its a nice car.嗯就像你说的那样Just like you said we would, 挺好的and it was good.好朋友一生一起走Friends. - Forever.这正是我来这里的原因Thats.actually why Im here.我很担心约翰尼Im worried about Johnny.什么意思What do you mean?你见过他的新朋友吗Have you met his new fri

4、ends?社区大学的那些孩子们吧The kids from community college.我很高兴他们能帮他学习Im definitely happy theyre helping him study.约翰从来都不是优等生John was never exactly an A student. 我记得嗯I remember. Yeah.只是他的朋友玛丽Its just.his friend Mary-玛丽坎贝尔Mary Campbell.我今早在一个犯罪现场看到她了I spotted her at a crime scene earlier this morning. 不久前我看到了她和

5、约翰And a while back, I saw both her and John 在另一个犯罪现场at a different crime scene.小镇是这样嘛Small towns, right?也许吧但我调查了玛丽Maybe, but I looked into Mary, 她有一些犯罪记录and shes got a bit of a RAP sheet.有什么需要我担心的吗Anything I need to worry about?我就是想搞清楚这个Thats what Im trying to find out.我和她交流不多The little Ive spoken w

6、ith her, 不过玛丽看起来是个好孩子 Mary seems to be a good kid. 她一直很照顾约翰Shes been looking out for John. 太好了Thats great.只是Its just.我只是希望去打仗I was hoping going off to war 能让约翰的心结would get whatever was in Johns system 消失out of his system.你知道吗You know?嗯I do.但我不认为这有那么简单But I dont think its as easy as all of that. 你当然是

7、对的Im sure youre right.你能告诉约翰我来过吗Um, will you tell John, I stopped by? 当然Of course.很高兴见到你贝蒂-我也是Its good to see you, Betty. - You too.米莉Millie.那么安东怎么认识这个戴安娜的So how does Anton know this Diana? 他说他不认识He said he doesnt. 有朋友推荐的她Some friends recommended her.说她是最好的传说专家Said she was the best lore expert aroun

8、d.你知道我只是You know, I just.真不敢相信你跟安东再没联♥系♥ 了I cant believe you havent been in touch with Anton. 我以为-我们约会了I thought that- - Well we went on our date, 然后就没有然后了and.that was that.我甩掉他们了吗Did I lose them?没他们还跟着No. Theyre still following.玛丽看上去还很担心吗是的Mary still look worried? - She does.我不怪她I don

9、t blame her.我是说如果戴安娜的店I mean, what if Dianas store就是约翰在幻觉中看到的呢is the place that John saw in his vision?如果我们有人看到了红地毯Well, if any of us see a hint of red carpet, 约翰就得赶紧出去Johns outta there.难以置信真是太难以置信了Incredible. Absolutely incredible.我没想过自己能活着看到乌什塔里之石I didnt think Id live to see the Gem of Ursitoare.幻

10、觉呈现的是真的吗The visions it shows, is it real?乌什塔里从未出过错The Ursitoare are never wrong.护身符显示的一定会发生What the amulet shows must come to pass.为什么吸血鬼要找这个呢Why would the vampires be after this?他们一定是命运之子They must be II Soarta.一个崇拜乌什塔里的吸血鬼部落A vampire clan that worshipped the Ursitoare.乌什塔里告诉命运之子吸血鬼The Ursitoare tol

11、d the II Soarta 如果他们能够献出足够的血 that if they sacrificed enough blood to them, 他们就会得到用肋骨雕刻成的石头 theyd be rewarded with a stone carved from their ribs. 吸血鬼要那宝石干嘛What do the vampires wanna do with the stone? 命运对于不死族有着不同的意义Fate has a different meaning for the undead. 许诺部落的长久存在Promising longevity for the cla

12、n, 会告诉他们该找上哪个人类 it told them which humans to turn, 接下来该死的是谁还有谁能替代他们 who should die next, and who should replace them 确保他们能成功 to ensure their success.所以不一定只告诉你会怎么死So it doesnt always show you how you die. 是的它会显示你命运中的下一个时刻 No. It shows the next fated moment in your destiny. 一定会发生的事 Something that must

13、 happen. 有些是好的大多数时候不是 Sometimes good, most times not.而对于命运之子来说则是一个神圣的仪式 And for II Soarta, it became a sacred practice. 他们会怎样-根据传说What happened to them? - According to legend, 他们的领袖看到他难逃一死 their leader saw he was fated to die 而他选择挽救自己而不是整个部落 and chose to save himself over the clan. 他能改变自己的命运吗 Was he

14、 able to change his fate? 他就像宝石预言的那样死了 He died exactly as the gem predicted, 于是护身符就失传了and the amulet was lost to 11 Soarta 当宝石展示了你的命运Once this object reveals your fate,就是板上钉钉了it is sealed.总会有其它办法的Theres always another way.我们回去再查看一下传说Lets go back and check the lore.不先别走No. Stay.只是Its just.你们需要知道如何放置护

15、身符you need to know how to properly store this amulet保护它的安全to keep it safe.它需要博物馆级别的存储It needs museum-grade storage.不太对头是吧约翰Somethings not right John?我不会离开你们的Im not leaving you.你出♥卖♥♥♥我们-我也是没办法You sold us out. -1 had no choice.这么多年他们一直在威胁专家们They ve been threatening experts

16、 for years.说如果我听说了有关护身符的事却不告诉他们Said if I heard the amulet surfaced and didnt tell them,他们就杀了我theyd kill me.你一定想知道我是不是会食言吧Youre probably wondering if I m a man of my word.我们试试看哦Lets find out.不要拜托了我不想死No, please! I dont wanna die.还不到你呢Not your time yet,但很快了约翰温彻斯特but it will be soon, John Winchester.我们

17、就可以走We got this. Come on.我们在隧♥道♥里跟丢了We lost them in the tunnels.我是说他们现在可能到了任何地方I mean, they could be anywhere by now.我好担心约翰Im worried about John.他在幻觉中看到的吸血鬼也碰到了护身符The vampire he saw in his vision touched the amulet too 如果他看到的和约翰看到的一样那and if he saw what John saw, then.你认为他可能会让那个幻觉成真You

18、think hes gonna want to make that vision come true.这对命运之子来说就像宗教信仰一样Its practically a religious faith for the II Soarta.对不起约翰I-Im sorry, John.我们不该相信-不是任何人的错卡洛斯We shouldnt have trusted- - Its nobodys fault, Carlos.命中注定的It was meant to be.你尽快过来吧好吗Just get here as soon as you can, okay?是谁Who was that?你妈

19、Your mom.不行你不能打给我No. You dont get to call my我知道但我们需要有人陪在你身边I know. But we need someone to keep you company这样我们几个好出去寻找答案while we go out looking for answers.不行我可不会坐以待毙No. Im not just gonna hang around here而你们却在外面-你在这里会很安全while you guys are out there- - Youre safe here.而在外面听我说玛丽说得对Out there. - Look, Ma

20、rys right.这里完全可以This building is heavily warded阻挡住吸血鬼-而我们可以去against vampires coming in. - And we can look into试图找到那些吸血鬼tracking these vampires down.你们居然让我♥干♥闲着-我们是为了你的安全You guys are benching me. - No. Were keeping you safe. 不能再让你去有红地毯的屋子了No more chances of finding you in a room with a

21、red carpet. 好吧那我们接下里去哪找Okay. What do we look for next?我们应该从戴安娜的地方找起We should start at Dianas place.好好搜一下我是说她既然跟Give it a proper search. I mean, she was in contact命运之子有牵连那她可能有办法联♥系♥上他们with 11 Soarta, so she probably has a way to contact them.是警♥察♥现在应该也差不多离开了Yeah, and the c

22、ops should be wrapped up by now.好吧值得一试Okay, its worth a shot.我一会跟你们楼上见给我点时间Ill meet you guys upstairs. Just give me a second.好Yeah.嘿我理解你跟我意见不一致Hey, I get you wanna fight me on this,我也知道为什么but I also know why.你害怕了Youre scared.如果戴安娜说的对呢What if Diana was right?我是说如果我不能I mean, what if I cant.改变自己的命运呢cha

23、nge my fate?嘿你自己也说过Hey, you said it yourself.我们一定会有办法的Were gonna figure this out.就算是需要我把这三州区的所有吸血鬼都杀死也没问题Even if I have to kill every vampire in the tristate area.我以前从没对付过吸血鬼Ive never fought a vampire before.也许你可以帮我逃过一劫Maybe you could save me one.只要不是你幻觉中见到的那样As long as its not the one you saw in yo

24、ur vision, 就没问题deal.好吧Okay. Fine.我就留在这然后把所有的吸血鬼传说都读一遍I will stay here and read every lore book on vampires 这样至少我知道如何杀掉三州区的so I at least know how to kill the last vampire最后一个吸血鬼-谢谢in the tristate area. - Thank you.交给我们就好We got this.玛丽坎贝尔你在这干嘛Mary Campbell? What are you doing here?我想为我爸取点东西Uh, I was g

25、onna pick up some stuff for my dad 因为他是那种非传统医学类型的人cause hes the non-traditional medicine type, 但是天啊but.geez.这里发生什么了What happened?屋主被杀了The owner got murdered.天太可怕了你知道是谁干的吗My God, thats terrible. Do you know who did it?我们还在调查Were still investigating.很遗憾听说这事Im so sorry to hear that.那你先忙吧Ill let you get

26、 back to it.我这一天见到你两次挺逗的Its funny seeing you twice in the same day.还都是在犯罪现场Both times at crime scenes.小镇是这样嘛Small towns, huh?太小了Too small.不好意思你有什么问题吗Im sorry. Is there a problem here?我也想弄清楚呢Thats what Im trying to find out.你知道警长办公室You know the Sheriffs Department有你和你全家人的has a case file on you档案吧and

27、your whole family.我能说什么呢Well, what can I say?坎贝尔家人就喜欢找乐子吧The Campbells know how to have a good time.我不知道你牵扯进什么事里了I dont know what youve gotten yourself messed up in, 但如果约翰因此受伤的话but if any of it comes close to harming John.我不会让约翰涉险的I would never put John in any kind of danger.我真心希望你这话不是扯谎I really hop

28、e youre right about that, 因为我会盯着你的because Ive got my eyes on you.而且不只是以约翰朋友的身份And not just as Johns friend.谢谢你的提醒警官I appreciate the warning, officer.那就再见了坎贝尔小姐See you around, Ms. Campbell.成了吗-成了也没成Did it work? - Yes and no.我在门口乱晃成功引起了警♥察♥的注意I smoked out the cops and got their attention

29、, 但发现我的却是贝蒂but the one who noticed me was Betty.贝蒂约翰的前任吗Betty? As in Johns ex Betty?对就是那个贝蒂Yes, that Betty.她今早装甲车事故那里也看到了我She clocked me by the armored truck this morning too.这可不太妙啊是吧That cant be good, can it?但我们还有更重要的事要做But we got bigger fish for now.你们在里面找到什么了 -戴安娜的账本Whatd you guys find inside? -

30、Dianas ledger.我们认为可能知道那些吸血鬼藏哪了We think we might know where the vampires are holed up. 我当初真没想到猎魔I did not expect something called hunting还需要读这么多书to involve so much reading.我更喜欢打人的部分I prefer the punching part.你一直这样You always have.听我说贝蒂今天来了Listen, Betty stopped by today.从你的语调判断Guessing by your tone,应该不

31、是什么好事吧it wasnt the friendly kind of way.她在犯罪现场看到了玛丽和拉塔还有卡洛斯在一起She saw Mary with Latika and Carlos at a crime scene之前在另一个犯罪现场又和你一起出现and another one before that, too, with you.贝蒂对这方面可真的是嗅觉灵敏Betts always did have a pretty good nose for BS.她现在怀疑玛丽了Shes pawning it off on Mary.很明显你女友她不是我女友Apparently, your

32、 girlfriend. - Shes not my girlfriend.你拿我当三岁孩子呢Save it for the kids, kiddo.随便你怎么称呼她吧Whatever you wanna call her,Yeah.他一定是个记录者对吧Hes got to be Men of Letters, right?不他穿得不像No, he doesnt dress like one.我觉得他更像猎人He looks more like a Hunter to me.他长得也不错Hes not a bad looking one either.我应该跟着他的I shouldve fol

33、lowed him.他叫了我的名字递给我一封我爸写的信He said my name and handed me a letter from my dad,我就我就大脑一片空白你知道吗and I just- I blanked, you know?好吧不管他是谁Okay, whoever he is,我们都别现在探究这事儿were not gonna figure that out right now因为这一刻属于我们because this moments supposed to be ours.玛丽Mary?凯尔嗨Kyle. Hey.早上好Good morning.约翰这是凯尔我的记者朋友

34、John, this is Kyle, my reporter friend.写退伍军人医院丑闻的那个人The one who wrote the story on the VA hospital scandal.正是在下-约翰温彻斯特Guilty as charged. - John Winchester.谢谢你的报道对我意义重大Thank you for that story. It meant a lot.尽我一点微薄之力而已Least I could do.看来我又有独家新闻了啊Looks like I got another scoop though.我猜这就是为什么你一直不怎么回我

35、电♥话♥Guess this explains why youve been slow to call me back.玛丽在警方可是有犯罪记录的Mary has a bit of a RAP sheet.我也-样啊Yeah, well, so do I.这事让贝蒂很担心Thats what worries Betty.她认为你可能又要用老一套方法做事了She thinks youre getting back into some of your old ways.她认为哈She thinks.你也这么想的吗Do you agree?就因为你现在猎魔了Just be

36、cause youre punching monsters now也不等于你没有好勇斗狠的问题doesnt mean youre not still punching.你总是有种会让人&hearts汰♥吃一惊的本领Youve had the kind of run that would knock anyone for a loop. 你没事吧Are you okay?除了知道自己可能会Well, despite learning that Im gonna die死于吸血鬼之手外at the hands of a vampire.别的都好I am.我和玛丽的事情-我知道Thin

37、gs with Mary are. - Yeah, I know.从你的脸上能看出来I can see it on your face.还有别再纠结于命运这种事了And look, dont let this fate stuff get in your head.每个人都说我成不了机修工Everyone told me that I couldnt be a mechanic,可现在你看看我and.Jook at me now.命运是要靠自己创造的Fate is what you make it.好了给我讲讲如何杀死一个贝拉卢戈西吧All right, tell me how to kill

38、 a Bela Lugosi这样我们就不用再聊感受什么的了so we can stop talking about our feelings already.首先First of all,吸血鬼跟电影里演的不一样vampires are nothing like they are in the movies.日光和死人血会让他们昏迷The sunlight and dead mans blood can stun them, 但是用木棍插入心脏可杀不死他们but a stake to the heart wont kill them.唯一的方法就是Only way is with a.用老式斩

39、首Good old decapitation.正常啊Naturally.太让人失望了 -什么意思This is so disappointing. - What do you mean?我们在猎杀吸血鬼邪教♥徒♥啊Were hunting a vampire cult.我还以为他们住城♥堡♥呢I was expecting to find a castle.有个蝮沟也行啊At least a moat.赶紧干活吧Lets get to work.还暖的Still warm.文书Paperwork一定是银行有人给了他们消息Someone f

40、rom the bank mustve tipped them off.戴安娜确实说有很多人在找他们Diana did say they had people all over looking for them.看上去他们发现了这个马卡姆Looks like they discovered that this Markham fellow 有个保险箱kept a safety deposit box.根据这个他们安排了According to this, they arranged to have一个支行关闭这样好把保险箱转移the branch closed so the boxes cou

41、ld be transferred.这是什么Whats this?看样子是某种魔法撬锁工具Looks like some kind of magic lockpick.侧面的符文能穿过任何东西吗The sigils on the side can- - Can get through anything? 抢银行的吸血鬼会是个不错的电影Bank heisting vampires would make such a fantastic movie. 等等且慢Wait. Hold on a second.至少有我这么觉得还是这个东西看着眼熟Is it just me, or does this l

42、ook oddly familiar?记录者对俱乐部绘制的设计图The Men of Letters own plans to the Clubhouse.上面有我没有去过的房♥间Oh, this has rooms I havent even seen before.他们总是在场所外保留一个副本以供妥善保管They always kept a copy offsite for safekeeping. 那一定就是吸血鬼从卡车劫案里得到的东西 This must be what the vamps got from the truck heist. 不什么Oh, no. - Wh

43、at?根据这上面所说从劳伦斯污水系统According to this, theres an entry point 有通向俱乐部的入口to the Clubhouse from the Lawrence sewer system. 如果下水道没有符文或者屏障保护那么If those sewers arent warded or sigiled, then.约翰有麻烦了Johns in trouble.约翰是玛丽John? Its Mary.你收到了吗You copy?这里是米莉玛丽我们能听到You got Millie here, Mary. We copy you.怎么回事Whats go

44、ing on?命运之子找到了俱乐部的图纸Il Soarta found plans to the Clubhouse.他们找到了通过屏障和符文的办法They have a way to get past the wards and the sigils. 怎么做到-怎么做How? - How?下水道有弱点Theres a weak point in the sewers.你可能没那么多时间了You may not have much time.你现在就得离开这You have to get out of there now!那是什么What was that?我说是我们的时间要没了Id say

45、 thats our time running out.听起来来人了 -跑Sounds like we got company. - Run.留在这Stay here.不出口被堵住了 -无能为力Nope. Exits blocked. - No can do.我们得在里面找到安全的地方Were gonna need someplace inside thats safe.你们现在在哪-更衣室Where are you guys now? - Locker room.拉塔-我在找我在找Lata. - Im looking. Im looking.那边那边一层之下有个地下室There. There

46、s a vault below you one level down.好下去把自己锁在里面Okay, head down there and lock yourself inside.一会儿见Well see you soon.妈妈走Mom, go.我来给你争取时间-不Ill buy you time. - No.然后让你自己遇害And get yourself killed in the process?不要像你以前一样今天不行Dont do what you always do. Not today.地下室快The vault. Come on.关上关上关上Close it, close

47、it, close it.太好了Oh, great.拉塔说过布线需要升级Well, Lata did say the wiring needs an upgrade.她是对的-好了来吧She was right. - All right, come on.在那之前看看我能不能Until then, lets see if I can弄清楚这堆里面有什么线索shed some light on this dump.拉塔Lata.好完成Okay, done.进去小玛Get inside, Mare.我来处理不速之客Ill take care of our uninvited guests.圣水洗发水在巴斯托就有用Holy water hair commercial? - Worked in Barstow. 最后一次离开的机会傻瓜们Last chance to leave, bob


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