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《2021年英语中考真题分类任务型阅读:阅读翻译.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年英语中考真题分类任务型阅读:阅读翻译.pdf(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、(2021辽 宁 丹 东 中 考)(B)阅 读 下 面 短 文,将 短 文 中 划 线 部 分 的 句 子 翻 译 成 中 文,并 将 其 答 案 写 在 答 题 卡 的 相 应 位 置 上。When the door of happiness closes,another opens,but we often look so long at the closed the door that we dontsee the one that has been opened for us.112.Giving someone all your love doesnt mean that theyl

2、l love you back.Dont expect love in return.Justwait for it to grow in their hearts.Dream what you want to dream,go where you want to go,and be what you want to be.Because you have onlyone life.113.And it is the only chance for you to do all you want to do.Dont let anyone steal your dreams.Follow you

3、r heart,no matter what happens.答 案:112.给 予 一 个 人 你 所 有 的 爱 并 不 意 味 着 他 们 也 会 爱 你。113.这 是 你 唯 一 的 机 会 去 做 你 想 做 的 事。(B)(2021辽 宁 铁 岭、葫 芦 岛 中 考)阅 读 下 面 的 短 文,将 短 文 中 画 线 部 分 的 句 子 译 成 中 文。(共 4 分,每 小 题 2 分)China has a long history of making lanterns.And lanterns are necessary decorations(装 饰 品)during im

4、portantfestivals such as the Chinese New Year.They are beautiful and create an air of festivity.Today,I want to tell you akind of plant.64.This kind of plant is very similar to lanterns.The plant is Winter Cherry(樱 桃).Chinese people also call it the Chinese Lantern plant.Its papery orange-redflowers

5、 look like little lanterns.It grows mainly in central and southernEurope,Iran,China,and Southeast Asia.The plant is not only beautiful but also useful.Its fruit and leaves canbe used to make medicine.65.Because of this,it is loved by many people.Will you pick it when you see it next time?64.这 种 植 物

6、与 灯 笼 非 常 相 似。65.因 为 它 的 果 实 和 叶 子 能 被 用 来 做 药/制 药/入 药,所 以 它 被 许 多 人 喜 爱/很 多 人 喜 爱 它。(B)阅 读 下 面 短 文,将 短 文 中 画 线 部 分 的 句 子 翻 译 成 中 文。(共 6分,每 小 题 6分)(2021 辽 宁 营 口 中 考)World Environment Day(WED)falls on June 5 each year.It focuses on improvingthe environment all over the world.88.WED is created to qet

7、peoples attention to the Lnvironment.Also,peopleare encouraged to express their thoughts about the environment.People are asked to change attitudes(态 度)towards environmental problems.89.A H oations and people can enjoy s safer and more beautiful future byworking lo?clhcr.With the development of Chin

8、a,our government is more and more enthusiastic(热 衷 的)about protectingthe environment.90.The fores of China has already become the first place in the world,about 2 hundred miHionhectares(公 顷).Our lives are greener and greener.(88)o(89)o(90)o【主 旨 大 意】本 文 是 一 篇 说 明 文。本 文 主 要 介 绍 了 世 界 环 境 保 护 日 和 人 们 在

9、 这 一 天 可 以 为 环 境 做 点 什 么 事 情。【答 案】88.世 界 环 境 保 护 日 的 创 设 是 为 了 引 起 人 们 对 环 境 的 关 注。89.通 过 各 国 人 民 携 手 努 力,就 一 定 能 够 享 有 一 个 更 加 安 全、更 加 美 好 的 未 来。90.中 国 的 森 林 已 经 成 为 世 界 第 一,约 2 亿 公 顷。(2021辽 宁 抚 顺 本 溪 辽 阳 中 考)阅 读 下 面 的 短 文,将 短 文 中 画 线 部 分 的 句 子 译 成 中 文。(共 4分,每 小 题 2分)This is a portrait(肖 像)of Alber

10、t Einstein.64.An American artist-drew”it on a plate with some food.He usedbread,fresh vegetables,and mashed potatoes.Sometimes,he worked with cookies.His food portraits include Queen Elizabeth from the U K and US actress Marilyn Monroe.He spends up to twohours making each portrait.Many people like t

11、hese food portraits.65.Would you like to make one for yourself?That must be a lot of fun.答 案:64.位 美 国 画 家 用 些 食 物 在 盘 子 里/上 画 了 它/爱 因 斯 坦 的 肖 像。/一 位 美 国 画 家 在 盘 子 上 用 食 物 画 了 它。65.你 想/愿 意 为 自 己 做 一 副 食 物 肖 像 吗?注:此 翻 译 题 为 开 放 性 试 题,参 考 答 案 不 唯 一,凡 符 合 语 境 的 正 确 表 达 均 可 得 分。(2021湖 南 邵 阳 中 考)C)英 汉 互 译

12、 阅 读 下 面 短 文,将 文 中 画 线 的 句 子 译 成 汉 语 或 英 语。(共 5 小 题,每 小 题 2 分)Colorful fruits and vegetables are good for your heath.71.TheC natural colors help protect your body fh)m illness.Think about the colors of the food such as the red of the tomatoes,the orange of carrots,the green of kiwi fruit and thepurp

13、le of grapes.You can enjoy eating fruits and vegetables of many colors.They are red,yellow,green,orange.blue and purple.72.每 种 颜 色 都 有 一 些 特 殊 意 义。They work together to protect your body.73.Scientists have discovered the secrets of colorful fruits and vegetables.The list below shows their differentb

14、enefits.Yellow and orange can make your immune(免 疫 的)system strong.74.他 们 对 你 的 健 康 也 是 有 益 的。Green is alsohelpful to protect your eyes.Besides,it is good for your bones and teeth.75.Blue and purple can help you have a Rood memory.They also can fight heart illness.When you buy or eat fruitsand veget

15、ables next time,you can try more colorful ones.71.他 们 天 然 的 颜 色 帮 助 你 们 的 身 体 不 生 病。72.Every color has some special meaning.73.科 学 家 已 经 发 现 了 彩 色 水 果 和 蔬 菜 的 秘 密。74.They are also good for your health.75.蓝 色 和 紫 色 能 帮 助 你 有 个 好 的 记 忆 力。(2021 湖 南 永 州 中 考)第 二 节 语 篇 翻 译(共 8 分,每 小 题 2 分)阅 读 下 面 的 短 文,然

16、后 将 划 线 部 分 的 句 子 译 成 汉 语 或 英 语,并 将 答 案 填 写 在 答 题 卡 上 对 应 题 号 的 横 线 上。The role of the disabled in societyThe 2022 Paralympic Winter Games will be held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou innorth Chinas Hebei province.Hosting the Paralympic Games will help draw attention to the need for countriesto do more to

17、 make sure equal chances for all people in society.7 Lit is necessary torealize the great achievements which are made by disabled people.72.残 疾 人 在 中 国 的 生 活 已 经 改 善 了 很 多,and more achievements are expected to be seen as the country hasbeen speeding up to realize the goal of achieving“equality,parti

18、cipation and sharing,9,as expressed in the 2019 WhitePaper on Chinas 70 years of progress in dealing with the needs of the disabled.73.The Chinese government is trying to solve the needs of the disabled and provide them with new chances.Forexample,buildings,holds,public transport and other public pl

19、aces are becoming more wheelchair friendly.Modern media also play an important role in educating the public about the needs of the disabled and alsochanging societys image of them,so there is greater focus on their special abilities rather than on their abilities.In fact,the societys most disabled p

20、eople provide all of us with important lessons.They show us confidence,creativity and positivity.The loser will fail 99 times and then give up.74.要 成 功,你 必 须 有 耐 心,永 不 放 弃。Ybumust always learn from your failures,and move on.7 1.72.7 3.74.【答 案】71.很 有 必 要 了 解 一 下 由 残 疾 人 士 取 得 的 巨 大 成 就。72.The life of

21、 the disabled people has improved a lot in China73.中 国 政 府 正 努 力 解 决 残 疾 人 的 需 求,并 为 他 们 提 供 新 的 机 会。74.To success,you must be patient and never give up.(2021湖 南 怀 化)第 三 节 英 汉 互 译(共 5 小 题,每 小 题 2 分,满 分 10分)阅 读 下 面 的 短 文,将 划 线 部 分 的 句 子 译 成 汉 语 或 英 语。7 6.你 喜 欢 阅 读 吗?It can open many doors and lead yo

22、u into a road to success.77.Everyone should have a qood reading habit.This is because it is anway to get information.78.阅 读 对 我 们 来 说 很 重 要。How can you improve your reading?good way.For example,when you learn how to ride a bike,you have to gethnportantThere is aon the bikeas many times as possible.I

23、t is the same as reading.79.If you want to improve your readinR,iry to read more books.If you go out,take a magazine,a book or something else to read.When you are reading,try to understand whatmessage the writer is giving to you.8().Good books ore friends.They can bring us much happiness.76._77._78.

24、_79._80._76.Do you like reading?77.每 个 人 都 应 该 有 良 好 的 阅 读 习 惯。78.Reading is very important for us.79.如 果 你 想 提 高 你 的 阅 读 能 力,尽 力 多 读 书。80.好 书 是 朋 友。请 根 据 上 下 文 内 容,将 文 中 划 线 部 分 译 成 汉 语 或 者 英 语。(2021湖 南 湘 潭 中 考)Last month we asked our students about their free time activities.Our questions wereabou

25、t exercise,use of the Internet and watching TV Here are the results.We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day.Forty-five percent exercise four to sixtimes a week.Twenty percent exercise only one to three times a week.61.百 分 之 二 十 的 同 学 一 点 也 不 锻 炼。We all know that many st

26、udents often go online,62.bul we were surprised Ihal ninety percent of them use theInternet every day.The other ten percent use it at least three or four times a week.Most students use it for fun and notfor homework.The answers to our questions about watching television were also interesting.Only tw

27、o percent of the studentswatch TV one to three times a week.Thirteen percent watch TV four to six times a week.And eighty-five percentwatch TV every day!63.Although many students like to watch sports,game shows are the most popular.It is good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows,but

28、 we think the best way torelax is through exercise.6 4.它 有 益 于 身 体 健 康。Exercise such as playing sports is fun,andyou can spend time with your friends and family as you play together.And remember,4 4old habitsDie hard”.65.So start exercising before its too late!【答 案】61.(And)Twenty percent don t exerc

29、ise at all.62.但 我 们 感 到 惊 讶 的 是,90%的 学 生 每 天 使 用 互 联 网。63.虽 然 许 多 学 生 喜 欢 看 体 育 节 目,但 游 戏 节 目 却 是 最 受 欢 迎 的。64.It is healthy/good for the mind and the body.65.所 以 赶 快 锻 炼 起 来,不 要 等 到 来 不 及 了!(2021湖 南 长 沙 中 考)阅 读 下 面 的 短 文,将 划 线 部 分 译 成 英 文 或 中 文。Yangge is a kind of traditional Chinese folk(民 间 的)dan

30、ce.The performers(表 演 者)dance to music with handkerchiefs(手 帕)or fans in their hands.66.Its a verypopular festival activity in north China.Yangge may have different forms from place to place,but all of them expresshappiness.6 7.很 多 人 非 常 喜 欢 秧 歌 Most dancers are young men and youngwomen.Some are eve

31、n old ladies.Almost every village in northern Shaanxi Province has yangge teams.68.Theybeain to prepare yanqae even a month before the Chinese New Year.During the Spring Festival,the yangge teamspay New Years calls from house to house.69.They wish people a heppy New R ar by dancing yanqqn in the str

32、eets.Some young men often play thedrums,and the performers wave red silk bands(挥 舞 红 绸 带).People set off firecrackers(鞭 炮)to welcome thedancers.7 0.他 们 邀 请 表 演 者 品 尝 自 制 食 物。The sounds of songs,drums and firecrackers form an air of festivity inthe village.Nowadays,yangge has spread into city parks,s

33、treets and squares,and it has developed into a kind of popularexercise for city people.66._67._68._69._70._66.它 是 一 个 在 中 国 北 方 非 常 受 欢 迎 的 节 日 活 动。67.Many/A lot of/Lots of people like Yangge very much.68.他 们 甚 至 在 春 节 前 一 个 月 就 开 始 准 备 秧 歌 了。69.他 们 通 过 在 街 上 跳 秧 歌 来 祝 福 人 们 新 年 快 乐。70.They invite p

34、erformers to taste/try the food made by themselves./They invite performers to taste/try the foodwhich/that is made by themselves./They invite performers to taste/try self-made/homemade food.(2021湖 南 株 洲)第 一 节 双 向 翻 译(共 5个 小 题,每 小 题 3分,满 分 15分)根 据 上 下 文 将 文 中 画 线 部 分 译 成 汉 语 或 者 英 语。The Internet and

35、your friends influence your beauty standards.61.你 的 朋 友 总 是 在 网 上 发 照 片。They want toshow off their beautiful dresses or strong bodies,and you will compare yourself to them.First of all,not to follow popular beauty standards blindly.They are out of reach for 99%of us,so ifs better tojust forget about

36、 them.62.Another sua?estion is to tell yourself that you are special.Talk about your feelings with someone you trust.Hearing how much they value you can help you feel comfortable in your own skin.63.每 个 人 都 了 不 起。Everyonehas their own talents.Finally,it is a good idea to try to direct your attention

37、 away from bad thoughts.To achieve this,you should dosomething you enjoy.You can enjoy yourselves by learning.64.This is alifelono journey because every day bringssomething new.Ybu can also take part in social activities,like playing sports with your friends.These things can helpyou take your mind o

38、ff matters that worry you and make you feel good about yourself.You may often judge yours ellby what is on the outside,not on the inside.However,like a book,your contentsare much more important than your cover.65.Dont judae a book by its cover.If you can learn to see the good thingsabout yourself,yo

39、u will soon begin to love yourself just the way you are.61.Your friends always post photos online.62.另 一 个 建 议 是 告 诉 你 自 己 你 很 特 别。63.Everyone is excellent.64.这 是 一 个 终 生 的 旅 途,因 为 每 天 都 会 带 来 新 的 东 西。65.不 要 通 过 封 面 来 评 判 一 本 书。/不 要 以 貌 取 人。(2 0 2 1四 川 达 州 中 考)根 据 短 文 后 所 给 的 任 务,完 成 717 5小 题。温 馨 提

40、示:只 要 有 大 小 写、单 词 拼 写、语 法 等 错 误,均 不 给 分。To become a better person,we should go to school every day.So how can webecome powerful and start changes in our own life?Perhaps we can get some tips fromthe US First Lady Michelle Obama.During her visit to China,from March 20-26,Mrs.Obama shared her views on

41、 education with students.The first lady encouraged Chinese students to aim high and get a good education.In Chengdu No.7 High School,she told students that having poor roots doesnt matter A long as you work hard.Mrs.Obama said her family was not rich.Like many Chinese students,her parents had big dr

42、eams for her.Shefelt the weight of her parents9 sacrifices(牺 牲)on her shoulders and worked hard to make them proud.Persevering was not easy,though.Sometimes she had to wake up at 4:30 a.m.and study late into the night.Butwhenever I got tired or discouraged,I would remember something my mother always

43、 told me,“she said,“A goodeducation is something that take,no,from,ca”,erne,away,Mrs.Obama also encourages Chinese students to study abroad.6 UAs the Chinese B goes,It is better to travel 10,000 miles than to read 10,000 books,she said.在 学 校 取 得 好 成 绩 是 不 够 的。Ifsako important to have real experience

44、 with languages,cultures and societies different from your own,she noted.“Studying abroad could also gain future international relations.1 1 could help young people from differentcouniry work to g eth e rd e a l with problems such as climate change,Mrs.Obama said.任 务 一:7 1.请 将 文 中 A,B 空 白 处 分 别 填 入

45、一 个 恰 当 的 单 词,使 句 子 意 思 完 整 正 确。A.B.任 务 二:7 2.请 将 文 中 处 斜 体 单 词 连 成 句 子。A good education is something that_任 务 三:7 3.请 将 文 中 处 划 线 句 子 译 成 汉 语。任 务 四:74.请 将 文 中 处 的 汉 语 译 成 英 语。任 务 五:7 5.文 中 处 划 线 句 子 中 有 一 处 错 误,请 找 出 并 改 在 横 线 上。(每 空 一 词)_改 为 _答 案:71.A.as B.saying72.no one can take away from you7 3

46、.读 万 卷 书 不 如 行 万 里 路。74.Its not enough to get good grades in school.75.country 改 为 countriesA)翻 译 语 篇 阅 读 下 面 的 短 文,将 文 中 的 划 线 部 分 译 成 汉 语 或 英 语。(2021 湖 南 岳 阳 中 考)Yian Lonnping,“Father of Hybrid Rice(杂 交 水 稻 之 父)died at the ageof 91 in Changsha on May 22nd,2021.71.People were completely shocked whe

47、n they heard thenews.Many people hurried to Changsha to express their condolences(哀 悼)over his death.Asthe car with Mans body was moving down the street,people along the sides cried and shoutedhis name to the car.Many old people still remember clearly that they didn*t have enough food to eat in the

48、early 1960s.Mian made uphis mind to keep all the Chinese people away from hunger(饥 饿).He and his team began the research on the hybridrice in 1964.72.你 无 法 想 象 成 功 的 路 有 多 难。They failed many times but didn*t give up.In 1974,Yian and his teamdeveloped the worlds first hybrid rice successfully.This gr

49、eat achievement helped solve the problem of feeding allthe Chinese people.73.However,he and his team continued the research and improved the hybrid rice.He once saidhe had two dreams“to enjoy the cool under he rice crops(庄 稼)taller than me and that the hybrid rice could begrown all over the world.*N

50、ow,the hybrid rice has been brought to more than 100 countries such as the UnitedStates,Japan,Brazil and so on.74.Y】an has made a big difference to the lives of Chinese people.Without doubt,Yuan Longping is a realsuperhero.Behind all his great scientific achievements are his spirits of never stoppin


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