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《2020中考英语知识点复习-阅读理解.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020中考英语知识点复习-阅读理解.pdf(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、通 过 近 几 年 全 国 各 省 市 中 考 英 语 试 题 来 看,我 们 发 现“阅 读 理 解”题 呈 现 出 这 样 几 个 特 点:题 材 新 颖,原 汁 原 味,趣 味 性 强;贴 近 生 活 实 际,极 具 可 读 性;反 映 社 会 热 点,富 于 时 代 气 息;题 目 设 计 巧 妙,匠 心 独 运;考 查 能 力 综 合 化;选 材 广 泛,信 息 量 大。所 涉 及 内 容 包 罗 万 象,不 仅 涉 及 生 活 百 科,自 然 科 学,而 且 也 触 及 天 文 地 理,寓 言 故 事、异 域 风 情 等。A、阅 读 理 解 题 目 类 型 及 解 题 方 法。1.

2、细 节 理 解 题。*此 类 题 主 要 考 察 学 生 对 相 关 信 息 的 识 别 能 力,股 在 原 文 中 熊 找 到,*出 题 中 所 设 的 干 扰 项 一 般 与 文 中 的 观 点 截 然 相 反,要 幺 不 符,要 么 未 涉 及 棉 寸 等 易 排 除。常 常 是 无 中 生 有,张 冠 李 戴,,以 偏 概 全 太 内 容。2.文 章(段 落)主 旨 大 意 题。Which is the best title of the passage?The writerthinks.The writer wants to tell us_.The main ideaof the

3、passage i s.*切 忌 以 点 代 面,以 偏 概 全。尾 句 往 往 是 探 察 全 文 内 容 的 窗 口,用 心 句。文 章 的 首 尾 句 及 各 段 的 首 阅 读 时 要 学 芸 找 出 文 章 的*在 阅 读 过 程 中,可 通 过 略 读 来 快 速 把 握 文 章 的 中 心,阅 读 时 视 阈 要 宽,紧 抓 对 主 题 句 甯 搜 索,按 意 群 进 行 阅 读,避 免 阅 读 中 的 出 声、指 读、复 视、或 停 顿。3、推 理 判 断 题。此 类 题 需 要 透 过 文 章 信 息 进 行 深 入 的 分 析、综 合、归 纳 等 推 断,需 根 据 上 下

4、 文 及 其 内 在 联 系 对 篇 章 进 行 深 入 的 分 析。如 From the second paragraph we know_.*在 把 握 全 篇 的 基 础 上,细 读 这 一 段。4、是 非 判 断 题Which of the following is(NOT)true?Which of thefollowing descriptions about is right?*干 扰 项 常 常 是 无 生 生 有,张 冠 李 戴,以 偏 概 全,扩 大 内 容 5.词 意 句 意 题 What does the word”mean in paragraph 3?Whatdoe

5、s the sentence really mean?In the last paragraph,“m e a n s.What does theunderlined word mean?*学 会 猜 词 根 据 构 词 法 猜 词 义、前 缀 或 后 缀-ful(形 容 词 后 缀),Tess(无,没 有,构 成 形 容 词),-ly(副 词 后 缀),un-(不,展,未),dis-,箱 发,否 定)re-(重 新)appear disappear,agree disagree,tie untie,happyunhappy,careful,careless,hope hopeless,com

6、fortable uncomfortable 根 据 上 下 文 猜 词 义 它 和 前 后 文 有 着 必 然 的 联 系,只 有 把 握 作 者 的 脉 搏,理 清 逻 辑 链 条 才 能 锁 定 生 词 的 含 义。(3)旧 词 新 义 现 象。如:Australians put their shirt“tails“on theclothes line after washing,because they usually putthem into their trousers,“tails”一 词 原 意 为“尾 巴”,而 在 此 处 的 意 思 为 衬 衫 的“(4)依 解 释。Mic

7、roscope is an instrument(工 具)that makes smallnear objects seems larger.Microscope means.*有 时 我 们 能 从 生 词 的 前 后 找 到 解 释 性 的 文 字。B、解 答 阅 读 理 解 题 的 基 本 步 骤。1、首 先 快 遨|读 全 文(包 括 标 题,图),了 解 文 章 大 意。2、阅 读 问 题,应 特 别 注 意 审 题。3、带 着 问 题 细 读 文 章,寻 找 重 要 的 解 题 信 息。叙 述 文 重 要 信 息 包 括 人 物(who),事 件 Rhat),时 间(wfTen),

8、地 点(where),起 因(why),经 过(how),结 果(what)等。*遇 到 个 别 词、句 不 明 白,应 大 胆 跳 过 向 下 读。4、据 初 步 获 得 的 信 息,综 合 运 用 所 学 英 语 知 识 和 有 关 文 章 的 各 种 背 景 知 识 进 行 信 息 处 理,还 应 特 别 注 意 文 章 各 部 分 之 间 内 在 的 联 系 和 字 面 隐 含 的 意 思。5、分 析 的 基 础 上 选 定 答 案。6、如 果 时 间 够 用,可 复 读 文 章,验 证 答 案。C、阅 读 技 巧。1.略 读 法:快 速 阅 读,了 解 大 意,综 合 主 题 句,找

9、 出 全 文 的 主 题 思 想。主 题 句 的 位 置 一 般 在 旬 食 或 旬 末,也 有 在 句 中 的。2.查 读 法:顾 名 思 义 是 为 查 找 某 一 特 定 信 息 而 进 行 的 阅 读。3、借 助 跳 读 找 细 节,借 助 掠 读 找 中 心。4、全 文 中 心 体 现 的 是 各 段 之 和。段 落 中 心 常 与 该 段 首 句 尾 旬 相 关。5、干 扰 项 或 是 远 离 文 章 内 容,或 是 以 偏 概 全。常 见 的 干 扰 项:无 中 生 有,张 冠 李 戴,以 偏 概 全,扩 大 内 容。6、猜 测 词 义 时,一 定 要 回 到 原 文 中,因 为

10、 没 有 上 下 文 就 没 有 词 义。7、推 理 判 断 题 注 意 从 文 章 作 者 立 场 出 发,从 短 文 中 找 答 案,而 不 是 问 你 作 为 中 学 生 的 法。8、做 题 的 关 键 是 看 清 题 目 的 要 求,读 准 的 关 键 是 分 清 句 子 的 结 构 和 确 认 词 性 词 义。9、注 意 表 逻 辑 关 系 词:起 承 上 启 下 的 作 用,表 明 前 后 文 间 的 联 系(1)表 示 先 后 顺 序 的 词 有:first,second,third,finally等。(2)表 示 转 折 意 义 的 词 有:but,yet,though,how

11、ever等。(3)表 示 先 因 果 关 系 的 词 有:because,for,so that等。(4)for example10、分 析 长 句 长 句 中 通 常 含 并 列、复 合、倒 装 等 结 构,要 分 清 主 干,先 找 出 句 子 的 主 谓 宾,再 找 修 饰 语。1)She said the secret is to never put things off untiltomorrow.主 句 宾 语 从 句2)Environment clubs ask students to bring their theirlunches in bags that can be us

12、ed again.这 句 主 干 是 Environment clubs ask students to bringtheir their lunches in bags.that can be used again 是 定 语 从 句,修 饰 bags。全 句 可 翻 译 为:环 保 俱 乐 部 要 求 学 生 用 可 再 次 使 用 的 袋 子 来 带 午 饭。3)I didn t quite understand how they got the booksback so quickly until I picked up a book Grandma hadleft one day.本

13、 句 的 主 干 是 I didn t quite understand until Ipicked up a book(直 到 我 捡 到 一 本 书.我 才 明 白.)主 干 是:主 句+until引 导 的 时 间 状 语 从 句。how they got the books back so quicky 是 宾 语 从 句,作 understand 的 宾 语。(that)Grandma had left one day 是 定 语 从 句,修 饰 a booko整 句 可 翻 译 为:直 到 有 一 天 我 捡 到 一 本 奶 奶 落 下 的 一 本 书,我 才 明 白 他 们 是

14、如 何 这 么 快 地 把 书 拿 回。ADo you know why different animals or pests(昆 虫)have their special colors?Colors in them seem to beused mainly to protect themselves.Some birds like eating locusts(蝗 虫),but birdscannot easily catch them.Why?It is because locustschange their colors together with the change of thec

15、olors of crops.When crops are green,locusts lookgreen.But as the harvest time comes,locusts changeto the same brown color as crops have.Some other pestswith different colors from plants are easily found andeaten by others.So they have to hide themselves forlives and appear only at night.If you study

16、 the animal life,you 11 find the mainuse of coloring is to protect themselves.Bears,lionsand other animals move quietly through forests.Theycannot be easily seen by hunters(猎 人).This is becausethey have the colors much like the trees.Have you ever noticed an even stranger act?A kindof fish in the se

17、a can send out a kind of very blackliquid(液 体)when it faces danger.While the liquidspreads over(散 开),its enemies(敌 人)cannot find it.And it immediately swims away.So it has 1ived up tonow though it is not strong at all.1.From the passage we learn that l o c u s t s.A.are small animals B.are easily fo

18、und by birdsC.are dangerous to their enemies D.change their colorsto protect themselves2.How can pests with different colors from plants keepout of danger?A.They run away quickly.B.They have the colorsmuch like their enemies.C.They hide themselves by day and appear at night.D.They have to move quiet

19、ly.3.Bears and lions can keep safe b e c a u s e.A.they have the colors much like the trees B.they movequietlyC.they like brown and gray colors D.they live inforests4.Why can the kind of fish live up to now?A.Because it is very and strong.B.Because the liquid it sends out can help it escapefrom its

20、enemies.C.Because the liquid it sends out can kill itsenemies.D.Because it swims faster than any other fish.5.Which is the best title for this passage?A.The Change of Colors for Animals and Pests B.Colors of Different Animals and PestsC.The Main Use of Colors for Animals and Pests D.Some Animals and

21、 Pests【解 题 思 路 点 拨】这 是 一 篇 科 技 小 品 文。其 主 要 内 容 是:许 多 昆 虫 的 颜 色 十 分 奇 特,其 主 要 用 途 是 用 来 保 护 自 己。蝗 虫 身 体 的 颜 色 随 庄 稼 颜 色 的 改 变 而 极 相 应 叁 化,这 禅 就 不 易 被 捕 食 它 们 的 鸟 儿 发 现。有 的 动 物 与 周 围 的 植 物 颜 色 差 别 很 明 显,容 易 被 捕 食 者 察 觉,只 好 夜 间 出 来 活 动。更 奇 特 的 是,有 一 种 鱼,在 遇 到 危 险 时,会 喷 射 出 黑 色 液 体,以 掩 护 自 己 逃 走。BIt s i

22、mportant to learn about protecting ourenvironment.Here is a 5R rule for us:1.ReduceIf you want to reduce waste,you should use thingswisely(明 智 地).A large number of trees are being cutdown to make paper.If everyone uses a little papercarelessly and throw it out,soon we would not have anytrees left.Ot

23、her things are also being wasted,andpeople don t know what to do with the waste in big cities.So it is necessary to reduce the waste.2.ReuseYou should always think of reusing the usablethings before throwing them out.Give your clothes youdo not use or the ones which too small to the poor.Ina family,

24、you may pass on such clothes to youngerbrothers or sisters.3.RecycleBottles,cans(罐 子)and paper can easily berecycled.By doing so we save lots of time and money.For example,coke cans are sent to a factory,where theyare smashed flat(压 平)and melted(融 化)and the metalthings are made for new coke cans.4.R

25、ecoverWhen you buy a box of apples,there may be few rotten(腐 烂 的)apples,you have two choices:one is to throwthe whole apples away,or you could cut off the rottenparts and use the good parts.In this way,you arerecovering the eatable parts of food.5.RepairIf one of the begs of your table is broken,you

26、 canrepair it.If you want to change for better ones,itis better for you to sell the old things or give themto other people who can use them after doing some repair.It is true that North America is a“throw-away“society,but the time has come to change our way of life so thatwe can protect our environm

27、ent.Every one of us shouldtry our best.1.The“Reduce“rule mainly requires(要 求)usA.to use things wisely B.to cut down manytreesC.to use a lot of paper D.to throw away yourold clothes2.What s the right order(顺 序)of recycling cokecans?a.collect the used cans b.melt themc.smash them flat d.send them to a

28、 factoryA.a b c d B.a d c b C.d b c a D.c a b d3.The“Recover“rule mainly requires u s.A.to throw waste things away B.to cover wastethings with earthC.to get back the useful parts D.to throw the wholethings away5.Which is the best way to do with your brokentables?A.Throwing them away.B.Requiring them

29、.C.Selling them.D.Putting them away.【解 题 思 路 点 拨】对 生 存 在 地 球 上 的 人 类 来 说,保 护 环 境 是 非 常 重 要 的。这 篇 短 文 贴 近 生 活,富 有 时 代 气 息。全 文 详 细 介 绍 了“5R”方 法 的 具 体 内 容 和 做 法。对 增 强 青 少 年 学 生 的 环 保 意 识 具 有 十 分 重 要 的 意 义。CGood evening,ladies and gentlemen,I m Roy,and thisis my show.This is a television show for all fa

30、milies,and I know you 11 enjoy it.Let s start with a story.Once there was a proudpig on a farm.He thought he was the most importantof al 1 the animals on the farm.But it was not enoughthat he himself thought this:he had to be sure thatother animals thought it,too.So he went up to a chickenand asked,

31、“Who is the most important animal on thefarm?v The chicken answered,“You are,Mr.Pig.”Then he asked a dog,and he got the same reply.Next,he asked a cow.When the cow seemeduncertained of the right answer,the pig looked angry,and showed his teeth,“Oh,you are,of course,Mr.Pig.said the cow.Of course,“the

32、 pig said,“there is no doubt about it.”At last the pig asked a big horse the same question.The horse lifted one foot,rolled the pig over andplaced his foot on the pig s head.I think you knowthe answer now.said the horse.1.The Roy show i s.A.a family show on TV B.for kids onlyC.a sports show2.When th

33、e pig asked a dog,the d o g.A.said nothing B.said the pig was the most importantC.said the pig was as important as the horse3.The horse thought was the most importanton the farm.A.he himself B.the pig C.the cow4.The word“uncertained“means.A.相 同 的 B.未 确 认 的 C.令 人 满 意 的 5.What s the best title of this

34、 passage?A.A pig and a cowmost important animalB.A farm C.TheOne afternoon Mrs.Green,Ds husband wanted to catch the3:30 flight to London to have an important meeting.Shewas very surprised when he telephoned her at 5 o clockand said that he was still at the airport.“What happened to you?”asked Mrs.Gr

35、een.“Well,“said Mr.Green,uEverything was goingfine.I got my ticket,checked my luggage and waitedin line at the gate.I walked across the runway to theairplane and I saw my friend Jack Scott,who was anairplane engineer.I shouted to him and a policemancaught me.”Why did he catch you?”“I don,t know,“sai

36、d Mr.Green,“As soon as heheard my shout,he ran towards me and caught me.”“What did you shout to your friend?”“All I said was Hi,Jack.You know that sthe usual way we say hello to our friends.”“But you don t know the sentence Hi,Jack also means to take control of a plane by force(武 力).”1.How did Mr.Gr

37、een want to go to L o n d o n?.A.By train B.By bus C.Byairplane2.Why was Mrs.Green s u r p r i s e d?.A.Because her husband didn t arrived the airportin timeB.Because her husband was still at the airport at5 o clockC.Because her husband didn,t want to go to London3.When did Mr.Green get to the airpo

38、rt that afternoon?A.Before 3:30 B.After 3:30 C.Atabout 5:004.What was Jack Scott in the passage?.A.He was a pilot B.He was a policeman at theairport C.He was an engineer5.According to the passage we k n o w.A.Jack Scott asked Mr.Green not to fly to LondonB.Mr.Green would take control of a plane by f

39、orceC.The policemen mistook what Mr.Green saidEA famous foreign company in China wanted a Clerk forits public relation department(公 关 部).A beautiful girl with a master5 s degree(硕 士 学 位)went through a lot of challenges and her name was onthe list.In the final stage she faced an interviewtogether-wit

40、h another girl.Both of them wereoutstanding,not only in looks but also in education.The girl was successful in the interview.It seemedthat she would get the chance.At last the examinerasked her,“Can you come to the office next Monday?z,Shocked by the unexpected question,the beautiful girlcouldn,t ma

41、ke a decision at the moment,so she said,I have to talk with my parents before I give an answer.The examiner felt surprised but said calmly,If so,let5 s wait till you are ready.”The next day,the girl came to tell the examinerthat her parents had agreed to let her begin work nextMonday.But the examine

42、r said regretfully(遗 憾 地),“Sorry,another suitable candidate(选 手)has got thejob.You had better try another place.The beautifulgirl was surprised.She asked for an explanation(解 释)and was told,“What is needed here is a person whoknows her own mind.That was how a good opportunityright under the nose of

43、a beautiful girl ran away.1.The beautiful girl wanted to ask her parents foradvice becauseA.she didn,t like the job B.she didn t expectthe examiner would ask such a questionC.she didn,t want to answer the question D.herparents would be angry if she didnt ask them2.We can learn from the passage thatA

44、.the company lost its best clerk B.nogirl got the jobC.the other girl who failed at the last interview mightget the jobD.the examiner was very pleased with the girl3.The examiner regarded as the mostimportant.A.a person,s confidence B.a person5 s knowledge C.a person5 s age D.a person s beautiful lo

45、oks4.The underlined phrase“right under the nose ofprobably meansA.就 在 鼻 子 下 B.想 要 得 到 的 C.没 有 把 握 的 D.就 在 眼 前 的 5.The best title for the passage above might beA.Make Decisions With Your Parents B.ASuccessful InterviewC.Use Your Own Mind D.Answerthe Examiner,s Question QuicklyFWhenever the sun droppe

46、d and the blue sky came up,my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house.Walking together,my father and I used to have a lotof conversations through which I learned lessons fromhis experiences.He always told me,“You should havegoals like climbing the mountain.Without themountain-climbing

47、that we both enjoyed,we couldn,thave enough time to spend together because my fatherwas very busy.I really got a lot from mountain-climbing.It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deepthought as well as develop my patience(耐 力).Once we climbed a very high mountain.It was sochallenging fo

48、r me because I was only ten years old.During the first few hours of climbing,I enjoyed theflowers and trees,and the birds singing,but as timepassed,I got a pain in both of my legs.I wanted toq u it climbing.In fact,I hated it at that moment,butmy father said to me,“You can always see a beautifulsky

49、at the top of the mountain,but you can t see itbefore you reach the top.Only there at the top,canyou see all of the nice things,just like in life.”At that time,I was too young to understand his words.But later after that,I got new hope and confidence(信 心).I found myself standing at the top of the sk

50、y,whichwas as clear as crystal(水 晶).1.The passage tells us that mountain-climbing wasfor Father and Son.A.hard B.enjoyable C.painfulD.comfortable2.The word quit”in the passage means A.carry on B.put off C.give up D.pick up3.Which of the following is similar in meaning to thefatherJ s words in the se


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